Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodline: Descendents of the Digidestined ❯ Sins of the Father ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Bloodline: Descendants of the Digidestined

Chapter 2: Sins of the Father

Prologue: Tetsuo narrates, "After 41 years of peace no one was ready for the mass invasions that took place all over the world. The original Digidestined left to fight this new foe from the Digital World, but since it has been 40 some years since their last battle, they were too rusty to fight at full power. Lily, a ward of one of Lewis's daughters, Jill, got frustrated about why she was always kept distant from Jill's work and why she was always gone, and ran out into the war-torn city for answers. Keiko, the granddaughter of Taichi and Mimi, who was supposed to baby-sit her, chased after her and they both ended up in the old school that Sensei Hido attended when he was young, which was being renovated. While there, a Mekinorimon found them and attacked. Keiko was able to fend it off, and then Bonnie and myself arrived and took out the pilot. While meeting, Bonnie was stealing computer parts from the computer lab and another girl ran in screaming of a marauding party of evil Digimon led by a female in a red toga, Heramon. She repaired and entered the Mekinorimon cockpit when the computers turned on and these digiports opened. As one was bringing in reinforcements for Heramon, we were sucked in. We found ourselves at a pond. Lily tripped over a rock, which led to house. A voice told us to go to the house and we went. Meanwhile, the Digidestined found a psychotic Daisuke out in the forests. Before he could kill Takeru, Lewis tricked him into knocking himself out by having Daisuke run into his fist. Jou took some pills he had and gave them to Daisuke, which seemed to calm him and make him be his conceited self again. The voice that led us to the house was Mai; the former Anti-Digidestined lackey turned good and now has taken over for the late Gennai. She said we were to be the new Digidestined, and then showed us two other children who we were to work with, our pedigrees, and these new digivices. Mai told Lily her grandparents were indeed alive, and they were Lewis and Lilymon. The old Digidestined regrouped and found the enemy at a small city that had access to a digiport. They easily beat this lot, but the forces on the ground were cannon fodder sent down to lure them there, and an airship that blocked out the whole sky flew overhead. The jets it deployed leveled the city and the digimon. Taichi left to get reinforcents and Gomamon and Andromon Warp Digivolved to their Giga levels. NeptuneZudomon destroyed many of the jets, but he was beaten badly when the airship locked on him and shot him up, making him revert to Bukamon. Then the airship sent a rogue Alcyaid Xaviomon, which was piloted by an evil General named Stefan, to fight Araiya's Alcyaid Xaviomon, when Araiya took manual control of the situation. Mai told us of the trouble and used the ancient Sat-Com teleportation pads to send us to the battle. Lily's few couple of orders were shakey, but once our digimon digivolved to the Champion level, we were able to gang up on Stefan's Alcyaid Xaviomon and pull Stefan out of it, making finishing it off a piece of cake. Afterwards, two men and a digimon came down from the airship. One of the men was Metzger, now this giant bionic nightmare, and he easily defeated Alcyaid Xaviomon with his arsenal. The man in the armor threw our digimon around like rag dolls. Keiko, Andromon, and my digimon Zenmon were able to digivolve to Ultimate, but he still beat us. Just as he was going to order our destruction, Lily charges from nowhere and jabs her spear into his back. After she was sent vaulting over him, an explosion weakened the man and filled his suit with smoke. He was forced to remove his helmet to get air, and Lewis knew him immediately. It was Lance, Lily's father and the same person everyone else knew was behind the murder of Lily's mother, Holly, but since he had high priced lawyers and bribed some court officials, got off scot-free. Lance managed to access his suit's reserve power and tell the airship to fire on the Digidestined. Just then, Taichi showed up with Paladingreymon, Paladin Lilymon, and a battalion of Marines, which Lilymon 'kindly 'borrowed.' They fought the airship while Metzger attacked Paladin Lilymon for something that happened a long time ago. She finally managed to subdue him and severed his right arm while fighting. He retreated, and Paladin Lilymon tried to protect us from Lance and his suit, but couldn't. We thought we were doomed when Lily just stood in the way and something strange happened when a green bubble surrounded us and took us back to the real world. Now she wants answers, Iori wants to train us, and Lewis and the girls go out to give Daisuke and Veemon a much needed bath and makeover while Jou, Masato, Sora, and Ryo go look for the last last two new Digidestined. I wonder what Gennai was thinking when he chose us?"

Lewis drags Daisuke outside. "Now you stand there." He takes Daisuke's clothes off. "With all this grime on you, giving you bath right away would clog up Izzy's pipes, so I'm gonna rinse you off first. Lewis turns on the sprinklers and the garden hose. Lewis sprays Daisuke and Veemon down with the hose. Daisuke yells, "Hey, that's cold!!" Lewis laughs and says, "That's half the fun!!" A neighbor looks next door at the three and says, "They'll let anyone move in here. I don't want to know what sick things they do in that house. One thing's for sure. If they head the Neighborhood Watch, I don't want to be a part of it." She picks up the phone and begins to dial the police. Lewis says, "Wait here." He runs over to her house and cuts the phone line. "Eeeeek!! Home Invasion!!" She starts beating him with a frying pan. After a bit, Lewis is backed into the room he entered. The lady grabs her purse and pepper sprays him. The spray burns him for second or two, giving time for another good wallop, and then the effects are gone. "Hey, peppery." He takes the pepper spray and sprays it into his mouth. "Mmmmm....... Spicy." The woman looks in shock. "That should have blinded you!!" Lewis goes, "And nosy neighbors shouldn't play peeping tom on their other neighbors, but they do, so the world isn't perfect." He walks out with the pepper spray and her frying pan. "But..." Lewis turns and says, "It's not nice to eavesdrop." And walks back to Daisuke, who is shivering. The neighbor says, "I need that pan to cook my eggs." Veemon has almost reached the valve when Lewis stops him. "Not until all the grime is off." "But I'm freezing...." Veemon says. "Stop whining so I can finish." "No!! Stop it!!" Veemon backs up.

"V Headbutt!!"

Daisuke, shivering, yells, "Show him, Veemon!!" Lewis stands and as Veemon closes, Lewis takes the frying pan and puts it in front of him. Veemon goes, "Oh, this is gonna hurt." He crashes into the pan, leaving a dent shaped like Veemon's head in the pan. He falls on the ground like a bowling pin, unconscious. Lewis goes, "I told you to hold still, dumbass." He finishes washing them off. "Stage 2, Incinerate these clothes. Daisuke, Veemon, go inside." He goes his car, a weird cone like vehicle with three wheel, one in front and two in the rear, growing increasinigly larger the further back you go, and pops the trunk. He looks around and finds a propane tank and a flamethrower. Hikari comes out and says, "You keep a flamethrower in your car?" Lewis says, "Sure. It's always a good thing to have a little protection when you're in town. Besides, this is a toy compared to the stuff I have at home. Now, excuse me. I have a biohazard to incinerate." He turns it on, but has the gas valve set too high and he incinerates the neighbor's shrubs and rose garden. Lewis grins nervously and says, "You didn't see that." He slips her a $20. He walks away whistling as the smoldering ruins of her roses fill the air with smoke.

Inside, the two go take a bath and Lilymon lays out some old clothes of Lewis's. Lily says to Jill, "Tell me about my real parents." Jill goes, "I have, Lily." Lily says, "No, I mean Holly and Lance." Jill looks surprised. Lily continues, "Holly and Lance Fallon. Who are they, and why was I never told the truth?" Jill goes, "Well...." Lily says, "I'll go ask my mom. Oh, wait, my daddy killed her!!" Jill says, "Wait, Lily!! She storms out. Just then, there is an explosion and Lewis comes crashing through the patio doors. He is all black and his hair blown back. He hits the wall, breaking the plaster. "I came, I saw, I got blowed up." And falls down. Everyone gathers around. Suddenly there is a crashing sound, like glass shattering, and the neighbor screams, "MY CAR!! IT'S RUINED!!" Lewis gets up and says, "Note to self: Use more gasoline." Taichi says, "Isn't that a little overkill?" Lewis looks at him strangely and says, "Over what?" Taichi says, "Apparently not." Izzy is heard screaming, "Lewis, you asshole!! You blew out all my windows and my back yard is a huge smoldering crater!!" All the sprinkler heads have been destroyed and water is flooding Izzy's yard. Lewis says, "We need to go.... home....." Lilymon finishes, backing to the front door with Lewis, "For... supplies.... yes.... supplies. QUICK, LEWIS, GRAB DAISUKE AND VEEMON!!" Daisuke is in the bathroom wearing a black shirt, pants, full-length trenchcoat, and a spare pair of Lewis's sandals, and has shaved the left half his beard off already. Veemon is as clean as the day he was released. Lewis busts down the door and takes the two and runs for the door. Hikari and Mimi chase after. "Hey, come back!! I thought we agreed to go together!!" And they jump in Taichi's van. Lewis and Lilymon take the shanghaied duo and throws them in their car. Lilymon yells, "FLOOR IT, LEWIS!!" They squeal onto the road and race away down the road at 170 MPH, with Hikari and Mimi following just behind. Izzy runs out with a baseball bat a little to late. Taichi grabs him and says, "Calm down Izzy. So he blew up your back yard. He's our friend. He was just making sure those clothes were destroyed. Hey, at least no one was hurt. Besides, he'll have to pay to replace all the windows." Izzy says, "I know, but it gets on my nerves how he never apologizes for anything he does. His harmonious spirit and oneness with himself, the world, and his emotions may bring peace and tranquility and some others, but to others it causes disaster and misery. One day he's going to irritate the wrong person." Jill runs out and says, "Has anyone seen Lily?! I can't find her!!"

Lilymon says after Lewis slows down, "Lewis, what caused the explosion?" Lewis looks over and says, "Well, the ground was still wet from spraying Daisuke and Veemon down, so I needed something to ignite the soiled clothing. I found a 5 gallon container of gasoline in Sora's tool shed. I took that and started pouring it on the clothes. Before I knew it, I had poured the whole bottle on the clothes. I turned on the flamethrower and then, well, Ka-Boom, and here we are." Lilymon says, "Well, that makes sense, but you got to stop causing so much property damage. Our wallets aren't bottomless, ya know." Lewis says, "Okay." Lilymon says, "Now, onward ho!!" Lewis says, "Let me wash this soot off, and then let's get Daisuke new clothes!!"

Out in the city, Jou, Masato, Ryo, and Sora walk around scanning about with their digimon at their side. Gomamom says, "Where are these two?! I mean, we've been looking for an hour and not even a ping." Sora says, "Stop your whining, Gomamon. Remember it took us 3 whole days to find Hikari, so it could take a while." Gomamon says, "If Taichi had went with his gut, we would had found Hikari in one day." Biyomon says, "This is different. These two aren't related to any of us." Gomamon says, "Okay, if you guys say so." He sniffs and smells food. "I smell..., fish, and dim sum, and noodles, and.... cannoli?" Gomamon follows the aroma. It leads him to a restaraunt. "The smell, so overpowering." He sniffs. "But what do cannolies have to do with Oriental food? Oh well." Jou and the others catch up. Lotusmon says, "Typical male. Always led by their stomach." Ardillamon and Biyomon say, "Well, it is lunchtime, and we could with something to eat." Jou says, "It can wait. We should move on...." Masato's WCEDI goes and the Love digiegg pulsates. Gomamon says, "It's a sign. Heed, food, now." Jou says, "Maybe we should eat." They all go in and take a seat. A young girl comes to them to take their order. They all order their food when Sora looks up and sees the girl. "Sakiko?" Before she can respond, Lewis runs in says, "I'm here for that lunch order." Sakiko leaves to the kitchen and comes back out 2 minutes later with three bags of food. Lewis waves at Sora, takes the bags, and maniacally exclaims, "Bwa ha ha!! Crab Rangoon!!" And runs back out the door and into his car. Masato says, "Talk about bad timing." Sora gets up with the digivice and the digiegg and heads to the kitchen. Biyomon looks arounds and mentions, "Is it just me, or are their a lot of men wearing fedoras here?" Sakiko sees her and says, "Sorry, but you have to leave all 'deliveries' in the alley, and we usually buy our eggs in bulk, not a bulk egg." Sora says, "Don't you remember me Sakiko?" Sakiko looks, then says, "Is that you, Sora?" Sora goes, "Yes, Sakiko, it's me." The EDI is going off and the egg glows more and more. Sakiko grabs the egg and says, "What's with this thing? Looks like the most bizarre Faberge egg I ever seen..." It cracks in a red light and in a storm of feathers and fire all around Sakiko is a glowing ball in her hands. The feathers and fire fly into the ball and form at first looks like a mini-Halsemon, but with no rear half, just an upper torso and talons. Like Patamon, she had wings on her head, but they were bird wings. The feathers were white, and the Halsemon helmet-like piece on her head is a dark red. Sakiko drops her saying, "What the?! What is it!!" From Sora's pocket the WCEDI and necklace fly up and to her. Sora says, "Well, I originally came back here to ask how you were and who else works here, but it seems according to these signs you are one of the new digidestined." Sakiko gets a bizarre expression on her face. The digimon says in a Biyomon-like voice, "If I'm right, you're Sakiko." Sakiko says, "Last time I checked, yeah." The digimon flies on her head between the buns. "Since you hatched me, that means we're partners now. I'm Jukumon, a fresh Lunar Eagle digimon. I'll make sure to protect you from evil." Sakiko says, "Well, this is a change of pace." She takes the digivice and necklace, then pinches herself. "Seems real enough, just odd. I'm going to ask Don Shimatsu for some time off so I let all of this seep in." Sora looks out the kitchen door then remembers what Biyomon said. "'Don' Shimatsu? Why do I want to think this restaraunt is ran by the Mafia?" Sakiko says, "Well, since we're all being honest here, it's not ran by the Mafia..." Sora sighs in relief. "...It's ran by the Yakuza." Sora's eyes get big with shock. An expression comes over her face, one that hasn't been on it since that incident in the subway involving Yokomon and the baby. "Ya... Ya... Yakuza?!!" Sakiko starts to clean some cups. "Yep. I'm one of their best employees. Pickpocket, fence, extort, embezzle, grift, negotiator, loan shark, bartender, you name it, I can do it. Oh, and I can poison food, cut brake lines, and I'm a soon to be assassin, but I haven't been ordered to give anyone a 'permanent' vacation so far." Sora thinks, "Oh my... If she keeps down this road she's on, she'll become a monster." Sakiko looks sinister and says, "But remember Sora, if you tell anyone about what I just said, I'll see to it you will be wearing cement shoes by nightfall." Sora gulps. "What was Gennai thinking!!" Sora nods real quick. Sora goes, "But I thought you were just a petty pickpocket." Sakiko says, "Oh, if the cops only knew." Sakiko gets their food and they go out together. Jukumon says, "I don't get it. My first impression of you was sweet, but now you kinda scare me, Sakiko." Sakiko says, "Well, in this profession, you can't let your opposition see the cards you have up your sleeve, or you'll find yourself sleeping with the fishes." Jukumon says, "I see, somewhat." Sakiko whispers, "Between you and me, the reason I threatened Sora is so she keeps her distance, or she could buy the farm for knowing too much, and then I get deep sixed for squealing secrets to an outsider. I've already told her too much." They take the food and she puts it on the table. Everyone starts to eat when Sakiko looks out and sees a car coming down the road. She pushes everyone down under the table, and then machine gun fire opens on the restaurant. "It's the Fujisaba faction!!" The theme from the Sopranos plays as Yakuza strongmen bust in and shoot at other patrons, who duck under their tables. Many of the men in fedoras jump up and pull out Uzis and protect an old man in a suit. Sakiko goes, "Oh no, the Don is here. If nobody does anything, they'll kill him." Jou says, What's she talking about?" Sora says, "Can't say..... Bit my tongue." And she intentionally bites her tongue. A member of the Shimatsu group falls down next to Sakiko. Sakiko says, "I'm gonna go protect my boss!!" Before Sora can grab her, she rolls out and gets to Don Shimatsu's booth. A rival goon, looking more important than his colleagues, nears her. "Move, girl!!" Sakiko doesn't move, and he knocks her out of the way, and says to Don Shimatsu, "You should have sold us your property when we asked, old man." He then shoots him execution style. Sakiko, hitting the ground, sees the man turn at her. "You girl got in my way. Nobody gets in my way." He raises the gun when Sakiko finds a gun next to her and points it at him. She is quivering in fear. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea." She thinks. "So long, girly." He says cocking the gun. By accident and fear, she shoots him, and the shot is a fatal one, to the chest. One of the burlier men says, "That girl shot the boss. Let's get her!!' Police sirens can be heard. The rival faction jumps back into their van and drive off. Sakiko drops the gun and looks at her hands and the body in front of her. A faint voice summons her. She gets up crying and goes to the voice. It's the Don. "Sakiko.... You made sure the Fujisabas wouldn't get this restaurant..... *Cough* .....and you killed Don Fujisaba in the process..... *Wheeze, Cough, Cough* I knew you were a great prodigy. I now honor..... *Cough* you and your father by naming your father to be my replacement..... *Cough, Cough, Cough, Wheeze* .....I have always been able to trust you and your father. Continue my goal of becoming legit." He then falls over limp. "Don? Don?!" Sakiko shakes him scared and crying. Jou and the others come out from under the table and come to her side. Jou takes a pulse and says, "Sakiko, He's gone." She runs out crying. Sora yells, "Come back!!" Jukumon, still on Sakiko's head, says, "Don't go, listen to Sora." Police cars arrive before Jou and Ryo and get out. Sora and Masato head out with their digimon pursuing.

Meanwhile in the Digital World, Vindicator 1 rises into space. It flies onward and is a mere gnat compared to what it was flying to, a black crystalline obelisk space station that hovers over the North Pole. It is as wide and long as the whole hemisphere it hovers over, and heightwise, the bottom, which dipped into the exosphere of the Digital World, to the top, is nearly 1,000,000 miles tall. Vindecator 2 docks and Lance, wearing Black slacks, black T-Shirt, and a beret, heads to the elevator. The doors close, and then the fabric of space folds and he is at the top floor in seconds. Lance says, "Sure beats using the stairs." In the room he enters there is a hallway with 13 glowing rings on the walls, 6 on the left, 6 on the right, and 1 straight ahead. Lance heads straight on and walks into the ring and appears in the middle of a throne room on a pad. He walks down the carpet for a little bit, then kneels and says, "Queen Malachimon, I am here." In the throne, a womanly figure that looks like a Gothic Hikari clad in black leather pants and a black tank top, but with slightly longer hair, some of it in a bun held up by two giant needles. On her forehead is a black pentagram. On her left hand is a metallic glove that looks like the hand implants on Seven of Nine, but in the center is a black crystal and the fingertips come to sharp claws. Her palms is covered in plates, and the center of her left palm is a design which looks like a black Crest of Light. Malachimon says, her voice sounding just like Hikari's, "Good Lance, you're early." Lance, still kneeling, says, "What is it, my queen?" She stands. "You have always served me well, and have been loyal to me from the beginning of my reign, but is it I hear of you attacking a small defenseless city?" Lance answers, "Well, Queen Malachimon, you did say we needed a new stronghold location near a digiport, and the Digidestined were nearby, so I thought we could use the town as bait then send General Stefan and Vindicator 2 to ambush them." Malachimon walks around him and says, "Did you succeed?" Lance says, "No, we didn't. They managed to call in reinforcements, one of which being my *Does quoting motion with hands* 'mother in law,' Paladin Lilymon." Malachimon looks at him and says, "I see your family situation still hasn't improved. Did they ever find your wife's killer?" Lance smirks and says, "No, my queen." Malachimon gets a mad expression and mutters, "Damn." She looks up and says, Where were we..... I remember now. Just who were these reinforcements anyway?" Lance says, "United States Marine regulars, B-420 Air Combat Cruisers, and these eight children with six digimon also claiming to be the Digidestined. They must be training heirs." Malachimon looks surprised. "Hmmmm...... Keep an eye on their wards. They too could be dangerous." She returns to her throne. "From now on, stick only to military targets. I don't want to ever hear of you striking innocent targets again. That is all." He gives a salute like the salute given to president Screwed in 'Spaceballs' and begins to leave. Just after stepping on the pad and returning to the hall, he runs into a demonic figure with red skin and giant ram horns on his head wearing a brown business suit and carrying a briefcase bound in skin. His profile pops up. Lance says, "Attorneymon, the personification of mankind's justified fear and loathing of lawyers. This Giga Demon Digimon uses every courtroom trick there is to destroy his opposition, especially when he unleashes his deadly, painful, money stealing, and always annoying Bureaucratic Red Tape." The scene returns to normal. "What do you want?" Attorneymon, "I'm here to talk to Malachimon, little man. It's a smart thing you didn't tell her your daughter still being alive. She'd have your head mounted on a pike atop Vindicator 1 when it is complete to show everyone else what happens to those who fail her." Lance shoves him into the wall and holds him there. "Little man, eh? Getting a little cocky, aren't we, old man? Just because you once served Neo Apocalymon doesn't mean jack here and now. I still outrank you, so watch yourself." Attorney surly answers, "Why yes sir." Attorneymon easily removes Lance's hand from his shirt. "I could tell Malachimon about your little failure, but I'm a nice guy, so I'll keep it between you and me." Lance angrily says, "You better, or I'll make sure your head sits next to mine." Attorneymon turns around and says, "You better clear up your mess soon, because daughter dearest is, by prophecy, 'The Deadliest Weapon against Evil.'" Lance says, "I know the prophecy, Attorneymon. Malachimon told me about it. I know what dangers Lily presents." Attorneymon says, "Lily, eh? So the brat has a name now?" Lance says, "Obviously." Attorneymon smirks and says, "I shouldn't hold you up anymore. Besides, I'm wanted." He heads through the ring to the throne room. Lance enters the elevator where Virusmon awaits him. Virusmon says, "Siirrrr, Ship Repaired and Ready to Leave." Lance looks surprised and says, "Damn, that was fast." Lance starts to think. Virusmon says, "Virusmon seesss you look troubled, siirrrr." Lance says, "You're right. When I talked about Holly and the attack, Malachimon acted as though she knew nothing of it. She even got mad when I said they hadn't found the killer. I know despite the fact she was born of remnants of Obliviomon's vial and his marrow she is one of the most benevolent evil digimon in existence, but she acts like she never gave the order, yet she herself came in person to me 11 years and gave me the order. I'm beginning to worry that her want for vengeance is driving her mad." Virusmon says, "Lord Safiirumon also worried about Queen Digimon. But he say he not like Lord Attorneymon and his 'secret projects.'" Lance says, "Secret Projects?" Virusmon responds, "Yessss. Virusmon hear rumor of many projects that Lawyer Digimon does what his General, Skull Satamon, in secret. Not even Queen Digimon know of these. Nobody know where Lawyer Digimon lab is, so that's why it a rumor." Lance says, "Rumor or not..... Something's fishy about him." Virusmon goes, "How you know what Virusmon cooked?" Lance smiles, "At least it isn't meatloaf."

They get out and Lance is putting on his armor. Stefan enters when Lance finishes. Lance says, "General Stefan, I want you to go to the real world with me. While you are there, I want you to spy on the Digidestined and find out what you can about them and the new ones they are training. When you return to Vindicator 2, I'll have a special mission for you." They go to a chamber with a laptop. Lance turns to Virusmon. "While Metzger is out with his troops training, you are in charge of Vindicator 2, Virusmon." Virusmon jumps up. "Yay, Virusmon in charge!!" Lance turns to the laptop and puts his left hand before the screen. The screen places a set of crosshairs in downtown Tokyo. "Digiport open." Lance says. They are sucked in.

Coming down the street is Sakiko, still crying. She runs into a cemetery and to a headstone labeled 'Doi Usami.' She looks at it and says, "Oh, mother, you are right!! I got myself involved in my father's work. Now I let someone get killed, and now I have killed someone myself. Why didn't I listen to you? You got in too deep, and now you're gone. Why didn't I listen!!" Jukumon, still nestled on her head, says, "It wasn't your fault. It was an accident." Sakiko looks at her hands and says, "I know, but I shouldn't of had it to begin with. Now Fujisaba's men won't stop until me and my dad are dead." Jukumon looks at the headstone. "Sakiko, you said your mother got in too deep. What do you mean?" Sakiko says, "Well Jukumon, when I was very young, my dad found some information on a rival family that would destroy them and insure their arrest. One night while my mom and dad were out, one of those family men put a car bomb on our car. Before my dad could get in, it went off, killing my mom instantly. 'It was meant for him,' the bomber screamed when they showed him being carried away on the news. Ever since then everyone I have loved has died." Jukumon says, "Except your father." Sakiko is surprised and calms down some. "Listen, your love doesn't kill. It may be ironic that the ones who loved died, but like you said, everyone you know is tangled up in a dangerous web of crime. We're all responsible for our own actions. People aren't perfect either. We all have accidents. Some people, like your mother, are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's called fate. Fate is no reason to let yourself have a heart of stone." A car drives up. A man comes out along with Sora and Masato. He goes, "I knew you'd be here Sakiko." She looks up and says, "Dad!!" He walks up and says, "Sora here told me what happened. I understand it was an accident. You were trying to do the right thing by protecting the Don, and if you hadn't of shot Don Fujisaba, he would have killed you." Sakiko says, "But I still feel so bad. It was so wrong." Sakiko's dad says, "I know. Everyone feels bad when someone dies, even if it's their worst enemy. It's called having a conscience." Sakiko goes, "It still seems so wrong." Sakiko's dad goes, "It will for a while. I my was wrong for letting you get tangled up in this mess. It may be too late for me to get out, but you still have a chance." Masato looks over and sees Lily walking around. Masato yells, "Hey, Lily!!" All of a sudden, men in suits come out from nowhere and knock Lily down. The lead man draws his pistol and shoots. Without thinking, Sakiko's dad gets in front of Sakiko and takes the shots. He falls down in front of Sakiko. Sakiko angrily says, "I won't let them get away with this!!" Sakiko's dad says, "No, Sakiko. See what the road of vengence does. It will lead to more killing, and more vengeance. Get out now. Let the law handle it. Prove to me you are better than this, better than me. Let the cycle of hate.... *COUGH* ...End." Then he dies, laying atop his own wife's grave. Lily is picked up and thrown over with the rest. The man says, "Sorry, all of ya, but we can't have any witnesses." He reloads his gun and aims when from the shadows a beam hits and vaporizes him. The other Yakuza turn and start shooting on the source, but all there can be heard are pings. Another man is vaped when a voice goes, "Nobody disturbs my wife's grave!!" The figure comes into view. Masato says, "Lance... What's Lance doing here?" Sora says, "I don't know, but I don't think those roses in his cold steel hands are for us." He pulls out a set of roses and stops before a great stone thirty feet tall. On either side of it are bonsai trees. On the stone is written, 'Holly Wick Fallon, Born July 3rd, 2003, Died December 25th, 2034.' Below it, carved in Lewis's own handwriting is, 'We will all miss you forever and always, our jewel.' Next to the epitat, there are what looks like erosion and tearstains. Lance puts the roses at the stone and thinks, "Oh, Holly, I am so sorry..... If only you had known my obligations to Malachimon...." Lily gets up and yells, "I want answers, and I want them now!!" Lance gets up and says, "But, Lily, you already know the truth. I was ordered by Malachimon to destroy you, but it was mother who was destroyed." Lily yells, "You could have declined!!" Lance retorts, "If I didn't do it, I'd be killed for insubordination, and someone would had done the job. You don't understand.... I owe Malachimon my life." Lily activates her spear. "What's so important that you would owe such an evil thing your life?" Lance says, "She's not really all that evil. When I was young, she saved my life twice, and then gave me the money to make my software empire. I must repay her." Lily says, "It wasn't worth it!!" She charges, and the song 'Jaded' by Aerosmith plays. She slashes him, but all it does is cause sparks to fly around. She strikes him twice, and this time it makes a minor gash in the plating. Lance picks her up and throws into the cemetery fence. "I am not here for you at this time, my child, so leave me in peace with your mother."

"Plant Spikes!!"

Lotusmon hurls some of her spikes at Lance, and he turns and says, "But I do not hold the same reserve about you as I do Lily." He turns and the minigun comes out of his armor. The barrels spin Aviamon appears and kicks him. Lily gets up and charges and strikes, but still does nominal damage. Sakiko asks, "Who's that that girl is fighting?" Sora says, "That's Lily, and she's fighting her own father." "Why?" "Her father killed her mother." She processes the idea, then looks at the roses on the ground in front of Holly's headstone. She thinks, "His crime is dark and evil one, one that many would never forgive him for, but he seems regretful of that act. It's as though he still loves her." She sees Lily fiercely attacking Lance, but he is not fighting back. "He even has a fatherly instinct. Sure, he did just throw her into a steel fence, but she attacked him first. Parents and children shouldn't ever fight like this. It just isn't right." She sees Aviamon thrown back at them and de-digivolve to Yokomon. "But if we don't do anything, he will kill us." Her digivice begins to glow and shake. Jukumon says, "I'll protect us!!" Masato says, "Facing him with him in that armor suit is tactical suicide, little one!!" Jukumon says, "Well, it's better than just sitting here waiting for him to attack us!!" Sakiko says, "It breaks my heart watching father and daughter fight one another..." Jukumon glows.

"Jukumon digivolve to Garramon!!"

"Garramon digivolve to Scarletmon!!"

"Scarletmon digivolve to Gryphonmon!!"

Standing there is a lioness with dark red and gold wings, eagle talons for front legs, and her entire front half and her neck and head are covered in dark red feathers. It stands there and roars, and then Gryphonmon notices something. Sakiko, muffled, says, "Jukumon, you're crushing my head." Gryphonmon looks down and notices she is standing on Sakiko. "Whoops, sorry Sakiko." She flies up and Sakiko gets off the ground. Sakiko looks and says, "Jukumon?" Gryphonmon says, "No, Sakiko, Jukumon was my Baby form. I'm in my Champion form, Gryphonmon." Her profile comes up. Lotusmon says, "Gryphonmon is a Griffin digimon from the Digital Moon. Her Falcon Pounce attack strikes her foes at speeds over 300 MPH!! Once you stopped skidding from that blow, she finishes the job with her sharp Lion Claw Discs or her Talon Crush." Gryphonmon flies up and sets up in the air.

"Falcon Pounce!!"

She folds up her wings and divebombs Lance. She hits him dead on and the force is enough to flying head over heels. He finally stops in the street standing up. He turns to see a transfer truck carrying gas feet from him. The driver jumps out as it nears. Lance grabs the cab and rips it free from the gas it is hauling and throws it at the other Digidestined. The gas tank continues along, slams into the pavement, ripping it up, then turning on its side and sliding into an intersection. Masato see the cab and says, "That's it!! Take him to school, Lotusmon!!"

"Lotusmon digivolve to Lotomon!!"

Lotomon dashes forward and leans forward, pointing her back and the flowers on her back at the truck cab.

"Lotus Blaster!!"

Water and razor sharp thorns and leaves fly from the flowers and strike the cab. The water pressure pushes the cab back away. The cab hits Lance while he moved to evade a furious Lily. He rides on the grill and the cab hits the gas, blowing the whole place up. Lotomon says, "I think we stopped him!!" Blasting out the back of the tanker in a fireball was an object. Lotomon and Gryphonmon run to the location with Lily. When they get there, they are amazed to see Lance get back up. Some areas of the suit have been destroyed and reveal a second layer and some curcuits underneath. Lance goes, "Is that all you got?!" Masato says, "Impossible!!" Sora says, "I just signaled for reinforcements." Masato says, "Well, I guess you won't be needing me then..." She starts to slip away when Yokomon blocks her off. "Coward!! How dare you!!" Masato looks at her nervously. "I though we were your friends, and now you try to duck out on us!!" Masato says, "But... But." Yokomon, "As you slip away, your 'friend' Lotomon is putting her life on the line to protect us. She needs your help. Turn around." Masato turns around and sees Lance hurl Lotomon into a tree, smashing the tree in half and she continues to go on airborne. She hits the ground and roars in agony. She looks up and Lotomon faintly says, "Help me...." Masato looks at her pitiful body and says, "I'm here..., and I have no more fear!!" Yokomon comments, "For a moment there, she had me worried." Lotomon gets the strength to get up. Gryphonmon has locked her legs around Lance and is slashing away with her talons. She charges up.

"Talon Crush!!"

Her punch-like attack breaks through a weak crack and reveals a third layer of armor. Inside the suit, Lance hears, "System damage. Power at 54% of maximum. Weapons systems compromised." Lance says, "Looks like I'll have to punch my way out of this one." A holographic power relay screen activates. "Computer, divert weapons power and flight to the power gauntlets." His gauntlets start to glow. The computer says, "Pneumatic Gauntlet Power output is now at 175% of recommended. Warning: Overload Possible." He grabs Gryphonmon off of him, then punches her, sending her through a parked car and a building. She reverts to Garramon in the alley behind the building she went through. Lily says, "So one murder won't be enough for you, Lance!!" She gets extremely angry, and her crest glows and an aura forms around her. She screams, then slashes with the spear. A green glow came from the spearhead as it slashed and pierced his armor all the way to his skin, giving him a nasty gash. Lance falls to his knees holding his chest. Lance thinks, "Maybe Attorneymon is right. Her power is so great.... She has to be stopped now. Not because she could have the power to unleash the Megami, but because her anger will destroy everything dear to her." He gets up to punch her, and connects, but she never flinches. "This is for my mother!!" She swings down the spear, which looks like it is surrounded by a flaming aura, into his clavicle and down the left side of his chest. It rips his armor to shreds. Parts of the chest plates fall to the ground, and others dangle. Parts around the cut look melted. Part of his chest, especially the area of his heart, now lay exposed. He slowly gets up. Lance says, "I must save you from yourself!!" He grabs the spear and throws it away and grabs Lily's wrists. Masato sees him and says, "Lotomon, you must stop him before he hurts Lily!!" Masato then runs at Lance and shoulder charges him, and in his weakened state, causes him to drop Lily. Her WCEDI glows orange with her crest.

"Lotomon digivolve to Sunflowermon!!"

For only the second time ever, there stood Sunflowermon. When Lance regrouped, she said, "Not so fast there, hot shot." Lance says, "This conversation is none of your business, nymph digimon." He grabs Lily again.

"Splash Turrets!!"

The water hit the exposed wires and motherboards and caused a short curcuit. Lance was being fried. Driving up, Lewis, Hikari, Mimi, Lilymon, and Daisuke arrived. Lewis, stuffing his face, goes, "We heard your distress... Yumm.......... and we were in the..... Oh, god, I want this recipe!! Neighborhood. Hi Sakiko." A flash of light illuminates the area and a digiport is formed. Malachimon's gentle voice calls out to Sunflowermon, "Stop it!! You're going to kill him!!" Sunflowermon, confused, stops her attack and Lance falls to the ground. Something falls off the back of his neck. Laying on the ground, half conscious, Lance looks at Lily. Lily says, "Time to reap what you sow." Lance says meekly, "Get out of here before Attorneymon destroys you.... Run away before your negative emotions consume you and your soul." Lewis asks up to the digiport, "Who are you?" Coming out from the Digiport were Malachimon, Attorneymon, Heramon, and three other digimon. One was a man wearing a mask like King Tut wearing imperial robes and had a gauntlet just like Malachimon's. Another was a machine that looked eerily like Vademon. The third looked like Alan from Sailor Moon R, but had dark blue hair and and an orange complexion. Attorneymon introduces them. "Standing here next to me is the vengeful Terra, Ramon, the greatest of all Sun God digimon. Don't be intimidated by his glowing eyes and his haunting voice, well under that helmet at least you don't have to see those eyes, but be wary, for all is lost when he uses his Eye of Ra and hs Sun Staff to incinerate you and his Ka Slayer to hemorrhage and destroy your mind. Here before me is Evamon, the Mega form of Vademon. If Ramon can't fry your brain, Evamon can finish the job with his Brain Rupture, then level the area with his Planet Destroyer. Finally, standing next to Malachimon is Safiirumon. He is a Giga level master of the natural world, having powers in the Plant, Life, Earth, Water, Wind, Lightning, Fire, and Lunar elements. Possessing an attack for each allows him a great variety and a surprise factor in combat, but like Malachimon, he's just too benevolent and goody-goody for my likes, but since Malachimon herself hired him, I can't complain." Malachimon walks up to Lance and kneels on the ground, holding him. She asks sadly, "What happened?" Sakiko says to her, "Well, after he stopped a group of Yakuza from attacking us, he turned on us." Lily looks at her mad and says, "Are you this Malachimon I heard about?" Malachimon looks at her and says, "I am Malachimon, little child." Lily screams, then yells, "How dare you show your face after what you did!!" Malachimon has an expression of shock and fear at her. "What did I supposedly do?" Lily says, "You gave my father the order to kill me, but instead it was my mother who died." Malachimon was shocked. "What..... I never gave such an order....." "LIAR!!" She jumps up, but Mimi runs in to stop her. She stops Lily, but is shoved and hits Malachimon. As Mimi lays there on Malachimon, she can see her thoughts. After about 45 seconds in this downloading daze, she gets up and drags Lily away while she is kicking and screaming. Malachimon gets up and holds Lance in her arms and walks slowly back into the digiport. Attorneymon stands there looking and says, "Destroy them." Ramon flies up and an amulet with an eye talisman on it glows, then he puts his hands up to the sky and a serpent of plasma flies to him.

"Eye of Ra!!"

Sunflowermon starts spraying the blast, which cools it down and incites a small supernova. Daisuke, "Everyone digivolve!!"

"Dryadsapia Terravolve to Gaiasapia, Avenger of Martyrs!!"

"Tailmon Warp Digivolve to Magnaangewomon!!"

"Magnaangewomon Warp Digivolve to Saintangewomon!!"

"Lewis, Ninth Digidestined Terra Armor Engage to Neo Hyper Centuriosapien!!"

"Veemon Warp Digivolve to Imperialdramon!!"

"Lilymon Celestial Crystal Digivolve to Paladin Lilymon!!"

Imperialdramon locked claws with Evamon's tentacles. Lewis charged at Attorneymon while Mimi and Saintangewomon took on Safiirumon. Paladin Lilymon and Sunflowermon tag teamed against Ramon. Lewis swings and kicks and jabs but Attorneymon seems to be able to evade him.

"Positron Laser!!"

Evamon blasts through a nearby bank. People flee as Evamon rushes out. Safiirumon hovers overhead and says to Mimi, "I know nature shouldn't fight nature, but I have to obey the orders given to me." He pulls out a sapphire flute and it hovers before him. It glows and shoots a beam down on the ground.

"Sapphire Storm!!"

The ground quakes and shards and fragments of sapphires rain up from the ground. Crystal formations surround Mimi and Saintangwomon, and they start getting cut and pelted by the sapphire gems. After about 15 seconds of sapphires flying out of the ground, it stops. The ones airborne stop flying up and plunge like daggers back at them. "I'll handle this!!" Saintangewomon says.

"Binding Light!!"

She snares the crystals in a sphere of light, then sends the sphere flying at Safiirumon. It nears him when thrusts his flute into the sphere and shatters it. A flash of light goes off and Saintangewomon appears to go blank. The shards rocket at Saintangewomon and strike her all over. She flies into Mimi's arms as Tailmon. Tailmon looks at Mimi and says giggling, "Hey Mimi, look at all the pretty blue shooting stars going wheeeee........... Bye-bye now, little stars." Mimi yells out to Hikari, "Hikari, she's stoned again." Hikari says, "Well, that's the third flashback she's had in the last 30 days." Lewis, still fighting Attorneymon hand to hand, says, "Well... *Dodges* ...Is it just me... *Swings and misses* ...Or did it seem inevitable that one of us... *Gets hit* ...Was going to get stuck somewhere with some form of mind-altering substance?" Lewis gets back up. Daisuke, "Hey, didn't you say that a 'Peyotemon' got you, some of the others, and the Overlords stoned for 3 hours?" Lewis, rushing Attorneymon, "That was different. It was inadvertent. Damn wind. Besides, I wouldn't be talking, Mr. 'Poppin & Sailin to Stay off the Schizo Train' Man." Sora says, "Let's concentrate on the big picture right now. We have this conversation some time in the future when we're blowing half our Social Security checks on medicine." Paladin Lilymon, dodging a plasma blast, "They have Social Security here too? Tells you how out of date with Japanese domestic policies I am." Lewis, dodging Attorneymon's briefcase, "The things you learn saving the world. Hey, what am I talking about? I'm already drawing Social Security!!" Hikari asks, "You're 65 already?" Lewis, blocking some red tape with his sword, "66 next month." Safiirumon says, "What a strange lot." Lewis says back, "Trust me, this is normal. If you want to see weird, go see Araiya."

"Bureaucratic Red Tape!!"

Lewis is attacked by surprise by government red tape and bound, the tape squeezing on him as though a python. "Is it just me, or has everyone I ever fought had some sort of red tape they used against me? For once, I want to be the guy who gets to use the red tape!!" It squeezes him some more, and begins to sap his strength, and Attorneymon revels in the energy. Sora says, "Why does Lewis wrapped up in red wants to make me think of Communism?" Tailmon says, "Hey, that talking stop sign is right... Hey, I thought Japan was a democracy!!" Lewis, weaker still, says, "Maybe Sora's right. Everybody shut up and get me out of this red tape!!" Paladin Lilymon strikes Ramon across his arm and says, "Hold on, I'll be there!!" She flies to him when Ramon strikes back.

"Ka Slayer!!"

Ramon puts his gloved hand before Sunflowermon's head and a bolt starts frying her mind. Paladin Lilymon turns back to save her. Tailmon giggles and goes, "Doesn't that blue tree know smoking is bad for your health? It makes your lungs go all mushy and look like that squid-fishy. Mmmmm...... Squid-fishy..." She starts to drool at the sight of Evamon. Mimi, putting her down, asks, "How long do these 'flashbacks' last, Hikari?" Hikari says, "About anywhere between 10 minutes to 10 hours." Evamon, sitting on Imperialdramon's back processes, "Hmmm..... There has to be a way I can use this data to our advantage. At least the big bloke hasn't noticed me yet." Tailmon yells out, "Hey, Puff the Magic Dragon, there's a squid-fishy on your back. Can I have him? I ate a small lunch." Imperialdramon looks back and sees Evamon and then flies up and barrel rools him off. Paladin Lilymon flies at Ramon and clobbers him with her shield, freeing Sunflowermon. Attorneymon, "This is your brain... *Points to his head* ...this is your brain on drugs."

"Fine Print!!"

He opens his briefcase and a legal document flies out and adheres itself to Sunflowermon. Her energy is sapped and she reverts to Lotusmon, dazed. He starts to glow. "Hey, Lewis!! Didn't you know it's allergy season!!!"

"Pollen Sizzler!!"

He raises his hand, and does the very attack Sunflowermon can use. Lewis starts to hold his breath as the spores hit him and some explode. Attorneymon starts to laugh when Ramon is thrown into him. Paladin Lilymon pulls Lewis clear and slices the red tape off. Lewis gets up laughing after exhaling. "Stupid lawyer. Red tape works both ways!! Your stupid red tape protected me from your spores!! Wait, how'd he do that? That's Sunflowermon's attack." Attorneymon, rolling the KO'ed Ramon off him, "But now, Mr. Wick, I can use it too. Always read the fine print." Safiirumon, just sitting there, says, "You know, I stood here for the last 5 minutes doing nothing, and I haven't had to do anything." Sora says, "Well, Safiirumon, you're evil, I'm good, but one thing we both can agree on, we got some weird friends." Evamon is running from Imperialdramon as he fires Positron Lasers at him. A digiport opens and Virusmon comes out. "A message from Queen Digimon.... She want your return to base... Dominion meeting." He leaves. Attorneymon says under his breath, "Stupid wench always impedes on my work." Attorneymon turns and smacks Imperialdramon with his briefcase. Evamon says, "Thank you, Lord Attorneymon, but if I could, could we remain a few minutes more. I need data on the hybrid one called Mimi. She stands there and is yet to do anything." Attorneymon says, "Safiirumon, call in your lackeys to finish our work. We must go." Evamon pleads, "But sir..." "We must leave." Safiirumon plays a tune on his flute and a second digiport opens, and out steps eight figures. Safiirumon, "Keep them busy, girls." He enters the digiport. Attorneymon waits and says, "IGNORE HIM!! Slaughter them and then hide and dispose of the bodies!!" Evamon throws something into the wall of a building and enters the port, followed by Attorneymon dragging Ramon. Everyone looks bewildered at the eight digimon. A eerie silence haunts the air for a few seconds. Daisuke breaks it by asking, "Is it just me, or are we at some sort of Lilymon family reunion?" Sure enough, all eight of them in some way resembles Lilymon. "Anyone know them?" Lewis says. Paladin Lilymon says, "I'm just as baffled as you guys. I think we need Izzy. Lewis says, "Hey, Hikari, you get Izzy here. If he won't come peacefully, look in my trunk, and next to the tire iron is a big ass lead pipe. Take it, go back, knock him out, and drag him here. Take Masato and Sakiko with you." Hikari says, "I don't that'd be necessary." "What, the trip to get Izzy, or taking the girls?" "I was talking about the lead pipe." "Sure you were." Lewis hurls his keys to Hikari and she jumps in his car, along with Sakiko, Masato, Lotusmon, and Garramon. Sora says, "Why would you need a lead pipe to subdue Izzy?" Lewis says, "Well, after I blew up your back yard, I'd bet he wouldn't want to be near me." Sora yells, "WHAT!!" Daisuke says, "Have you guys noticed that the Lilymon sisters are gone, and going after Hikari!!" Lewis answers, "Well my plan just came back to bite me on the ass." Daisuke says, "We still got the Imperialdramon Express!!" Everyone is beamed aboard. Mimi says, "Hey, Imperialdramon, don't forget my van!!" He beams the van aboard too and takes off.

Coming down the street to Izzy's, the group fires on Hikari. Sakiko screams, "Can't you drive this thing any faster!!" Masato says, "I think I'm going to be sick." They get there and bail. Masato throws up on Izzy's lawn. The mass of Lilymon look-alikes continue to pelt the area. Everyone runs outside. Iori says, "We just got back from my temple when we got Sora's message. Lewis said he had it under control." Hikari says, "Well, we didn't expect them!! What are they, Izzy?" Taichi says, "It looks like a group of Lilymon, but each one is different from the rest." Bonnie goes, "Duh..." Hikari looks at her scornfully. Izzy says, "Well, this data is complex. The analyzer seems to be uploading a great deal of data." One of them lands in the street. It looks like a Lilymon dressed in black leather pants and tank top carrying a rifle over her shoulder; and her gloves, petals, wings, lips, fingernails, and steel-tipped boots are all black. Izzy says, "So far, I only got data on this one. She's Wicked Lilymon, a Terra Digimon that in essence is the exact opposite of Paladin Lilymon. Her Wilting Cannon has a decaying effect to her victims, her Amazon Machete is diamond sharp and laced with plant poisons, and her Venom Rifle injects a fatal toxin into the target, slowly killing her opponent unless they can be healed or they have a natural immunity to poison, like plant digimon or Lewis. According to this, it says she is both artificially created and real. How can this be?" Overhead, Imperialdramon arrives. Lewis says, "I have a plan to weaken them." He opens the door on Mimi's van and puts it in neutral. "Hey, what are you doing Lewis?" You know how vans are top heavy and can explode like SUV's. Well, I'm gonna blow them up with this puppy being the bomb." "You can't do that Lewis!!" He goes to push the car off Imperialdramon when he says, "Here Daisuke, you push it off. I have to follow it in order to complete my plan." Which Daisuke does. Lewis yells, "I'll buy you a new you!!" Then jumps off the side.

"Nova Bombs!!"

He throws one at the falling van as it hurtles into the midst of the other seven. The bomb lodges in the exhaust pipe. One of them spots it and throws it at the digidestined on the ground. As Lewis falls, he says, "Why didn't that blow up?" He spins downward and accelerates his fall to the van. "Gotta point this away!!" He hits it from below and it changes its path away from the digidestined. "It should safely crash in the back yard now... Can't believe this backfired too.... This must be an off day for me."

"Hyper Centuriosapien Teleport!!"

He teleports to the ground. Upon appearing, he looks back to see one of the Lilymons, this one in yellow armor and lightning swirling around her call out, "Raging Eye!!" And a giant gust of wind blows around, ripping the roof off the neighbor's house. Lewis turns around and says, "Damn wind. Oh, I am so screwed." He turns to the rest and says, "I suggest a duck and cover maneuver and soon." He runs and leaps into the air with everyone else as the van smashes through Izzy's roof and blows up his house. Araiya comments, "So you had to come back and finish the job." Lewis says, "I told Daisuke not to push the van off, but he listen? NO!!!" Lewis mutters to himself in glee, "It's called Shifting the Blame and Covering my Ass." Taichi says, "That doesn't matter now, despite the fact he used MY van in that kamikaze bombing, and owes me a new one." Imperialdramon lands and unloads the others. Sora stares at the foundation and stutters, "He blew it up.... He blew up our home...." The other Lilymon-like digimon land next to Wicked Lilymon. She smirks and says to them, "Is that all you guys have? A car bomb?" Jun yells, "There's more where that came from!!" She laughs and says, "Well, now we know not to hide in a house now." She laughs even more. "Hey, Izzy, if that's your name, ya little dweeb, let me save you some time with that pile of junk and introduce you to Safiirumon's generals." She points the one who summoned the wind. "She is Raijin Lilymon, a Giga digimon that commands the weather and the plants. She is a master of mayhem with her Tesla Rose, Maelstrom Cannon, Raging Eye, and her most destructive Sakurakaze is mass destruction tenfold." Up next is a translucent variant of Lilymon wielding a quarterstaff. "She is the reason your bomb never went off, Lewis. Meet Siva Lilymon, queen of the artic and space-time, her Yukimi Stave will leave you battered, broken, bruised, bloody, frozen, and frostbitten before you can blink. Along with her Blizzard Cannon, Earth's Heartbeat, and her Sequoia Icicles, it makes it impossible to withstand her frostbite." Another, this one dressed in red trimmed orange armor, a dark tan, no petals on her head, and her hair hanging her ankles and made of fire. In one hand she is holding what looks like a half ton sledgehammer with a red hot glowing hammerhead. Wicked Lilymon describes, "Here is Vulcan Lilymon. Evamon said she was the hardest to design next to Metal Lilymon. Her Mars Sledge hurts as much as it weighs. Beware her Eucalyptus Bombs. If you survive the blast, you'll be pulling out the painful splinters for weeks. To finish you, she has her choices of her Red Flowers or her Wildfire Cannon." Daisuke says, "That's nothing. I used to bench 400 in high school on the weighlifting team." Vulcan Lilymon throws him the sledgehammer. Daisuke falls down with the hammer on his chest. Vulcan Lilymon says nicely, "Can you show me?" Ken says, "Funny, I never saw you on the team....Oh, wait... You were on the bench. I get it now." Vulcan Lilymon says, "You're... really mean." Iori says, "I'm beginning to believe all Fire digimon have the intellect of Daisuke and Taichi....." Daisuke, Taichi, and all the Fire digimon yell, "Hey!! Is that an insult?" Wicked Lilymon looks at them and says, "Ya know, that Iori kid does have a point. Well, we're on a schedule, and I figure you should know who's gonna destroy you, so I digress." Another variant walks up, this with a white sleeveless body suit and green skin. On her forearms are glowing pieces of orange armor. "I introduce you to Neutrino Lilymon, another Giga digimon, her domain are the molecular arts. Her powers of fission and fusion are unbeatable. She uses her Particle Accelerator Cannon to obliterate her targets. As an extra bonus she hurls her deadly Uranium Thorns to slowly destroy with gamma rays." Another appears, but then goes back. "Well, I figure since you know Lotusmon, you must know Sea Lilymon." Another one comes up, which looks like a cross between Lilymon and Temujinmon carrying a sword. "This is Sigmamon. She is our most unique collegue. Her power stems from pure energy and the psionic plane. She has the greatest agility of all of us. She wields the mighty Psionic Excalibur. Her Temujin Seeds pelt your body then attack your mind. They also grow the prettiest little hyacinths. Her Psychic Claw grabs and slashes her foes from a distances, and poisons them with plant toxins in the process." Finally, another steps up. She looks like a liquid metal version of Lilymon. "Meet Evamon's toughest creation, and I don't just mean her Gigadigizoid-Plant hybrid skin. This is Metal Lilymon, a Terra Robot/Flower Nymph. Her Flower Mortars and Twin Flower Mortars are enough to level an army. When precision is needed she uses her Terminatrix Blaster or her Clover Laser. At close range, she has her Chrome Sickle and her Knuckle Hammer." Tentomon says, "Well, at least she isn't red, then Lewis would be making hundreds of Communist cracks at her." Lewis looks at her for a few seconds, then gets it. "Hmm..., I would. Thanks for pointing that out, Tento." Lewis then picks up the sledgehammer off Daisuke and hands it back to Vulcan Lilymon. Araiya asks, "What are you doing?" Daisuke says, "Haven't you heard of chivalry, Araiya?" Vulcan Lilymon says, "Yeah, that's right Araiya!! Thank you. You all are little sweeties, but we got our orders." Hikari says, "Something's not right...." Paladin Lilymon says, "He would have gotten the motif instantly...., but everything he's done today has been idiotic or failed, especially recently." Wicked Lilymon says, "Enough of the chit-chat. The pleasantries are over. We have orders. Take them out." The generals advance.

"Agumon Terravolve to Paladingreymon, Guardian of Honor!!"

"Gabumon Wapr Digivolve to Metalgarurumon!!"

"Metalgarurumon Warp Digivolve to Glaciergarurumon!!"

"Tentomon Warp Digivolve to Herculeskabuterimon!!"

"Herculeskabuterimon Warp Digivolve to Odinkabuterimon!!"

"Technomon digivolve to Andromon!!"

"Andromon Warp Digivolve to Xaviomon!!"

"Xaviomon Warp Digivolve to Alcyaid Xaviomon!!"

"Patamon Warp Digivolve to Seraphimon!!"

"Seraphimon Warp Digivolve to Archangemon!!"

"Wormmon Warp Digivolve to Grandkuwagumon!!"

"Armajimon digivolve to Ankylomon!!"

Then in a splitscreen scene, one side red, the other green...

"Hawkmon Warp Digivolve to..."

"Hawkmon Warp Digivolve to..."



"Sentinelmon Warp Digivolve to Sharukmon!!"

Miyako says, "Ankylomon, Valkyrimon, guard the children. You'll be our back-up line!!" Ankylomon says, "Is it just me, Valkyrimon, or are they glory hogs?" First is Paladingreymon, Paladin Lilymon, and Mimi triple teaming Wicked Lilymon. Wicked Lilymon uppercut Paladingreymon and threw him to the pavement, a dent in his chestplate. Paladin Lilymon moves in and blocks the machete with her shield. The machete cuts the shield as though it was paper. Mimi lunges at herabout to strike when Wicked Lilymon clotheslines her. She takes her gun and sets her sights.

"Venom Rifle!!"

She shoots a powerful into the unprotected theighs of Paladingreymon. Immediately the poison takes effect and forces him to revert to Agumon, his skin blue from the venom. Lewis blinks in shock and says, "That some powerful s***!!" Daisuke says, "Hey, that's what I was gonna say!!" Lewis goes, "Oh, crap.... We're thinking the same now. Something IS wrong." Wicked Lilymon turns at Paladin Lilymon. "Here we are, waging another cliched Light vs. Dark battle. This time though the good guys are outgunned."

"Wilting Cannon!!"

Wicked Lilymon does a move just like Paladin Lilymon's Palatial Flower Cannon and fires a black beam from her hands. Paladin Lilymon takes it right in the gut. She gets up fine, but as she does, all her ab plates fall off, all rusted. All she has left is part of a light chain mail shirt and the top half of the plates left. The rusted plates hit the ground and bust apart and release ferric dust clouds. Izzy goes, "She destroyed Gigadigizoid metal so easily.... How?" Mimi jumps Wicked Lilymon and they wrestle. On the other side of the street, Alcyaid Xaviomon is piledriven into the pavement by Metal Lilymon. Araiya yells, "Counteract her. Use your Raginig Mavericks!!"

"Raging Mavericks!!"

He fires a full salvo at her and they score direct hits. Major craters and ripped metal are all over her. "That's it, Alcyaid Xaviomon!! What?!" As she yelled, the metal sealed back up and the damage was undone. Araiya is shocked.

"NeoTech Tomahawk!!"

It dices her arm up. Alcyaid throws it again and again and lops it off on the sixth strike. All of a sudden, the arm liquifies and the liquid metal goes back into her and her arm heals completely. Araiya utters nervously, "She's like one of those T-1000's from that movie Lewis showed us... Terminator 2 I think it was." Metal Lilymon goes, "Well, it looks like the secret's out. Oh well." On her right arm, the petals on the glove metamorph into giant metal plates. Her forearm swells and lengthens. Her right hand disappears and she grabs her right arm with her left hand.

"Flower Mortar!!"

Electrical energy surges up and down the plates. Her arm flinches back from the recoil of firing a metallic seed surrounded in photonic energy. Shortly after the first, more shoot out. Alcyaid Xaviomon dodges the first two, but the next three strike him. They explode, causing a good deal of damage to his superstructure, and then spore shrapnel from the explosion damage him more, and hurt some of the other digimon. Wicked Lilymon throws Mimi off and attacks.

"Wilting Cannon!!"

She shoots Alcyaid Xaviomon and tries to block it. No luck. Paladin Lilymon slashes her across her arm and she stops, but the damage was done. All of Alcyaid Xaviomon's superstructure rusted off, leaving his infrastructure and curcuits completely exposed. Metal Lilymon says, "I see your unit." Alcyaid Xaviomon looks around and sees his exposed infrastructure. "Araiya, get out of here. With no plating, one hit in the right place could destroy me. Besides, I can be reborn. You can't." Araiya, listening to his advice for a change, ejects.

"Sonic Vulcan!!"

He shoots her up, but the bullets just seal back up. Metal Lilymon runs at him, and her right arm shapesifts into a ginat sickle.

"Chrome Sickle!!"

The attacks slashes off his left arm. Alcyaid Xaviomon looks around for something to use. He picks up his own arm and beats Metal Lilymon with it. She grabs it after being hit with it seven times and throws it into a house. Alcyaid Xaviomon uproots a street light and slams it into her, splitting her open from her right shoulder to her abdomen. Metal Lilymon fuses back together and pulls the street light out, then crushes it. Alcyaid Xaviomon wonders, "How do you inflict damage unto her?" Metal Lilymon reaches behind her and pulls off..., her wings. They rest in her hand like a shuriken, the center a ball bearing.

"Autumn Leaf Fan!!"

The wings/shuriken are thrown and curve to the left. Alcyaid Xaviomon says, "You have inferior targeting software." Suddenly the shuriken arcs back and dices across his right arm, slicing hundreds of wires, and lodging itself into his side. "You were saying?" A small explosion rips loose and an internal fire starts. Sparks fly, and he falls. He reverts to Cymon, the shuriken still in him.

Over down the street, Odinkabuterimon fights Raijin Lilymon. They fly at each other and deliver blows to one another. Odinkabuterimon slowly turns holding his chest. Raijin Lilymon dashes at him. He dashes too, but as they close, he holds out his staff and clotheslines Raijin Lilymon. She flips twice in midair, then hits the pavement flat on her back and skids shortly. "Hope she has the number to a good chiropractor." Odinkabuterimon exclaims. She gets up, grabs her lower back, and stands up, letting out a loud pop as she does. Her hands come together like for a standard Flower Cannon, but instead of a cannon, there is an electrode. The petals spin around creating hurricane force winds.

"Maelstrom Cannon!!"

The thunderous blast hits Odinkabuterimon, but he doubles over and withstands the blast. "Hmmm..., you are the tough one, aren't you?" Raijin Lilymon mutters. She stops her attack. Odinkabuterimon flies and pools the ionized atoms in the air and the electricity he absorbed and crystalizes it.

"Ragnarok Bomb!!"

He hurls the gem down at her. She lifts one arm up. The winds howl.

"Raginig Eye!!"

The intense cyclonic winds rip up two street lights, a telephone pole, and blows them and the gem back at him. He gets electricuted by his own attack, then beaten by the poles. He hits the ground with a thud. Odinkabuterimon gets up smoldering. "Hey, can't get me if you don't know the real me!!" He uses his Hypnotic Cloak and creates 7 replicas of him. They surround her and swing at her, but she is dodging and swirving continuously. "I know how to fix this." She raises both her arms up. Flower blossoms fly above her organized into a swirling sphere. The winds pick up and the sky darkens. Ominous black clouds grow and spin in the turbulent sky.


Lightning crashes from multiple clouds into trees, and jumps from the trees, and the bolts are now green. They strike in the center of the blossoms and the blossoms become electrified. The winds take the blossoms and blow them all about. They swirl around in the gusts. As they hit a house, electricity shoots through it and then blows it up. More hit the real Odinkabuterimon, and the clones vanish. The explosion throws him up, and he crashes on top of a parked car. He reverts to Motimon. He sits up in time to see Raijin Lilymon standing before, ready to finish it, when Grandkuwagumon flies in and tackles her. "Jump on!!" Motimon jumps on Grankuwagumon's back and he flies away as she recovers from the stunning hit. Flying to safety, Grandkuwagumon sees Glaciergarurumon not faring well against Siva Lilymon and Sea Lilymon. A series of martial arts moves are the means that Siva Lilymon is pummeling him. He falls, but before Siva Lilymon can grab and throw him, he kicks her with his feet, rolls back, and throws her behind him, and he flies into the air and lands atop her. He howls, then goes to claw her when Sea Lilymon vaults into him fin first, knocking him down. He flips up and pulls out his pike.

"Glacier Pike!!"

He strikes Siva Lilymon, but it does nothing. "Stupid mutt. Did you think a freezing attack would work on an Plant and Ice digimon?" Glaiciergarurumon gets up slowly. Suddenly, Sea Lilymon ambushes him.

"Water Lily Crescent Beam!!"

The beam hits him and shatters a part of his upper chest. In the mist of ice chunks flying off his chest, she flies at him and slash him, then smashes the end of the spear into his right clavicle, creating a crack near his neck. Siva Lilymon forms her cannon and aims it at him. "I don't think anyone will be crying wolf when we're done." Out of nowhere a giant hammer sends her flying. Glaciergarurumon looks up to see Norse Zudomon there wielding his hammer, and with him is Ryo on Puxitomymon and a new kid. Siva Lilymon says, "Hey, I didn't know Amtrak ran through here." "Hey, Norse Zudomon, you're here just in time. Who's that kid?" Jou says, "Well, after we filed our report with the police and got out of the restaraunt, we got a signal on the new digivice and it led us to him. His name is Yuuji Seki. Right now though, we got some digimon to take out. Get 'em, Norse Zudomon!!" Siva Lilymon gets up and hammer punches Glaciergarurumon in the back, and he reverts to Gabumon. Sea Lilymon flies up, but Puxitomymon gets in the way. Sea Lilymon pushes him down when he stands on his hind legs to attack her, throwing Yuuji and Ryo off his back. He rolls over and charges her. He leaps into the air and slashes at her. At the same time, she flies by and slashes his side. He hits the road and rolls a couple of times. Ryo screams at him, "Get up!!" Puxitomymon slowly gets up but has trouble standing. Siva Lilymon points her cannon at Ryo. "If I destroy even one of you, Attorneymon will reward me." Ryo sees her, but ignores her. "Get up, Puxiotmymon!!" He yells. Then, thinking, "He will get here. He will stop her. I know he will." Puxitomymon gets up and runs at Siva Lilymon. "I'm coming, Ryo!!" He yells. He leaps into the air. Ryo thinks, "I knew he would." A beam of light hits him."

"Puxitomymon digivolve to..."

After the Crest of Hope explodes into energy, the light beam makes him glow. He stands up on two legs as he shrinks down. He extends his arms out to the sides. His claws come off and slide behind him. They meet at his back and become a quiver of arrows. The claws on his fused together and become a dagger in a sheath tied to his leg. A coccoon of light engulfs him and seconds later it shatters to show a figure which looks like a 13 year old boy with angel wings, elven ears, and very long blonde hair in a white sleeveless wet suit-like outfit. A small handle flies out from the sky and lands in his hand. It extends into a quarter staff, then arches and becomes a bow.

" ...Cupidmon!!"

Cupidmon descends at Siva Lilymon and puts his right leg out in front of him and kicks Siva Lilymon in the back, knocking her down. He repels off her and in midair, pulls out his bow.

"Saint Valentine's Arrow!!"

The arrows hit her, and explode in blasts of holy energy. They throw her up in the air. His profile, read by Gabumon, says, "This is the Ultimate level of Puxitomymon, named Cupidmon. This is no little cutesy-wutesy cherub, despite that name. With his bow he is a veritable Robin Hood. Just watch this Consecrated Bolt and his Patriot Arrow make quick work of even the smallest and fastest foes." He shoots one more and it hits her upper left wing, shattering it. Norse Zudomon takes out his hammer. "Batter up!!" He smacks her and sends her flying. Sea Lilymon moves to attack him, but Cupidmon immediately turns and pulls his bow and fires four arrows real fast. They hit Sea Lilymon, one in each wing, and the force sends her sailing. Jou says, "I guess we should go take care of them." They charge on.

Back with the others, all the digimon except Paladin Lilymon, Valkyrimon, Sharukmon, and Grandkuwagumon have devolved back to Rookie or In-Training. Paladin Lilymon is taking pot shots at the others Lilymons from behind a tree. Sharukmon throws Neutrino Lilymon into the group. "You know, who could help us more if you came out from behind that tree." Paladin Lilymon panics and nervously says, "But what if I don't want to?" Grandkuwagumon is thrown by Wicked Lilymon at the Digidestined. He tries to get up, but can't and de-digivolves to Minomon. Sharukmon, "Any reason why?" Paladin Lilymon grins idiotically and says, "Well, remember that last shot from Wicked Lilymon's Wilting Cannon? It kind of did more than the bruising that I previously claimed." "Huh?" "Let's just say, I'm wearing a special SUIT I got for my BIRTHDAY." He blocks a lightning bolt from Raijin Lilymon, then thinks, and moments later he gets it. "Oh my.... Well, that is a good reason...." Lewis hears this and is trying to get it. Daisuke has the same dumb look. Araiya says, "It's official. He's dumber than Daisuke." Miyako looks at Daisuke and says, "Hey, Dai, take off that trenchcoat." Lewis says, "What's that gonna accomplish?" Miyako says, "Sorry to do this, but Lewis, look, there's something shiny!!" Lewis looks and stares at his reflection in the shiny car. Daisuke does too until Miyako snaps her fingers and gets his attention. He takes off the trenchcoat Lewis gave him and takes it. She gets down low and runs to Paladin Lilymon. "Here ya go." Miyako runs back. When she gets back, she sees Lewis, Daisuke, and Lotusmon all standing around arguing about how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop. Daisuke says, "You know, this is the first conversation I've ever had with you that I understand, but I still say it takes 412 licks!!" Hikari says, "It's scary. Daisuke is the smart one in the group...." Araiya says, "At first I thought it was funny, but now I'm actually worried about him for a change... Maybe something happened to him earlier." She looks at him and says, "Aren't you going to insult me?" Lewis just looks at her and grins and says, "You're nice." Then returns to the lollypop argument. "I say it's 3 licks, and I'll prove it. Now I need.... that pop thing, on a lolly..... I think it's called a candy stick thing... I think there's one at that place, that place where our beds is at." Suddenly, Paladin Lilymon, Valkyrimon, and Sharukmon hit the pavement before them. Paladin Lilymon reverts to Lilymon and Valkyrimon reverts to Hawkmon. The six there walk at them when Siva Lilymon crashes in front of them and Sea Lilymon is pinned to a side of the neighbor of Sora & Izzy's rubble pile's house. "So you may have help, but I'll destroy all of you before they can stop us." Wicked Lilymon says. As she fires, Malachimon appears and stops the shot. Taichi says, "Who is that?" Hikari says, "That's Malachimon. She's the leader of the Dominion. She's their master." Ken says, "I don't get it. Why would these digimon be sent to destroy us, and then she comes here and save our lives, when she is the very enemy we have to fight?" Mimi says, "I think I know why." Masato says, "That, and it was Attorneymon who ordered them to destroy us, not her. In fact, they are Safiirumon's generals." "Safi-who?" Taichi asks. Sakiko says, "Safiirumon works with Lance, Attorneymon, and Malachimon in this 'Dominion.'" Hikari adds, "In fact, their original orders from Safiirumon was to keep us busy, not to destroy us." Izzy, "This is complex. This'll take days to figure out." Malachimon says, "What are you doing here?" Wicked Lilymon says, "Well, Safiirumon summoned us in order give them time to return to base, but Attorneymon then told us to finish what they started." Vulcan Lilymon says, "Well, I thought he said to destroy the Digidestined." Malachimon looks at her and says, "What?!" Malachimon looks at the Digidestined and says, "Attorneymon knows I never wanted them dead. I'm still upset over hearing that someone tied to my organization killed Lewis's daughter." She looks at Lewis and sees the blank expression on his face. "Attorneymon did that." She turns to the Lilymons. "Go back to base." She walks over to them. Lilymon has to hold back Lily. Everyone is scared. Malachimon looks into Lewis's eyes. Lewis, all he does is say, "Hello, pretty lady." She feels of his forehead, then holds his head.

"Sacred Tears!!"

She cries, and the wind blows her teardrops onto Lewis. Lily stops struggling to watch the phenomenon. She releases him and he grabs his head and goes, "Agh... My head. Everything is a blank.... Hmmm, it seems as though my neuro-peptides and axons were drained or redirected, and it shut down my higher brain functions, but I still don't have any memories... Who am I?" Daisuke, "In terms I can understand?" Lewis looks at him oddly and says, "Fine then, strange man with only half his face shaved, I will explain. Apparently someone found a way to trick the electrical impulses in my brain. The impulses, traveling along relocated peptides, were transmitted elsewhere, and was done alarmingly fast. When this happen, the part of my brain that makes me sentient started to shut down since no activity was happening there. If it wasn't for this woman, it could have taken weeks for my brain to fully recover." Sora says, "But why would anyone want to do that?" Lewis says, "Whoever did this, it seems they have found a way to download knowledge from an organic mind as though it were it was a hard drive." Miyako says, "Man, he's real lively." Hikari says, "Attorneymon's Bureaucratic Red Tape.... It does more than drain strength from his foes, it takes their knowledge too..." Malachimon becomes fascinated by Hikari. She thinks, "This girl... Looks so much like me..." Her train of thought returns to Lewis. "He will have problems with his memory for a few weeks." Hikari asks, "I don't get it. If you're the one who is sending out these armies to attack us, then why save our lives?" Malachimon says, "I want justice for your vigilante acts on my father. He was a hero..." She starts crying. Miyako thinks, "She thinks that evil abomination Obliviomon was a hero? Either she is wicked beyond belief or nuts." Malachimon says, "I want you all to pay, but I don't want to destroy you either. It just wouldn't be right." Mimi starts, "But, do you know who...." When Attorneymon beckons, "The Council of the Dominion is assembled. We need you here." Malachimon turns and leaves. Lewis blurts, "Now, will someone tell me who I am, who that was, where the hell I am, why I'm here, and who all of you are?" Mimi shakes her head and says, "Oh, if she only knew..."

Two days later, the group returns to the cemetery for the funeral of Sakiko's father. Shortly after the services, Jill, Mimi, Lilymon, Lewis, and Lily go over to Holly's grave. Lewis says, "So you're saying the person buried here was my daughter..." Jill says to Lily, "You wanted the truth, and now I believe you are ready. Yes, your father did kill your mother, but the reason why we don't know. In fact, they were the perfect couple. They met in 2027. Back then, Lance was in his senior year of college and your mother Holly was a great artist. The two met one day when she came into where he worked and bought something to drink. Can you believe the man who started the Kobyashi Maru Company once was a cashier at one of Miyako's stores? Well, they got into a conversation at it was love at first sight. They were married in the summer of 2028. It was around the winter of 2032 that he started Kobyashi Maru in their basement. Things were still perfect with them. The only big argument they ever had were having was over what to name their first child, you. He started to act strange after a mysterious investor invested over $250 million in his business after Lance claimed she had saved his life. I have reason to believe that secret investor is Malachimon. He worked more, but he still found time to spend with Holly. It wasn't until September of 2034 that he started acting strange. He locked himself away at work claiming to be working on a prototype to give to his investor because she worked in the US Defense department. That, and he wouldn't let anyone see the back of his neck. In early December, Lily managed to sneak into his office and claimed she saw this giant armored suit standing in his office. Then, out of the blue, after a Christmas party, around 10:40 PM on Christmas eve, a band a digimon hooligan, whom said by the only witness, were taking orders from a man in a giant armored suit which, when described, matches the one Lily spoke of earlier that month. He said they beat her up, targeting her abdomen and skull, and the person in the suit delivered the final blow. She managed the strength to get to the hospital, but died in the OR from her wounds shortly after your birth. She did get a chance to hold you, saying, 'Don't let that bastard Lance get you.' She gave you to me and died. Another thing that gave away his guilt was the fact that he would work than attend her funeral. When police investigated, all the evidence, like the suit, were mysteriously gone. They did find a tattoo of an angel holding a crystal on his back near the base of the neck, the crystal part was red and the rest was in black and white. He laughed at us in the trial, and he was acquitted on the grounds of lack of evidence. Only lately has he shown any signs that he feels remorse, coming here laying those roses there." Lilymon says to Lewis, "Her death was the one time I saw you truly sad. You vanished and came back carrying a great rock of marble on your back. You worked tirelessly by yourself to carve this. You went to her plot the next day carrying the headstone. You planted into the ground in the freezing snow letting out a loud scream. These grooves and stains are from the tears you let as you carved it." Sakiko stands by her parents' graves as they cover her father's. "Mother, Father, what will I do? I have no one left. I have no aunts or uncles, or anyone else to live with. The men, the men do not want to listen to me, since I am so young and a girl. What will I do?" She starts sobbing. Lewis hears Sakiko's plea. "My memory may be gone, but my heart isn't." He turns to Sakiko and approaches her. "You are not alone, little one. I'm here. Remember, you will always have a family in us." Sakiko looks up and asks, "What are you saying, Lewis?" Lewis says, "I want you to live with me!!" Lilymon turns and says, "What?" Lewis says, "Nobody deserves to be alone. Even in this most confusing time I have friends with me. It seems just as fair that she have a family." Lilymon says, "Oh my, I haven't been a parent in 20 years.... Are you sure, Lewis?" Lewis says, "Damn straight."

Over where the cars are parked, Izzy spots something shining on the ground. "Strange, who drops rubies on the ground?" Suddenly, a light blinks, clamps try to grab Izzy, and the red thing rose up. Izzy quickly pulls out a case and seals it in there. Sora comes up and asks Izzy what he has. When she sees it, she exclaims, "That's the object I remember seeing go flying off Lance's neck when Sunflowermon electrocuted him." The case shakes around, trying to break free, but after three minutes of struggle, it stops. Izzy goes, "I'll have to investigate this."

After leaving, Mimi says to Taichi, "Taichi, we can't fight Malachimon." Taichi says, "So she saved Lewis's mind. I don't think it constitutes a reform." Mimi says, "Don't you get it?! Everything she's been told about her 'father' is a lie. She believes a lie. Besides, wouldn't it seem strange that Attorneymon first took Lewis's knowledge and strength, and then told Safiirumon's generals to kill us after he explicitly said not to? Then, just before I could tell her that truth, Attorneymon called her back... I don't like that guy. I think he's up to something..."

The camera Evamon placed sends feedback to the Digital World. Attorneymon goes to a computer and re-directs the footage to his chambers. He goes up there and watches it. "This is useless.... Wait a second. How is Lewis walking about after my attack? Damn it, Malachimon... Damn your pure heart!! Why the hell did Neo Apocalymon order me to make you from his marrow anyway?! Wait a minute...." He watches Izzy take the red object. "Damn. The Red Gem broke." Skull Satamon appears and asks, "Do you want me to make another to put on him?" Attorneymon ponders and says, "No. That won't be necessary. Lance did what I wanted of him. He was a good choice for a field test of these Red Gems, but they need more power. They do a great job of distorting memories, but his damn girl must of had some sort of effect on him that overloaded the power grid. Skull Satamon, see to it the power output is boosted. Try to find a way to make sure the wearer can't beat the effects of it." Skull Satamon salutes and departs. "Now, I must find a way to destroy the girl. This, 'Lily,' will not live to see her next birthday...." He looks at the data it gathered during the fight. "Hmmm....., the Power of Sincerity is great in her, but her heart is full of vengeance, hatred, and negative emotions.... I could use this to my advantage. Not only will she destroy Lance and Malachimon, but her evil emotions will destroy her friends too. She is heading towards a meltdown of hatred, and in the wake, only I will be left." Metzger comes in. "Change of plans, Metzger. We won't be destroying the girl just yet. I want you to take Lance's suit when they finish repairs and destroy everyone she cares about while Lance is recovering, then when he is healed, everything will go as we please." Metzger says, "I understand, Lord Attorneymon." Attorneymon goes, "Something comes to mind which fits Malachimon and the girl perfectly. You know in one of those human religions called Christianity, they have a rule. 'Honor thy Father' I believe it is.... *Snickers*" They start laughing.

Lying in an infirmary, Lance is half-awake in a daze. "Oh, Holly, I just had the strangest dream..."

"What is going on? Will Lewis regain his memory? What are Attorneymon's motives? Where did Safiirumon's generals come from? Where will Sora and Izzy live now? Who is Yuuji? Why hasn't his digiegg hatched yet? Find out in Bloodline: Chapter 3-Mermaid's Teardrop!!"