Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Roommates ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: I had to rewrite the entire first draft for this fic so I think I deserve more reviews. To cleat some things, Sakura and Syaoran have met, they're about 18, Syaoran doesn't know about Sakura's feelings and vice versa. Don't worry there'll be some twist, a rather weired one. Make your guess!!!

Disclaimer: CLAMP owns CCS…duh

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Roommates *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

General POV

"Hurry up, slowpoke" Syaoran yelled from behind the door of Sakura's room, dressed in khaki pants and his favorite green shirt that Sakura gave him last Christmas. He tried fixing his hair again this morning but the attempts were futile.

It was early Saturday morning and the two agreed to pick up some things at grocery store together. But as expected, Sakura over slept, took a bath late and got dressed late. From where he was, Syaoran cringed as the whole apartment shook at the sound of running and jumping from inside the room that could have been made by at least twenty people. `No wonder her own brother calls her a kaijuu' he thought shaking his head and slumping down the sofa.

Five minuets later, Sakura came out of her room fully dressed in a denim mini and fuchsia pink spaghetti strap tank under a white crocheted apron top with her hair in cute pigtails. "You didn't have to wake up so early, Sakura," Syaoran said sarcastically grinning. "Go on, take your time." That was all he could do to keep himself from drooling all over the place in admiration.

Sakura looked even better in the mornings. That was one of the things he noticed in the 3 weeks they have been living together. Waking her up was also becoming a routine he looked forward to doing each morning.

"Urgh, its still 8:30 in the morning so don't start with me," Sakura warned irritably, trying to catch her breath and stay awake at the same time.

* * *

Sakura was casually clutching Syaoran's hand as they stepped out of the cozy little apartment to Syaoran's forest green Expedition, the Clan's gift when he finally got a driver's license. They were used to doing this since neither of them would mind. They picked up the habit since the first year of high school. Syaoran would have found this position awkward and annoying with Meilin and the dozens of girls who glued themselves to him like leeches. But with Sakura just casually holding on to him, he felt rather comfortable except he has to fight the strong force that commanded him to put his arms around her and pull her closer to him.

"Ohayo, Takeda-san," Sakura greeted brightly as they passed the elderly couple that lived next door to them, sitting at one of the wooden benches they had on their front yard.

Mrs. Takeda smiled warmly in response. "Oh, what a beautiful couple. Don't you think so Henry?"

"Yes, yes. You remind me of our younger days…" Mr. Takeda added, putting an arm lovingly around his wife.

"It is good to start a family while you're young. How long have you been married, darlings? Any children yet?" Mrs. Takeda asked.

Syaoran felt all the blood in his system rise up to his face while Sakura, who was doing a better job at hiding her discomfort, managed a nervous laugh and shook her head vigorously, "We're not-"

"The more the merrier, isn't it?" the elderly man inquired mistaking their denial as a yes.

"Uhh, we're really sorry but we must get going now. See you later." Sakura said hastily, pulling a dangerously red Syaoran behind her before things get worst.

* * *

At a restaurant at the mall

Sakura sat still in front of Syaoran, pretending to be interested at the restaurant's plain white table as they waited for their orders to be served.

Since when had eating -and not to mention `rooming'- with somebody you know for almost half of your life been so hard? She repeatedly asked herself. `Since the day you noticed how drop-dead gorgeous he is,' would be her answer, `and sexy, too', she thought as she set her eyes at the planes of Syaoran's well-toned chest that were hiding behind his shirt. She blushed at what she just ran through her head. `Why am I thinking like this?!?'

"Sakura?" Syaoran softly, almost hesitantly said.

"Yes?" Her head shot up to meet his strong amber eyes.

"Why are you so quiet today?" but he knew the answer. He wanted her to feel at least a little at ease.

"Nothing, just…" a smile finally touched her lips, "Hey, does that mean I'm noisy?!?" She demanded wearing a mock hurt expression on her face.

His spirits soared seeing that his efforts were not wasted. Grinning, he pretended to think and said "Yeah"

"Mao," She crossed her arms and a cute frown covered her face. "I'm just noisy, I'm just… bubbly."

"Bubbly? Have you heard yourself get dressed, coz the whole Tomoeda does?"

"Maybe I am noisy sometimes," she admitted, "but that's just because you're so dull and boring"

"I'm just serious"

Sakura was just about to open her mouth to say something but a voice interrupted. "Serious? You call yourselves serious?" the unfamiliar voice said, "You're still bickering like little kids!"

"Sounds more like a bickering couple." Tomoyo's teasing voice rang out. "A bickering married couple," and there she stood beside their table with her trusted video camera in hand. "Hello Sakura, Syao"

"Tomoyo!" Sakura got up and gave her best friend a hug. Tomoyo had gone to Europe for `personal reasons'. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be staying for a week longer?"

"My `personal reason' insisted we pay you a visit." She answered linking arms with a tall, man beside her.

"How do you do, Card Mistress?" Mr. `Personal Reason' bowed down and kissed Sakura's hand.

`He knows!' Sakura slightly paled thinking a new evil was after them. But as she looked at the grinning, blue haired man, she remembered "Eriol!" Sakura flung her arms around her long-time friend and half-father.

"Hiiragizawa," Syaoran stood, sensing the blue aura that his ancestor had been hiding, "you're not four eyed anymore." He commented glaring at Eriol, feeling jealousy wash over him just like the old days when Eriol would go close to Sakura.

Feeling his jealousy, Eriol wrapped an arm around Sakura. "Hello to you too, my cute little descendant."

When Sakura finally pulled away from the hug, Tomoyo clutched Eriol's hand and said, "Sakura, Syaoran, Eriol and I have some good news to tell you."

"Tomoyo, you're not pregnant, are you?" Sakura asked innocently, causing a blush from Tomoyo.

"Of course not!" Tomoyo protested. "Eriol and I are engaged."

"Oh Tomoyo, I'm so happy for you." Sakura said giving her best friend another hug.

"Congratulations, man" Syaoran simply said, shaking Eriol's hand.

"How long have you guys been dating? Tomoyo, why didn't you tell me about this?" Sakura demanded, still not believing her best friend was getting married.

A faint blush colored Tomoyo's cheeks. "We've been writing and talking on the phone for a year and a half before I decided to visit him in England. I wasn't sure things would work out the way they did, that's why I didn't tell you Sakura."

"We plan to get married after she finishes college, but who knows there might be a little change of plans, right love?" Eriol wrapped his arms around Tomoyo's waist and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"You sure move fast, Hiirigizawa."

"Of course I do, Li. But sadly, you don't so we better get going. We're sorry to interrupt your date."

For the second time that day, Syaoran turned a dangerous shade of red.

To be continued…

A/N: I know there was more E+T than S+S there but there will be more on the next chapter. Please tell me where you guyz come from and your email adds on your review. I really want to know. I won't make promises as to when the next chap will be out. Who knows, if I get inspired it might be out tomorrow. And I'm ALWAYS inspired when I get reviews. PEACE.