Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Two Is Enough Company ❯ The New Apartment Room ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: Konnichiwa minna! Yes, I am using a smaller text.

Jigokuinu: Pretty neat, ne?

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: Out of the ordinary. But, anywhoo, I hope you enjoy my next fanfic series. And review so I can continue.

Jigokuinu: Now Shinjitaka has two series to work on.

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: Hai... "Stealing Your Heart" and now this.

Jigokuinu: And don't forget the Holiday fics.

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: <|O._.O|> Don't remind me of all the things I have to write... AND S+S FOREVA!!!! So..if you think one of my fics won't have even a speck of S+S in it... YOU ARE OUTTA YOUR MIND!!!

Jigokuini: -_- *sigh* Enjoy!


"Congraudulations." the principal said. It was graduation day at Tomeoda High School and the student all seemed very relieved since the nightmare was all over with.

"WOO-HOO!" the students yelled and threw their hats into the air.

"So what are you expecting to do now, Shaoran?" Sakura asked, after graduation. All the students were having a graduation party and Sakura, Syaoran, and Tomoyo were all standing together enjoying the snacks and beverages.

"I am not so sure." Syaoran told. "I was planning on getting my own place or go on with my heritage and become the Li Clan leader."

Tomoyo smiled, "That would be nice."

"What about you, Tomoyo?" Sakura asked, turning her head to her friend.

Tomoyo sighed dreamly, "I am just planning on making more costumes and filming you, Sakura."

"Hoooee.." Sakura sweatdropped.

Syaoran sighed, "Are you ever going to do anything that involves a carrer?"

"Costume designing." Tomoyo grined.

Syaoran, curious, looked at Sakura. "What are you expecting to do?"

"I'm not sure, either." Sakura said. "Probably find a job. My brother probably won't let me get my own house, after all, he is on the protective side."

Meiling ran over with a giant smile on her face, "Hi guys." she said.

"Hello Meiling." Sakura greeted.

Meiling looked at her friends, "Glad that is over, huh?"

"Yeah." Syaoran nodded.

Tomoyo put on a depressed look, "Although, I may miss some of my friends here."

"Yeah." Meiling said. "I guess that is a flaw."

Sakura looked at her wristwatch and grunted, "Listen, I have to go home. Touya is wanting me to be home early."

"Alright." Meiling, Tomoyo, and Syaoran said in unison.

Tomoyo waved, "See you soon."

"Bye." Sakura said and left out the door of the school and ran all the way home so Touya wouldn't be angry. She opened the door and walked in, "I'm home!" she hollered, hoping, if Touya was there, would hear her.

Touya walked around the corner to see her, "You're late..kaijuu." he said.

"What?" Sakura said, "You told me to be home at 11:30 and it's 11:30. And I am not a monster!"

Touya shook his head, "No, it's 11:31 and you are thirty seconds late."

"That shoudln't count." Sakura whined. "I am seventeen, Touya. I should be allowed out late."

Touya grined, "Not in my date book."

"Ohh.." Sakura said walking up to her brother and stomping on Touya's foot before leaving to the stairs to go to her room. She reached her room and to see Kero, Guardian Beast of the Seal, palying his favorite video game. "Hi Kero." Sakura greeted him.

Kero, pressing buttons fastly, got the time to greet her back. "Welcome back." he said and continued pressing the controllers buttons rapidly.

Sakura sat on her bed, "Stupid Touya." she said, grabbing Syaoran Bear and hugging him. "He still treats me as if I was twelve." she than looked up, "I am an adult now. I have the right to go out and stay out late anytime now. Which means I have the right to be by myself." she thank took Syaoran Bear and looked at his face, the bear was dark gray and black beaded eyes and small tilted ears. Syaoran Bear always had a smile on his face at the rear of his snout was his small oval black nose. He was so adorable. "And that means I have the right to be on my own, too." Sakura said.

"Talking to yourself again Sakura?" Kero asked, floating up to her.

Sakura shook her head and smiled at Kero, "No. It's okay, I'm fine."

"Alright." he said. "Well, I saved my video game. I am pretty tired anyway, so I am going to go ahead and sleep."

Sakura gave a nod, "Hai. Good night, Kero."

"Good night." Kero answered and flew into his bedroom and climbed in his tiny bed inside Sakura's drawer and fell asleep so suddenly.

Sakura hugged onto Syaoran Bear one last time before putting him up. "Well, I can be on my own. Ne?" she than placed the bear down and climbed in her covers of her bed and quietly fell asleep.

"Get up Sakura!" Touya yelled from downstairs, trying to get his sleeping sister to awake. "Hey, Sakura!"

Sakura's eyes opened slowly from the noise of Touya. Her eyes finally opened fully, "Hoe?" she looked around and her eyes traveled to her clock to see it was almost 8:00 "Hoooee! I'm going to be late for school!" she rushed up and went to her closet searching for her high school uniform. She started getting dressed and Kero pushed open Sakura's drawer and peeking out.

"Hey, Sakura." Kero said. "I thought you didn't have to go to school anymore."

Sakura dashed from one side of the room to another to get ready, she than paused of what Kero had said. She felt so embarrased. "Hooooeee!" she hollered falling to the ground.

"Sakura!" Touya called once more, "Hurry up, someone is wanting to talk you!"

Sakura blinked, "I wonder who it is?" she jumped up and ran down the stairs to walk up to Touya, "May I have the phone?"

"Sure." Touya said, handing the phone to Sakura. "It's the Chinese gaki." he than rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen.

Sakura put the phone to her ear, "Shaoran?" she said, waiting for him to talk.

"Hello, Sakura." Syaoran said. "How are you?"

Sakura giggled, "Fine. Is that the reason you called? To ask how I was doing?"

"No." Syaoran said, "I actually called you to ask you a question."

Sakura smiled, "Nani?"

"I was wondering," Syaoran said unsteadily, "I mean- we have been great friends for awhile, and now that we are officially seventeen and everything."

Sakura, getting impatient for his question, asked, "What is it?"

"I just wanted to know if you were willing to..share an apartment room with me?" Syaoran asked.

Sakura blushed, thinking of staying with Syaoran, it would seem as if they were living in their own house togheter as a married couple. "I-I ummm.." Sakura stuttered.

"That's what I thought you would say." Syaoran sighed.

Sakura stopped him, she knew he would probably hang up or something. "Just give me a day. I will think about the offer. And, I will call you tomorrow with my answer. Okay?"

"Alright." Syaoran said. "Just, I hope it isn't that bad."

Sakura grined, "Be an optimist for me until I give you the answer."

"Alright." Syaoran said, letting a smile appear on his face. "Goodbye."

"Bye." Sakura said and hung up her phone. She stood there for awhile before going into the kitchen.

Touya, wondering, asked his sister. "What did he want?"

"N-Nothing." Sakura said. For she knew, Touya would blow his top if he knew Syaoran asked her to live with him in an apartment.

Touya noded, knowing something was going on. "Alright." he served Sakura her breakfeast.

Syaoran started to pack his things such as clothes, valuables, etc. in his bag to move out from his house. "I need to have someone come with me." he said to himself, "I don't want to go and live by myself in an apartment."

"Xiaolang..." Yelan said, opening his door.

Syaoran looked over at his mother, "Yes?"

"I heard you talking about having to be with someone." Yelan said. "Am I right?"

Syaoran noded, "Yeah."

"You asked the Cards Mistress'?" she asked.

Syaoran, nervously answered. "Yes. But, she has to think about it. Anyways, her answer will probably be 'no'." Syaoran's face faulted.

"Xiaolang, she is your friend." Yelan smiled, "She cares for you. Don't be saying she will say 'no'. Try to be optimist about this."

Syaoran sighed, "I am." he looked over at his mother, "It's just not working that well."

"Believe me Xiaolang." Yelan said. "If she answers, it will more or likely not turn out as a no." she smiled and walked out the door leaving Syaoran confused.

She won't say no?... Syaoran thought

What am I saying? Mothers have a tendency to lie?

...Well, my mother is right. Sakura is my friend. She cares for me, right?

Why would she say no?


Why did I choose her to be my room mate??

Syaoran grunted, it has been awhile since he was thinking about Sakura that much. After all, it has been a couple years since they broke up from their relationship. But, Syaoran doesn't feel that way. He feels more....loving to her...more than a friend.

"I think you should except." Tomoyo told Sakura. Tomoyo was over at Sakura's house, they were both sitting in Sakura's room.

Sakura looked at Tomoyo, "Do you really think so?" she looked down, "I wasn't really sure. So, I wanted to ask you for advice."

"Oh, Sakura, You don't have to treat my like I am some kind of love construtor." she smiled at Sakura.

Sakura noded, "I know tha-" she than blushed, at what Tomoyo had told. "Tomoyo! I am not in love with Shaoran!" Tomoyo could just giggle at Sakura's reaction.

"Well," Tomoyo suggested. "You always wanted to leave home away from your brother. Now's your chance."

Sakura smiled, "You're right. Than I wouldn't have to put up with all his insults." her face faulted, "But..I'll miss it.."

"What?" Tomoyo asked.

Sakura grined, "Stomping on his foot." Tomoyo smiled.

"I am sure he will be fine without his feet getting stomped." Tomoyo said.

Kero floated up, "I will fill you in."

"But, he doesn't even know you." Sakura said. "Maybe you are right, Tomoyo. Maybe I should go with Syaoran." she looked out her windows, smiling, "Afterall, this may be a good time..."

"For what?" Tomoyo asked, getting her out of her dazed mode.

Sakura blushed, and shook her head to get back to reality. "To..umm...ano..spend more time with him..and..and..." Tomoyo smiled at Sakura's love confusion, she seemed so cute that way, "and...get to know him more."

"I see." Tomoyo said. "Make sure to say 'hi' to Syaoran for me."

Sakura gave a nod, "Hai."

"So, you will?" Syaoran asked, talking on his cell phone. His brown amber eyes showed that he was amazed and full of emotion such as happiness. "T-That's great! So, when should I pick you up to go to our apartment?" he walked down to his bed and sat down on the edge listening to Sakura's reply. "Okay...10:00 it is." he smiled gently, "Okay, bye to you too." he thang hung up.

I guess my mother was right... Syaoran thought,

She didn't say no.

I feel so happy and yet..

I feel...

feel...weird, yet..I feel as if I


"Ugggh!" Syaoran grunted, "Not this again!" he looked at his clock to see the blinking numbers of 9:30. "Half an hour.." he said to himself. "Might as well go for a ride..." he than walked out of his house.

"YOU'RE WHAT!?!?" Touya hollered madley at Sakura.

Sakura sighed, "I am moving out."

"With that Chinese Gaki!?!?" Touya growled.

Sakura looked at her brother mad, "He is not a brat. And yes, I am."

"But- But, you can't!!" Touya said.

Fujitaka smiled, like he always does. "I think it is great."

"Ahh.." Sakura looked at her father and smiled, "Arigatou, Otou-san! Arigatou!" she gave him a tender hug.

Touya stammered, "But, how could you let her go!?"

"She is growing older." Fujitaka said, still smiling, "She is old enough to go out on her own."

Touya basically roared, "But with that BOY!?"

"He's a boy?" Fujitaka said. "I always thought that Li-san was a girl."

Sakura sweatdropped, "Otou-san...."

"Well, that better describes him." Touya said.

Sakura grunted, "Ooohh!! Be nice!" the sudden doorbell rang gave Sakura a jump, she looked at the clock to see it was ten o' clock. "That must be Syaoran!"

"I'll get it." Fujitaka insisted and walked up to the door, he opened the door to see Syaoran. "Ah," Fujitaka welcomed, "Hello. Sakura is expecting you."

"Thanks." Syaoran said.

Fujitaka went to his side so Syaoran could come in, "Please come in young lady." he said. Syaoran was about to walk in but paused at what he said. "Aren't you going to come in?" Fujitaka asked.

"Yeah..." Syaoran said, a bit confused and walked in.

Sakura walked over, holding her bags. "Hi Syaoran."

Syaoran was amazed, she looked so beautiful. She was wearing a gourgeous pink dress and her light amber hair up..

Beautiful... Syaoran thought, "B-Beautiful." Syaoran, blushed, realizing he just spoke what was on his mind.

Sakura, too, blushed. "T-Thank you." afterall, it would be rude if she didn't say anything or thank him.

"Well, ladies." Fujitaka smiled, "Might as well get going, ne?"

Sakura noded, "Hai."'

"H-Hai.." Syaoran stuttered. "Ready?" he asked Sakura.

Sakura smiled at him, "Of course."

"Have fun." Fujitaka said.

Sakura walked to the door with Syaoran, "Alright."

"Bye." Fujitaka said and Sakura gave a good-bye wave. Sakura and Syaoran than went out the door and Syaoran shut the door behind the him and followed Sakura.

Syaoran shook his head, "Did you noticed you father was calling me a female?"

"Yes." Sakura said. "He thinks you are really woman."

Syaoran gave a nod, "Oh." he walked up to his car and opened the door for Sakura, she got in and Syaoran went over to the drivers seat and got into the car and sat down. "You are going to love the apartment." he said.

"Do you really think so?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran nodded, "Of course. I promise you will love it." he started the car and drove out onto the road, driving to their destination, "Wait.." he said, "Your dad thinks I'm a woman!?"

"And make sure to pay the rent." the owner of the apartment told Syaoran and Sakura, "I don't want no loud noises or else, you are kicked out. You can put anything in the room as long as you don't disturb your neighbors or, you are kicked out. You may paint your room, as long as you don't make loud noise or you are kicked out. No parties or you are kicked out. And so forth." he looked at Syaoran and Sakura "No sex, since it makes too much noise." Sakura and Syaoran blushed. He walked them to a door and gave them both a key to it. "Here, have a good time here." the than walked off.

"Thanks.." Syaoran said and looked at Sakura. "Well.." he put the key in the door knobs' key slot and turned the key to unlock the door and he swung it open, it was a big room, with six rooms. It was easy to see that one room was a kitchen, since it has cupboards and a kitchen sink. But, eachother room was empty, nothing but carpet and walls, all the walls were white, it could basically blind you. Syaoran and Sakura looked at eachother. "Might as well get to work." Syaoran smiled.

"Hai." Sakura smiled back. They both smiled at eachother and than scanned the room, they were now room mates, happy to get away, happy to be together, to get to know eachother more. But...

will all that change?...


How you like it? Please review! I need inspiration. And, this is going to be S+S so, don't worry. I just need reviews. And, read my profile and you will understand if I will not update for awhile x.x See you...sometime.

Ja ne!

(Hoping to see reviews for this fic when I'm back <|^._.^|> )