Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Sometimes you just... ❯ Escape From The Mirror ( Chapter 56 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Randomly inspired. I tried writing through the eyes of a most tragic friend and I think I succeeded. I think. ^^;;;
Escape From The Mirror
Who is that girl that I see
Standing so meekly in front of me?
She hides away, so scared so afraid
Through so much darkness she's had to wade
Her skin is so pale, body so sickly thin
With scars and blood adorning her skin
Her true loveliness is hidden from view
Because she can't see herself the way that I do
She doesn't see how pretty she is at all
She believes she was only born to fall
Her only purpose of being here
To be the one labeled as “ugly,” “disgusting,” and “queer”
Her beautiful tragedy pulls me into a daze
As her teary eyes begin to haze
Is that sobbing I hear? She starts to cry.
Her life has been hell but she doesn't know why
I try to reach her and quiet her cries
But no one lets me get through the lies
The lies feed off hatred, off suffering and pain
Taking away all that she's lost and all that she's gained
As I try to help her, the lies take more away
They do not want her to hear what I say
My words of kindness try to pierce their way through
But something unexpected happens after they do
The lies stop to look, the lies stop to find
A new soul to torture, new body, new mind
As the lies quickly find their way to me
I am slowly becoming that girl that I see
If the mirror is shattered, will I be set free
From my reflection looking pathetically?
If I cannot see that girl anymore
Will I be able to open the door?
Or will I just cease to exist?
Getting myself lost in the mist
Ok, so it may have been about me in the beginning… but that's a different story… ^^;;; Please review, I'm particularly fond of this one.