Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Yukito's Little Secret ❯ Yukino's Confidante ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

BISHLOV: Please bear with me people. I'm new here so I can't get the hang of the hows of this site. I saw that the 1st and 4th chapters didn't look good with the varying font sizes and other errors but no matter how many times I edit them they still look the same. Please enlighten me if you know what I'm doing wrong. And a big thanks to all of you who still find this fic interesting enough to read. This story is just a repost and is actually finished. All I really need is the time to upload the remaining chapters. Huggles, minna-san!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own CCS or any of its characters. CLAMP does. This plot is a product of my imagination. Any similarities to other fan fictions are unintentional.


By bishounen lovah

Chapter 5

Yukino turned around and froze when she saw Sakura skating towards them. She was waving frantically at Touya, shouting to wait up. She braked to a stop in front of him.

"What is it now, kaijuu?"

"For the millionth time…I am not a monster!" Sakura stomped on her brother's foot, making him yelp in pain. She stopped glaring at Touya when she noticed the girl beside him.

Yukino sweatdropped in panic when the young girl stared curiously at her. She knew that the Card Mistress could feel her aura but she fervently hoped that Eriol was right in saying that Sakura was too naïve to suspect that she really was her moon guardian.

Please don't let her recognize me. Please don't let her recognize me, Yukino prayed silently. She fidgeted a bit under Sakura's gaze but held her blue eyes steadily on Sakura's emerald ones. Finally, the silence between the two girls ceased when Touya broke off their stare fest.

"Yukino-chan I would like you to meet my sister, Sakura," he said before turning to Sakura. "Kaijuu, this is my new classmate, Yukino Tsuhiko."

This time Sakura did not react to being called a kaijuu. She just kept on staring at Yukino. A couple of minutes (and a dozen of sweatdrops) later, Sakura finally exclaimed.

"Kirei! You are so beautiful, Tsuhiko-chan!" Sakura shouted with starry eyes and blushing cheeks, much in the same way she used to admire Kaho Mizuki.

Yukino dropped to the ground (anime style). For a moment there she thought that her cover was blown. She smiled brightly at the other girl from relief and joy at seeing her again.

"A-arigatou," Yukino stuttered, her own cheeks blushing from Sakura's compliment and Touya's serious gaze. "Demo you could call me Yukino if you like."

"Okay. Then you can call me Sakura, Yukino."

"So what did you want," Touya asked his sister.

"Oh yeah. I wanted to tell you that I'd be a little late in going home. Could you tell Otousan?"

"And why are you going to be late?"

Sakura blushed anew as she looked down, the front most wheel of her blade scuffing the ground. "Ano…you see, Syaoran-kun came back from Hong Kong today so Tomoyo and I are going to town with him for a little welcome home treat."

"NANI!!!" Touya and Yukino shouted in unison.

No one thought it odd for Yukino to react in such a way towards the news since she was not supposed to know who they were talking about. The Kinomotos were too caught up with their thoughts to notice. Sakura's were happy ones since her 'number one' was back and Touya's were unhappy ones since Sakura's 'number one' was back.

Out of nowhere, Tomoyo appeared beside Sakura followed by Syaoran. Almost instantly, Touya and Syaoran started glaring at each other.

"What the heck are you doing here, gaki? You're supposed to be as far away from here as possible." Touya yelled Yukino's thoughts.

Syaoran shot a heated glare at Touya but ignored his question. Instead he turned to face and frown at a white-faced Yukino.


Syaoran's happiness at finally seeing Sakura again was dampened because of two reasons. And both of them were standing in front of him.

One was Touya. He had not expected to see this overgrown pest so soon. He may be the brother of his first (and only) love but he couldn't seem to agree with him for some reason. Every time he saw Touya, he always gets this angry feeling towards the older boy. Touya was a constant reminder that Sakura loved him despite of their bickering whereas Sakura only regarded him as a friend.

Don't be stupid, Syaoran, he reprimanded himself. Four months ago when you confessed your love to her you didn't bother to wait for an answer. You said you were content in just being her friend and didn't mind if she didn't love you back.

Syaoran mentally shook his head and snubbed Touya's insulting question. He turned his attention to the other boy's companion. There was something weird about her. Her aura was very familiar and very strong but he couldn't pinpoint to what was wrong with this picture.

He saw her smile nervously before politely bowing in greeting.

"Konnichiwa. My name is Yukino Tsuhiko and I am new here in Tomoeda. I would prefer it if you would call me Yukino."

His eyes slit in suspicion. Something was definitely not right. Her movements were tense and so was her voice. Why is she nervous and what is she hiding?

Syaoran snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Tomoyo's nudge. Apparently, she had already introduced herself to Yukino and it was his turn. He stiffly bowed and politely introduced himself even if he was reluctant to do so. He didn't want to be rude in front of Sakura.

"So 'niichan, could you tell Otousan my message?" Sakura enthusiastically asked. She was blissfully unaware of the growing tension between Yukino and Syaoran.

"Iie. I have to show Yukino around town today so you'll have to cancel your tryst with the gaki," Touya said as he frowned some more at the boy. It was bad enough that he was back to steal his kaijuu again but what he didn't like was the way he was acting towards Yukino. He could take his glares but didn't want his friends to get the same treatment. The boy was downright being a pain.


"No!" Touya was about to walk away but was stopped by Tomoyo's shout.

"I know what we can do! Since we're all going to town, why don't we go together? It's like hitting two birds with one stone. We can call your father, Sakura, so he'll know. Plus he won't object to your going home late since Touya-kun will be with us."

"Iya!" Touya, Syaoran and Yukino shouted in unison.

Touya didn't want to spoil his afternoon with Yukino because of Syaoran and Syaoran didn't want to spoil his afternoon with Sakura because of Touya. As for Yukino, she didn't want to expose herself to the danger of Syaoran finding out who she really was. She had already guessed that he suspected something judging from his frowns.

Unfortunately, Sakura already had her cellular phone and was squealing in delight at her father's approval. Touya and Syaoran just sighed in resignation since Touya could keep an eye on Syaoran and Syaoran could keep an eye on Yukino. As for Yukino again, she was furiously thinking of a plausible excuse to not go.

"Anou…I…" Yukino sweatdropped when Sakura yanked at her arm and enthusiastically pulled her towards the town proper. It seemed like she wouldn't be given a choice in this matter. She sent a silent plea to Kami-sama to not let this day end in disaster.

A couple of hours later, they went in an ice cream parlor. Everyone was exhausted except for Sakura and Tomoyo. Both of them were in a hyper mood.

All throughout the 'tour', Sakura went from point A to point B dragging a still sweatdropping Yukino. Tomoyo stayed one step ahead of the group so she could videotape Sakura in her very happy mood. The two boys, however, lagged behind eyeing the girls and each other. At one time Yukino had wondered how Touya and Syaoran could go on scowling at each other without having a major headache.

Yukino sighed in relief when she sat down on a vinyl seat. She was instantly sandwiched between Sakura and Touya. Tomoyo and Syaoran sat on the other side of the booth.

A waiter appeared and took their orders. Sakura and Tomoyo ordered hot fudge sundaes, Syaoran a bowl of chocolate ice cream while Touya's was vanilla. Yukino, on the other hand, asked for her favorite…a rather large dish of banana split.

Everyone but Touya sweatdropped. For someone as slim as Yukino, the banana split could be quite a stomach full…and then some. When their orders came, she automatically shouted before attacking her ice cream with gusto.


This time everyone (including Touya) sweatdropped. After a while, they started eating their melting ice cream in silence. Once in a while Sakura would smile at Syaoran and ask if he'd like to taste her hot fudge sundae. Syaoran would blush and take a spoonful then would offer some of his chocolate ice cream to Sakura. After she thanked him he blushed some more while glaring back at a scowling Touya. Tomoyo had her camcorder out again and was whispering 'kawaii' all the time, further annoying Syaoran.

But in the end what caught his attention was the new girl in front of him. He still had not figured out what was wrong with her but in the past hour he was sure of one thing. Yukino was no ordinary girl. He was still trying to figure out why her aura felt familiar when what Sakura said caught his attention.

"You know what, Yukino-chan," Sakura smiled, "you remind me of 'niichan's best friend Yukito."


Yukino choked on a banana. She darted a look at Syaoran and saw a knowing look dawn on his face.

He knows, she thought in panic. There was no mistaking about it. She saw his eyes lit up in recognition before they clouded with confusion. She shot him a look of plea and wished that he understood that she didn't want him to tell anyone.

Yukino sighed in relief when Syaoran nodded briefly. But she could tell from the hard look in his eyes that he was demanding an explanation.

An explanation she wasn't sure she could tell. An explanation she was too embarrassed to say. Their silent conversation was interrupted when they heard Yukito's name again.

"Really? Why does she remind you of him, Sakura-chan?" Tomoyo shoved her camcorder in front of her best friend's face.

Sakura sweatdropped but answered nonetheless. "Anou…I don't know why really. It's just a feeling. Perhaps I just miss him too much."

Warmth spread all throughout Yukino's heart. She did not expect Sakura to miss Yukito this much. And truth be told, she missed being Yukito too. She missed the easy friendship that Yukito had already established with the Kinomotos. Being Yukino meant she had to start from scratch again.

A sudden sadness swept her entire body. This whole situation was a huge mess and was confusing the hell out of her. She wanted to return to normal (well, as normal as could be expected) so that Yukito could be with his friends again. But then she wanted to stay as she was to give Yukino a chance to be loved by Touya since he had already admitted that all he saw in Yukito was a brother.

She was confused because she did not know what she wanted…Touya's friendship or Touya's love.

Suddenly all she wanted to do was to cry her eyes out. Being a girl could be quite irritating with all of these mood swings. After only a day of being back in Tomoeda, she was tired of pretending and keeping everything to herself. Keroberos didn't count since she couldn't talk to him (not that she wanted to).

It left only one person whom she could confide to. Yukino sent a meaningful look to Syaoran before smiling apologetically at the others.

"Gomen nasai," she said as she stood and laid some money on the table, "I have to go and meet someone. Thank you for showing me around. I really appreciate it."

Touya and Sakura protested but Yukino was adamant in leaving. She was afraid that she would go insane if she stayed any longer. With one last look at Syaoran she left the ice cream parlor and crossed the street.


Syaoran stared at Yukino's retreating figure for a minute before standing up himself. "I have to leave too. I, uh, forgot that Wei asked me to buy some stuff for dinner."

He watched Sakura's face drop from disappointment. He was tempted to stay for a while longer but thought otherwise. It seemed like Yukino (or Yukito) needed someone to talk to. Besides, Touya was scowling at him more openly now that Yukino was gone.

Touya, Sakura and Tomoyo stood to leave too. There was no point in hanging around longer if both Yukino and Syaoran were gone.

Syaoran watched them walk away from him before he crossed the street and followed Yukino's aura.

To be continued…