Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Unappreciated Love ❯ Final Chapter: A Love To Treasure ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Unappreciated Love

by Lyeza

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in Cardcaptor Sakura. They belong to Clamp.

Chapter 7 (Final Chapter): A Love to Treasure

In the hospital

It was a somber moment for Syaoran and the rest. Syaoran, his family and Sakura's family have been waiting outside the ICU for hours now. All were staring at the closed door expectantly with hope and yet with a mixture of dreaded fear. Of all the people present there, Syaoran was the most distraught. He had been pacing back and forth non-stop until his sisters complained that he was making them dizzy. Even when he was sitting, he kept fidgeting nervously.

"Arggghhhhh!" Syaoran shouted in frustration as he punched the wall beside him. Everyone turned to stare at him. They were rather frightened by his behaviour.

"Syaoran," Yelan warned sternly. Syaoran turned to his mother. Yelan saw the anxiety and intense regret in Syaoran's eyes. Gentling her tone, she said, "I know what you are going through and I understand that you are worried about her. We all too feel the same way. However we have to stay strong, not just for our sake but for Sakura's sake as well."

Syaoran looked down at his hands. "I'm sorry, mother. Its just that I feel so helpless. Sakura had sacrificed her life to save me. I should have been the one in there instead of her," he said.

"Syaoran.....," Yelan started, trying to find the right words to soothe her son's anguish.

"I have failed. I have failed, mother. I have promised myself that I would protect her even at the expense of my life but it was she who saved me," Syaoran continued as hot tears spilled down his cheeks.

Fujitaka walked over to the distraught boy. "You did all you could to help her. If not for you, Toru would still not be defeated. Now, don't lose hope. We just have to pray and hope that she's going to be alive," Fujitaka comforted Syaoran.

Just then, the door to the ICU opened and they all rushed towards the doctor that they almost knocked him down. "How is she?" Syaoran asked impatiently, his heart was beating a mile per second. The doctor looked at the hopeful faces in front of him. He shook his head sadly and answered, "I'm sorry."(AN to readers: Don't kill me yet! Please, just continue to read.)

Hearing those two words from the doctor the group broke down. Tomoyo and Syaoran's sister huddled close to one another as they sobbed uncontrollably. Fujitaka and Touya stared at the doctor as though not believing what the doctor had said. Yelan hugged the pale Syaoran as tears formed in her eyes. "No...." Syaoran whispered. "She can't die. He's just joking," he said softly, trying so hard to deny what he had just heard.

"I'm not joking. When you brought her here, she was already beyond reach. She's now in a coma and the chances of her waking up are almost nil. Maybe in a few weeks, she will just slip away. I'm really sorry. I did the best I could. Maybe you just pray hard and hope for a miracle," the doctor explained.

"You're incompetent!" Syaoran burst out angrily. "How could you let her die!"

"Syaoran, that's enough. There's no use getting worked up now," Yelan reprimanded Syaoran. Turning to the doctor, she apologised, "I'm sorry too. Thank you for trying to save Sakura."

The doctor nodded at the apology. He looked at Syaoran with understanding and said, "You can go in and see her if you want. Only one person can go in at a time." Syaoran looked at the rest and they nodded their approval. Syaoran immediately went in. Lying in the center of the room was Sakura. He walked towards her and said, "Why did you save me, Sakura? Why? After all the hurt and unhappiness that I have caused you, you still save me. I don't deserve it." He held her limp hands in his tightly as though trying to infuse his strength to her. Her hands felt cold. "Don't leave me, Sakura. I love you. You meant the whole world to me. Please be alive," Syaoran pleaded to the unconscious Sakura.

For a few minutes, he just waited and stared at her, hoping that somehow she would wake up and respond to his words. He was disappointed. "I'll wait for you, Sakura. Just come back to us. I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes. I'll be here beside you all the time until you wake up," Syaoran vowed, determined not to give up hope yet.

"Syaoran," a voice called. Syaoran turned and saw Fujitaka standing at the doorway. "Can I see her now," Fujitaka asked. Syaoran nodded wordlessly and with one last look at Sakura, he turned and left the room.

After everyone had taken their turn to visit Sakura, they all decided to leave but Syaoran stubbornly refused to leave. He convinced the doctor and the rest that he should be allowed to stay. For days after that, Syaoran rarely left Sakura's side. He slept in the chair beside her bed even though it was very uncomfortable and only left when his family or Sakura's family wanted to visit her. The moment they left, he would sit beside her again and talked to her hoping that somehow she could hear him and come back to him.

It had been two weeks since Sakura was admitted to the hospital. Sakura was still showing no sign of recovery and Syaoran was beginning to lose hope. "Don't go Sakura. I need you. Please..." Syaoran said to Sakura. " When you are well, I will bring you to all the places you can only dream of. We will have a lot of fun together. There are so many things I want to tell you. So many things I have yet to share with you. Please come back. Are you listening, Sakura?" Syaoran looked hopefully at Sakura but as usual, Sakura remained unmoving. "I love you, Sakura. Give me some hope," Syaoran cried and dropped his head on the hospital bed as despair settled in. Somehow, he realised that Sakura would never wake up.

Suddenly, a bright light filled the room. Syaoran looked up. His green aura began to flare and so did Sakura's pink aura until they filled the whole room. Syaoran looked around in confusion. After a few seconds, pink and green swirls surrounded Sakura. "What's going on?" Syaoran asked. A pink light shone towards Sakura and a card materialized on her hand. The card glowed for a while as though absorbing the pink light that was shining on Sakura. Finally it stopped and the whole room returned to normal. Syaoran looked at the card in Sakura's hand. "Hope," he read. (AN: In this story, this is how "Hope" card was created)

Sakura moved. Syaoran looked expectantly at Sakura. Sakura's eyes opened and she found herself staring into Syaoran's eyes. "Syaoran," she whispered.

"You're alive!" exclaimed Syaoran happily as intense relief overcame him. He hugged Sakura tightly. Then, he excitedly went outside to inform the rest who were talking to the doctor. They had just arrived at the hospital. "Sakura's alive!" Syaoran told the stunned group. For a while, everyone just stared at him, not believing what he had said.

"Really!!!" Tomoyo squealed. "I want to see her," she said as she rushed into the room. The others followed her. Sakura's room, quiet moments ago, was now filled with noise as everyone excitedly talk to Sakura.

"I'm so glad that you're alright. We were worried about you," Fujitaka said with a smile as he ruffled her hair. Yelan looked at the doctor. She knew he was surprised that Sakura managed to get out of her coma. Something caught her eyes. On the bed beside Sakura, she saw a pink card. "Hope card," she whispered. She could sense pink and green aura coming from it. She knew that this card was not created by Clow. She guessed that Sakura's and Syaoran's feelings for each other was so strong that they somehow created this card and this card was the one that helped to bring Sakura back. "Everyone, Sakura is still tired. Let her rest tonight. We shall visit her again tomorrow," Yelan said stopping the commotion when she noticed how pale and tired Sakura looked. Turning to Sakura, she asked, "Will that be alright with you, Sakura?" she asked.

"Yes," Sakura croaked for her throat was still dry.

"We'll see you tomorrow then. Sleep well," Yelan said and hugged Sakura. After saying their goodbyes, they turned and left, leaving behind the now awake Sakura and a slightly uncomfortable Syaoran. It was a tense moment for both of them. This was the first time they were alone together since their heated argument.

Unable to withstand the suspense anymore, Sakura asked neutrally, "I found this card when I woke up. Do you know how I got this?" Sakura held up the Hope card and looked at Syaoran. Syaoran had a disappointed look on his face. Syaoran was rather disappointed to know that she rather talked about the card than their relationship. There were so many things that they had to resolve between them but she seemed to want to avoid it. He frowned. Whether she liked it or not, he was going to talk about it.

"We created the card," Syaoran said simply. Sakura just looked at him in confusion. Taking a deep breath, he continued, "Somehow.... somehow.... it understood my feelings for you and decided to give us a second chance. I love you, Sakura. You're worth more than anything in this world to me." He looked hopefully at Sakura.

For a moment Sakura's heart sang with joy when she heard Syaoran's confession but she tempered it down immediately. "He was probably saying that because he felt guilty over what had happened," Sakura thought sadly. Tears were forming in her eyes. "No," she said softly. "You are just saying that because you feel sorry over what had happened. You don't have to say it to make me feel better. You don't mean it."

Grabbing Sakura's hand in his, Syaoran fervently said, "I really do mean it, Sakura. I love you. It has nothing to do with me feeling guilty..."

"You don't understand," Sakura interrupted. "You don't have to pretend to care for me. You have never cared for me. It was just like the last time when I was injured. You stayed by me and looked after me that I came to believe that I meant a great deal to you. You made me fall in love with you. Then when I was well, you went back to your girlfriend, Meiling," Sakura said. Syaoran opened his mouth to protest but Sakura cut him off again, "Don't try to deny it. I saw both of you hugging together in the garden. Can't you see? There's no need for you to pretend anymore. I know you really don't love me."

"Its you who do not understand. This is not a pretense. It is you I love. Only you, Sakura, and no one else. Please believe me," Syaoran pleaded.

"What about Meiling?" Sakura asked.

"I don't love her," Syaoran explained curtly not wanting to tell Sakura all the details.

"But she's your girlfriend," Sakura countered. Syaoran looked uneasily at Sakura. "You're hiding something from me, aren't you? Can you please be honest for once," said Sakura in exasperation.

Taking a deep breath, Syaoran explained, "Actually, she is not my girlfriend. first.... I do not want to be engaged to you. Even before you reached here, I have already made up my mind to get rid of you but it all changed since I got to know you."

Sakura was furious. "That kiss. It was for my benefit then. You purposely kissed Meiling so that you could hurt me and make me cry off the engagement," she growled. She could not believe she had fallen for such a self-centered, egoistic, idiotic, insensitive guy.

Syaoran dropped his head in shame. "I did it to drive you away but I do regret it. I did not know you then, but when I fell in love with you, I told Meiling that I wanted it to stop. That day, when you saw me hugging Meiling, I had told her that I love you and I did not want to continue with the scheme. I had also asked for her forgiveness for something I had done to her in the past. She was actually my ex-fiancé. The embrace you saw there was just a gesture of forgiveness," Syaoran said.

"I guess you must have done something to push her away too," Sakura said sarcastically. She was shocked by this new revelation. Syaoran flushed with guilty embarrassment. "Well," Sakura said crossing her arms. "You pushed me away too. You must be proud of your accomplishment. Getting rid of 2 fiancés you do not want to be saddled with."

"Sakura, I'm not pushing you away now. I want you to marry me," Syaoran protested.

"I don't think I can marry you. After all, you had already told me that I do not know how to behave in a manner that fits my station as your future wife," Sakura said, repeating the words Syaoran had said to her that fateful night.

"I don't mean it, Sakura. I was just jealous of Shiine. You're the perfect wife for me," Syaoran said.

Sakura sighed and said, "Just leave me alone, Syaoran. I'm tired of getting my heart broken. I'm tired of trying to second-guess you all the time fearing that you have an ulterior motive behind your actions. I don't trust you anymore. Now, just leave me alone."

"Don't be difficult," Syaoran snapped. He was starting to feel frustrated and angry. He was rather upset by how this conversation had turned out.

"What did you say?" Sakura shouted. "Arrggg! Just leave me!"

"But..." Syaoran protested.

"Just leave me alone," Sakura repeated while cupping her ears. "I do not want to listen to you anymore." Syaoran looked at Sakura. There was a resigned look on his face. He knew he had lost. Slowly, he turned and left. After he left, Sakura cried uncontrollably. "Why did I fall in love with you?"

For days after that, Sakura and Syaoran barely talked to one another. Syaoran only visited Sakura when there was someone else with him and he just watched her silently with hooded expression. Sakura, on the other hand, tried her best to ignore him but once a while, she did cast a wistful glance at him when she thought no one was looking. The others were aware about what had happened but Yelan always warned them not to interfere in their relationship.

2 months later, Sakura was at the Li's mansion packing her bags in the room. She was fully recovered and had decided to return to Japan. She had told everyone that she had decided to break the engagement and they all had accepted her decision though reluctantly. Knock! Knock! Sakura turned towards the door hopefully. "Co...come...iiiinn," she stammered, unwanted hope rising in her. "Oh, it is you," said Sakura with disappointment. Her face fell.

"You're hoping to see someone else?" Meiling asked gently. Sakura kept quiet. "I heard you're leaving," Meiling said. Sakura still remained silent. Seeing Sakura was not about to say anything, Meiling continued," Don't do something you might regret. Don't do this to Syaoran, please. Don't to this to yourself too. I know you love him and you still want to stay. I can see it in your eyes. He did a very unforgivable thing to you but you have to learn to forgive him. He is, after all, a normal human being."

"I don't understand. Why are you defending him? Don't you hate him too after what he did to you?" Sakura asked.

"I'm defending him because I believe that despite all his faults, he really is a great guy. And I know you know it too. Deep within your heart, you know he is a wonderful guy who can bring a lot of happiness to you. He's a good kind of guy, Sakura," Meiling answered.

"The kind you can live without?" Sakura snorted.

"No. The kind you can't live without. You need him, Sakura; just as much as he needed you. Give him another chance. Throughout his life, he had always been a harsh, cynical person. He was cold and never showed much feeling towards others. That is, until he met you. He loves you and I'm sure he does not want you to leave," Meiling persuaded Sakura.

Sakura looked at Meiling and said, "If it is Syaoran who is here now convincing me to stay, who says all the things you have said to me, I would have considered it. But its not him. He's probably somewhere else enjoying himself now that he knows he will be free of me."

"I doubt so," Meiling muttered.

"I have to finish packing. My flight is in two hours time. Thanks for trying to convince me to stay anyway," Sakura said and turned her attention back to packing her bags. Meiling sighed and left. She knew, this was one battle Syaoran had to fight by himself.

Meanwhile, Syaoran was in the garden, feeling very depressed. Sakura was leaving and he felt helpless to stop her. "What can I do?" Syaoran asked himself. "I have to do something. I have to try. I can't give her up yet," Syaoran said becoming more determined. Suddenly, he had an idea. He quickly summoned Wei and ordered him to get the car ready. "Bring me to the jeweler shop at once," he ordered. He knew he had not much time to waste.

One hour later, Syaoran returned. Running to the living room, he demanded, "Where's Sakura?" he asked. He was panting with exhaustion. He reached into his pocket and felt for the ring box. He could not wait to give it to her. Yelan and her daughters were sitting quietly in the living room. They were upset that Syaoran was not even present when Sakura and her family had left the house.

"She left," Fuutie said simply.

"What! You're joking," Syaoran said dropping to his knees. The resigned look on his family's face confirmed his fear. Still denying the truth, he ran upstairs to Sakura's room only to find it empty. "No!!!!!!" Syaoran shouted. "I have to get her. I'm going to the airport," Syaoran said as he ran to find Wei.

"We're coming with you too," Feimei said not wanting to miss part of the action. Within seconds, the whole family was seated in the limo and they left for the airport. "Please don't let me be too late," Syaoran prayed. The others were praying for the same thing too.

Half an hour later, at the airport

"You go ahead, Syaoran. Get Sakura first. We will be right behind you," Yelan told Syaoran. Syaoran ran into the airport. It was crowded and Syaoran found it hard to locate Sakura. He tried to sense her and started to follow in the direction of her aura. Then, he saw her walking not far away from him. However, the crowd was preventing him to get to her. He did not want to lose her to the crowd and did the only thing he could think of at the moment.

"Sakura! Wait!" Syaoran shouted. Everyone stopped moving and looked at Syaoran as though he was crazy. Miraculously, the crowd parted. Sakura turned and gasped when she saw Syaoran standing a few meters away from her. Her expression devoid of any emotions, she looked directly at Syaoran waiting for him to say something.

"This is it. I better not mess this one up," thought Syaoran anxiously. "Don't leave me, Sakura. I need you. I love you. Just look at me before I met you. I was an unfeeling guy who was insensitive towards the feelings of others. I never really cared for anyone. I was bored with my life and even hated it. You changed me, Sakura. You taught me the meaning of acceptance and compassion. You showed to me that life can be a wonderful place if you want it to. Most importantly Sakura, you taught me how to love. I love you with all my heart, Sakura and I know I will never be complete without you. Please spend a lifetime with me," Syaoran said pouring his heart out. The crowd looked in awe at the drama unfolding before them but Syaoran was oblivious to them. He was observing Sakura closely and noticed that she was wavering. Encouraged by the reaction, he pulled out the ring that he had bought just hours ago and said, "I know I don't deserve you. I know I will not make a perfect husband for you but I'm willing to learn. I will work hard to be the best husband in the world and make you the happiest woman alive. Just give me a chance. I swear you will never be hurt again. I'll protect and cherish you forever. I love you, Sakura. Don't give up on me? Marry me." He stared at Sakura, letting all the love he felt for her surfaced in his eyes.

Sakura stared back. She saw uncertainty and vulnerability in his eyes. She could see that he was afraid to lose her. But it was the love that she saw in his eyes that touched her the most. She knew then she could never leave him behind. She turned to her father, brother and Tomoyo who nodded their approval.

"Syaoran! I love you too," Sakura exclaimed. She ran towards Syaoran and threw herself at him. Syaoran caught her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, Sakura, for giving me another chance. Now that I have you, I'll never let you go again," Syaoran whispered in Sakura's ear. Cupping Sakura's face in his hands, he brought Sakura's face close to his and kissed her tenderly.

"Finally," Feimei said. The other sisters nodded with agreement. The crowd who was watching them burst into applause. There were catcalls and some of the women actually dabbed their tearful eyes with their handkerchiefs as they exclaimed how romantic the couple was.

Finally realising that they had audience, Syaoran let go off Sakura and blushed. He glared at the crowd for the lack of privacy. "Our first kiss," Sakura said in amazement.

Tearing his eyes away from the crowd who was still watching them, Syaoran looked at Sakura with a smile and said, "Yes. Our first kiss. And this is our second one." Again he kissed Sakura while ignoring the crowd.

When he finally broke the kiss he vowed, "I'm glad I found you, Sakura. I'll treasure our love forever."

It was indeed a love to treasure.

The End