Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Roommates ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kitty Neko: Well, I'm back and it didn't take me very long! Thanks so much for all of your reviews! Can you believe that this story only has two more chapters after this one and an epilogue and then… it's over! Kind of sad, but true.

Cherryblossom: no, this story doesn't have magic.

Um, well I guess that's it for author's notes.

Disclaimer: I do not own CardCaptor Sakura.

Sakura awoke to a sweet smell that she couldn't quite put her finger on. That night she had decided to sleep in her own room for a change. The fact that Syaoran had to get up early that morning and go to work had absolutely no influence on her decision. She yawned sleepily with her eyes still closed.

"It's about time. I was beginning to think that you'd never wake up."

Sakura's eyes flew open in surprise.

"Syaoran! What are you doing here? I though you had to wo-…" Her voice trailed off. All of a sudden it had become very obvious exactly what the sweet smell was. Her bed was covered in rose petals. "What-"

"Happy Mother's Day." Syaoran interrupted.

"Did you-"

"I wish I could take all the credit for the rose petals," Syaoran cut her off again, "but I just came up with the idea. Meiling, Tomoyo, and Eriol helped me pay."

"Where are-"

"They're all in the living room, getting everything ready for your surprise baby shower."

The pregnant woman was a little annoyed that she hadn't been able to finish her sentence the last four times she started talking but she brushed it off.

"Well, I'm certainly surpri_"

"I know."

Sakura's eye twitched. "If you do not let me finish my sentence, I swear I will get up and smother you with my pillow."

"And how are you going to do that when you're so helpless?" Syaoran leaned against the wall casually to show that he wasn't intimidated in the least.

"I'm not helpless," his roommate, or rather housemate, argued. "Just over inflated."

"Same difference."


"Anyways, Tomoyo `the Leader' sent me in here to tell you to get up and get dressed."

"Fine." Sakura muttered and attempted to sit up. ATTEMPTED is the key word. "Syaoran?"

"Yeeeeeeeees?" Syaoran drew the word out deliberately.

"Help?" She squeaked.

Being the `perfect' gentleman, Syaoran stuck his hand out and helped her.


"Don't mention it."

"I won't."


The house looked great. Pastel colored balloons filled with helium were floating everywhere and Tomoyo had strung streamers too. Next to the sofa was a small pile of presents but the absolute best thing was in the kitchen. Sakura was in awe.

"Where did you get that cake?" Sakura asked. It was gorgeous! The main color of icing was white but it was also decorated with multicolored flowers around a pacifier. It also said Happy Mother's Day in big loopy cursive.

"That cake?" Tomoyo looked uninterested. "I made it."

Sakura's eyes widened in shock. "Really?"


"I helped!" Meiling interjected.

Tomoyo scowled, but it was more in good humor than anger. "You were more trouble than you were worth. As a matter of fact, Sakura, this isn't the original cake. After she screwed up the first, I had to have Syaoran get her out of my kitchen so I could start over."

"Well, I did warn you that making cakes is the only thing I can't do." Meiling pouted. Syaoran made a sputtering noise in the back of his throat to get everyone's attention on him. "Ok," Meiling admitted, "It's ONE of the things I can't do."

"That's more like it."


Deciding to change the subject, Sakura spoke up. "I can't believe everything you've done in here! The house looks great!"

A scattered thanks came from all of Sakura's guests.

"This is a really nice house." Meiling commented.

"We know that better than Sakura or Tomoyo." Eriol said, referring to himself and Syaoran. "We're the ones that had to unpack and put everything in its place. I'm pretty sure I even know where they keep the laundry detergent."

"Perhaps in the laundry room?" Sakura offered sarcastically.

"har har."

"Well, that's enough of this!" Sakura clapped her hands together excitedly, "Let's get this started!"

Tomoyo had opened her mouth and was about to say something, but the doorbell rang. Sakura looked confused. Slowly she brought her hand up and counted each of her friends. "Um, we're all here, who could that be?"

When she was given no answer, she shrugged and went to answer the door. Probably just someone trying to sell something. She had her hand on the doorknob when the bell rang again. "Just a sec." She called and threw open the door.


Sakura's older brother smiled down on her. "Hi monster."

Ignoring the nickname, Sakura wrapped her arms around him the best she could. "I haven't seen you in forever! What are you doing here?"

"I believe I was invited to a baby shower." He said, hugging her back.

"It's about time you showed up." Tomoyo said huffily, "We were almost going to have to start without you."

"It's not my fault you give crappy directions."

Before they could say much more, Sakura laughed happily. "Thanks for inviting him, Tomoyo! My shower wouldn't have been the same without my brother."

"You know, that didn't really sound right." Syaoran whispered to Eriol loudly.

"You know what I meant!"

Perhaps speaking hadn't been a very wise choice for Syaoran. Touya glared daggers at the MAN his little sister was living with. "I have a few things I want to say to you." His voice was dangerously low. Syaoran swallowed thickly.

"Later!" Tomoyo came to the rescue, "It's time for the games!"


Everyone except Tomoyo was sitting around the kitchen table with a close pin attached to their shirts. This was all part of a game that was going to last the duration of the party. No one was allowed to cross his or her legs. If someone was caught, they'd have to give their pin to whoever caught them. As soon as Tomoyo had explained the rules of this, Syaoran and Eriol had smirked at each other. This was at least one of these games that they would win.

When Tomoyo reentered the living room, she had a spool of yarn and a pair of scissors with her. "This first game is simple." She instructed. "Each of you are going to cut a piece of yarn the same length that you think will fit around Sakura's stomach. Then, we'll have Sakura try on each of the strings and whoever was closest, wins. Oh, and Eriol?" Tomoyo's boyfriend looked at her curiously, "I hate to do this to you. I really do, but hand over your clothes pin."

Eriol looked down at his legs, horrified. His legs weren't necessarily crossed, but his ankles were and that counted.

"That's manly!" Syaoran choked out between gales of laughter.

"Laugh it up," Eriol muttered, handing his pin to a triumphant Tomoyo, "but you're next."

"Uh huh. Sure."

"Here children." Tomoyo shoved the yarn and scissors into Eriol's hands. "Cut."

When everyone had their own piece, Sakura had to lift up her shirt and try them on. She tried Tomoyo's first. It was about two inches too small. "That's not fair!" Tomoyo whined, "You grow every day!"

"Take it like a man." Meiling advised, giving Sakura her strand. It was also two inches too short. Meiling made a frustrated noise.

"Take it like a man." Tomoyo teased.

Sakura blanched at Touya's; it was way too big. "Do you really think I look that large?"

"Of course not!"

"WAHHH!" While she was trying to make Touya feel bad, she tried on Eriol's string. It was by far the closest, only being one inch too small. There was some scattered applause.

"He hasn't won yet." Syaoran thrust his string at Sakura, who took it with a raised eyebrow.

"Not competitive, are we?"

"Of course not."

Everyone fell silent when Sakura wrapped it around her waist. It was just slightly too large. "Syaoran wins." She said under her breath.

"How is that?!" Touya demanded.

"I guess I just have my arms around her all the time." Syaoran said, trying to get a rise out of Touya. By the older man's red face, it appeared to have worked.

"Let's get lunch!" Meiling offered hurriedly, only to have the rest (excluding Syaoran and Touya) agree automatically.


By now, the pins had transferred owners quite a bit. Sakura had three, Meiling had one, and Tomoyo had two.

"This is just wrong." Touya commented. "The GIRLS are the only one's who still have their pins." Needless to say, all the male egos in the room were badly bruised.

Just about everyone was starting to feel nervous. Tomoyo had told them to put their chairs in a circle with one in the middle for Sakura and had even brought out her camcorder. Whatever she was planning couldn't have been good.

Once the small group had sat down, Tomoyo dug around in a bag and pulled out a baby doll. "I bet you're all wondering why I got my camera." Nervous agreements ensued. "Well, don't get scared. I just wanted to make sure that I have this sweet moment caught on film." A few people even let out relieve sighs.

"Here." Tomoyo gave the doll to Meiling. "This is Sakura's baby. Not really," she said when Meiling gave her a strange look. "Use your imagination. You still have one of those, don't you?"


"Good." Tomoyo continued as if she had said yes. "I want you to hold it and speak to it like you would to any regular baby. Go ahead and give it a kiss anywhere you want."

Even though this game sounded very bizarre, everyone did as they were told. Meiling kissed `her' forehead and Eriol kissed her nose. Both Syaoran and Touya decided to be stupid and kiss the baby in different places. Syaoran kissed the stomach and Touya the foot. Sakura watched all of this, deeply amused.

Tomoyo recollected the baby and took a step back, making sure that everyone's faces could be seen on the camcorder. "Now that that's done, it's time for the point of the game. You have to kiss Sakura in the same place that you kissed the doll."

Years from now, Sakura was really going to enjoy watching her friends reactions on film. Meiling seemed pleasantly surprised, Eriol was slightly shocked but not bothered, but as for Syaoran and Touya…

"WHAT?!" They both shrieked at the same time. For two people who didn't seem to like each other very much, they sure were alike.

"You heard me." Tomoyo grinned evilly.

"This was predictable." Sakura laughed. "I knew that you were too evil to just want to `have a sweet moment caught on film'."

"It is a sweet moment." Tomoyo insisted. "Humiliatingly sweet."

Meiling and Eriol both gave Sakura a peck on the places destiny had picked for them and sat back to watch Touya and Syaoran.

"You better have clean feet." Touya grumbled getting to his knees. He pulled off Sakura's sock and quickly kissed the arch of her foot. Sakura giggled.

"That tickles."

Touya sputtered. "Yuck! Feet taste! Bleh!" Wiping his mouth, he put her sock back on and went back to his seat.

"You're turn." Tomoyo said happily.

Syaoran smirked at her and stopped himself from flipping off the camera. He crouched down and lifted Sakura's shirt before placing his lips on her belly and making a smacking noise. It looked like he was about to pull away but changed his mind at the last minute and blew a raspberry onto her stomach. Sakura burst into laughter and kicked him away.

Tomoyo turned the camera off and set it on a table. "Well, that was certainly a memorable moment." Meiling nodded.

"They're so K-" Meiling clapped her hand over the (eccentric) woman's mouth and pulled her away.

"Let's eat cake!"


"Bye!" Sakura hugged her brother tightly. The day had been lots of fun. It was hard to believe that it was over. Now Touya was going to have to go back home.

"I'll come see you again really soon." He promised. Sakura waved sadly and then went back into her house.

Touya had been the last of their guests to leave and the house seemed oddly empty. Well, not quite. It was a mess. The rest of the group promised to come back the next day and help clean. It was a good thing too, Sakura and Syaoran wouldn't be able to do it alone.

"Sakura, where do you want me to put these?" Syaoran asked, holding up the presents.

"In the baby room. Most of that stuff is clothes anyways. I'll put it away tomorrow. I'm exhausted!"

"So I take it you had a good day?"

"Yes. Thank you." Syaoran was really a nice guy. It was mainly with his help that Tomoyo had been able to get everything together in time for Mother's Day. Or so Tomoyo had told Sakura.

Sakura watched as Syaoran waded through streamers and confetti towards the baby room. It was actually the room that Sakura was going to share with the baby, but Sakura still thought of it as a baby room and not her room. She still slept in Syaoran's room most of the time anyways.

Once they were both changed into pajamas they climbed into bed. Sakura felt odd lying next to him. She really wanted to tell him that she loved him. Why was she such a coward?! It's not like he was going to laugh and kick her out of his room or anything. But… for some reason, she just couldn't say it.

"Something on your mind?" Syaoran was watching her intently. Sakura kind of got the feeling he wanted to say something, but he didn't.

"Not really."

"Not really, huh? Well, sweet dreams." Then Syaoran did something that he had never done before. He reached over and pecked her on the cheek. "Good night."

"G-good night."

Kitty Neko: I hope you liked it! I'll update as soon as I can! Ja!