Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ed n Duo's Greatest Adventure ❯ Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ed and Duo's Greatest Adventure

Chapter 16

By Devon Masterson

AN: I affectionately call this Heero vs Ed battle 1 and so on

Trowa walked into a small tavern and sat by the window. He stared off into space as he settled into the familiar surroundings. He was always happy in Paris. It seemed to be the only place where he could get his head straight after something happened to him. His origins were there. In fact his mother and father were not born too far from there. It was only he and Catherine that were born in the colonies. One time on a whim to know their history, the both of them came to the city of light, where they met an older woman, Madam Bovary. She ran a bed and breakfast in the country and knew their mother when she was a little girl.

It was a calm place, perfect for the two of them to visit and rest. So each year they came there for a small vacation, leaving quite revitalized when they left. Trowa would have loved to go there, but he knew that Quatre would find out about this place from Catherine, so he did not visit. Paris, however was still a good hiding spot. Quatre would come there first looking for him at Madam's then look somewhere else. Worse case scenario the Arabian would stalk the establishment to see if Trowa showed up, but he never would show up. He would be hiding in plain sight.

"Monsier, the lady at the bar sends this with her compliments and says don't look so sad," a bar attendant commented as he set the drink down and walked away.

Trowa looked around. He was not really in the mood to drink right now amazingly enough. Green eyes widened when he saw a beautiful woman with blue eyes and flaming red hair smiling brightly at him. Without thinking, he downed the drink quickly, making the woman giggle and walk over to him.

"Drowning your sadness in bottle is not the way," she replied as she sat down across from him. "That is what company is for and you look like you could use some yourself." She looked toward the bartender and nodded just before holding up two fingers.

Normally Trowa would have gotten up by now, but for some reason he could not tear himself away from this woman. She was beautiful, granted, but he could not get passed how beautiful her hair was and how much it was familiar. That in itself seemed grounds to take her somewhere more private. Just being next to her was making him feel better and warm. "What makes you think I need the company?"

The woman pushed back his large bang affectionately. "Your eyes. They look so sad. Your face his expressionless, but your eyes are in pain. It's almost like you want to cry, but you can't even by yourself," she answered.

Trowa pulled away. "I'm fine," he replied then stood up.

"It's all right for a man to cry, you must have loved her very much," she said quickly. "And I want to help you forget."

"You want to use me," he replied.

"And you can use me," she remarked as she pressed her body closed to his. Her hand drifted downward slowly and when she got the desired response, she smiled. "I know you want me why deny it?"

Trowa closed his eyes for a moment and enjoyed her molestation. He was glad that they were partially hidden from sight, but his prudishness faded with each passing second. The smell of roses, her soft hair, and the closeness, he needed these things right now. He needed Ed, but she was not there and all because of Duo.

His mind closed off at the thought of them laying in bed together content. It hurt too much. "Let's go," he replied simply.

"Wonderful," she smiled as she lead him from the tavern. "By the way the name's Edith, but my friends call me Ed."


Heero sat at his laptop working diligently. It had been the greater part of a month that he had been working on his part of the mission and he was no closer to finding Ed than anybody else seemed to be on completing there's. Trowa and Ed seemed to be the most elusive people he had ever met.

"Found anything yet?" Wufei asked as he put on his coat.

"Nothing," Heero answered in frustration. "You?"

"I believe I know who our culprit is," Wufei answered. "A call for Duo came in today from his asinine friend William. He called looking for him because Duo hadn't answered any his e-mails all month. I was about to hang up on the miscreant when he asked me if Duo was alive." At this Heero looked more intensely. "He explained to me that he saw pictures of Duo and Ed on Ebay for sale."

"Dorothy," Heero commented in disgust but it made perfect sense. They would deal with her later, first priority was finding Ed and. "So then where are you going?"

"William admitted that he had copies of the pictures, I'm going to confiscate them and any others I find," he replied as he turned to leave. "Also he mentioned that for some reason all the pictures on the net are now scrambled. All you can see is Duo."

"Hmm," he commented as he went to the web site and called up the pictures. Sure enough all that could be seen were brown and red pixels with specs. He was curious as to why the picture was scrambled, but he would figure that out later. They were finally starting to get somewhere.

A window on his task bar started to blink indicating that his search was done. He had been doing a search on screen names that contained `radical' or `edward' and had them listed by heaviest usage and complexity of connections. He started to scroll down the list of a thousand names. At least that was something he could work with. He started to feel a sense of achievement when a little yellow circle appeared on the screen and started to looking at the information. A frown crossed it's face just before it turned red and steam came out of it's ears. "What the hell?"

"You've been very bad Heero. If you keep this up, you'll only play Free Cell," the yellow circle warned.

A brown eyebrow raised in annoyance as he started his own personal anti-hacking booting program.

"What's this?" the circle asked as it looked around then frowned again. "I warned you. Bye Bye." The circle disappeared.

"That should take care of that," he commented almost smugly. Then as if on cue errors started to pop on the screen and the whole system shut down. "I told her to stay off my laptop."


"Anything new on that 250K bounty?" Bobby asked as he and Sylvia walked through the main office.

"He's been missing for two weeks," she answered. "I've checked all of my contacts including my Preventer one's. There is no record of him anywhere."

"Somebody must have gotten to him first," Bobby answered as he stood in front of his door. CEO of Sixkiller Enterprises was embossed across the door.

"But why not turn him in?" she asked as she followed behind him.

"That's the two hundred and fifty thousand dollar question," he replied turning on the light then stopped short.

"Because it took less time than I expected," a voice answered.

Bobby and Sylvia each drew a gun only to have a gun pointed at each of them by the intruder. "What are you doing in my office?" he asked as his eyes trailed the length of her body. Thigh high booted legs were resting casually on his desk, crossed at the ankles.

"Waiting for you," she answered. "You need to work on your security."

"Get your feet off my desk," he replied. Her voice seemed familiar but he could not place it.

The red head took her feet down and stood, still having her guns trained on the two of them. It was quite a picture she was making standing behind the desk in a short, black and white plaid, form fitting skirt, black thigh high boots, suspenders, and a white half shirt that said `inventive' across the chest. She was the epitome of the sexy school girl turned bad as she held two 9mm like she knew how to use them and sported two braided pony tails. "Don't you remember me?"

"Wait a minute…you're that kid," he replied. "Put the gun down."

"How about we all do it at the same time?" She suggested not wavering from her position.

All four guns lowered and then were put away, but not before the red headed intruder twirled them expertly and placed them in her thigh holster. Bobby sighed inwardly thinking he might have underestimated her. "Now what are you doing here?"

"I got you something," she replied sitting on the desk with her legs crossed. She gestured to the corner where a man was tied and gagged with wrapping paper. "I even gift wrapped him. He's little stale. I had him two weeks, it took a little longer to find a new personality."

Sylvia went over to the man and nodded her head in confirmation then looked over to the girl sitting on the desk. "Who are you?"

"Not Batman that's for sure," she replied as she stood. "The name's Sunshine Valentine, my friends would call me Sunny. I'm your newest bounty hunter, right Bobby?"

Bobby nodded his head. Things were looking up already. "I like the way you think Sunny. I think you'll fit it in around here."

©2002 Devon Masterson

Another Bond Girl Blue Production.

Let's be real here… we all know that I don't own these characters or you would be watching this instead of reading it [with the exception of manga of course]. I just do this for kicks and wiggles [yes, I know the real expression, and this is mine] anywho don't sue me, hire me instead;p