Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura, Syaoron, and a Ghost? ❯ The Return ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The sun is shining brightly over the trees. The fresh dew drips off
the flowers. The birds fly by chirping there morning song.
As the sun shines into the window Sakura opens her eyes. "Kero wake up"
Kero opens his eyes sleepily and looks over at Sakura. "Whats the
big idea waking me up so early?" *YAWN* "Today is such a beutiful day."
Sakura pulls over heavy pink comforter down and sits up on the edge of
the bed. Her green 2 piece pajamas shimmering in the sunlight. She yawns
throwing her arms in the air. Then goes and sits at her desk.

Sakura pulls out the "LOVE" card and smiles from ear to ear. "Um Sakura
why are you so happy?" "Today is the day Syaoron is coming back to Japan."
Kero rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Why is that BRAT coming back?"
Sakura gave Kero the *DEATH* look and threw a pillow at him. "I am glad he
is coming back.. I have missed him ever since he left...and I have to give him
my answer that he has waited a year to get." "Oh Brother, your not ganna tell
the BRAT you Love him are you?" Sakura blushed and turned to look out the
window ignoring kero.

It was already 9:00AM his flight was to arrive at 10:30AM. Sakura showered and
got dressed. She wore her white skirt with blue stripes down it, she had
light blue tank top on it was a silver heart with white glittery wings. She put
her hiar in pigtails as ussual grabbed her roller blades and flew out the house.
Sakura skates like a jet down the street. She finally slows down infront of a
large house. At the gate her friend Tomoyo was waiting for her arrivel. A video
camera was already pointed at Sakura with her smiling friend behind it. "WOW..
I can't believe your on time today." Sakura blushed a bit.."You know I can't wait
to see Syaoron."

Tomoyo looks at her watch which has a picture of Sakura in her kitty outfit in the
middle. "It's already 10:10AM we better get moving." Sakura and Tomoyo held hands
and skated down the street toward the airport. Finally they arrived changed into
there shoes and went inside. It was 10:25AM now his plane was landing. *Loud Speaker*
"Flight 642 from Hong Kong departing for Japan is unloading at Gate 7." Tomoyo gets
her camera ready and aims it at the Gate. Sakura was watching in anticipation for
Syaoron to get off the plane. Finally she saw him come through the door. ~*Sakura runs
to Syaoron's open arms and he holds her close..she looks at him "Syaoron I Love You!"
they kiss soflty.*~ "Sakura snap out of it..wake up he is on the way over here."

Syaoron walked toward his 2 friends with a small smile cross his face. "Hello Tomoyo
Hello Sakura." Sakura blushed and almost felt like she was lifted off the ground.
"Sakura?? Are you alright?" Syaoron asked. Sakura snapped out of her trance blushing
like a fool. "Yea, I am fine thanks!" "Well shall we go?" Asked Tomoyo. Sakura and
Syaoron smiled and followed there friend outside. "So where shall we go get some lunch?"
Sakura asked with a very happy tone in her voice. "HMMM.. lets try the new burger
place down the street." Suggested Tomoyo.

The 3 walked down the street chatting about how they have been over the last year.
"Syaoron..are you back for good?" Sakura asked shyly. "Maybe it depends on how
things turn out." he replied staring at the sidewalk. Sakura smiled and looked
at Tomoyo who was filming everything. "WOW this is such a great shot of you Sakura
your just so cute, Isn't she Syaoron?" Tomoyo bubbled. "Yes she is." replied a
bright red Syaoron. Sakura blushed and hurried ahead. "Look we are here." Sakura
pionted. They made there way in and sat at a table toward the back. They heard
the waitor ask "What can I get for you?" Sakura froze at the voice and looked
up to see her brother touya staring down at her. "Brother what are you doing here?"
"It's my part time job...and why is the Chinese Brat here?"

Sakura rolled her eyes "He just got off the plane." Syaoron and Touya glared daggers
at eachother until they heard another voice. "Touya let them enjoy there meal."
Yuki pleaded with a smile on his face. "Yuki what are you doing here?" asked Sakura
with a confussed face. "I am helping out." Sakura smiled. "What would you
girls like?" Asked Syoaron "I'll get the cheesburger with fries and a coke."
Said Sakura. "Yum that sounds good same for me." Exclaimed Tomoyo. "I will
have the same please." Syaoron looked at Touya. "Coming right up" Touya said
as he glanced evily at Syaoron.

While waiting for the food, Tomoyo told them she needed to go to the powder room.
Now alone at the table Sakura looked at Syoaron with nervouse eyes. "umm... Syaoron..
I..I... L.. Syaoron I." She was cut off by Touya putting a tray of food and drinks
on the table. "Here ya go Squirt, enjoy...and Chinese Brat don't touch my sister."
Touya glared as Syaoron glared back. Tomoyo came back after seeing what had happened.
(she was hiding in the bushes with her camera) "Let's eat" Sakura replied. They
enjoyed there meal and Syaoron went to pay. He left a $3.00 tip for Touya.