Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Roommates ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kitty Neko: I'm going to keep the author's notes up here short. The real notes are going to be after the Epilogue. Thank you for all your reviews!

Oh yea, when babies are born, they have blue eyes.

Disclaimer: I do not own CCS.

"Yes, I have all the preparations under control." Sakura said into the receiver.

"Even the kind of cake?" Tomoyo asked, testing her.


"What kind?"


Tomoyo snorted. "Like father and mother, like daughter." She said, changing the well known saying a little bit. "It figures that her favorite kind of cake would be chocolate."

Sakura was about to make a smart reply but the sound of the garage opening stopped her. Instead, she changed the topic to speed up the conversation. "I've already called everyone except Eriol and told them to be here at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. Would you mind calling him for me? I would, but I think they're home."

"Sure. No problem."



Sakura was lucky enough to hang up the phone at the same moment the front door flew open and a tiny whirlwind flew inside.

"Mommy!" Unmei cried, running toward Sakura with her long dark brown locks streaming behind her and emerald eyes sparkling. "Look what daddy got me!" The soon-to-be five year old lifted up a clear plastic bag filled with water and a single black and white fish. "He said since my other fish actually lived for a week I could have another one!"

"That's… nice." Sakura said, for lack of anything better to say. Her head snapped up when the front door shut. "Hi." She said to her husband.

"Hi." Syaoran said back, putting a couple bags of groceries on the table.

"I'm ganna go put my new fish away. I think I can do it on my own." Unmei stated, disappearing into her room.

"She should certainly know how to by now." Sakura giggled.

"Yea. How many fish has it been?"

"Too many to count."

The young couple leaned in for a quick kiss before separating and putting away groceries. "Is Unmei's surprise birthday party completely planned out?" Syaoran asked.

"Yes, everyone said that they could make it. All that's left is for you to take her out tomorrow so I can get everything set up."

Syaoran froze and turned to look at his wife, eyes wide. "Does that mean that Touya's going to be there?"

"Um hum."

"Great." Ever since he had found out that Syaoran was Unmei's father, Touya hadn't even bothered pretending to like Syaoran. In fact, it seemed that his new mission in life was to make Syaoran miserable. Of course, Sakura usually stopped her brother before he caused too much trouble. "I still remember when he saw me at our wedding." Syaoran shuddered at the memory while Sakura laughed merrily.

"It's a shame that Tomoyo didn't get that argument on film. It was so hilarious!"

"She did." Syaoran said sourly, "And I didn't think it was so funny."

Completely ignoring his last sentence, Sakura put a hand up to her temple thoughtfully. "I'm going to have to borrow that from her." Syaoran growled, making her laugh, and they lapsed into a comfortable silence. They were content just to be in the same room together. It didn't last long.

The house hadn't been quiet for five minutes before an earth-shattering wail came from Unmei's room. Syaoran quirked an eyebrow at all the commotion, "I wonder what that's all about."

"I'm sure we'll know in a couple of minutes." Sakura smiled goofily heading for her daughter's room. She was almost there when the door burst open and a teary eyed Unmei appeared holding the fish net with a dead fish in it. Not only was it dead, but also it looked like it had died in a very gruesome way.

"My-" she hiccupped and wiped some tears away with her free hand, "My new fish k-killed the old one." Sakura vaguely wondered how she could tell which was which but didn't voice her thoughts.

Slowly, she led Unmei to the bathroom where she put the fish in the toilet and flushed, causing Unmei to bawl louder. "At least you still have the other one." Sakura comforted. Unmei stopped crying, her eyes flashing. She muttered something that Sakura didn't quite catch and disappeared into her room again.

When she reappeared, she had the net again with the other fish flopping around. Sakura and Syaoran followed her as she stomped into the bathroom, stopping next to the toilet and throwing it in. "MURDERER!" she screamed before pushing the lever and watching as the fish disappeared, spinning the entire time.

"You have to see the humor in this," Sakura whispered to Syaoran, "And she called IT the murderer."

Syaoran didn't reply to her comment, rather making his own. "She's definitely your daughter."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The way she flushed the fish down the toilet."

"Come again?" Sakura was genuinely confused.

"I seem to remember a certain someone who flushed her engagement ring down the toilet when she was really mad." Syaoran patted her head comically.

"That was different!" Sakura tried to defend herself.

"Sure. That reminds me… I saw Toji at the store today."

"Really?" Sakura asked, interested.

"Yea, he saw Unmei and me but didn't say anything."

"Oh." Sakura leaned against Syaoran and he wrapped his arms around her. "Do you ever regret beating him to a bloody pulp?"

"Not at all." Syaoran said without a moment's hesitation. "He may not have been Unmei's father, but he was still an ass and deserved exactly what he got."

Sakura grinned, pleased. She was so happy with her life the way it was, despite all the stress of every day life. She wouldn't have had it any other way. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"What `cha guys talking about?" Unmei asked, completely done with crying though her eyes were still puffy.


She took this as an acceptable answer and nodded, "I'm sick of fish."

Both Sakura and Syaoran were extremely relieved, they were waiting for her to say that. This cycle of dieing fish was getting old.

"I want a kitten instead."


Kitty Neko: That's it. I know the Epilogue was short, but that's how they are. I hope that you enjoyed reading my story.

Now that I'm finished with `Roommates', `Visible to You' will no longer be on hiatus. I'll try to get out chapters for it as fast as I can.

Credits: These are all the websites that I got information about pregnancy from.

That takes care of that. I guess that's all I have to say. Thanks once again to everyone who reviewed! You guys are the best! I'll be writing other stories, but until then, Ja!