Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Roommates ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kitty Neko here again! I'm so glad that you guys liked my first chapter! Thank you so much for the reviews! Right now, I'm going to answer a few questions. Yes, this will be an S+S fic. EVENTUALLY!!! Um… ok, for those who wanted to know where I come up with the insults and comebacks, etc. I get about half of the stuff from real life experiences and the other half I come up with when writing the chapter out. Well, I hope you enjoy the second chapter!

Oh yes, and a special thanks to my sister, Ongaku, for all the help that she has given me.

Disclaimer: I do not own CardCaptor Sakura, clamp does.

Sakura opened her eyes groggily and looked around at her surroundings. She was still in the living room. Apparently, she had fallen asleep on the couch. "What…" she trailed off. The last thing she could remember about the previous night was sipping wine and Toji kissing her.

Sakura sat up and groaned. "My head! Owww, my whole body hurts!" She sat there for a while; trying not to move so the pain would subside.

She could hear the water running in the bathroom and assumed that Syaoran was taking a shower. Not too long afterwards, she could hear the water shut off.

The thought of sinking into a nice warm bath sounded very appealing to the brunet and she made her way to the bathroom. While waiting for Syaoran to get out, she took note that she was still in the dress Tomoyo had given her.

It wasn't long before the door swung open and revealed Syaoran, dressed and with a towel around his neck. His hair was sopping wet and even darker than when it was dry. He took one look at Sakura and took a step back.

"Gee wiz, Sakura. You sure look like you could use a bath," He paused and sniffed the air, "Smells like it too."

"Um hmm." Sakura nodded and yawned. Syaoran didn't make another comment and stepped out of her way. Sakura walked into the bathroom, shut and locked the door behind her, and let out a contented sigh. The ring that Toji had given her was a nice additional weight.

She turned the water on and waited for it to get warm before plugging the drain. While the tub was filling, she undressed and put the engagement ring on the sink.

Sakura turned the faucet off and sank into the water. "Oh…" The warm water felt great against her aching body. She sat in the water, not doing anything, for ten minutes before reaching for the shampoo and conditioner.

Hair freshly washed, she got out of the tub and dried off. Only then, when she was looking around the bathroom for her clothes, did she realized she had forgotten them. Making sure that the towel was securely wrapped around her body; she grabbed her ring and dirty clothes before heading for her room.

She put the ring back on her finger and tossed the dress onto her gradually growing dirty pile of clothes. Towel still around her middle, she walked over to her drawers and pulled out an oversized t-shirt and a pair of loose shorts.

She walked into the kitchen clean and dressed with the towel wrapped around her head like a turban. Syaoran was sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal and watched as she grabbed a bowl for herself. "You don't look like you're going anywhere today." He said, eying her baggy clothes.

"Nope." She answered and got herself a spoon. "I have a really bad headache."

Syaoran smiled and shook his head, "You mean a hangover." He jerked his thumb to point at an empty wine bottle and two wine glasses.

"Probably." She moved her hand to cover her mouth while she yawned. "We do have aspirin, right?"

"Yep. It's in the cupboard to your left."

While Sakura was getting herself some medicine she asked, "I noticed you weren't here when I got home last night. When did you come back?"

Syaoran swallowed the cereal in his mouth and answered, "Really late. I had a few drinks and a friend drove me home."

The female roommate moved from the kitchen to the table slowly and set her bowl down. Syaoran watched her try to smother another yawn without much luck. "You look really tired. Did you have a good time last night?" His question was a little sarcastic but she was too tired to notice. Nodding vigorously, she raised her left hand for Syaoran to see. His eyebrows raised in surprise, "Congratulations. I didn't think you'd ever get married."

Sakura nodded, "Well now that I'm engaged, it'll only be about thirty more years before you marry someone."

Syaoran ignored her taunt and raised his bowl to his lips, finishing off the milk. "Great," Sakura said, "Now I have to bleach the bowls."

Syaoran chuckled and set his bowl down just as Sakura drank the remaining milk from her own. He got up and put his bowl in the sink without making a comment. Sakura followed suit and grabbed a piece of bread while she was in the kitchen. She slowly made her way over to the sofa and sat down. "T.V. T.V. T.V." Only one thing was on her mind as her hands felt around on the sofa to find the remote, "Ah ha!" She let out a triumphant cry and pressed the power button.

Syaoran watched as she constantly flipped through channels. "You're making me dizzy." She acted like she hadn't heard him and clicked faster. "Fine. You always have to do things the hard way."

Syaoran walked slowly to the sofa and stood towering above his roommate, "Please give me the remote." He said `kindly'.

"No." Sakura stuck her tongue out at him.

"Fine." Syaoran dived and grabbed the remote. Sakura held on tight as they fought over it.

"I got it first!" She complained as he gave a particularly strong tug.

He grinned maliciously, "So what? I told you that you were making me dizzy and you didn't stop!"

Sakura pulled harder, "Did it ever occur to you that I didn't care?"

Syaoran nodded, "Yep, that's why I don't care that you got the remote first."

They continued to struggle, both of them flying insults at the other. Sakura pulled the remote towards her chest, which forced Syaoran to become face to face with her. "Sakura," Syaoran began, trying not to laugh, "I've never noticed before but you have really bushy eyebrows."

"I do not!" She cried indignantly, while pulling on the remote.

When there was a knock on the door, neither of them was fazed. Instead, they cried, "It's open!" at the same time.

The door opened to reveal someone that Sakura had only seen a few times; Eriol Hirragizawa. He was Syaoran's friend but there were times she questioned that friendship. Every now and then, it seemed that they were enemies. "Hi, Eriol." Syaoran said, not giving up his claims to the remote.

Eriol quirked an eyebrow, "Can I ask what you're doing?"

Sakura raised her leg and placed her foot on Syaoran's stomach. She gave one last tug on the remote and put pressure on Syaoran's stomach at the same time. Only then did she answer the newcomer's question, "Fighting over the remote! And I won!" She hugged the remote tight and started flipping through the channels slightly slower.

Eriol sniggered.

"Shut up," Syaoran said angrily, "I let her win."

"Yea right!" Sakura and Eriol said at the same time. They beamed at each other.

"Syaoran, you can't lie to me. You don't ever let anybody beat you. Admit defeat." Eriol smiled evilly.

"What are you doing in here again?" Syaoran muttered and climbed back on the sofa. "I don't remember saying `Come in and insult me!'"

Eriol shook his head slowly, "Nope, you didn't. But that doesn't mean anything. And I'm here because it's boring at my apartment and I decided that this is the best place to go." He glanced at Sakura out of the corner of his eye. "Of course, if you don't want me here, I can go."

"Goodbye." Syaoran said.

"You can stay, Eriol." Sakura opposed her roommate knowing that she would have to lock her door that night so that Syaoran didn't come in and strangle her while she was sleeping.

"Thank you, Sakura." Eriol plopped down on a chair next to the sofa.

"What's on the agenda for today?" He asked.

"Nothing." Syaoran said and looked at the T.V. screen. "Any ideas?"

"Well," Eriol said slowly, "We could have a movie marathon."

"Why not?" Sakura said, "It's not like we have anything better to do."

"Ok." Syaoran propped his feet up. "Go get the movies, Eriol."


"Syaoran," Sakura suggested, "Why don't you go with him?"

"Why don't YOU go with him?" Syaoran growled.

"Two reasons," Sakura pointed to herself, "I'm not dressed AND I need to call and invite Tomoyo to join us."

"You could get dressed quickly," he whined. "And I could call Tomoyo."

The look that Sakura was giving him was an obvious `no.' "Eriol, since you and Syaoran are both guys… well, I guess Syaoran's kind of a guy." Syaoran shot her an ugly look, which she ignored. "I have to say this; please don't just get a bunch of horror and action movies. Those are ok, but get a couple of movies that you think TOMOYO AND I would like."

"Such proper grammar." Syaoran said under his breath.

"Ok." Eriol said to Sakura.

Sakura watched as Eriol dragged Syaoran out the door. Once they were out of the apartment, she picked up the phone and dialed Tomoyo's number.

"Hello?" Tomoyo's familiar voice answered.


Before Sakura could say anything else, Tomoyo had cut her off, "Are you engaged now? Do you have a ring?"

Sakura laughed at her friend's excitement. "Yes." Tomoyo let out an excited whoop of joy over the phone. "But that's not the only reason I'm calling today."

"Really?" Tomoyo asked, "Do tell."

"It's not really important, but I was wondering if you could come over today. Syaoran, Eriol, and I are going to watch movies and I don't want to be the only girl."

"Oh sure, since tomorrow is a student's day off. I'll be over there in a little bit." Tomoyo was about to hang up but Sakura stopped her.



"Could you bring your tweezers?"


"OW! Tomoyo that one hurt!"

Tomoyo rolled her eyes and sighed, "Sakura, you asked for this."

"I asked to have my eyebrows shaped, not ripped off!"

Sakura was lying on the sofa with a pillow on her chest while Tomoyo was sitting half on and half off the sofa with her elbow currently propped up on the pillow. The pillow was on her chest because Sakura had screamed when Tomoyo had used that particular area as a resting place for her elbow.

There was some noise outside the door before it opened to reveal Syaoran and Eriol. They both blinked owlishly at the sight that greeted them. "You know," Syaoran began, "If I didn't know better, I would think that something was up between you two."

Sakura snorted from her odd position on the sofa, "Get your head out of the gutter. She's just shaping my eyebrows."

Syaoran quirked an eyebrow, "Does my opinion really matter to you that much?"

Sakura outright laughed. "NO! I'm doing this because I don't want to look stupid for my wedding day."

"There's nothing you can do about that." Syaoran said, smiling.

Sakura went silent and Tomoyo continued to pluck her eyebrows. Eriol sat down on the chair next to the sofa and brought a large pile of movies to his lap.

"What did you get?" Tomoyo asked, trying hard to concentrate on the task at hand.

Eriol raked a hand through his black hair and flipped through the pile of tapes, "Hope Floats, Practical Magic, Ever After, When Harry Met Sally, Serendipity, Selena, Now and Then, My Girl, and…"

Syaoran cut him off. "TITANIC!"

"He just proved what I've been saying forever." Sakura whispered loudly to Tomoyo. "He's a girl."

"I heard that!" Syaoran cried, "Besides, he was lying! Eriol, tell them what we really got."

"Good thing he was lying." Tomoyo said to Sakura, "I've seen most of those already."

Eriol sighed and read the real titles of the movies, "Practical Magic, Serendipity, which by the way, Syaoran picked out, Nightmare on Elm Street 1 and 2, Final Destination, The Others, The Haunting, and 13 Ghosts."

Sakura went pale, "13 G-ghosts?" Ever since she was little, she had been terrified of ghosts.

"Yep!" Syaoran nodded happily, "And they are supposed to look really scary! I picked it out especially for you!" Sakura went silent. "I thought you would like it but I didn't know that you would be speechless." Syaoran laughed evilly.

Tomoyo looked at Syaoran and plucked without paying much attention to Sakura.


Tomoyo, Syaoran, and Eriol flinched at the sound of her voice. "Wuss." Syaoran muttered.

Sakura sat up, ignoring Tomoyo's protests, and took the tweezers from her hands before walking up to Syaoran, who didn't move. He stood still and let Sakura bring the tweezers up to his face. She grabbed one hair and pulled. Syaoran's eyes widened, "OWWW! Tomoyo," he shot an evil glare at the innocent girl on the sofa, "How could you inflict such pain on Sakura? And Sakura, how could you do it to me?"

Sakura smiled, "Easy. I don't like you."

"That was harsh." Eriol muttered.

Syaoran feigned shock, "I'm hurt! We've been LIVING together and you never told me! That's worse than you getting married to Tomoyo!"

Tomoyo laughed along with Eriol but Sakura looked livid. "I'm marrying Toji and you know it!"

"Same difference."

"Hey!" Tomoyo cried indignantly.

"No offense intended to you Tomoyo. Sorry."

"That's ok."

"It is NOT!" Sakura sputtered.

"Just let it go, Sakura." Tomoyo said and her best friend nodded.

"Yea Sakura." Syaoran mocked.

She resisted the urge to flick him off. "Now let me finish." Tomoyo said and dragged Sakura back to the sofa.


Tomoyo and Sakura sat on the couch together (the brunet rubbing her eyebrows and muttering about cruelty) and Syaoran and Eriol were sitting on recliners next to them.

They were about to start their last movie, '13 Ghosts'. Sakura leapt from her seat and started walking towards her room, "I'm just getting a blanket and a stuffed animal."

Syaoran laughed silently but kept his mouth shut. Sakura soon appeared again and sat back down, "I'm ready."

Eriol nodded and popped the movie into the VCR.

They weren't five minutes into the movie before Sakura let out a yelp. Syaoran sniggered.


Sakura waved goodbye to Tomoyo and Eriol. It was really late and they were going to go back to their own apartments.

She put the movies on the kitchen table so they would remember to take them back and looked around the living room. Her blanket was in a pile on the sofa and her stuffed animal was in the far corner of the room. Syaoran, Eriol, and Tomoyo had decided to play `monkeys in the middle' after the movies. And, unfortunately, she had been the monkey. There was also popcorn bowls and candy wrappers all over the table.

Might as well get it over with right away. Thus decided, she scooped the wrappers up and threw them away and put the bowls in the sink with some help from Syaoran. Syaoran glanced at the clock and yawned. "It's getting late and I'm exhausted. See you in the morning."

Sakura nodded and watched him disappear into his room. She sighed, picked up her blanket and stuffed animal, and headed for her own room. She shut the door behind her carefully. Without making much noise, she changed into her pajamas and climbed into bed.

Long after she had turned off the light, she stared into the darkness, flinching every time she thought she saw something move. "Try not to think about it." She whispered out loud as comfort and pulled the covers over her head. She clenched her eyes shut and tried to fall asleep.

It was useless; scenes from the movie kept reappearing in her mind. She had enjoyed all of the movies but even so… 13 Ghosts had spooked her.

Something crashed outside and Sakura bolted upright with a start. Tears filled her eyes. There was no way that she was going to be able to sleep like this. She sat there for a moment, debating whether or not she should do what she wanted. Her mind made up, she got out of her bed and walked to Syaoran's room.

"Syaoran?" The lump under the covers gave no indication that he had heard her. "I can't sleep." Syaoran let out a sigh of frustration and rolled over so that his back was towards her.

"I mean it, Syaoran." Sakura persisted. "And it's all your fault for getting those movies!"

Syaoran didn't answer and Sakura sat down on a chair. She whimpered and hugged her knees close to her. There was another crash from outside and Sakura let out a yelp. She hugged her knees tighter.

Syaoran groaned and rolled over again. He looked at her watery eyes and gave in. "Alright! I give up!"

Sakura brightened and hopped to her feet. Syaoran moved over on his bed and Sakura climbed in. She pulled the covers up to her chin and snuggled into Syaoran's pillow. "Thank you."

Syaoran huffed. "You're lucky there's no classes tomorrow or I would have thrown you in the hall. I know that I'm going to regret this tomorrow when I fall asleep in my breakfast."

"Why's that?" Sakura teased, "Think you won't be able to sleep next to me?"

"Well, I'm assuming that you kick in your sleep. but that's not what I'm talking about."

"Oh?" Sakura sounded interested.

"I know that you're not going to shut up for hours."

Sakura raised her arm and smacked him softly, "Ah, be quiet."

Syaoran chuckled and smacked her back. "Who says I'm not supposed to hit girls?"

"Not me!" Sakura raised herself and grabbed his pillow.

"This is ridiculous!" Syaoran said but still picked up the other pillow and dodged a blow that Sakura threw at him. "Missed!"

Sakura swung again and made contact. "Not this time!" It felt good to act like children again.

They both enjoyed whacking the other with a pillow for several minutes before Sakura fell back on the bed and yawned. "I'm bushed!"

Syaoran nodded. "Me too."

They both climbed back into Syaoran's bed and covered themselves up. "Goodnight, Syaoran."

"Night, Sakura."


Sakura woke up and stared at the unfamiliar ceiling. "W-where?" Her sentence was caught off by her own thoughts. "Oh yea." Syaoran was on the other side of the bed, sleeping peacefully.

Sakura gently climbed out of bed and headed for the kitchen. She actually felt like cooking. She shuffled through the many cookbooks before finding the recipe that she wanted. "Pancakes. Let's see… flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, 1 egg, butter…"

Sakura moved around the kitchen quickly and grabbed all the necessary ingredients. Getting the right measurements for half of the recipe, she dumped them in a bowl and stirred.

Pancake batter complete, she got out a few eggs, mixed them in a bowl together, and got the bacon going. Sakura heated up a pan and began the long process of pouring batter, flipping it, and then putting the finished pancakes on a plate.

"Smells good." Syaoran said as he walked in and sat down. "Need any help?"

"I'm almost done. But you could get the eggs started." Syaoran nodded and obliged.

When the breakfast was done, Sakura put large amounts on two plates and placed them on the table. Syaoran took a bite of his pancake and blanched. He grabbed his throat and disappeared under the table.

"What?" Sakura was aghast, "How could they be bad?" She took a bit of her own. It tasted perfect. She wasn't exactly sure where he was under the table and kicked blindly, barely making contact. "You liar!"

Syaoran emerged, laughing, "I couldn't help it!"

Sakura kicked his shin hard but not hard enough for it to hurt the next day. "I couldn't help that either."

Syaoran just continued to laugh and dug into his meal. He paused before shoving another piece of bacon into his mouth. "Thank you Sakura. It tastes wonderful."

"Flattery will get you nowhere." Sakura muttered and took a sip of orange juice.

"Not true." Syaoran said. "It always worked with my sisters. But this breakfast IS good."


Syaoran and Sakura ate the rest of their breakfast in comfortable silence. After they had both finished, both roommates shared the cleaning equally. Sakura dropped the dishrag that she was holding when the phone rang.

"Great. I'll get it."

Sakura walked over to the phone quickly and answered, "Hello?"

"Sakura, it's Touya."

"Hi! How are you?" All traces of annoyance left Sakura's face at the sound of her older brother's voice.

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm great! I've got some good news!" she just couldn't wait to tell her family, "Toji proposed to me!" While Sakura said this, her eyes drifted to her engagement ring.

"Humph." Touya didn't seem too happy.

"Something wrong?" Sakura asked.

"No. It's great that you're engaged. I'm just being a stupid over protective brother." Touya answered. Sakura chose to ignore the sarcasm in his tone.

"You've always been good at that."

"Ha. Ha."

Touya and Sakura continued to chat for a while before Sakura hung up and called her father to tell him the good news. He was delighted. She would have called her mom but she had died when she was little. Thirty minutes later, Sakura said goodbye to her dad and joined Syaoran on the sofa.

Syaoran shifted his weight and flipped a page to the book he was reading. "What's that?" Sakura asked curiously.

"A book. You have heard of those before right?"

"Dummy. I meant; what's it called?"

"Artemis Fowl." Syaoran answered without diverting his gaze.

"Is it good?" Syaoran nodded.

Sakura stared at him intensely until he looked up. "Do you want me to start over and read it out loud to you?"

Happily, she nodded and stood up. "Wait just a second while I go get a snack."

"But we just ate! You're going to get fat!"

Sakura responded by sticking her tongue out at him.

Kitty Neko: Um, I don't really have anything else to say. I hope you enjoyed chapter 2 of Roommates!