Crossover Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Omakes ❯ A new beginning ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It was a nice day and a long limo started to make its way to the Tendo dojo. Inside was a very handsome young man. He was dressed in a suit and a banded collar shirt. He was very well built, had black hair in a ponytail and a thin goatee.
“Do we have to go through with this?” He said.
Just then a voice coming in front of him spoke. “If you don't you won't be able to concentrate. Also, didn't you want to see your mother?”
The man nodded and sighed, “alright. You win, Bastita-sensei.”
Meanwhile at the Kami betting place, Yerf just looked at one of the new gods.
“This Ranma is found and raised by David Bastita?” She said, the god nodded. “This might be a little interesting.
So Ranma went to the front door and started to knock on it. Inside, a man was happy to hear the knock after he told his daughters that their fiancée was coming to visit.
“Oh that, must be him now.” Said one of the daughters. So they race to the door and they met a very handsome young man.
“Hello, you Tendo?” He said, the man was shocked and just looked at him.
The woman looked at him and noticed what he was wearing, or rather, whom he was wearing. `Wow, that suit costs more than this house.' She thought.
“Uh, yes. I am,” he said.
“And did you train with a fat, bald, ugly man by the name of Genma Saotome?”
“Yes, I did. Are you Ranma?”
“Yep, I'm Ranma, Ranma Bastita.”
“RANMA BASTITA?” They said, just then David came out of the limo. He was huge and towered over Ranma and Ranma towered over Mr. Tendo.
They went inside of the house and they started to talk about why they were there.
“I'm here to find that poor excuse of a man, Genma Saotome.” Growled David, he told them what Ranma's ex-father had done to him. “And that's why we're here.”
“So Genma shows up and David power bombs him into the marble table. Then he breaks the pact with the Tendo's because Ranma isn't a student of `Anything Goes' anymore?” Said Yerf.
“Looks like it.” Said Dale Ernheart, God of racing, 1st class, and 1st category, unlimited.
“Let's see what you can do, Dale?” She said.