Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Where it all began ❯ Meeting Up ( Chapter 1 )

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A young girl with short brown hair and drowsy green eyes reached up and smacked the alarm with a groan “Hoeei~...” She sits up and stretches as a drawer in her desk slides open and something that looks a lot like a golden stuffed bear with wings floats out and over to the girl, “Ohayou, Sakura...” Said the golden stuffy
“'Hayou, Kero-Chan.” Sakura said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
“So remind me again why `ya have to get up so early on a Sunday?” Said Kero as he bobbed up and down in midair, legs crossed, looking down at Sakura. When Sakura made no attempt to respond, but kept on looking at Kero, he let out a sigh and flew closer to her face. Waving frantically, and still not getting a response, he flutters over to her ear, takes a breath and ... “Oi! Sakura! Don't sleep with your eyes open! Its bad for your health!” Sakura jumped and looked at Kero with a look of shock “Nani?” Kero shook his head again and repeated the question. “Oh.... Well...” Sakura blushed and covered her cheeks with her hands, making her all-famous “Hoeei~” noises. When she didn't continue, Kero glared at her “Hey! Just don't stop in the middle of answering someone's question! It's rude!” Sakura shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of the blush, which didn't work, and continued “Well, Shaoran-Kun asked me to go out with him today...” As she finished her face grew to a shade of scarlet.
“Why are you being so shy? Wasn't it just last night that you yelled you loved him at the top of your lungs?” Sakura said nothing to this comment and sat there thinking over what Kero just said
Sakura is fighting with the last clow card that was over looked and was in a rage. Sakura was not doing well because her heart wasn't in the fight. To be specific, if she won this battle and seals away the card, the love that Shaoran just admitted to her would be gone. He would forget his feelings for her. And to make the situation worse, she hasn't even responded to his confession yet! Finally, backed into a corner, Sakura has no choice but to seal the card. With a heavy heart she chants “Return to the guise you were meant to be in! Clow Card!” and the winds and magic that came along with capturing a card were worse than normal, pulling the last card in Sakura's possession into the chaos. That card was the card created from Sakura's emotions. The overwhelming love she had for Shaoran had turned into a card. Finally the chaos ended and the card floated down into Sakura's hand, she held it to her side and doesn't even look at it. Looking at the floor, she turns to Shaoran. Bringing her head up slightly, she looks at him through her lashes. “Even if you won't remember...” She speaks and with every word her head lifts higher, until she is looking into Shaoron's eyes. “Your feeling for me, I just want you to know that I love you. It took me a while to work out my emotions and figure out what they all meant, but now I know. I am in love with you Shaoran. I have it all figured out. When you forget, I will just have to make you fall in love with me again. I don't care how long it takes....” Sakura trails off, realizing that Shaoran was smiling. “Daijubu-des...” He said taking a step closer to her, and the massive crater that the card created “I remember, I didn't forget anything.” Sakura's eyes start to water. She brings her new card to eye level and lets out a soft sob of relief. The card she just captured was cradling the love card in its arms like something very precious. The card murmured something; Sakura brought the card closer to her ear “You have nothing to worry about. All is well.” it said in a small crooning voice. Sakura brought the card to her heart, and wiped a tear from her cheek. Looking back to Shaoran, a big burst of giddy energy shot though her. She took a few steps back, getting ready to jump over the hole between her and her love. A look of shock spread across Shaoran's face. “Oi! Don't jump yet! Just wait for the path to reappear!” Sakura shook her head and jumped into the air, arms spread wide, waiting to embrace Shaoran and yelled “Daisuki!” and landed into he arms...
~.:End of Flashback:.~
“Oi! Sakura! OI!” Sakura shook away the memory and looked up at a slightly miffed Kero. “Gomen, Kero-Chan.” Sakura said scratching the back of her head, blushing. “If you don't hurry, getting up early will have no point...” He points to her clock, her eyes follow. Gasping, she shot out of bed and ran over to her closet. She began tossing things out of her closet and was mumbling “eeto... eeto... What to wear...eeto..” after a few more minutes, her room as messy as ever she pulls out the outfit she chose to wear. Tossing her pajamas onto the already toppling pile of clothes, she pulls the light red, shin length dress over her head and fastens the button on her chest shaped like a wing. Climbing over the pile of clothes to her mirror she pulls her hair up into her pigtails with little red balls that matched her dress. After she finished off her hair she climbed back over the pile of clothes and to the door. Before opening it she turns to Kero “Now, remember Kero-Chan, Dad will be home all day today. So keep the noise level to a minimum.” She walked out of the room and shut the door which instantly cut off Kero's voice as he yelled something about bringing something home for him. Humming happily, Sakura goes down the stairs and into the kitchen “Ohayou!” Her dad just smiles. “Ohayou, Kaijuu.” came the usual response from her brother. Sakura ignores his comment and sits down to eat her breakfast. “I am in too good of a mood to get mad at you today.” Sakura said before she happily stuffed a piece of pancake into her mouth. Tooya looked at her questioningly “What happened? Why are you so happy about so early in the morning?” Sakura blushed slightly “I am going out with someone today...” Tooya glared at her as he ate a bit of his pancake “Who are you going with? Tomoeo-Chan? You've been out with her hundreds of times, why is today so special?” Sakura shook her head. “Then who are you...” Tooya cut off and glared even harder at her “It wouldn't happen to be that bozo Li-Kun would it?” Sakura nods. Tooya starts to fume and shovels the rest of his pancake into his mouth, still glaring at Sakura. Finishing off her food, Sakura stands up and takes her dishes to the sink and begins to wash them “Oh, you don't need to do that, Sakura. I'll do them later. You go and finish getting ready, okay?” Her father said bringing his plate over also. Sakura smiles and nods “Thank you.” She goes back upstairs and opens her door to Kero's yells of delight “Wai~! Wai~! Your back! What did you get for me?” Sakura pushes the little fluff out of her face “I haven't even left yet. I came back up for my bag.” She picks up a bag that was somewhere in the pile of clothes that is shaped like a red heart with little wings that stick out. Opening it she tosses in the cell phone Tomoeo gave her and her Sakura cards. Zipping it back up and throwing it over her shoulder she walks out of her bedroom and is halfway down the stairs when the door bell sounds. “Hai, coming!” She yells subconsciously, wondering who it is this early in the morning. Walking over to the door she opens it. And there is Shaoran, wearing tan pants and a green plain shirt. “Ohayou, Shaoran-kun! I didn't know you were going to pick me up!” Shaoran starts to answer but is cut off by a yell form the kitchen “Who is it Sakura?” “Its for me!” Slipping on her shoes she smiles at Shaoran and yells back to the kitchen “Ittiekmasu!” and steps out of the door. Shaoran was already at the bottom of the stairs. “So, why did you come pick me up?” Shaoran blushed slightly and said “Well, I got ready early; Melin got me up this morning saying stuff like `You should never be late! They will think you stood them up!' And when I was ready twenty minutes early she got this idea about surprising you and picking you up instead of meeting at the train station. Was I too early?” He added a little flustered at the end. Sakura shook her head
“No, I was actually getting ready to come down stairs and leave when the door bell rang. But something weird happened this morning..” Shaoran had sent her the does-it-have-anything-to-do-with-the-cards look and Sakura smiled and continued “When I went down to breakfast and told Tooya what I was doing today he got all mad and steamy. I don't think he likes you much...” Shaoran didn't say anything for a bit as they continued to the train station. “What did I ever do to him?” He said more to himself than Sakura
“Well, one time I heard him tell Yukito-San something about you stealing something precious away form me that he has been protecting for a long time, what ever that means...” Sakura trails off because Shaoran had become very red. “What's wrong? Did I say something?” Sakura said a little worried and Shaoran just stared at her in shock... then sighed “You are too airy and immature to understand, I guess.” He said shaking his head. “What? What don't I understand?” Sakura said tugging on his sleeve “Come on tell me!” Shaoran smiled “You will understand in time... I hope...” He mumbles the last part to himself as they step into the train station.
“Stay here for a second okay? I am going to go buy the tickets.” Shaoran says as he walks over to the wall covered in ticket dispensing machines. Sakura, who is still confused about the conversation, just nods her head and waits. “What was he talking about, I wonder. And why won't he tell me” She lets out a sigh as Shaoran walks back up. “That was a long sigh... What's up?” He asked as they begin to walk again. Sakura shakes her head. “Nothing... Where is the platform?” Shaoran lifts a hand and points off to the left. “Over there somewhere...” looking back to the card he reads “Platform 10, departure time: 7:30...” He trails off as he reads the rest of the card to himself. “Well that's, that. Here is the platform.” Walking up to the barrier Shaoran hands Sakura her ticket and shoves his into the slot that lets him pass the barrier. Walking though he turns and waits for Sakura to pass though, she grabs her ticket from the other side and goes over to Shaoran. “Well we still have some time.” he said looking at the big clock on the wall. “Let's go sit over there.” He says pointing to some bleacher chairs near the gate, Sakura sits down a little hard making the bleachers shake, blushing slightly at the mistake she takes off her bag and sets it in her lap. “This is going to be really fun! I have to remember to buy some sweets for Kero-chan or he'll never forgive me.” She says with a smile at the thought of him sulking like a little kid.
“Why didn't you bring him along?” Shaoran asks, half mindedly as he fiddles with his ticket, feeling a little nervous. “I didn't think that would be okay, you two usually end up in a fight about something and I wanted to be...” Sakura stops and slaps her hands to her cheeks and Shaoran looks over “What? To be what?” he says, not even knowing what they were talking about. She responds in little more than a whisper “...To be alone with you.” She looks into his eyes and removes her hands from her cheeks which were still a little red. His eyes widen and a slight blush shows on his cheeks too. Smiling he says “I feel the same way. I wouldn't want that little stuffed toy floating around my head anyways.” wanting to get off that subject he says “Can I see the new clow car... I mean the new Sakura card you captured last night?” Sakura rummages though the bag and pulls out the stack of cards. Pulling off the top card, she puts into his outstretched hand. While he was looking at it she claps the chain that held the key around her neck, something she forget to do this morning. “To think... the final card. I thought after the whole Eriol thing we would never have to capture a card again. But I was wrong.” Shaoran says talking to the card. Looking at the picture he rubs his thumb over the little heart clutched in the girls arms and smiles. Handing the card back to Sakura he looks down at the necklace she put on. “Why do you still wear that around?” He says flicking it with his finger. Sakura steadies the key “Out of habit, I guess...” Hearing a sound she look up over to the tracks and sees the train on its way. “The train is here, let's go.” She stands up and runs ahead a little, turning around she beams at Shaoran as he walks up. Grabbing his hand she runs though the open doors of the train, making him stumble along with her.