Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ Death Note : Rebirth ❯ Visit ( Chapter 56 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



<< Great, here I am again, looking for answers from someone that doesn't even remember me. Well, this is the only chance I have to ever find out what the hell is going on, anyway. I dislike things being all messed up. And I also lost my place as a King. That was what I worked for all my life. Or is it? >>
Light was once again standing on Ryuk's roof preparing to face him. He climbed down into the balcony and peeked through one of the open windows. Ryuk was standing on a couch and watching the evening news.
<< If i didn't know better, I'd say he's the averege citizen whom you can see everwhere. >>
"Hey there, Ryuk!"
"You again? Get the hell out of my house or I'll call the pol- ... Oh, wait... Damn."
"Don't be so rude, old friend. I only came here to ask you something."
"Don't call me old friend. I have no idea who you are. You should stop saying all this nonsense and leave me be."
"I'm afraid I can't do that. Something weird is going on here and it seems that I'm the only one that realises this so only I can get to the bottom of this."
"The only weird thing here is that you're in my house and that you're nuts."
"Maybe I am."
"No, I can assure you that you really are in my house."
"I was referring to the nuts part."
"Anyway, I only have one question and after that I won't ever come here again."
"Then I won't answer."
"Then you won't get the chance to get rid of me."
"Ok, fine. What do you want?"
"I want you to tell me everything that you know about the birth of death gods on this world."
"That's not really a question, you know."
"It doesn't matter, just tell me what I want to know."
"Well, it's not much to tell. I mean, death gods were always here. Since the beginning of the world. Everyone knows that."
"What the hell are you talking about? I want you to tell me about the death god realm and the explosion and how death gods get their memories."
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I told you you're insane. I guess it's time you should be listening to what I'm saying."
"You're the insane one here. All of you! All of your memories have been affected by something. You should consider -"
Suddenly they heard the sound of glass breaking somewhere on the other side of the house.
"That's my kitchen! How many of you are there?"
"I'm the only one left on my side. Maybe it's just a casual burglar."
"Don't say that so calmly, I live here!"
"Like I care..."
Ryuk rapidly got up from the couch and ran towards the kitchen while Light remained in the living room. He waited calmly for a few moments after which he decided to go after him but right when he wanted to leave the room, Ryuk stepped back inside; he was looking a lot more relaxed now.
"You're back. What happened?"
"Oh, nothing important."
"Then why -"
"It is important for you, though."
A few seconds later several more death gods entered the room using the same door that Ryuk has previously used.
"What is the meaning of this, Ryuk?"
"Since your first breaking in, I have my house watched by the Followers. They saw you came here, so they arrived to capture you."
"You've got to be kidding me."
"It's no joke." said one of the death gods that now stepped inside the room through the balcony.
"What do you want from me?"
"We want you dead, of course. But we need to experiment on you first. Being half something and half something else is kind of a pain in the neck, you know?"
"Do I look like I care? Just let me go, you'll never get anything from me."
"I can't let that happen. You will have to come with us."
"The hell I will!"
After saying that, Light rushed towards the window trying to escape but one of the death gods predicted his move and tried to block. Despite this obstacle, he threw himself with all his strenght into the death god, both of them going through the window and outside on the street. The Follower was pretty injured by the impact but Light managed to take off the ground and disappear into the night's darkness before the other could get to him.
<< Damn these guys... >>