Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Unappreciated Love ❯ Angry Confession ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Unappreciated Love

by Lyeza

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in Cardcaptor Sakura. They belong to Clamp.

Chapter 5: Angry Confession

"So, Sakura. How's the confession go?" Tomoyo asked eagerly when she saw Sakura practically skipped into the room. "I wanted to videotape it but Kero stopped me," Tomoyo explained and waited for Sakura to tell her all about it.

"I met the dreamiest, most charming guy you can ever seen. He's a guest here too," Sakura said.

"Hey, what about Syaoran? Did you not confess to him?" Tomoyo asked, confused.

"What's this about another guy. I thought you love Syaoran?" Kero asked at the same time.

"I do not want to talk about it," Sakura said.

"But..." said both Kero and Tomoyo.

"Just leave it at that, ok? I need to go and wash up," Sakura interrupted and headed for the washroom. Kero and Tomoyo looked at one another. Something wrong was definitely going on.

During lunch

Syaoran could not wait for lunch to be over. He had intended to bring Sakura aside after lunch so that he could tell her how he feel about her and asked her to marry him. He stole a glance at Sakura. She seemed to be avoiding his gaze. Suddenly, Sakura looked up to find him staring intently at her. Syaoran blushed and smiled at her but to his surprise, she looked away immediately. Syaoran frowned. He wondered what he had done to offend her.

"Everyone, I have an announcement for you. We have a very special guest who just arrived here this morning. He will be with us for a few weeks. He will be here any minute now," Yelan announced. As if on cue, a knock sounded on the door and a young man entered. "Shiine, glad that you're able to join us for lunch. Let me introduce you to everyone," Yelan said to Shiine. Kero and Tomoyo looked at Sakura who was smiling brightly at Shiine. Yelan then introduced them to those present at the table.

When she was about to introduce him to Sakura, Shiine cut in and said, "Sakura. Its a pleasure to meet you again."

"Same goes here, Shiine," Sakura replied, returning Shiine's smile with a smile of her own.

Everyone's mouth dropped open in shock at this exchange. Syaoran tensed when he saw how familiar Shiine and Sakura are to each other. They had even called each other by their first name. "When did she meet him and what the heck is Shiine doing gazing at his fiancé like that?" Syaoran thought angrily.

"You have met each other before?" Shiefa asked the very question that was on everyone's mind.

"Yes," Shiine answered still gazing at Sakura. "We met this morning in the garden."

"Well, then. Why don't you sit over there?" Yelan asked pointing to a seat beside Sakura.

"I'll be glad to," Shiine said and settled beside Sakura.

When dinner was over, Shiine turned to Sakura and asked, "Sakura, I know you are also a guest here but I'm sure you are quite familiar with this place already. Will you please show me around?"

"I'll love to but don't you rather have a member of the Li family show you around. After all, they know about this place more than I do," Sakura said.

"Please, Sakura," he pleaded charmingly.

"Well, ok," Sakura conceded and they both excused themselves from the room.

Syaoran watched them leave. Inside, he was seething. He had already planned something perfect for Sakura and that guy just had to come along and ruined everything for him.

"That Shiine is really handsome," Shiefa said, unwittingly rubbing salt in the wound.

"Too bad he's younger than us," Feimei said with a laugh.

Syaoran could not take it anymore. He was beyond fury. Its bad enough to see how Shiine was hitting on his fiancé and now, even his sisters were swooning over that creep. Abruptly, he stood up and left.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Feimei asked.

"To my room. Where else," Syaoran answered harshly and left.

"What just happened?" Fanren asked after Syaoran left.

"Our brother is jealous, duh," Shiefa replied, stating the obvious while rolling her eyes.

"I know. I mean, what is going on between Sakura and Shiine? They look too close for comfort," Fanren asked, looking hopefully at Tomoyo and Kero for answers.

"We too have no idea. This morning, Sakura told Kero that she was going to confess her feelings to Syaoran but when she came back, she was talking about another guy. When we asked her about Syaoran, she stubbornly refused to say anything. We are also very confused," Tomoyo explained. Kero just nodded in agreement at Tomoyo's words.

"Who is that Shiine guy anyway?" Touya asked Yelan. He was angry to know that someone else was making a move on his ever-so-clueless sister.

Actually, he told me he was a traveller from Taiwan and came here for a mission to find someone. He asked if he could stay here for a while," answered Yelan.

"Its not like you to let travellers in just like that, mother," Fuutie countered.

"I know but he sounded so desperate yet sincere. I felt sorry for him," Yelan said. Truthfully, she herself was unsure how he had managed to convince her to let him stay in her house.

"I don't like him. Something is not right about him," Kero said thoughtfully. At one time, he thought he sensed a dark aura coming from Shiine but it disappeared almost immediately that Kero thought it was probably his imagination.

"Something wrong has also happened between Sakura and Syaoran. Sakura did not want to talk about it and I doubt Syaoran will tell us. I don't want them to break the engagement," Tomoyo said.

"Listen, everyone. No one is to interfere in their relationship. If there really is a problem between them, they have to sort this out on their own. Do not get involve. Do you all understand?" Yelan warned.

Everyone nodded but they were very disappointed that they could not help the couple.

For days after that, Sakura and Syaoran were not on speaking terms with one another. They avoided each other every chance they got. For Syaoran, he had decided not to confess to Sakura. He noticed that Sakura had been spending a lot of time with Shiine and he kept his distance. It hurt him to see them enjoying themselves together. Many a time, he just wanted to approach them and told Shiine to leave his fiancé alone but he just held back. Instead, he spend more time wandering aimlessly around town. He still loved Sakura but he was not sure what she felt him. For all he knew, she was already in love with Shiine.

Sakura, on the other hand, mistakenly thought that Syaoran's neglect of her was because he did not feel obligated to look after her anymore now that she was well and would rather spend time with his girlfriend. As a result, she had decided to spend more time with Shiine instead. Never did she know that the more time she spent with Shiine, the further she was driving herself and Syaoran apart. Even though, Shiine had been wonderful to her all the time, Sakura still missed Syaoran and sometimes wished she was with Syaoran instead.

"Sakura?" Shiine asked. "Are you listening to me? You're thinking about your fiancé again, don't you?"

"Yes. I'm sorry," said Sakura sheepishly. They were in the living room watching television.

"You know, you should just move on," Shiine said softly.

"But I don't want to move on," said Sakura.

"Sometimes, they are just certain things that you can't hold on to and you must let go," Shiine persuaded.

"I don't know," Sakura said uncertainly and faced Shiine.

Shiine gazed at Sakura and smiled. Slowly, he tucked a lock of stray hair behind her ear.

Syaoran had just returned from his routine aimless tour around town. As he passed the living room, he heard some voices coming from within. Curious, he took a peep inside and what he saw made him boil in anger. Shiine was tucking a lock of Sakura's hair behind her ear.

"What is going on in here?" Syaoran burst out.

"Syaoran!" Sakura exclaimed in horror.

"I can explain," Shiine said confidently as he stood up.

"I don't want any explanation from you. I ought to break your neck after what you have done. However, I have a more important discussion I will like to have with my fiancé. So, please leave!" Syaoran ordered, stressing on the word 'fiancé'. Sakura flinched.

"I'll be in the porch if you need me," Shiine informed Sakura and with a glare at Syaoran, he left the room.

There was a long tense silent before Sakura spoke up. "Syaoran..." Sakura began.

"What do you think you're doing with that guy? Have you forgotten that I'm you fiancé?" Syaoran cut in furiously.

"Its not what you think," Sakura protested.

"Oh yeah!" Syaoran said sarcastically. "You have been spending most of your time with him anyway. Don't you know how to behave in a manner that fits your station as my future wife?" he mocked. Too clouded he was by anger that he did not notice what he had just said.

Sakura's patience snapped. All her pent-up emotions were finally let out as she said, "Why do I even bother reasoning with you anyway. You're totally insufferable and that's not all, you're the worst kind of hypocrite! How dare you lecture me on how I should behave as your fiancé. Just look at yourself. You have a fiancé and a girlfriend. You did not let her go even though you're engaged to me. I caught both of you kissing before and you did not even look sorry about it. Then I saw you again hugging her that day I met Shiine. It hurts you know. It really hurts because.....," Sakura's voice began to crack. Syaoran looked stunned. He took a step towards Sakura but Sakura's fierce glare forced him to take a step back. "I'm not finished. It hurts because... because I love you! How stupid can I be? I love you and I thought you might come to love me too but.... you.... Meiling. But I have enough of this! I'm breaking our engagement," Sakura cried and ran away.

"Sakura!" Syaoran called and ran after her.

"Don't you dare come near me or I'll break your bones to pieces and I really mean what I say," Sakura warned and ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

"Oh, god! What have I done?" Syaoran thought in horror. After hearing Sakura's outburst, all the pieces came into place. Sakura had loved him but when he saw the hug that he shared with Meiling that day, she thought that he still loved Meiling and all the time he had spent with her was just an act. No wonder she had turned to Shiine for comfort. "She loves me but what have I done?" Syaoran thought with despair. He buried his head in his hands. He did not deserve her.

"Get me out of this place now," Sakura cried and pleaded with Shiine who was waiting for her at the porch.

"Where?" Shiine asked.

"Anywhere but here. I just need to get out of this place for a while," answered Sakura, her face wet with tears.

"Alright," Shiine said with a satisfied smile.

One hour later, they arrived at a very secluded beach. "Where are we?" asked Sakura.

"Just a place I found recently," Shiine replied vaguely. "Let's sit here for a while and you can tell me all that had happened in the room." Once they were settled, Sakura told Shiine what had happened after he had left. Shiine just remained silent as he listened to Sakura.

"I feel horrible. I just want to die," Sakura finished.

"Die?" Shiine asked. There was a hopeful tone in his voice. Sakura looked up uneasily at Shiine. She did not like the tone of his voice. Shiine abruptly stood up.

"Is something wrong, Shiine?" Sakura asked, slightly terrified.

Shiine smiled an evil smile and said, "No! Not at all. Things are finally looking up for me". As Sakura looked in horror, Shiine changed form into a familiar figure. "Don't you miss me, Card Mistress?" 'Shiine' asked.

"Toru," Sakura said, the terror in her voice was evident.

"I finally got you and this time, you won't escape," Toru announced triumphantly.


"Syaoran! What are you doing alone in the living room. Where's Sakura?" Tomoyo asked.

"I don't know. She'll probably out with Shiine," Syaoran said brokenly.

"In this kind of weather? Is she crazy?" Feimei exclaimed.

Syaoran looked up. Something wrong was going on. He stood up and looked out the window. Feimei was right. It was pouring heavily. "Search the whole ground for Sakura," he ordered and ran out of the room in search of his beloved.

Ten minutes later, Tomoyo ran up to Syaoran, panting heavily. "Syaoran..." she began but paused to take a breath.

"Hurry, Tomoyo. Where is she?" urged Syaoran impatiently.

"A guard told me that both she and Shiine left about half an hour ago by cab. He did not know where they went though."

"Whatt!!!!!" Syaoran exclaimed, his apprehension growing. "I have to look for her. I think she's in danger. You go and tell the rest what had happened and ask them to wait until I return," Syaoran said to Tomoyo and left.

"Please bring her back safely, Syaoran" Tomoyo prayed.

"Oh god! Please don't let me be too late. Please don't let anything happen to her," Syaoran too prayed.

TO BE CONTINUED................................................