Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Yukito's Little Secret ❯ Yukito Ending ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

WARNING: A lot of OOC-ness. It's not as if the invisible OOC warning wasn't up since chapter one, ne?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own CCS or any of its characters. CLAMP does. This plot is a product of my imagination. Any similarities to other fan fictions are unintentional.


By bishounen lovah

Yukito Ending

"Come on, Yuki! We're going to miss breakfast." Kero said as he prodded Yuki's blanket-covered body.

"Go away," Yukino mumbled, voice muffled by the pillow.

"Get up already, will you?" Kero insisted. Finally getting tired of yelling at a bundle of blanket, he flew to the head of the bed and yanked the blanket off Yuki.

"Aaargh!" Kero shouted, his hands on his chest trying to calm his thumping heart. He knew he was over-reacting but he was surprised a pair of feet greeted him instead of a sleepy face. "Jeez! You almost scared me to death."

Yukino's eyes flew open at that. There was something wrong with this scene…something familiar…very familiar…almost like a déjà vu. Sitting on the bed while stretching, her yawn got stuck in her throat after a brief look at the surroundings.

"It's about time you woke up. Do you know how long I've been trying to…?" Kero trailed off as he stared at Yuki skimming his entire body with frantic hands.

"AAAARRRGGHHHH!!!" This time the scream came from Yukino, making the walls and windows quiver with the vibration. Trying to jump off the bed for the full-length mirror across the room, her legs got tangled in the sheets causing her to fall flat on her face. But that didn't stop Yuki from going to her destination, flat face and all.

"What's wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost." Kero sweatdropped as he floated behind Yuki's head and observed his reflection on the mirror. Yuki had suddenly turned pale, his jaw dropping almost to the level of the first button of his pajama top. A moment later he started pinching himself.

"A dream! That's right! This is all just a dream," Yuki started to laugh hysterically.

"What's all the commotion about?" Nakuru asked as she, Spinel and Eriol entered Yuki's room. Spinel halted suddenly, staring at Yuki as he gave off a rather loud 'nyahaha' laugh. Eriol, on the other hand, was looking both puzzled and amused while Nakuru squealed in delight. "Ooh, that looks fun. I wanna try it too."

And then Nakuru gave Yuki one heck of a pinch on the cheek, almost peeled it off his skull too.

"Ow! That hurts!" Yuki tried to rub the pain from her red cheek. Pain? I'm not supposed to feel physical pain in my dream. But if there's pain then I'm not dreaming and if I'm not dreaming then… "I'm really a guy!"

"You think?" Spinel snorted in amusement. "And I thought Nakuru was the confused one in the family."

Yuki never did hear that comment. The four watched as the boy fainted after a brief look in his PJ pants. Kero checked if he was still breathing then started poking at his shoulder. "He's out cold. Dang it, Nakuru! You messed with his head again, didn't you?"

"Me?!! What did I do?!!"

~ Scene Change (as well as main character sex change) ~

It took the others about ten minutes to wake Yukito again. And after that he spent twenty more minutes just staring at his reflection in disbelief. He wasn't dreaming…he had really turned back into a boy. His hair was shorter and lighter, his voice deeper, his body complete with all the masculine utilities.

"Daijoubu, Yukito?" Eriol smiled his annoying smile. Yukito snapped out of his trance at that.

"Nani!" he shouted back. "I'm not all right! Look at me! Are you playing games with me?"

"Whatever do you mean?"

"You mean you didn't do this to me?"

"Er, do what? I see no difference in you as compared to when I saw you last night. But do satisfy my curiosity. What is it that I had supposedly done?"

Yukito couldn't answer with all of the questions popping in his mind.

What happened?

Was it just a dream?

Did my wish lose its effect?

Why now when Touya had finally confessed his love?

Was this some sort of joke from the powers that be?

To dangle love under my nose then snatch it back again?


Looking around his surrounding and the people and floating stuffed animals with him, his gut feeling told him that all of it was just a dream. In reality, he was still in England spending his summer vacation with Clow's reincarnate. The stars never changed him into a girl. He never went back to Tomoeda as Yukino. Touya did not found out about his charade.

And Touya and me never got together.

That thought alone had made him somber. With an exhausted sigh he sat down and adjusted the glasses that got crooked on his nose when he paced. At least he never made that mistake of hurting Touya. "It doesn't matter anymore, Eriol-san. It never happened."

Eriol shot him a worried look but was replaced by that secretive smile. "Well, if you think there's nothing I can do to help...Why don't you change for breakfast. I'm sure you'll feel better once you're downstairs."

"Aa." Yukito stared after them even long after the door closed. With another sigh, he went back to the mirror and stared at himself again. Just a dream.

It was something that he would never forget, especially the end part of the dream. Perhaps he was meant to have that give him courage in finally telling Touya how he really felt. And if he recalled the dream correctly, Touya would appreciate the honesty and wouldn't burn him off. And maybe, just maybe, he would return his love just like in his dream. By the time he had changed his clothes and approached the kitchen, he was feeling good about himself and was no longer bummed out by the turn of events.

And then he got his second surprise for the day.

"Ohayo, Yuki!"

There in the middle of the large kitchen was none other than Touya Kinomoto, the love and torment of his life. His eyes lit up in pleasant surprise as Touya tried to make his way towards him but had a hard time with Nakuru hanging on his back. Yukito took that opportunity to calm his erratic heart. He noticed that Sakura was with him as well. She was trying to divide her attention between the two sun guardians while Eriol looked on with quiet amusement.

"Nakuru, down."

"To-ya," he greeted the other boy once Touya managed to get rid of Nakuru, with Eriol's help. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Egypt?"

"Otousan suddenly decided to personally deliver some important documents to some museum and university in London. He stayed behind while Sakura and I got here late last night. You were already asleep so we decided to just surprise you at breakfast."

Perhaps it was because of the memory of the dream was still fresh. Or maybe because of that peculiar glint in Touya's searching eyes. Whatever it was, it was making Yukito awkward. He just realized that he was back to square one as far as his relationship with Touya was concerned and he didn't know how to handle it.

Should he confess now, later or never?

Well, the last one was not really an option and the first one was not appropriate since there were a bunch of weird people around them. Speaking of weird people, the kitchen suddenly turned into a madhouse. Nakuru was trying to pour the entire pitcher of maple syrup in Spinel's mouth. Spinel was trying to shove a tall stack of pancakes and waffles down Kero's throat. Kero was just plainly hanging on for dear life. In the middle of everything was a sweatdropping Sakura and a still-smiling Eriol.

"Easy does it, Spinel Sun, one at a time," Eriol said then suddenly turned to Yukito with an all-too-innocent expression on his face.

One at a time...step by step...

Had he not learned anything from the dream?

Yukito turned back to Touya and waited for him to look back. And then he gave him his best smile and said, "I missed you, To-ya."

The other guy looked surprised for a second then smiled his best smile too. "I missed you too, Yuki."

~Scene Change~

Life returned to normal...well, as normal as could be expected with a bunch of magical misfits. Yukito and Kero (with the latter hidden in one luggage or another) joined the Kinomoto family for the rest of their trip around London then back to Tomoeda. School started and as expected Syaoran Li showed up. With classes, archery and part-time jobs (both paying and nonpaying; the latter being a buffer between Touya, Syaoran and Kero), Yukito was pretty much busy. But not a single day passed by without him almost saying his feelings out loud.

Unfortunately, something always came up much the same way last year with Touya but this time it was Yukito who wanted to say something. Like that first day of school when Syaoran started the glaring contest with Touya or that one evening at the Kinomoto's where Kero tried to bite off Touya's pinky toe or that afternoon when Sakura and Tomoyo suddenly dropped by at the ice cream parlor to say hi.

The timing was always off and Yukito couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated. Here he was trying to make a difference in his love life but circumstances wouldn't allow it. Especially now at Mariko-chan's birthday party. There was little opportunity to talk to Touya. Both of them decided to go stag despite the many invitations but as soon as they reached the club they were surrounded by boys and girls alike, so well liked as they were. An hour later, Touya still lingered with his teammates from soccer while Yukito drifted to the buffet table.

Halfway through the finger foods, Yukito became aware of the cold power running through his blood. He was half expecting this although he didn't really think that the power transfer would actually happen on this night. He shot a longing look at Touya before sneaking out to the garden.

It wasn't long before the transfer occurred. Hidden behind the tree, it took only a short while for Touya's power to leave him and in its place was that of the moon and stars. He felt himself change into his true form then back to his human form once the transfer was complete.

"To-ya," Yukito whispered in surprise once the bright glow disappeared and his eyes adjusted to the moonlit area. "What are you doing out here?"

"I was worried about you."

"You shouldn't be. I'm fine. I knew you would be too though I think I should check on Sakura."

Touya stopped him from leaving by placing a firm grip on his elbow. "The fur ball can take care of her. I've been meaning to talk to you about something, Yuki."

"Douka shita no?" Yukito frowned.

"Nothing's wrong but there is something bothering my mind for quite some time. Ever since London...ever since that dream, I couldn't find peace of mind."

Dream? What dream? Surely the arm of coincidence isn't this long? Yukito lost the frown and it was replaced by a surprised look. Nonetheless, the strange beat of his heart told him that his suspicions might be correct. Weirder things have happened and having the same dream was not entirely impossible.

"I don't recall the details," Touya continued as he leaned beside Yuki on the tree, their shoulders brushing against each other, "but I do know that it's about you and me...and our relationship."

"What about our relationship?" He knew this was his opportunity to fess up but he still needed some hints from his best friend.

"In my dream...It may sound weird but in my dream you were in love with me."

"And what's so weird about that?"

Touya's eyes widened a bit at Yuki's secretive smile. He moved away from the trunk and faced Yuki much the same way he did in two occasions (if the one in the dream was counted). "Are you, Yuki? Are you in love with me?"

"Yes." It was no whisper. The reply was so sure and clear that there was no mistaking of his sincerity. For the first time since he'd realized his affection for Touya, Yukito unleashed the hidden love in his eyes and smile. Eyes that darkened behind the gleaming specs. Mouth that curved up with one corner higher.

And Touya stared back with an expression akin to disbelief. The wind ruffled his hair and he pushed the strands off his face. His hand remained raised as he grinned sheepishly. "Well, I'll be damned. All those sleepless nights spent worrying over nothing."

At that Yukito sent a questioning look, quelling the rising hope in his chest, not wanting to assume anything.

"Ask me," Touya half ordered, half pleaded. "Ask me, Yuki, just as I asked you."

Yes, Yukito didn't dare hope but still hope kept hammering against his chest. "Do you love me? Not just as a friend or brother? Do you really love me?"

His only response was a kiss. A soft, tentative brushing of their lips. It was a mingling of breath more than of skin while their hearts thundered, their souls sought. As soon as Touya lifted his head, Yukito searched his eyes and saw for the first time the vulnerability in them.

"I take it that's a yes," Yuki gave another smile, this time the widest he'd ever given in his entire existence. "How long have you known?"

"For a while. I wasn't so sure at first but then that dream cleared my mind. Afterwards I was just plain scared that you didn't love me back and that I'd lose you if I told you. I see now how stupid I was."

Yukito reached up and laid a hand on Touya's cheek who closed his eyes in response, savoring the touch. "We were both stupid. But that's all in the past."

They stared at each other for a long time, imprinting the moment in their memories. The wind blew gently, the stars twinkled brightly and it seemed like the moon was smiling down on them. Everything had an ethereal quality to it that Yukito couldn't help but wonder, "This isn't a dream is it?"

"God, I hope not." Touya broke his gaze from Yuki and tugged on his hand. "Come on. Let's get out of here. Let's go some place to talk."

And their hands stayed linked when they went back to the party, when they bade farewell to their friends and when they left behind a roomful of people excitedly chattering about the turn of events. Some were sad that the two cutest guys of Seijou High were no longer available. Some were saying that it was about time the two hooked up. The others, well, their jaws were hanging too low to comment on anything.

Outside, two friends turned lovers drove off into the night.

And up in the starlit sky were seven beings who had been spying on those lovers for quite some time.

"I can't believe you used the Dream Card on them and got away with it," Syaoran muttered to Sakura.

"And I can't believe how heavy you are brat!" Kero muttered back. The sun guardian was in his true form and had Sakura and Syaoran on his back. It was no treat for him but the gaki was on cloud nine because he got to sit so close to Sakura, not to mention he found an excuse to have his arms around her waist.

"I believe my cute descendant is right, Sakura. That was pure brilliance. I couldn't have done it better myself." Eriol smiled although it wasn't his usual smirk. He was grinning like an idiot primarily because he had his arms around Tomoyo, much the same way Syaoran was holding Sakura, trying to keep the amethyst-eyed beauty from falling off Spinel Sun as she tried to film her kawaii friends. "And where do you think you're going, Ruby Moon?"

"To follow Touya and Yuki of course!" she flicked her plait over her shoulder then started t o fly away only to be stopped again.

"Stay," Eriol ordered, "let's give them some privacy."

"Hoe! A shooting star!" Sakura pointed.

All seven exchanged looks then shook their heads in unison.

"Who wants some ice cream?" Tomoyo asked.


They all ignored the star and flew off to Tomoeda.

Mission accomplished!



I now declare this piece of crap finished! Lol. I'm not being demeaning or anything (anyways it's my piece of crap to insult), it's just that this story was too hard to write thus I can't help but feel relieved that it's over.

All I want to say is thanks to all of you who read and reviewed YLS. You guys pushed me to finish this and I'm eternally grateful for that.