Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura Princess Diaries ❯ Li AND Pizza? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

During school Meilin was eyeing Sakura and Madison non-stop. "Man, I wish
she would stop looking at me.. I am about ready to knock her out myself."
Sakura told Madison. Finally the end of school came and Sakura was so glad
to get out. "You going to your Grandma's again today?" Madison asked Sakura.
"Yup, she wants to see me as much as possible before she leaves I guess."
"Well, I guess I will see you later then Sakura?" Waved Madison as she headed
toward her house. "YEA, Later!" She called back. Finally Sakura arrived at
her Grandmother's. "Well, My Dear Sakura, how was your day?" She asked.
"Oh it was well..... pretty good!" Sakura smiled wickedly. "I want to tell
you that I am pleased with your lesson's and I think you are ready. We will
be having a ball this Friday and there you must annouce if you wish to be
Princess or not." Her Grandmother told her. "Wow Really, Can my friends come?"
Sakura asked. "Of corse dear, are you going to have a date?" Sakura blushed
madly. "Well, uhh-I dont think so." She stammered. "That's a shame well if
you do happen to find one please let me know." "I will" Sakura told her still
blushing madly.

"Sakura would you like to show me the town?" Asked her grandma. "Really,
you wanna like hang out with me?" Sakura beemed. "Well I would love to as
you put it *like hang out with you*" She stiffled a laugh. They took a
pink convertable and she let Sakura drive. "I am taking you to eat some
pizza, that is something us teenagers love" Sakura said. "Pizza? That sounds
lovly." They pulled in the lot and got out. As they walked in there was a
bunch of teenagers eating pizza, playing video games, and talking. "So this
is where the young people hang out?" Asked her grandmother. "Yup, either
here or they go to the movies." Repleid Sakura. They sit and Sakura orders
a large pepperoni and greenpepper pizza and 2 cokes. While waiting for the
pizza they decided to play some games. "Lets try this one Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles its pretty cool." Sakura suggested. They put there coins in and
starting playing..they were doing pretty good at killing of the foot soldiers.
"Ahh Grandma get him shoot him yeah.. oh no watch out for the ball rolling
down the stairs.. ahhh he got me nooo... you'll die now!" Sakura screamed
as she pounded on the buttons and joystick.

Finally after 15 minutes of combat the game was over. So they decided to
take a seat and chow down on pizza. "Yum, this is very good." her Grandma
told her. Just then Sakura started to blush madly toward the entrance.
"Sakura, are you feeling ok you look feverish?" her Grandma asked a bit
concerned. "No-I-I-a-a-am fi-fine." Sakura stuttered. Her Grandmother didn't
beleave her and turned to see what she was so fasincated about. She saw a
young man about Sakura's age with light brown hiar and beutiful alburn eyes.
"My my Sakura he is rather handsom is he a friend of yours" she asked. Sakura
blushed and looked down. "Not really a friend I guess I do know him from
school his name is Li Syaoron." she answered. Her granmother smiled and
gestured toward Li he saw her and came over. "Would you like to have a seat
and enjoy this great pizza with us? Mr. Syaoron?" Sakura's grandmother asked,
He nodded and thanked her then took a seat next to Sakura and blushed as he
said "Hello" Sakura turned to him and smiled and nodded trying to hide her

A few minutes of silence and Sakura's Grandmother chimed in. "So have you
know Sakura long?" she asked. Li shook his head "Well, I have seen her around
school but just recently starting becoming her friend." he blushed. Sakura
almost shot coke out her nose at what she just heard Li say about them
becoming friends. "Are you ok Sakura?" Li asked. Sakura reddend and smiled.
"Yes, I am fine it just went down the wrong pipe and I choked thats all."
she answered with a sheepish grin. Her grandmother started to laugh at bit
at Sakura's antics which became a chaine reaction. Li was laughing which
made Sakura blush but she also joined in the laughter. After a few minutes of
laughing Li and Sakura if he wanted to play a game of air hockey. She told
him she would and went to put the coins in. Li had put his hand infront of
hers and put his coins in, making there hands touch. They both blushed and
went to an end of the table. Sakura's grandmother stood on the side and watched
for she had never seen such a game. Li called "Ready...1..2..3...GO!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ok here is the long awaited next chapter. I am not sure when the next one
will be posted. I have dental surgery coming up soon.. so I am scared to
death and wont be thinking right... and who knows how long it will take to
recover. So enjoy please R&R