Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Yukito's Little Secret ❯ The Jig is Up! ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own CCS or any of its characters. CLAMP does. This plot is a product of my imagination. Any similarities to other fan fictions are unintentional.


By bishounen lovah

Chapter 12

"Come on, Sakura, don't be a wimp. I know you can do better than that," Syaoran said with a very serious expression on. They had been sparring since early that evening, first using basic martial arts that he taught her and now with their swords. He did not want to use such words of insult for fear that she might take them seriously but he needed to goad her. Sakura had been distracted even before they started their training so he decided to tick her off to make her concentrate on the matter at hand.

Unfortunately no matter what insult he threw at her, she wouldn't budge. She was so distracted in fact that he stopped moving around and just stood there with his sword held out diagonally against his torso. His eyes turned to a couple of dots while several sweatdrops popped out of his head as he watched Sakura swing her sword left and right in a very predictable pattern, sometimes hitting his sword but most often it did not. She reminded him of a kid swinging his wooden sword against a tree trunk.

She had been staring at the star filled sky with one hand doing the swinging and the other raising to touch her chin with a forefinger in a thinking pose. He took a step back and dropped his sword to his side, blowing a mushroom bubble sigh all the while. And she just kept on slicing her sword through the chilly night air.

But she does look so cute with her lips all pouty like that, he thought with a rising blush. When he realized where his thoughts were heading, he vigorously shook his head in an attempt to stay focused, not to mention to break his gaze from her kissable lips.

"Ne, Sakura, perhaps we could practice with our swords next time when you're more up to it. You might hurt yourself if you keep on going like this."

"Eh?" She looked at him then noticed that she was fighting no one except a couple of mosquitoes who were having no trouble dodging her blade. "Uh, gomen ne. I guess I'm a bit preoccupied."

"Would you like to talk about it?" He watched as she called back Sword Card just as he transformed his back into an amulet. Something was really bothering her and he couldn't help but wonder what. He would have gladly taken on the project of solving her problem just so he could get rid of that frown.

"It's full moon," came her absentminded reply.

"Eh?" It was his turn to utter the word in bewilderment. Was there supposed to be some hormonal imbalance in girls when there was a full moon? How weird could that be? Syaoran had to scratch his head at that.

"It's just that I miss him so. And I'm worried about him." Her sad smile quickly chased away the jealousy that suddenly gnawed at his heart and was instantly replaced by guilt.

"Yue's a mature..." Man? Woman?

"...Uh, a mature person, er, guardian. I'm sure that..." He? She?

"...I'm sure that Yue can take care of..." Himself? Herself? Oh, crap! What the hell did I get myself into?

"You're right," her sigh had put an end to his misery. "It's silly of me to worry about someone as old and as wise as him."

"Wisdom doesn't always come with age." He remembered those words to Yue not so long ago. In fact it was on a night like this although it was close to dawn back then.

"Did you say something?"

"What? No! No, I didn't say anything! Eherm. I suppose we should get back to training." He was poised to move but saw that Sakura was frowning again. "Is there something else bothering you?"

"Un. Kero-chan had been disappearing from time to time especially in the early evenings. He was not home earlier either. I couldn't help but wonder what he's up to."

Of course Syaoran knew what the sun guardian was up to and whom he kept on seeing. The guilt was back. Much as he'd like to tell her the truth, he couldn't. It was not his place to tell though he couldn't help but feel irritated with Yukito/Yukino, Keroberos and Hiiragizawa (especially Hiiragizawa) for ganging up and keeping a secret as huge as this from Sakura.

But what really kept him from spilling the beans was the thought of being branded as a 'tattletale' by Hiiragizawa and Kero. He knew that they would tease him to no end and then he would get irritated afterwards he'd be angry then furious. When the time came when his ire would prevent him from thinking rationally then it was possible that he could kill both the Clow reincarnate and sun guardian.

It would definitely give him immense satisfaction to get rid of two out of the three most annoying beings ever to walk and float on the face of the earth (with Sakura's brother being the top contender) but he was sure that Sakura would mind. And he couldn't afford his 'number one' being angry with him.

"Daijoubu, Syaoran?"

Her hand on his arm jolted him out of the numerous pleasant thoughts on how to torture those pains on his butt. She was looking at him rather expectantly with a curious glint in those lovely emeralds. Normally, those eyes and her touch would have sent pleasurable waves throughout his body but that wasn't the case now. There was something in her gaze that made him feel like some specimen under a high-powered microscope. She must have sensed that something was amiss with him too.

"H-hai," he quickly stuttered out. "We'd better get going. We're running behind the schedule." He moved away from her, noting the disappointed look that she sent him. He wondered about it and ended up wishing that, like him, she was disappointed at the break of contact.

They started with hand-to-hand combat again. Punches were dodged, kicks were blocked and vice versa. She was getting quite good in such a short time that he couldn't help but wonder if she was using the Fight Card without him noticing.

No she isn't, he thought after a while when he saw her trip over a small rock. He expected her to be able to regain balance but when she didn't he moved forward to break her fall. The force of everything caught him unawares. They both ended up on the ground with her weight on top of him.

"Hoe," she whispered when she realized what position they were in but she made no move to get off.

Not that he wanted to anyway. Amber met emerald and both were locked in a warm gaze. A second passed...then a dozen...then a hundred. A million heartbeats later, he threw caution to the air and moved his head up. He lightly pressed a chaste yet breathless kiss on her slightly open lips.

Still she did not make any move to change their position. He felt his heart lift up in hope.

Tell her now. There was always that irritating voice inside everyone's head that kept popping out of nowhere to tell people how to run their lives. And Syaoran was no exemption only that his unwanted 'voice' sounded suspiciously like Hiiragizawa.

I can't tell her, he responded in annoyance.

Chicken! Wuss!


Then tell her.

She might reject me.

She's not slapping you silly, is she?


She's not calling you 'hentai' or any other names, is she?

No, but...


"Sakura, I..."

"HOE!!!" She scrambled off him and quickly stood up.

He winced at the turn of events and hastily followed suit of her actions. He started calling himself a thousand fools and was mentally beating the crap out of that 'voice' (of course in the image of Hiiragizawa). He should have been more patient...more disciplined. He shouldn't have taken advantage of the situation.

She was standing rigidly a few feet away from him, staring back at the full moon. He approached her with caution, sweating over what to say to her.

"Anou, Sakura, I'm sorry. I got carried away and I didn't mean to-NANI!!!"

Suddenly, Sakura's pink aura started to flare visibly. He thought that it was her anger that triggered it. The pink light began glowing brightly, illuminating the area with a growing intensity.

He took a step back for fear of bearing the brunt of her anger, not that he didn't think he deserved it. But then he noticed there was nothing oppressive or dangerous about her aura. Aside from that he began to feel Yue's aura strengthening from across the distance. He frowned at that.

What's going on?

As soon as that thought formed, Sakura's aura weakened and disappeared from his sight but Yue's remained, tingling his senses. Her knees started to buckle and he leapt forward to break her fall again. This time he was able to maintain his balance and slowly sat down laying her head on his lap.

"Yue," she whispered her guardian's name before falling into unconsciousness.

~Scene Change~

It was taking him all that he's got to force himself to leave her lips so that they could breathe. But as soon as he took in a shaky, shallow breath his lips went down again to blindly search for hers. He grazed her forehead then glided to the tip of her nose. He placed chaste kisses on either side of her lips before pressing them with his in another round of passionate kisses capable of bursting their hearts with love.

If he had thought that the kiss could clear his mind then he was dead wrong. All the while pictures kept on popping in his head, flashing images of Yukino and Yukito back and forth, slowly then gaining speed.






His confusion made him grip the girl in his arms tighter. His hand started to explore her lower back, brushing higher and higher until...


His wandering hand encountered something fluffy that seemed so out of the ordinary. He forced his eyes to open, taking a couple of seconds to get accustomed to the moonlit sky. When his breathing and heartbeat returned to a more or less normal pace he looked down at Yukino who was snuggled against his chest.


His heart started beating hard again as he saw not Yukino but a familiar being with massive angel wings and luscious silver hair flowing to the ground. He doubted at first but then he finally took notice of the recognizable aura surrounding her.


He felt the gasp rather than heard it. His arms dropped to his sides as the moon guardian took a step back...and another...and another. Touya took in the change in him. Yue was still the same except that his body had turned more feminine. His face had softer angles, his lips more full. The rest of his body was the same...fuller and curvaceous.

" is you. But Yukino-chan...?

The guardian's eyes glazed with what seemed like tears. He kept on backing away from him, almost stumbling once or twice. "Gomen nasai. Gomen nasai."

And then he flew away.

"M-matte!" Touya started running towards the direction where Yue flew to, all the while yelling for him to stop. The chase halted when there was nowhere else for him to run because of the vast walls of the country club that hindered him.

He dropped on his knees, exhausted and bewildered. His head ached in confusion but it only lasted for a while. It was as if a light bulb was turned on in his brain and he began to understand some things.

Yukito is Yukino.

Of that he was certain. That was why she kept on reminding him about his best friend. Their similarities were uncanny but he chose not to delve on it, not thinking that it was possible.

But why? Why did he change? Why didn't he tell me?

He wouldn't know the answers unless he asked them. With determination written all over his grim face, Touya stood up to search for the truth.

To be continued...


[1] If you had noticed that I used male tags for Yue in that last bit, then my hat's off to you (if ever I'm wearing one right now). That part was a third POV focused on Touya thoughts (so you could say that it was a Touya POV). I guess what I'm trying to say is that Touya just found out about the big secret so he still thinks of Yue/Yukito as a guy despite the physical change. It might change in the next chapter.

[2] Only a few chapters left. To those who haven't read this fic in (before it got deleted), I wrote two endings. The first would be a Yukino Ending for those who don't like shounen ai, and the second would be a Yukito Ending for shounen ai lovers. Personally I like the second ending better but to each of his own, I guess.

[3] Thank you very much for those who are still reading this fic. You guys make reposting worth my while. Huggles!