Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the End ❯ Seal and Unseal ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Why Egypt?” Keiko asked, typing something up on her laptop.
“All we have are rumors and hunches to go on,” Koenma explained, “It hard to say we actually know where the items are. But some Egyptian legends and folktale tell a story of an item similar to Sloth's Robes.”
Keiko nodded and finished typing with a sigh. “Alright, our ID's should be printed by tonight, and I'll go pick the money up later tonight.”
“You're the best Keiko!” Botan squealed and hugged her tightly.
“Yeah, yeah,” Keiko said with a small blush.
“So we go and find a dead king that was buried with the robes?” Naruto asked, looking over Keiko's shoulder.
“That's basically it. We just gotta find where the tomb is,” Keiko chirped with a smile. She was trying to keep herself busy, and most of the energy was going towards the smile she wore.
“You should rest before you go pick the money up,” Koenma advised with a concerned look. His amber eyes seemed dull from weariness as well; the day had not gone by so smoothly.
Most of the crew had gone out on there own to come for a later meeting. Details at the moment weren't as crucial and needed in the beginning of the operation. Other than following the orders of a Spiritual Lord and doing almost impossible missions, they lived the lives of normal people, almost...
“Well, I'm going to go train out in the woods, anyone care to come with?” Naruto asked as he stepped a foot out the doorway.
“And get my head nearly chopped off, again?” Botan laughed sarcastically, “I think not!”
“Fine!” He snorted and walked out while flipping her off.
He jumped from treetops to rooftops, fast enough to move unseen to those who walked outside, he was careful to avoid their eyes. As he jumped on towards the entrance of the forest, a sharp whizzing sound went passed him and he stopped abruptly on a tree branch. Another whizzing sound came towards him and he ducked in time, looking up to see a shuriken. He glared at it hatefully and looked at his surroundings which seemingly inhabited nobody but him; he knew better. He spotted three more shurikens and jumped off the branch in time to dodge them. He got out his kunai and held it close to him as he tried to hide, knowing the enemy knew where he was.
There was a silence in the wood; not a bird or creature dared to make a sound in fear of breaking the tension. The shuriken flew at his hiding spot with perfect rotation, and trailing it, was a string, being followed by vast flames.
“Don't play around!” Naruto shouted from a different hiding spot, jumping out and throwing his kunai at the strings source. A figure jumped from the trees and landed on a nearby branch.
There stood a startled Sasuke, glaring down at Naruto. “So you have improved,” Sasuke muttered with almost slight amusement at the infuriated look on Naruto's face. He had not expected the attack.
“Shove it!” Naruto hissed, quickly taking out 6 kunai, 3 in each hand.
Sasuke stared at him blankly, internally wondering if he should accept the challenge, he did bring it upon himself. “Fine baka...”
“I said stop calling me that!” Naruto roared as he seemingly disappeared before Sasuke's eyes.
Sasuke narrowed his eyes in concentration; he was playing on mere seconds. He was never able to move that fast before... Naruto appeared to his left with a round kick; Sasuke blocked it effortlessly. “Not good enough,” He muttered and grabbed onto his leg. Jumping into the air he dragged Naruto along with him, swinging him with great force to the ground.
Naruto released 3 of the kunai from his left hand, then his right. This made Sasuke hesitate to dodge them, and this gave Naruto just enough time. Naruto put his hands in a crossed T position and started to shout, “Kage Bunshin−”
“No way!” Someone's voice echoed through the forest.
In an instant the two were no longer falling, but floating, unable to move. Sasuke levitated to a branch and was released, looking overly pissed. Naruto floated to the ground, the person not letting up on their control over him.
“Naruto don't you even think about hurting Sasuke!” Sakura's angry voice was now noticeable.
Sasuke glared down at the ground, not at Naruto, but the invisible bind he was in.
“S-Sakura...” Naruto struggled so say, “You better... Let me... the fuck... go.”
Naruto's body was shaking, a sign of his own resistance. “You... aren't strong enough to hold me Sakura. Let me go!” He said venomously.
A scoff could be heard and he started to growl, and for a second, Sasuke thought he would revert to his demon form.
Naruto's hand shot up and grabbed a hold the air in front of him, his growl sounded similar to a dog's. “I warned you,” He muttered with difficulty, and then jerked at an invisible rope like a mime, pulling Sakura from her hiding spot.
She gave a startled cry as she fell and was caught by Sasuke, who looked at her coldly. “H-how did he do that? No one can touch a psychic bond!” She stammered, looking down at Naruto with hate. Pulling at psychic bonds took its toll and he was lying unconscious on the ground.
“Don't underestimate him...” Sasuke said, “I did...” He set her aside and jumped down from the tree.
She followed him hurriedly, trying to stop him. “No! Just leave him! He's a big boy; he can find his way back when he wakes up!”
He ignored her and put Naruto on his back.
“What did you do!?” Botan exclaimed, quickly ushering Sasuke to put Naruto down on the couch.
“That's none of your business!” Sakura snapped coldly.
Botan rolled her eyes and put cushions under Naruto's head. “Maybe I should've gone with him,” She murmured.
“No, you were right to stay away from him,” Sasuke muttered hatefully and walked out the door.
“Sasuke!” Sakura called and followed after him.
Botan stared after the two of them, looking overly confused and taken aback. She just shook her head and turned her attention back to Naruto. “Poor thing,” She whispered and ran her hand through his hair. She caught herself and pulled away quickly. “I'm getting off track! Umm, groceries? Yeah… Groceries...” She mumbled incoherently to herself and walked around trying to find her keys.
“Ok, well I'm off to get the money!” Keiko called to the few residents still in the house, who mumbled an `ok' in reply.
“So many of you in one place, and you all know each other,” A voice chuckled softly.
The laughter echoed in his ears and chills ran all over his skin.
“Who are you?” Naruto croaked out quietly, too weak to open his eyes from his sleep.
“No matter,” The person grunted and lightly placed their hand on Naruto's stomach.
“What are you−?”
“Quiet,” They ordered harshly. “Interesting...”
Numbness crept over Naruto's body as he became more and more unaware of his surroundings. “Stop...” He croaked softly, feeling a sense of danger in all the confusion.
The person placed their finger tips on his stomach and for a second it didn't seem like they were going to do anything. Without warning they punched him with their fingertips deep into his gut. Naruto opened his eyes and screamed, the feeling of fire spread through their fingertips, into his stomach, through his veins and body. “STOP IT!”
With a final gasp, Naruto shot upwards, panting heavily. His senses had not come back as quickly as they should have and Sasuke stopped Hiei from putting his hand on his shoulder. Yusuke joined soon, and they stared at him for a while, wondering if it would be safe to approach.
Sasuke's eyes quickly fell on the slight smoke that rose from within his jacket and walked to Naruto, whom was still panting in a moment of panic. “Forgive me,” He muttered before his hand came down on his neck, knocking him out.
“What did you do that for?” Yusuke hissed angrily, kneeling beside him to watch him.
Yusuke lifted Naruto's jacket and the three gaped at the five burn mark on his stomach that circled around a pulsing birthmark.
“What the hell is that?” Hiei breathed.
Sasuke quickly held up his right hand, and soon enough, white flickers of fire ignited at his fingertips. “Damnit...” He muttered and brought his fingertips down hard on the exact spots where the other 5 marks were.
Naruto's eyes opened once again as he gave a loud shout before Sasuke's hand silenced him.
“What are you doing?!” Yusuke yelled and pushed Sasuke away from Naruto.
Sasuke stood up with a shrug and said, “See for yourself.” With that, he walked out the door.
“Yusuke!” Hiei beckoned and pointed at Naruto.
“What?” He asked as he followed the point to Naruto's abdomen, which was rid of the signs, and the birthmark was barely visible. “What the hell is going on?”