Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Once up on a time ❯ Danger in the dark ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Once up on a time

Chapter 1

Syaoran sat on chair in the dining room whiled his master treating the wound on his forehead.

"You shouldn't rushed into the bathroom like that." Said Clow Reed.

"I didn't know she's a girl." Syaoran protested.

"Even with a guy you shouldn't do that."

Syaoran was about to protest some more but stop as he saw someone walking down the stairs.

The figure who walking down the stairs was dress in green pajamas that was belong to Syaoran. Her golden brown hair was now neatly combed showing her pretty face and the pair of beautiful emerald green eyes.

Syaoran blushed a little by the look of the girl.

The girl looked at Syaoran's injured face. "So...Sorry for that."

"Never mind. Just don't mention it." Replied Syaoran, his face turned red.

Clow smiled at the two children. He gesture the girl to sit down. "Saku. That's not your real name right? Could you tell me your real name?"

"It's Sakura. That's my real name."

"Sakura...hmm. That was a pretty name." Clow smiled, stroke his chin.

"I'm sorry for my apprentice's rudeness. He's always act faster than thinking like this."

Syaoran looked away as he heard the conversation.

"You feel free to stay here tonight. If you want anything just asked me or Syaoran."

"It was very kind of you but I'm not gonna trouble you anymore. I'll leave as soon as possible." Replied Sakura.

Clow was about to say something but stop as he sensed something he turned to his apprentice whose seems to notice it as well. Syaoran took out a seal paper from his pocket then threw it at the window. Spark of light lid up as the seal paper hit something then it fell to the floor. Everyone walked up and saw that it was.

It was a very ugly insect it was the size of a biggish cockroach but it has shaggy hairs grew from all over its pitch-black body. The ugliest part was its head that had two big malicious red eyes and a mouth, which they could see a set of razor sharp teeth inside.

"Devil insect." Said Clow. "I never see this big before."

"But how can it get in here?" Asked Syaoran. "This kind of creature wasn't suppose to be on earth. Unless someone summoned it."

"It was after me."

The master and the apprentice looked at the girl beside them.

"I must go." Said Sakura. "If I'm stay here you might be in danger."

"I think it was too late." Clow looking through the window.

The children looked after him and saw that there're thousands of the devil insects outside.

"Whoever after you must want you very badly." Said Clow. "And he must be a powerful magician too as he could summon this much of devil insects."

"What do we gonna do master?" Asked Syaoran, his expression was calm compared to the situation they're in.

"Of course we're not gonna let it get us easily, don't we? Whoever did this should know who he mess up with."

Clow took the necklace from his neck. "Key that hide the power of darkness. Show your trueself to me. I command you under the shape of contract. RELEASE!"

The necklace grew larger and it became a staff in clow's hand.

Sakura's eyes went wide as she saw that whiled Syaoran looked at it calmly.

Clow took a card from the sleeve of his robe and threw it into the air. "SHIELD!"

Suddenly a dome of light was appeared and covered the mansion blocking the insects.

"And now I'd teach them a lesson." Clow took another card and once again threw it into the air.


A huge beast made from pure electricity appeared outside the shield. It gave a powerful roar then blasted the insects with numerous lightning. Wiping all of them at once.

After seeing that all of the enemy had defeated. Clow called the thunder back.

"You're not gonna call the shield back too?" Asked Syaoran.

"They might come again so I think it was better to have protection." Replied Clow.

Then they turned to Sakura who seems to stun by what happened moment ago. Then after she snapped back to reality she knelt down and put her hand on the floor.

"Master Clow, please help me. You might be the only one who can."

"Please stand up." Clow gave her a reassure smile as he helped her get up.

"Now, could you tell me who's after you?"

"They're after my father's thing. They called themselves 'Dark broker'."


Somewhere else. In a dark room there're three figures. One was leaning against the wall. One was smoking the cigarette in front of a large window. And the last one was sitting on a couch.

"My kids was failed." The one on the couch spoke up. He was a big man his head was totally bald.

"It seems that girl had found a strong protector." Said the one who's leaning against the wall. . He's wearing gray suit he's also wearing a gray hat that matching his suit. "Then what do we gonna do next?" He asked the third one who's smoking the cigarette.

The last figured turned to his comrade. He's wearing a long black overcoat. He had his hair cut to the skinhead. The darkness makes it hard to saw his face clearly but his cold blue eye was still visible. "There's no other option. We'll find the girl and if anyone come in our way…"

He tossed the cigarette up and suddenly the black flame engulfed it, burning it into ash.

"Will die."

To be continued.

Author's note: Do you like it? It was a very long time since I posted the first chapter. It because of my writer's block combine with my laziness. I apologized to all of you here. And as always. Review, comment even flame is always welcome.