Case Closed Fan Fiction ❯ Kudo Duo ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time on Case Closed: "Tom I really don't want to talk about you and
Serena kissing." "Now now Jimmy, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about
Chapter 5
If not anything, Conan was stunned, nobody knew about him being a child
except for his parents and most likely the one who talked, Dr. Agasa. Still
Conan had to keep up the act to see if this was mere suspicion or a random act.
"What do you mean?" Conan asked innocently, putting his innocent
eyes to the test. "I'm not Jimmy, I'm Conan." Tom smirked as he recognized the
bad acting.
"You can't fool me little brother," Tom said as he shook his head.
"We're torn from the same cloth, Dad's a detective, your a detective, and I'm
a detective. But you certainly don't inherit mom's acting abilities." Conan
didn't reply. "All though I must say I have better charm than you do when it
comes to ladies."
"You probably got that from dad," Conan said as he frowned, now
committing to the fact that it was useless to make Tom believe that he wasn't
Jimmy. "So who spilled the rice? Dr. Agasa?"
"Nobody did," Tom leaned against a nearby car with his hands in his
pockets. Conan noticed a far away look in Tom's eyes, he wasn't saying
something. Before Conan could ask Tom interrupted him. "Come on we'd better get
going." Richard walked over and unlocked the car, Rachel walked over and sat in
back seat with Conan, Tom hopped into the front. As Richard started to drive
away as Rachel broke the silence.
"Too bad about Serena's grandfather," Rachel sighed, "he was such a
nice man."
"Yeah," Richard started out sulkily and then his face lit up. "But
Richard Moore once again caught the murderer and figured out his devious plot!
`What an idiot,' both Conan and Tom thought.
Rachel was the first to walk into the apartment, she dropped her purse
on the counter and went into her bedroom. Tom walked over to the big chair
and sat down, he closed his eyes and almost immediately fell asleep. Richard
took off his jacket, set it down on his desk chair and walked to his bedroom.
Conan was the last to go to bed, he sat on the couch watching the sleeping
occupant across from him. Conan knew something else had to be going on, why else
would Tom be here. If he had really gone to mom and dad first, they would've
him to stay away, so that Conan could keep appearances. Conan put the thought
off for tomorrow, he laid down on the couch and slept.
It was like a movie thing after thing past through his eyelids, first it
was Rachel that flashed by. Rachel was sort of a normal appearance in his
dreams, because of his longing to be Jimmy again and talk to her like Jimmy he
had dreams about the real him and her talking. But there was no school like
background only darkness surrounded her, and she didn't look happy, she looked
sad. Rachel disappeared, then the famous scene from "Oliver Twist" showed up, it
was the part where Oliver asked the cook for some more porridge, Conan watched
Oliver's mouth form the word "more" but no sound came out. Then that
disappeared, next came a memory Conan fondly had kept in his art, it was
little Jimmy was standing a few feet away from a little Rachel, they mouthed
the word "hi" and waved at each other. The next thing was unexpected, an eye
appeared, just a regular eye, and then Conan heard an ear shattering scream, it
was Rachel!
Conan woke up immediately, he got off of the couch and ran towards
Rachel's room. Conan opened the door, there she was, asleep and perfectly fine.
Conan sighed in relief and walked back into the living room, when he walked in
thought he saw Tom's head twitch, but he put it off as an affect of the mind.
Conan walked over to the couch, climbed onto it and fell asleep, but not
before thinking, "what the hell kind of dream was that?"
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