Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Small Wolf's Protector ❯ Who are you?! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3: "Who are you?!"

Disclaimer: I do not own Card Captor Sakura. Isn't that a shocker? Anyways, about this story. It focuses on the Li family, and on Syaoran more so. This takes place during the time when Eriol first comes to Japan. R/R please! I would like some feedback on this! It's my first shot at a CCS fic. Arigatou Domo! Character thoughts are in brackets. ^_^

The girl that Sakura and her friends had been watching was at a booth, talking to someone. "So, Hikari, you want to get something to eat after I'm done?" The guy asked, winking at her suggestively.

"Not a chance, Mikaji," Hikari declined, smirking at him. "I may be new in this town, but I'm not a baka like you are." Mikaji seemed to take that harshly, as he gripped his heart, and exclaimed dramatically about how she broke his heart. "Over-dramatic fool."

"You slay me, Hikari," Mikaji drawled.

"Get back to work, slacker," Hikari ordered, as she dusted off her white shirt. Mikaji made a comment about her long skirt, and how great her legs looked through the slit. "Don't you be trying anything with me, baka!"

"Ma'am," Mikaji saluted as Hikari walked away. "Crazy girl."

(I have to find out what this necklace means.) Hikari thought, fingering the onyx pendant that was around her neck. (It was given to me by my grandfather, but I don't know what it means. It has some kind of power. Is it like Clow Reed's power? I have to know.)


Syaoran couldn't help but laugh at Kero-chan's failed attempts to get something out of Sakura. Namely a sweet treat that was one of his favourites. Tomoyo nudged him and pushed something into his hand. It was the treat that Kero-chan wanted so badly. "Eat it," she whispered to him giggling.

"What's that in your hand, Syaoran?" Sakura asked, noticing the exchange of food between Syaoran and Tomoyo.

"It's just a treat," Syaoran smiled, as he popped the treat into his mouth. Kero-chan's mouth and eyes opened wide. "Nothing worth mentioning, especially to you, Kero-chan."

"GAKI!" Kero-chan yelled, rushing at Syaoran, but Sakura held him at bay by holding him back by his tail. Tomoyo and Syaoran burst out laughing at the Guardian Beast of the Clow's misfortune. The decendant of Clow Reed smirked, while Sakura held back a fit of giggles. "It's not FUNNY!"

"On the contrary, Kero-chan," Sakura giggled. "It's *very* funny!" Kero-chan fumed, and was now content on grumbling and sitting on Sakura's shoulder as the trio walked across the street to the other side of the fairgrounds.

Syaoran, who wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings, only Sakura, didn't see the red convertible that was about to run him over. "Syaoran!" Tomoyo yelled, snapping him out of it. Syaoran's eyes widened, and his mouth opened to yell, but nothing came out.

Suddenly, someone tackled him out of the way, as the convertible drove away. The people who were around applauded whoever had saved him. Syaoran finally got some air into his lungs, and opened his eyes to see his saviour. It was her! That girl! "Th-thanks.."

"Hey, no problem," the girl said, getting up, and helping Syaoran up in the process. "You really should pay more attention to what's around you. Not some pretty girl." Syaoran blushed, wondering if Sakura heard that.

He then regained his demenor. "Who are you?!" It came out a little harsher than the young decendant of Clow had intended, but the girl didn't seem to mind. It was like she *expected* him to sound like that. Sakura, Tomoyo and Kero-chan came running over.

"Syaoran-kun, are you all right?!" Sakura asked worridly, looking him over quickly.

"Yeah, I'm all right," Syaoran nodded. He turned to the older girl. "Who are you?"

"My name is Reed Hikari," she replied. Both Syaoran and Kero-chan gasped. "Did that stuffed animal just talk?" Sakura clamped a hand over Kero-chan's mouth and shook her head, laughing nervously. "Who are you?"

"Li Syaoran," Syaoran replied. He made a motion to introduce Sakura and Tomoyo, but Sakura beat him to it.

"I'm Kinomoto Sakura, and that's Daijouji Tomoyo," Sakura said happily, pointing to herself and Tomoyo.

"Kinomoto?" Hikari echoed, and Sakura nodded. "Your brother wouldn't happen to be Touya, would he?" Sakura nodded again.

"How do you know Touya?" Sakura asked.

"I ran into him. Literally," Hikari explained, rubbing her her hip in rememberance. "I'm glad that you're all right Li-san. I have to go. Lots of homework to do." She bowed to the three younger people, then walked away.

"Her last name is Reed!" Kero-chan emphasized, impaitently bouncing up and down on Sakura's shoulder as Hikari went out of earshot and sight. "She is definately a direct decendant of Clow Reed! I got a good look at that pendant on her necklace, and that is a pendant given only to the most powerful decendant of Clow's family."

"What does that mean?" Tomoyo questioned, her purple eyes looking worried.

"She's definately part of the Clow Cards," Syaoran explained, as all eyes turned to him. "But she wants to know why she had the pendant. It's possible she doesn't know about her powers. I don't know what to do about this, though."

"Maybe we should get Eriol-kun?" Sakura suggested. Syaoran's eyes flickered at the mention of the other boy's name. "I know you don't like him, Syaoran, but I think we need his help on this one."

"I agree," Kero-chan nodded. "I don't have a good feeling about Eriol, but we do need his help with this. We might have to even team up with Eriol if Hikari is a threat."

Syaoran's eyes widened, and burned with hate. (Work with Eriol? I would never...! But this might be bigger than all of us. So I guess I have to work with him. But I won't be happy about it.) He clenched his teeth, but nodded. "Agreed."

Author's notes: *cocks head to the right* Is that a cliff-hanger? I dunno. I was never any good at that sort of thing. Review please! Or I'll sic Kero-chan on him and tell him that you have the treats he wants! ^_^