Digimon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Inside Archangel Bloodraven ❯ All About Archangel ( Chapter 1 )

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All About Archangel
Primary Subject: Archangel Bloodraven
Date of Inquiry: 01-October-2000
Telephone Interview
Transcript Begins

Archangel: Bloodraven Keep, Archangel speaking

Kari: Hi Arch.

Archangel: Hi Kari. I though you were at your new job.

Kari: I am. I'm a Fanfiction Author Investigator, or FAI for short. We research Fanfiction Authors, particularly those on Fanfiction.net. I got to interview you. We then allow the author to post the transcript so that their fans may know more about them. You have the right to refuse to answer any questions. Shall we begin?

Archangel: Yeah. Kari: Full name?

Archangel: Archangel Nightshade Bloodraven

Kari: Where did you take your name from?

Archangel: Archangel is from Catholic school, which I hated. Nightshade is a poison of which I'm especially fond, and Bloodraven...

Kari: You don't have to answer.

Archangel: No, just a memory. When I was ten I nursed a black bird back to health. It was a black hawk of some kind, but I didn't know that then. I thought it was a raven, and when I started writing the name came back to me.

Kari: So you're name has no origins in the Diablo game.

Archangel: Nope. I've never played Diablo.

Kari: I see. What is your real name?

Archangel: I choose not to answer that on the grounds that will spoil my air of mystery.

Kari: Fair enough. Education level?

Archangel: High school graduate.

Kari: From where.

Archangel: Lucifer's Academy of Extreme Torture. (Laughs) Seriously. I'd rather not answer that, because someone may deduce my true identity and I don't want that.

Kari: As you wish. Our records say you have three muses. Is that correct? Archangel: Yup. You, TK, and Iori, or Cody as he called in the dubbed version.

Kari: Why did you choose us? Archangel: I'm primarily a digimon writer. You're is my favorite, TK's cute, and Iori has a lot of spunk for such a little guy.

Kari: Let's see. (Thumbs through papers) Ah. Worldwalker wants to know why you wrote a sequel to Defender's Keep before you finished the original.

Archangel: He must be referring to Betrayal. I simply had the idea in my head and it stared interfering with other fics, so I typed up part of it. Defenders Keep has over thirty sections that have been posted, typed, or hand written, and it's still not done yet. Am I allowed shameless self promotion?

Kari: Yes. Archangel: Remember guys one more reviews before I start on part two.

Kari: Why does it take you so long to upload new material?

Archangel: My computer is history and I'm on a public terminal until I can buy a new one. That and a second shift job at Brodart takes a large chunk out of my time.

Kari: How come you kill off so many characters?

Archangel: That is not my fault! That's Osirus, alternate persona of death, mayhem, and destruction. Whenever he writes the body count goes through the roof. But he's good to have around during an author battle.

Kari: Why do you bring them back?

Archangel: The characters? One, because I can as long as the plot line makes it plausible. Two, because my plans require that my characters stay alive. And three, because the muses gang up on me until I bring back characters.

Kari: What are your plans for your lemon series?

Archangel: I'm in the middle of the third installment, titled Truth or Dare, but I'm having difficulty writing a lemon scene. When I finish it I'll post it.

Kari: Why do you write yuri stories?

Archangel: Because I'm open minded enough to know there are other relationships than just straight. Yuri's just appeals to me.

Kari: What is your favorite color?

Archangel: For decorating, blood red. In clothes I take pure black or a dark gray.

Kari: You made a reference to an alternate personality, Osirus?

Archangel: Yup, responsible for all death and mayhem in my fics.

Kari: Do you have any other personalities?

Archangel: Sure. There's Chibi Archangel. He wants to write just like me when grows up, so he practices by writing cute fluffy fics. He's pretty good. Then there's Osirus. He took his name from the Egyptian god of Death, and brother does he live up to it. Then there's Cupid and Eros, the twins. Cupid writes romance, and Eros writes lemons. Those are the ones that came out in therapy.

Kari: Some questions from the fics themselves. Ah Raven's gender is...?

Archangel: Male. Definitely male.

Kari: What did Sora's note say, in "Someone Else's Star"

Achangel: Dai suki, chibi puro kokoro. Intended translation is, "I love you, little pure heart." But I have only rudimentary Japanese so I could be wrong.

Kari: What is a duster? Archangel: Ankle length coat, similar to a trench.

Kari: Didn't Joe die in the digiworld?

Archangel: Yeah, I realized that after I posted. I'll come up with a plausible explanation.

Kari: What are your current fics?

Archangel: Well, obviously Defender's Keep, another chapter of the Neo Card Saga, an Escaflowne fic, and more of my Sailor Moon fanfic, more "What If" fics, a couple of requests, and a special Takari Christmas fic.

Kari: How did you come up with Defender's Keep.

Archangel: It came to me in a dream. Seriously. I had a weird dream, started writing it down and it just expanded. Any other questions?

Kari: Nope. We'll send you a transcript as soon as possible.

Archangel: Okay. We're having lasagna tonight.

Kari: My favorite. Bye.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Let me out! Let me out! ::Pops out of the coffin:: I'm not dead yet, fearless fans. And when I do kick the bucket, I'll leave a fic in my will. I hope you enjoy this little trip into my life and if you feel that I have not answered anything to your satisfaction, leave it in the review.