Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Yukito's Little Secret ❯ The Master Plan ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own CCS or any of its characters. CLAMP does. This plot is a product of my imagination. Any similarities to other fan fictions are unintentional.


By bishounen lovah

Chapter 2

It took the others about ten minutes to wake Yukito again. And after that he spent twenty more minutes just staring at his reflection in disbelief. He wasn't dreaming…he had turned into a girl.

"Daijoubu, Yukito." Eriol smiled his annoying smile. Yukito snapped out of his trance at that.

"Nani!" he shouted back. "It's not all right! Look at me!"

He stopped yelling when he realized something else. Kuso, he cursed silently, even my voice sound like a girl's.

"I don't know what you're complaining about Yukito," Keroberos flew towards him and hovered in front of his face. "I mean, you're a major babe!"

"For once I agree with him," Spinel joined Keroberos. He placed his paw on his chin and looked at Yukito from head to foot while whistling. "If only I'm not stuck in a cat's body I'd probably hit on you."

"Hey, I saw her first!" Kero yelled at Spinel.

"So what? You don't stand a chance. I'm much better looking than you," Suppi replied, turning his winged back on the other guardian.

"Is that so? Why you…"

"I know what we'll do," Spinel stopped Kero's tirade by companionably placing an arm around his shoulders, "we'll share. You can have her on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays while on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays she's mine."

"But what about on Sundays?" Keroberos whispered back in conspiracy.

They were so busy bickering at each other they didn't notice that Yukito was starting to fume. He tried to control his anger by closing his eyes but he couldn't help raise his fist and couldn't ease the thumping vein on his forehead.

"Maybe Eriol would want to…" Spinel wasn't able to continue because Yukito grabbed him and Keroberos by their wings and threw them to the open door. Before they could fly back in, Nakuru slammed the door on their faces and locked it. She heard squeaking sounds as the sun guardians slid down the frame.

"Now that we have no more distraction, let's figure out what happened," Eriol said as he sat on the chair nearest the window.

"You mean, you're not the one who did this," Yukito exclaimed.

"Iie. Much as I find it ingenious, I have nothing to do with this."

"You're lying! You're the one who created us, you're the one who could change us!"

Eriol raised an eyebrow at being called a liar but didn't say a word. He just sat there and waited for Yukito to calm down. He couldn't blame the usually mild-mannered guardian. What happened to him was understandably disconcerting.

"Gomen," Yukito sighed as he sat on his bed and buried his head on his hands.

"Apology accepted," Eriol replied and waited for Yukito to face him before speaking again. "I am not lying. I did not do this to you. I would never change anyone against their wishes even if I have power to do so, which I don't. Besides, I didn't make you in the fist place. Clow Reed did."

"But you can change me back, ne?"

"Perhaps. If we can find out how and why you turned into such in the first place."

Yukito knew that the boy was only comforting him for he could see the doubt in his eyes. What am I going to do, he thought in frustration.

"Could it be, Yukito, that this has something to do with what we talked about last night?"

He stared at the other guardian in surprise. He had forgotten that Nakuru was also in the room.

"May I ask what you talked about last night?" Eriol asked, his curiosity roused.

Nakuru looked back at Yukito in question. He blushed crimson red before nodding his permission. She squealed in excitement as she sat beside Yukito and told her master how Yukito felt about the Card Mistress' brother in just a few breaths.

Eriol had a bit of a hard time following Nakuru's story, catching only bits and pieces. Fortunately, he had already noticed Yukito's feelings for Touya even before they left Tomoeda. He sat quietly for a while as he let the information sink in.

"Did you wish for anything last night, Yukito?" Eriol asked after a long moment of silence.

Yukito gasped at what he said. He had remembered his last moments in the garden the previous night. "Hai," he whispered. "I wished that I was a girl so loving Touya would not be so complicated."

Eriol stood up and tipped Yukito's chin up. He stared long and hard in his shiny eyes and smiled. "I see. The power of the stars is strong in you."

"What do you mean, Eriol-sama? Of course the power of the stars is strong in him. His mistress uses the power of the stars, doesn't she?" Nakuru said in confusion.

"Sakura's power isn't strong enough to sustain Yue. And if I guessed it correctly, Yue still uses Touya's powers." Yukito nodded in agreement and Eriol continued on. "No. This is different because the power in him was given by the heavenly bodies themselves."

"Let me get this straight," Nakuru stood up to make her point, "you're saying that Yukito basically wished on a star and it came true? Sugoi!"

"Wrong. Wishing on one star is one thing. Many stars, it seems, granted his wish. You're lucky Yukito," Eriol said as he patted the guardian's shoulder. "It is rare for the stars to grant a being's wish. They must have detected that your wish was heartfelt."

"Demo…what am I going to do? Surely you can change me back. You're the most powerful sorcerer on earth," Yukito protested.

"Isn't this what you wished for?" Eriol raised an eyebrow.

"Yes…no…I don't know." Yukito stood and paced around the room. "I can't go back to Tomoeda like this. School starts soon. What would my classmates say? What would Touya say?"

Eriol and Nakuru sweatdropped. The behavioral change in Yukito was beginning to show. He was no longer a mild-tempered boy but an irksome, indecisive girl.

"Well, are you going to help me or not," Yukito demanded with his hands on his now broad hips.

"I would gladly help but I have no idea how," Eriol smiled in amusement. "I have never read or heard any true stories about a wish on a star coming true, at least nothing with this dramatic change, and most certainly none about a reversing spell."

"What about Sakura?" Nakuru suggested. "You said that the power of the stars did this to him. Perhaps the power of the stars can turn him back."

"She's right," Yukito exclaimed in excitement. "Sakura could use the Change Card. Or maybe the Erase Card."

"You know very well that won't work," Eriol shook his head. "The Change Card could only be used to interchange the identities of two or more beings. And since your transformation is not of the same case I doubt that it would help. As for the Erase Card, well, it could erase memories but not happenings and experiences. It could also erase people and objects so we couldn't risk that."

They all fell in silence. Eriol in a thoughtful one, Yukito in a frustrated one, and Nakuru in a sympathetic one.

"Maybe…" Eriol muttered after some time. He quickly looked back at Yukito. "Yue, show yourself."

The Clow symbol appeared on the floor where Yukito was now floating. Large wings appeared from his back and enveloped his entire body. When the transformation was complete, his wings unfolded revealing the moon guardian.

"Just as I thought," Eriol observed.

Yue walked back to the mirror to see for himself. He wasn't surprised with what he saw because he was already numb from the earlier shock. Even his guardian form had turned into a woman.

His hair was still the same, overflowing past his feet. But the changes on his face and body were obvious. Heck! Even his clothes had changed. (AN: Sounds farfetched doesn't it? Just humor me, k?)

His top was like Ruby Moon's except that his has no sleeves and that the color of the cloth was silvery blue. His skirt was long and straight with slits on both sides running up until mid thigh. Each foot was wrapped with a cloth although was cut leaving his toes bare. It ran up his ankle and was held in place by a ring on his middle toe.

"What can we do now, Eriol-sama," Yue sighed. I can't believe this, he thought. I was wrong to think that turning into a girl would be less complicated.

"I believe we can't do anything right now," the boy replied. "All we can do is wait and see if the power of the stars would leave you. I can do some research in Clow Reed's library and see if I failed to remember something. In the mean time, I suggest you go back to Tomoeda until either of the two options follow through."

"But I can't go back looking like this!"

"You can't stay here, Yue. Your place is in Tomoeda with the Card Mistress. Remember, duty comes first," Eriol calmly said.

"What are you worried about anyway?" Nakuru butted in. "Just tell them what happened. It's that simple."

"No it's not that simple," Yue whined. "I can't tell them what happened without admitting my love for Touya."

"Oooh. Isn't that romantic! I wish I could go with you and see you confess," Nakuru exclaimed with starry eyes.

"I can't tell him. I won't. He'll think I'm a freak."

"His thoughts will never come to that," Eriol consoled. "If you're not ready to tell him then I may have a plan."

That caught Yue's attention. He transformed back to Yukito before sitting back down on the bed.

"You could go back to Tomoeda as another person. Touya would not suspect anything since you still have his powers. He won't detect that you are Yue. As for Sakura, she is so trusting that she won't believe that you are her guardian."

"But won't they wonder about Yue's absence?" Nakuru wondered.

"Not if I call them and say that I have a task for Yue that would require him in staying here in England for one year. That would buy us enough time. Yukito, on the other hand, can write to Sakura and Touya telling them the exact thing."

"Sugoi! That's a brilliant idea. Ohohohoho!" Nakuru patted Eriol's back enthusiastically while laughing maniacally. Eriol couldn't help but sweatdrop.

"What do you think Yukito?" Eriol looked back at him.

"It looks like I have no other choice." He replied. What did I get myself into?

"What you need now is a new name for your new identity. What do you think of Yukino?" Eriol smiled enquiringly.

Yukino? I can live with that although I hope I won't have to live with it forever, he thought. He still couldn't accept what happened to him.

"Fabulous name, Eriol-sama," Nakuru gushed, "but do you know what would be more fabulous? A make-over!"

Nakuru grabbed Yukito by his arm and dragged him excitedly across the floor towards her room leaving Eriol behind.

This would be interesting, Eriol smiled in amusement. It's a shame I can't be there to see what Yukito would do.

To be continued…

BISHLOV NOTE: I think Yukino also pertains something about snow although I'm not sure. This would be a good name for Yukito (which means snow bunny) not only because they sound alike.