Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ the return ❯ Tomoyo's Big Fat Mouth Is Sealed Shut ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Return

Chapter 10 - Tomoyo's big fat mouth is sealed shut

"NO!! SAKURA!!" Xiao Lang cried, running to the edge futilely, in an attempt to do something to save her. With his speed he slid across the floor and caught hold of her arm. Only seconds later she would have been lying, broken on the ground below.

"Hold on!!" he cried as he strained to lift her back onto the remains of the third floor. Unfortunately the tiled floor provided no traction and the dust that had settled on the ground just made it worse. All he could do was hold on. "I promise you, somehow we'll get out of this." He exclaimed, trying to think positively. But a loud cracking destroyed his hopes.

"What was that?" Sakura asked, looking up to avoid looking beneath her.

"Um…" but before he could finish answering, the ceiling gave way and a chunk knocked Xiao Lang unconscious and both of them tumbled to the first floor.

Xiao Lang's body landed directly on top of Sakura's and the rest of the building collapsed onto his back.


"They're in there!" Miko yelled at another firefighter. Hours after the collapse of the library, police and firefighters were called in to dig for any survivors. "You can't just give up." she sobbed and collapsed in a crying heap.

"Miko, it's gonna be alright. If Sakura was in there she'll come out alive. I guarantee it." Whispered Tomoyo, who had rushed over to the library, with Eriol, as soon as she heard what had happened. They knew that no natural earthquake could kill Sakura.

"Sir! I think I've discovered something." Crackled a voice on the chief's radio. This news gave everyone's hopes a boost. "Yeah, it's them. A boy and a girl." The voice added.

"Are you sure?" the chief asked, making sure it was them.

"Definitely. They are both alive but the girl is covered in bruises and deep gashes and the boy is much worse." He replied. "He was found on top of the girl protecting her from most of the cement but he had the entire building fall apart on him.

"Ok then, get them out of there." The chief smiled.

A few minutes later Sakura and Xiao Lang were carried out of the rubble and into the awaiting ambulance.

"Tomoyo." Eriol dragged her off to a corner. "That boy with Sakura was Syaoran." He exclaimed.

"But…how?" asked a bewildered Tomoyo. "Are you sure?"

"I could feel his aura. And I could sense his magic. It was definitely him." He nodded.

"Great! When I tell Sakura she's gonna freak out!" Tomoyo cheered.

"But you mustn't tell Sakura." He warned solemnly.

"Why not?" she asked. This was her best friend's true love who had just returned for her. Why shouldn't she be able to tell her?

"Well… Miko called him Xiao Lang, right? Then that means he's here for a reason and doesn't want us to meddle. Otherwise he would have used his Japanese name. If he's here for Sakura then he wants to do it on his own. Don't interfere." He stated, looking sternly at his girlfriend. Promise me you wont meddle. Promise me you won't play matchmaker." He ordered.


"Promise me." He repeated.

"Hai, I promise." She sighed in defeat.

"I love you Eriol-sama. Don't ever leave me." She whispered and curled into his arms.

"You'll leave me before I'd ever think of leaving you." He said and kissed her forehead lightly, not knowing how true his statement was. "I love you, too."


"Ok. You will have to stay in the hospital until your bones can heal properly. You should be out of here in about a few days." Explained a doctor to Xiao Lang, who lay bandaged in a clean white hospital bed. "You're lucky to have survived that. Not many people would have." He laughed nervously as he walked out. 'The odds of surviving something like that are a billion to one.' The man thought.

Xiao Lang turned his head and saw Sakura, fast asleep in a chair beside him. For almost a week she had stayed by his side after she was released from the hospital.

'She looks like an angel. So peaceful.' He thought, smiling to himself. Her eyes fluttered open as he tried to sit up. When he saw her stir he smiled.

"Hello, there. You've been asleep for a while." He exclaimed somewhat cheerfully.

"Hoe…" she mumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "You're ok!" she exclaimed quietly, her surprise evident on her face. The doctors had told her that he had had the entire building collapse on him and he, most likely, wouldn't make it out alive. If he did, they said he wouldn't be the same.

"Hai…did you want me to die?" he laughed.

"Iie. The doctors said you wouldn't be. The school also was damaged so we are excused from our project." She said and pulled her chair even closer to his bed.

"Have you gone home yet?" he asked noticing that she was wearing the same clothes from the library only washed.

"Iie. But I have showered and changed. One of my friends brought over my clothes and this outfit was washed. No one's at home. My brother moved out a while ago and my father's away for the month." She answered. "I've been here with you the whole time." She tried to smile but tears were threatening to flow.

"You didn't ha-" but he was silenced by her hand on his mouth.

"I wanted to." She sniffed. "Because you kept your promise."

He couldn't remember what he had promised her, but she answered his look of puzzlement.

"You promised me that we'd get out of there." She recalled.

"Oh, no problem." He himself hadn't believed what he was saying, but he did keep his promise, and he knew that meant a lot to her.


Hours later, Sakura slipped off to a pay phone while he slept. She deposited her change and dialed the familiar digits.

"Moshi, mosi. Daidouji residence."

"Tomoyo?" she asked.

"Sakura! I'm glad you're alright. Is something wrong?" she asked

"No, nothing's wrong. I'm calling because I have something important to tell you." She said seriously.

"Okay, what is it?" Tomoyo sounded interested.

"I-I think I've finally gotten over Syaoran for good." She exclaimed happily.

"…" There was silence on the other end. Tomoyo didn't understand. Should she be happy that her friend has gotten over the jerk who broke her heart, or be sad because that jerk returned for her and was now in a hospital bed because he tried to protect her?

"I'm in love with someone else. His name's Xiao Lang." She continued.

"Oh, that's great." Tomoyo responded with less enthusiasm than Sakura expected.

'Oh well, some is better than none.' She thought. Tomoyo, however, had to pinch herself to keep her from blurting Xiao Lang's true identity.

"I'm happy for you." She said quietly.

"I better be going now. Ja." Sakura hung up the phone and skipped lightly back to the room. She had finally admitted her feelings to someone other than herself.