Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura, Syaoron, and a Ghost? ❯ The Rescue ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Everyone gathered in front of the museum as Eriol and Tomoyo went in to look for the worker.
Sakura, Syaoron, Kero, and Raka snuck in through a back window. They slowlu started down a
very darl hall not a light in sight. "Wow it sure is scary in here.. what if there is a G-G-
Gh--Ghost?" asked a scared Sakura. "Um Sakura there is a ghost here with us and we are saving a
ghost...!" Exlaimed Syaoron. "Oh Right!" Sakura sweatdropped. "I'll use Firey to light the way."
Sakura pulled out her staff and called upon it "RELEASE!" She tossed a card into the air..
"Firey Release and Dispell." She called. Then there was a light all down the hallway.

Eriol amd Tomoyo found the boss showing a painting. "Hello Sir, This piece over here is extrodinary
how did you ever get something like this?" Eriol was asking the man about a large diamond cuz in
the shpae of a fairy. As the man answered Sakura and others made there way to where Shebe was.
They reached a door that was locked so Sakura called upon the Lock Card and used her staff as a
key. They finally got in without making much noise. "Look there she is!" Raka exlaimed happily.
"Sheba Sheba its me Raka." "Raka......Oh I thought I would never see you again. I am so glad
your here please save me!" Sheba pleaded. Sakura and Syaoron walked up to the cage and touched
the thick black bars. They had some kind of shield around them.

Sakura called upon the Sword card to break the shield. But it only made a small dent as she
hit the bars. "Wait Eriol said together we could do it." Syaoron reminded. He wrapped his hands
around her and put his on the Sword as well. This of corse made them both blush wildly. They
lifted the Sword and smashed it into the metal sure enough it broke apart. "Yes we did it now
lets hurry and get out og here." Sakura exlaimed. As they headed to the door it swung open. A
large heavy set man stood there with a nasty smirk on his face. "Well well what have we got
here? Some medling kids, what is it you want and how did you break my cage it had a magic
sheild aorund it. Only someone with strong magic could break it.(He looked at them) Who did
this?" He growled.

"I did you big jerk!" Sakura told him. "What ya ganna do about it fat boy?" He mearly smirked
and laughed at her. "Well now if you had that kind of powers I can use you as well." He tried
to grab her but Syaoron took his sword and slashed it across his arm. The large man jumped back
in pain. "You stupid kid your ganna pay for that..Get Him!" He yelled. About 10 people in
black outfits came running toward them. Sakura called the windy card and blew them back.
Kero bit the mans hand so he fell out of the door way. They ran toward the exit.

Half way there they ran into Eriol and Tomoyo. "You got her good lets get out of here fast."
Tomoyo yelled. The others agreed and ran non-stop. As they got close to the door a metal
door started to drop and cover the real door. "NOOOOOOOOOOO" Sakura screamed. They ran faster
hoping to make it before it got to low. It was almost at the door knob when they reached it and
ran through. "We did it we made it YES YES" Sakura was cheering. They went back to Tomoyo's house
to celebrate. "I missed you so much Sheba more then you can ever imagane." Raka told Sheba.
"I have missed you as well, I was begging to thionk I would never get free." Sheba said.

"Well since your both new around here in a way and have no place you are welcome to stay here
with me." Tomoyp told them. "Really?" They said in Unison. "Yep that way you have lots of room
and Kero and Sakura can visit anytime." Tomoyo smiled. "That sounds like a great idea you two."
Kero told them. "We will do it thank you very much all of you." Raka answered. "It's ok thats
what friends are for..besides now we just have more members to this team and it makes me happy"
Sakura said. "Looks like another couple came together Sakura it must be that lucky time o year..
to be able to find the one you love most in the whole world and live happy forever." Syaoron smiled
at Sakura as she blushed widly. She kissed his soft lips tenderly!

The End