Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Promises aren't meant to be Broken ❯ I miss You ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

m1ss: Okay! This is an "updating/starting new fics day"

Tru: And were doing pretty good at it!

m1ss: Here's our first CCS fic (=

Disclaimer: I don't own CCS. I own the plot (= I also don't own Bad boy by Keisha Chanté

Chapter 1: I Miss You

Sakura Kinomoto was the most loved, adored, and fantasized model in Japan. She just wasn't a model, she was also an actress, and singer. She had everything she ever dreamed of. Friends, family, a good career. But there was one thing that was missing from her life. And that was love.

She didn't have love in her life, she had given her heart away a long time ago to a boy named Syaoran Li. She had promised him that she would wait for him to return back to Japan so that they could spend the rest of their lives together. And to this day she kept her promise.

But she was insecure. She didn't know weather or not he had kept his promise as well. She really hoped that he did. She had spent so many nights crying because he didn't return any letters that she had wrote to him. So when she turned 18 years old she had stopped. She had been writing to him for 3 god damn years and the guy never thought of returning any letters to her.

"Syaoran why do you do this to me?" Sakura whispered fingering a picture of both of them before he had left her. She had spent the whole week crying after he left. He left her twice. Once when they were 10, but he came back when they were thirteen. And then he left again when they were 15. And it had been 5 years since she had ever heard from him. And she so badly needed to hear from him.


"I'm going to miss you Syao-kun," Sakura said fighting back tears.

"I'm going to miss you Saku-chan," Syaoran whispered pulling Sakura into a hug.

"Syaoran, do you really have to go?" Sakura asked.

"Yes. But promise me that you will never stop loving me, and that when I return we would start right where we left off," Syaoran said pulling away from the hug to look into Sakura's emerald green eyes.

"I promise you Syaoran, promise me the same thing too?"

"I promise you Sakura,"

---End Flashback---

Sakura sighed as she reminisced about the past. She couldn't believe that it had been a year since she had last seen her one true love. She sighed again. 'Syaoran where are you? Do you still love me?' Sakura was brought out of her musings by Tomoyo's squeal.

"What happened this time?" Sakura whispered to herself.

"SAKURA!!!!!" Tomoyo screamed running into Sakura's room.

"What is it Tomoyo?" Sakura asked

"I FOUND THIS OUTFIT FOR YOU!" Tomoyo screamed holding out the outfit for Sakura to see.

"So?" Sakura asked confused.


"Yeah so?"

"SO YOU'D -"

"Don't say it Tomoyo!"




"Fine! Say it!"

"KAWAIII!!!!!!!!!!" Tomoyo squealed.

Sakura's head dropped anime style. 'Oh no!'. Sakura groaned. She's going to make me do another stupid fashion show for her just for that stupid outfit.

"Sakura try it on," Tomoyo said shoving the outfit into Sakura's hands.

"Tomoyo do I have to?" Sakura asked looking at it.

"Yes," Tomoyo said sitting down on Sakura's bed.

"Hoe," Sakura said going into the bathroom. She knew that she shouldn't mess with Tomoyo whenever she had an outfit in her hand. She remembered what happened last time.


"Tomoyo! I don't wan to try it on! It looks so blah!" Sakura said looking over the outfit that Tomoyo had given her.

"It looks what?" Tomoyo said.

"I said it looks blah!" Sakura said shaking her head.

"KINOMOTO SAKURA!" Tomoyo cried.

"Uh-oh," Sakura said.

"KINOMOTO SAKURA YOU DARE TO FLAME MY FASHION SENSE?" Tomoyo screamed her fists turning into balls at her sides.

"No Tomoyo, I just-"

"You just what?"

"I just-"


"I was just going to try on the outfit."

"You better."

---End Flashback---

Sakura came out in something that she would never imagine to wear. She had on a pair of grey sweat pants, a tank top, and a navy blue t-shirt. She didn't know why Tomoyo had made her wear this.

"Tomoyo, is this how you put it on?" Sakura asked confused.

"NO! Sakura," Tomoyo scolded.

"Sorry," Sakura said. Tomoyo walked over to her and then took off the t-shirt on Sakura, she then put it back on Sakura but when Sakura tried to put her arms through the sleeves Tomoyo slapped them away. She positioned it so that the t-shirt was hanging off her neck. And so the tank-top was showing. And then she took the sweat pants and rolled the waist part three times.

"There," Tomoyo said proud of her work.

"What the hell? Tomoyo I look like a teenager," Sakura said.

"I know. It's for your photo shoot today with one of the teen magazines," Tomoyo said.

"PHOTO SHOOT?" Sakura cried. 'I never get told about these stuff.'

"Yeah," Tomoyo said looking Sakura over.

"Hoe, what time is it suppose to be?" Sakura asked.

"It's suppose to be at 3:00," Tomoyo said fixing the t-shirt.

"Really? Because it's 2:00 right now," Sakura said looking at her watch.

"WHAT?!?" Tomoyo screamed. She looked at Sakura's watch and cursed.

"Tomoyo! Don't say that," Sakura said scolding her friend.

"Shutup Sakura! Let's go! Your going to be late," Tomoyo said. Sakura followed Tomoyo to her car. She got in the passenger seat. And they were off to that photo shoot.

In the car, Sakura turned on the radio. Keisha Chanté's song 'Bad Boy' came on. And Sakura sang along.

<oh oh oh ooh

oh oh yeah oh

oh oh oh yeah>

I can't help but think about Syaoran every time I hear this song. I'm really obsessed with him.

<ring ring ring

it's the same thing

always call me up

yo girl how u been

now I can't breathe

you're smothering me

with lovey dovey stuff

that I don't need

please please please

won't you tell me

what happened to that boy

that you used to be

rolling with the hood

and up to no good l

a de da de da

and misunderstood>

I hope Syaoran is doing good. Suddenly the song stopped. She realised that Tomoyo had turned off the car, and that they were already there at the photo shoot. 'Time to act fake again.'


[.End Chapter 1.]

m1ss: Yes I know, I'm slacking off in what I write. They used to be longer. But I'm trying to post up all my stories today. So bear with me! Recommendations below.

Recommendations: Miss Sweet16 2004 by v4n3s5aCH4N. This is my home girl right here! Her fic "Miss Sweet162004" is highly recommended! It's about Tomoyo entering Sakura into a beauty pageant that's hosted by Syaoran Li the super mega star. Their holding auditions for the pageant. And a certain someone caught the boy's eye ;). So you know how we roll! Give the girl the reviews she needs so she can update!