Charmed Fan Fiction ❯ The Power of 3- Symbols ❯ Indebted To The Darkness ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to the television series, currently I believe it is produced by Alissa Milano AKA Phoebe and Charmed is owned by Spelling Entertainment and Warner Bros. you know I've always wondered how she worked to become the producer of that show and play a lead role in it. Now I know, it's that power of three thing she has going on for her. Well please enjoy as I practice a bit of Voodoo magic with the characters to re-enact a story I created!
Chapter 1: Indebted To The Darkness
“What the hell is going up there?” Piper called from the kitchen, her attention focused on a potion she was mixing with extreme caution. A thundering KABOOM resounded from the attic, startling Piper just enough for her to spill the potion upon the floor. A secondary explosion sounded from the potent mixture becoming volatile on the surface of the kitchen tiles.
“Alright, screw this!”
Storming up to the attic, Piper prepared her fists to use her magic. Once she burst in she released the energy built up in her hands on the group of scrawny demons who were so boldly throwing fireballs at Phoebe with intense fury. Frozen in mid throw, the demons were obviously the lowest of the low. There were about five of them trying to hurl their demonic balls of flame at once.
“What the hell is going on here?” Piper asked with her arms folded in a classic `Have you lost your mind!' pose.
Phoebe sighed and threw her vanquishing potion with less enthusiasm than intended. Instantly all of the demons in front of them disintegrated in a plume of smoke and ash.
“You know how hard I had to look to find those demons?” Phoebe inquired with an expression of disappointment scrawled all over her face. Piper groaned and then relieved her sister of a spare vial she had been carrying.
“Come on sis, let's get you out of that slaying spirit.”
Moments later they were down in the living room seated across from each other leisurely.
Piper examined her sister's stomach expectantly and then began to speak.
“Why are you still hunting down demons, you should be working on poppin' out those Cupid-Witch babies that you were so insistent on having, right?”
Phoebe sighed, trying to force her thoughts into concise words.
“Look I am trying, it's just that something doesn't feel right. My Empath instincts are telling me that we are missing something. That we've forgotten something!”
“What does that have to do with vanquishing demons? By the way where did you round those guys up?”
“Well I had to go all the way to Cairo to catch that bug eyed demon, but he-“
“Just get to the point…Quickly!” Piper stressed.
“Oh..Right! Well you see I think that if we do a total demon genocide and wipe out their total existence than I'll feel safe bringing my children into this world.”
Piper laughed and then said to her sister “You act like the end of the world is coming.”
Phoebe smiled serenely for a moment; it had been such a long time since Piper could genuinely laugh at something that was so nonsensical. When high-level demons were around Piper had to wear such a concrete façade to guard her emotions, and now just to see them expressed freely was almost too much.
“Well just in case it is I've stocked up on pretty much every potion we've ever concocted. That even includes our potions to vanquish Avatars, The Source, Dark lighters, and…” she stopped mid-sentence to try and flush the torrent of memories that was gushing forth to the front of her mind.
Piper watched her enthusiastic face crumble into a small frown in an instant. Automatically she knew the source of the halted statement.
“You saved some of the vanquishing potion for Cole didn't you?” She asked patiently.
Tears welling in her eyes, Phoebe nodded while beginning to sniffle. Quickly fighting off her sorrow she bit her lower lip and then said in a still quivering tone. “Yeah I'm fine. I did.”
Piper patted her sister's shoulder comfortingly before standing up and walking away.
“Just don't overdo it girl, I actually want to see my nieces and nephews, okay?”
Phoebe smiled “Okay Auntie Piper.”
Auntie Even the way the word chimed in her ear it sounded so comforting and warm. She walked back into the kitchen and remembered the puddle of potion that was corroding through the floor. Quickly she returned the mixture to her pot and began reheating it.
Hopefully it's still potent enough to work this one time she thought silently stirring away at the brew. She had only recently read in the book of shadows that this potion could be used for contacting spirits of dead demons. Hopefully it would be enough to contact her.
“Now is the time for us to mobilize.” Amy said to her fellow Knights.
“Now is the time for us to reclaim the territory we held most dear. Now is the time for us to take back the gift we bestowed upon their lineage so long ago. Now is the time to reclaim the Power Of Three.”
A man clad in periwinkle armor glared at her questioningly from the shadows.
“Are you referring to the power possessed by the Charmed Ones?”
Amy chortled an unspeakably villainous laugh as she revealed a thickly sheathed broadsword.
“I mean much more! The Nexus combined with this, The Sword of The Avatars, The Grimoire, and The Book of Shadows would be unimaginably powerful. That is the key to releasing The Bound Twilight Eclipse. Soon we shall remove the universe of magic as we intended to do millenniums ago! The Time Is Now My Brethren And Sisters. So worry not, Thorn, we shall gain back our power.”
Thorn laughed heartily and then made a speech of his own. “We shall do more than strip the world of magic! We shall strip it of any life that involved magic! We allowed the Haliwells to use our power and they never once thought of us. Instead they sealed us in this godforsaken hellhole of existence! We shall exterminate the Charmed bloodline forever! And we shall slaughter all life that gets in our way!”
To Be Continued…