Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Once up on a time ❯ Getting younger ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Once up on a time

Chapter 3

As the Dark Broker destroyed the barrier. The shield card appeared back in Clow Reed's hand.

"They're more powerful than I thought. I never think that anyone other than the sword card could destroyed the shield that easy."

"What do we gonna do master?" Asked the auburn brown hair boy.

"I'll hold them here. You take Sakura-san to the basement and wait there until I call you." Clow then turned to Sakura. "Sakura-san, get the ring and follow Syaoran to the basement. It was the safest place for both of you."

Sakura quickly grabbed the ring and put its chain around her neck then looked at Syaoran who nodded at her then looked at his master for a moment before led her to the basement.


The Dark Brokers pushed the door open and founded a man waiting for them. He held a hugh staff in his hand.

"That was very rude to intrude someone's house in the middle of the night." Said Clow.

"If you give us what we want we'll leave and won't bother you anymore." Said Spike.

"And if I say no."

"Then we'll have to do it the hard way."

As Spike finished his two comrades leaped up and aimed theirs attack at clow.

The suit guy (from now on I will call him Azal) pulled out his gun and shot three bullets that was sparkling with purple energy at clow while Colossus send a herd of devil insects from his sleeves.

Saw the attacks coming Clow pulled a card from his sleeve and shouted its name.


To their's surprise. Both Azal and Colossus suddenly found that theirs attack were headed toward them. Azal bounced his own bullet with his gun while Colossus opened his coat and let the bugs back in.

Seeing what had happen to his comrade, Spike's hands suddenly covered by black flame.

"Hell's Burst!" Spike smashed his fists to the floor.

Sensing danger, Clow looked down at his feet and saw that the floor started to crack open. He leaped out just in time before the black flame erupted from the floor he stood on a second ago. As he got up Clow felt something moving under his feet then he realized that he stood on a herd of devil insects.

"Get him kids!"

As Colossus ordered the devil insects crawling up Clow's legs but before the could bite Clow a cloth welding clown appeared.


The clown started flipping the cloth sending the rows of mist down the bugs and within a blink of the eye they're all dissappeared.

Spike applaused at Clow. "That was great. No wonder that people called you the most powerful wizard in the world. Mr.Clow Reed."

"You know who I am and you still wants to fight?"

"Fighting is not our intention. We're just a professional doing our work."

"I won't handed her to you beside she would be far from here by now."

"Is that so? I think I heard someone coming this way."

Suddenly a door swung open and the chestnut brown hair boy and a green eye girl rushing into the room.

"Syaoran!? Sakura-san!? I told you to go hiding."

"Sorry master." Replied Syaoran. "But we were blocked."

As Syaoran finished suddenly the door broke open by an enormous scopion at the size of a cow.

"Ha ha. I send that big boy sneak into the house to prevent any attempt for escaping." Said Colossus.

For a split second that Clow's attention had divert to the giant beetle he failed to realized that Azal had making his move behind him and when he turned back ha found that Azal was already pointing his gun at him and about to pulled the trigger.

With instinct Clow moved to the side but wasn't fast enough so the bullet had pierced through his left arm.


"You should'nt turned your back at your opponent whiled your're fighting." Said Azal.

"That's something I could fix later."

"I don't think so." Replied Azal pointing at Clow's arm.

Clow looked down and saw that his arm was covered in ice and it's growing up to his shoulder.

"That bullet was enhanced with the ice spell. Now it's too late. It will cover your whole body within minutes and you'll be nothing but an ice statue."

The Dark Brokers turned their're attention to the kids

"Now as the house's owner was out of the question it's time for you to go with us, Miss Kinomoto" Said Spike.

Sakura cringed but before they could reach her Syaoran stepped out blocking their way.

"You have to go through me first." Syaoran then took out a talisman from his pocket which materialized itself into a sword in his hand.

"Brave word, kid. But you should know the different between bravery and stupidity." Said Azal.

"You see my big boy over there, kid?" Asked Colossus. "If you move a muscle his poisonous tail will stabbed you and I can't stop him so I suggest you to stand the side."

Syaoran didn't replied but he took out his seal paper and shouted the word.

"Ka En Shorai!!" (Fire spell)

The fire ball missed Azal's by inches whiled Sakura screamed as Syaoran got stabbed in the arm by the scorpion. But suddenly The Dark Brokers heard the cracking sound from behind then and found that Clow has been able to break the ice spell. Then they realized that Syaoran's fire spell wasn't aimed at them but he attempt to free Clow from the ice.

"Now you must pay." Said Clow his voice was colder than winter's wind.

he took two card from his sleeve and shouted their name.


Suddenly, the sparkling tornado appeared and it headed at the The Dark Brokers with full speed.

As they got hit by the relentless assault of the lightning and the tornado they realized that they couldn't win this fight The Dark Brokers decided it's time to leave. Spike gave the other the signal as they came to his side then he took something from his jacket and threw it to the ground. Suddenly the light flashed up and when it died down The Dark Brokers were disappeared.

Seeing The enemies had left, Clow called back his cards and rushed to his apprentice's side.

"Syaoran-kun! Please hang on!" Sakura turned to Clow. "Master Clow we need to take him to the hospital!"

"He's not gonna make it that long." Replied Clow grimly.

"No...." Sakura looked down at the boy in her arm who had been help her from the very start. The thought about he's dying because of her was killing her from inside.

"But I won't let him die!" Said Clow his face full with determination.

He ordered Sakura to lied Syaoran down on the floor then he took out two cards from his sleeve. The letters on the cards said 'Time' and 'Return'.

Clow looked down at his dying apprentice knowing well that the only way to save his life he need to stop the time of the boy's body and turn it back to the time before he got injected by the venom but this a very hard and complicate spell and it was the act that will break the rule of time and whoever done it must pay the price. But he had made the dicision.

He threw the cards into the air and shouted their name.


To Sakura surprise, she saw Syaoran's wound had stopped bleeding and it start to become smaller and smaller before it vanished leaving nothing even a scar on the boy's skin.

Syaoran opened his eyes and saw Sakura staring at him her eyes full with tear.

"Sakura? Why are you crying?"

Sakura hugged him tight making him blushed. "Syaoran, I was so glad that you're ok. I thought you were dead."

Then realization hit the boy. "Where are those guy? What happen to me?"

"You got stabbed by that giant scorpion. Master Clow drove them away and save you." Replied Sakura.

Syaoran turned to his master. "Thank you master."

"It's nothing." Replied Clow.

Then suddenly Clow's body shook as a sensation shot through his body. His body began to shrink and before the two children's eyes he turned to a child about Sakura and Syaoran's age.

Clow looked at his now oversize robe. "So, this is the price to pay."

To be continue.

Author's note: Now Eriol's show up. I told you that I will pulled out some surprise and here you are. I hope you like it. For the next chapter the trio will go to Tomoeda and there will be a lot of familier face to show up.

Please give me your review. I want to know what do you thinking about my fic.