Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodline: Descendents of the Digidestined ❯ Power Revealed!! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Bloodline: Descendants of the Digidestined

Chapter 9: Power Revealed!!

Prologue: Miyako recounts, "We found the fortress of that scum Attorneymon. We went in to find him out for one final fight. Outside, three of his recruited cronies, Warvamdemon, Neo Spheremon, and Dimentiamon, attacked some of us. Paladin Lilymon and Nirvanamon was able to hold them off, especially after maxing out and reaching his Giga form, Bushidomon. Downstairs, the Valkyries led Lewis and the others on a wild goose chase throughout the lower levels, ending in my sis finding Safiirumon and Malachimon in a secret docking bay. Together, they planned out an attack, and we told Malachimon her bitter true-life story. She was horrified by the news. Lewis gave Joe a Russian warhead he had been carrying and told him on his command to arm it for 10 minutes and get out of there. In the upper levels, Hikari found Attorneymon's office and a secret ceremonial chamber, where Obliviomon himself materialized and taunted her with the fact he will return one day, and Malachimon will be an agent of evil. Back at the lab we broke out of, Wicked Lilymon was tortured by her past and how she was made to be Attorneymon's puppet. Qinglongmon came in person to tell her who she was, what her purpose, and the pride of her Lilymon heritage. She left with a warm heart and understanding for life. Shortly after, Virusmon and Stefan dug out Lance, who was miraculously alive, and awake. On the base, Attorneymon finally showed himself. In a massive showdown, he beat every single one of our digimon by himself!! His generals, Skullsatamon, Genghismon, and Fenrirmon, arrived and raised more hell. The new children neutralized the generals, but were just as ineffective against him as we were. Finally, it was Archangewomon and Malachimon who actually hurt him. Lance kept him busy while they could rest up and recharge. That scum grabbed Malachimon when she used her power to make Archangewomon Ichiban Shinka to Serafinmon. After a short scuffle, Wicked Lilymon arrived, and freed Malachimon!! She too Ichiban Shinkaed, and became a Light digimon known as Laomon. Serafinmon took him on first, and was able to only burn his palms. He attacked her and drained her power, then attacked her all out, leaving her nearly dead. Laomon assaulted him and made more progress, and then he started having what almost seemed like an acid flashback, like those Tailmon has, and Laomon told us to run. Lewis ordered Joe to arm the bomb, but he was ambushed by Warvamdemon, and told Gomamon to go. Warvamdemon beat him, and he thrashed him, and beat him more and more, then toyed with him as he tried to stay alive. *Sniffs* That monster nearly blew him up, *Cries* and then he help him up on his claws, and he pinned him to the wall. *Sobs* He gave him no choice, and he..... *Breaks Down Crying* He'll never come back... Never.... *Continues Crying*"

Lily narrates as the funeral comes to an end, "As Joe had said, 'We all have a destiny. We all have our own path.' These words didn't make total sense at the time, but soon, I would learn what he meant, and be one step closer to ending Attorneymon's evil, but who will pay from my own furthering? Is it possible one person can make a difference? As for Laomon, can one go home again?" Lewis goes, "I guess it's time to go home." Lily looks up and sees Malachimon. Lily, "Excuse me, there is something I have to check." Lewis goes, "Don't be long." She runs over to the building, and goes up the elevator, then up the steps to the roof. Malachimon is surprised by the sound of the door opening. Malachimon goes, "Who's there?" Lily goes, "It's me, Malachimon." Malachimon goes, "Lily, you scared me." Lily answers, "Why don't you come down to the cemetery?" Malachimon goes, "There are still many people down there who think of me as a pariah. Forever I must live in the shadows for the pain I caused these worlds. It is only fitting." Lily goes, "Please stop being so hard on yourself. In your heart, you know you meant to do good." Malachimon goes, "Maybe your right, but many people aren't as forgiving as you." Lily waits for a moment, then changes the subject. "You forgot your sword. It still sits on a rack in my room. It's deadly, but so beautiful." Malachimon adds, "As is me, the same strange paradoxes are by how I live my life." They look out to see a cloud break from the overcast sky and some rays striking various locales. Malachimon goes, "It's beautiful." A voice from behind them goes, "Been there, done that." Attorneymon is behind them, with Dimentiamon and Metzger. Attorneymon goes, "I see I got you both. Grab Malachimon, and whack the girl!!" Metzger quickly grabs Malachimon. She screams, "Help!! Someone!!" Everyone on the ground looks up at the brawl. Tai goes, "Agumon, you good for a quick grab and run?" Agumon, "Okay."

"Agumon Warp Digivolve to Wargreymon!!"

He flies up and finds Metzger holding Malachimon while Dimentiamon closed in on Lily. He attempted to pry Metzger off, but Attorneymon smacks him down. Sora mutters, but it is incomprehendable. Biyomon goes, "Guess you want me to help." Sora nods, then grabs her lower jaw.

"Biyomon digivolve to Birdramon!!"

She flies up and swoops in, grabbing both Malachimon and Metzger and flies off. Wargreymon prepares to Nova Force Dimentiamon when....

"Shiva Halt!!"

Wargreymon is frozen in time in midair, the energy around him, ready for him to wind up into a tornado. Dimentiamon has Lily by one hand in the air. Sirenamon yanks the fruit away from Armajimon. Sirenamon, "Again, this is no time to think about eating this damn fruit!!" She throws up in the air and it wallops Dimentiamon in the face. Armajimon, "My fruit!!" It falls back down and rolls across his shell. "You came back!! Fruit came back!!" Sirenamon smacks herself and goes, "Oh, brother." Blinded by fruit juice that leaked onto his face, he randomly attacks, in one case making a time rift. Dimentiamon laughs and goes, "I got a more ironic end for you, little girl. You will die by Master Attorneymon's hands, but the joke is, it'll be 455 years from now, and he will rule the world!!" He psychotically laughs as he tosses her away into the rift, then closes it. Attorneymon throws out a strip of red tape, and snags Birdramon's right leg. Attorneymon goes, "Going down?" He pulls, and hurls her into the street below. She reverts to Yokomon, and Metzger flies back to the roof. Metzger goes, "Mission complete!!" Attorneymon goes, "We can deal with them later." He teleports everyone away. Hikari goes, "Oh no, he captured Malachimon." Lilymon yells in panics, "Where's Lily!!"

Lily falls through a strange limbo. She is screaming but then stops when she realizes she isn't falling. A giant 'E=MC2' flies by, and Lily goes, "I really wish I had a camera. Izzy would love to see some of this weird phenomenon." A clock goes by, as does a series of calculation far too complex for Lily to understand. Lily goes, "That's a big ass equation." A new rift opens and she goes in it, landing on the ground. "That wasn't so.... bad?" She looks around to see everything laid to waste, even the statue of Joe, reduced to a pile of rubble. "It's official. It sucks to be me." The sky was an odd orange-yellow color, even though the sun was directly overhead. Her digivice goes, "Digital Clock has now reset to current time and date." Lily goes, "I guess I really did go through time." The digivice says, "Time is 1:45 PM, January 1st, 2500." Lily gasps and goes, "Just like he said, 455 years in the future. Wait, maybe some of the others are alive. They said they absorbed all that life force." Suddenly, she hears a strange sound. "What the?" From each direction, things that look like hoverbikes fly toward her. She runs out of the way, but one is forced to swerve to dodge her, and the other man on the other bike shoots up the bike that moved with a minigun. It careens out of control, hits some rocks, and blows up. A big man with a few missing teeth goes, "This girl just cost me a good rider, and cost me 10,000 Bengoshi!!" Lily slowly backs off, saying, "I just cost you 10,000 lawyers?" The man and his cronies are bewildered. One of his men goes, "Either she's been dropped on her head, or is incredibly stupid." The man goes, "Let's get her!!" She starts running down the ruined streets of Future Tokyo. For nearly a mile, no sign of anyone, but then a few digimon and some humans are on the curb. "One of you has got to help me!!" A Flare Lizamon says to her, "Help you, from Omicron and his men? Nice knowing you." One of the men goes, "Piss off, you stupid girl!!" and chases her off with a pipe. She sees some digimon that look like authority figures. "You got to help me!! These men are after me!!" The cop goes, "So?" Suddenly the digimon sees the digivice. He radios, "We have a possible rebel, call for reinforcements." He turns and goes, "You ran to the wrong people, rebel scum!!" He lunges at her and misses. A human cop comes from inside and jumps through glass at her, and in panic, jumps back, and he is shredded by glass. Lily runs into an alley. Suddenly, she finds herself in a dead end. "Guess I'll have to fight my way out.... Fight my way out, like that'll ever happen." Omicron's men reach her first. "Now you're gonna pay, girly!!" She activates the spear and points it at them. They stop in their tracks, scared. Lily says, "I must be more impressive than I thought!!" Unknown to her, there were 20 humans and digimon on the roofs above, 8 hovering behind Lily, 12 on hoverbikes, and a giant gyrocopter in the air. Lily goes to charge when the new arrivals open fire on the men and cops. A woman's voice commands to Lily below, "Grab the ladder!!" Lily goes, "Guess I got no other choice." She grabs the ladder and the gyrocopter takes off. Two cops run up, one real skinny, the other very fat, wearing a white suit, and smoking a cigar, he looks like the sheriff. The skinny one goes, "Damn, they got away!!" and stomps his hat. The fat sheriff whines in a gravelly voice, "It's no fair, dagnabbit!!" He smacks the skinny guy over the head. "You let them get away!!"

On board the giant orange gyrocopter, Lily looks about to see these people in ragged clothes work about. A man walks up to her. He goes, "You the owner of that strange digivice signal?" Lily sweats. "You're amongst friends here." Lily goes, "Yes." The man goes, "I'm Doi Hiroshi, the leader of the rebellion. Mind telling us who you are?" Lily goes, "Um, I'm Lily Fallon." Hiroshi's eyes bulge open. "Im.... Im.... Im... Impossible!! Lily Fallon vanished 455 years ago!! She was never found." The woman's voice says from the shadows, "Can it be?" From the shadows, Lilymon steps, in her left hand she holds a crude cane, her lower left wing torn in half, she is wearing torn up blue pants, a torn up shirt with one sleeve, her gloves, tattered from age and combat wear, and a brown scarf. Hiroshi goes, "I thought we agreed you'd wear the optic visor." Lilymon goes, "Those nanobots in my head hurt like hell when it's on." Hiroshi goes, "The nanobots are on only when you wear it, and they have to stay on for a while so they can graft onto your optic nerves. Doc said when they do, they'll stop hurting." Lilymon goes, "The pain isn't worth it. I can still seeEEEEEE!!!!!" She falls on her face after tripping over a wire. Lilymon, "Ow." Hiroshi, "You can see, eh?" Lilymon, "That can happen to anyone." He helps her up. Lilymon moves about and walks into Lily, then feels her face. Lily goes, "You're blind?" Lilymon's eyes tear up, and she says, "Lily? Is it possible?!!" Lily goes, "Yes, it's me." Lilymon holds her in her arms. "I thought I lost you!!" Lily goes, "What's happened? All I can tell is that I'm 455 years in the future." Lilymon goes, "I have a lot to tell you. Come." She leads her back down a hall. Lily says, "I'd watch your head there." Lilymon conks her head on a pipe. Lily mentions, "Maybe you should wear that visor." Lilymon goes, "Don't you start. Here five minutes and you're siding with Hiroshi."

Back in 2045, the waves crash up on a digital world shore. Suddenly, Laomon washes up. She stands up, looks around, and goes, "How'd I get here?" She falls back on her back. Lying on her back, she says, "Last thing I remember, I was fighting Attorneymon.... They must have blown up the base, and I was caught in the shockwave. I must have just washed up here. Wait, I can't just leave here without knowing where 'here' is." She gets back up and walks down the beach. Laomon thinks, "This place seems familiar." Suddenly, she stumbles upon a little boy and teenage girl who seem to be playing on the beach in swimwear. The boy is a human boy about 9 years old, but the girl looks 14 and like she is part Tailmon, having purple hair, and Tailmon's ears, tail, and feet. Laomon goes, "Excuse me, but where am I?" The girl goes, "What the? Lady, where did you come from?" Laomon goes, "I washed up from shore after falling from that flying island up there." She points up at the island, but it isn't there. The boy goes, "Must be another Brittanian who thought they could prove their island is spherical." The Tail-girl goes, "She doesn't look like one of them, unless she's some sort of royalty, because she isn't covered in crap. Well, and I don't think Brittanians wear kimonos." The boy goes, "What do you want to do, sis?" The girl goes, "She looks sick. I say we take her home with us and get her something warm." The boy goes, "You always want to take the smelly Brittanians home and feed them." The girl goes, "She's not a Brittanian, lil' runt. Besides, it's common curtesy." The boy goes, "Hey, don't call me a runt!!" He grabs her by her tail, her body locks up, and pulls her in the water. The girl shudders and hisses, then goes, "You brat!! This water is cold!!" Suddenly, Laomon collapses. The girl goes over and checks on her. "Let's get her to the house, quick!!" She picks her up over her shoulder and carries her into the forest, down a path. Laomon becomes half-conscious and sees the path. She envisions Attorneymon on the road and thinks, "This is the foot path that Attorneymon kidnapped me from...." She passes out again.

In a modest average home with a natural quartz fence, a mailman walks by on the sidewalk and delivers mail into the house's mailbox. Inside the house, Laomon lies on the couch with towels under her, apparently to keep the couch from getting wet. Laomon comes to and coughs up some water. The boy goes, "That's probably why you passed out." The girl comes in. She has changed into short jean shorts and a red T-shirt. She is carrying a tray of food in one hand, a drink in the other, and a change of clothes wrapped in her tail. She goes, "Here you go, some food, something to drink, and some extra clothes. Except for the shirt, they're my stepmom's." Laomon ate slowly. The boy goes, "What should we call do? We can't just keep calling you 'Lady.'" Laomon gives her name. The boy goes, "Laomon? You're a full digimon? Funny, you looked so human, I'd swear you were a digisapien, like my sis." Laomon looks and asks, "Strange, I thought Tailmon DNA and human DNA were too different to make a match unless it is done in a lab. Tell me how she came about." The boy goes, "Actually, they can match naturally, since Tailmon DNA also has some humanoid traits, but the odds of it happening in nature is 5,108,472,027.2 to 1, not because it isn't possible for the chromosomes to match, but because it'd kill the mother before the child came to term. Her birth mother was an Angewomon. She is a special type of digisapien, known as a 'step-back.' It results when the child born is one stage lower than the digimon parent, but has equal partner to her Ultimate counterpart. The other special types are 'Neojins,' which are children who almost completely different from either parent through what geneticists think is from evolution in the conception progress, 'Half-Stagers,' who are those who like Step-Backs but only went halfway back, or went forward half a stage in the womb. Finally, there are the trickiest ones to understand, and the rarest, 'Demi-Humans.' They can be born looking like a pure human or digimon, save some minor details, like if they are part plant, having green hair. They have this 'switch' gene, that when activated, causes them to change from their normal form to a true form. Say you got a demi-human whose normal form is human. If the gene activates, the digimon DNA kicks in, and they become 'True.' When it switches off, they revert to a normal form. Most times, an event or reaction to a substance triggers it, like if the child is part Water Nymph, water touching their skin triggers the gene, then boom, that girl's legs fuse together into fins. Sometimes it can be an emotion, like happiness, or rage, and sometimes, just sometimes, the person can switch it on and off, at will." Laomon is impressed. "Young boy, how is it that you know so much about digisapiens?" The boy goes, "Well, my sis is one, and I always wanted to be a doctor. The town physician lets me look at medical books and discs. In this world of hybrids and genetics, more doctors are needed. In fact, this town is chock full of many digisapiens. Besides, I want to be like my dad. He's a geneticist that works on Earth." The girl comes back and goes, "Stop pestering the... Laomon." Laomon goes, "It's okay. I was curious about your origin because I never heard of a Tailmon-Human hybrid. He was telling me about the types of digisapiens." She thinks, "Wait, he said demi-humans had a normal form, and a 'True' form." She sees Lily standing there, and remembers how she did all those amazing feats, including seeing without even moving her shredding Attorneymon's red tape in half. "Maybe there's more to her than any of us thought. Could it be that digimon she so seeks, is in fact in her. Has she been looking for herself?" The girl goes, "You know, we haven't told you our names. I'm Kiki Whitehaven, and this is my half-brother, Shiro Whitehaven." Laomon thinks, "Why is Whitehaven so familiar?" Kiki goes, "Like my bro told you by now, my mom was an Angewomon, but she died in this battle with this extremely evil digimon. I think she was called 'Wicked Lilymon.'" Laomon thinks, "Aww, hell!!" Kiki goes on, "She nearly destroyed this place, but it was a mere man, I think he was called 'Stefan,' yes, Stefan was his name!! He defeated Wicked Lilymon using some sort of weapon and strange karate." Laomon thinks, "So he was the mysterious man that made me spare this place, my home. Thing is, how can one man stop a Terra digimon?"

Kiki goes, "You look spooked." Laomon snaps out of her thought soliloquy and acknowledges her, "I'm okay. I'll take that bath you offered." She goes to the bathroom, undresses, and showers (No peeky!! Bad reader!! Bad, naughty reader!! Stop thinking that!!). She comes of the bathroom in a rose pink halter-top that has a collar-like piece on her neck, and it only covers her lower back, giving her plenty of space for her wings. On her is a pair of white shorts and on her feet is a pair of low-heeled sandals. Laomon thinks, "I look like I just did an Old Navy commercial." The boy goes, "While your clothes wash, I want to show you around the village!!" She thinks, "Would be nice to see this old place again." They go out.

In Tokyo... Lilymon, "We tried all of Odaiba already, and we can't find her. Where did she vanish to?" Lewis and Yamato come in. "We checked Shinjuku, the sewers, and even the morgues, and no Lily." Sora, Izzy, and Ken appear in the living room from a digiport rift. Sora mumbles, but no one can understand her. Izzy goes, "Uh, Sora, you're drooling again." She moans. Biyomon, "I have no idea what she said, but we found no trace of Lily in the Digital World." Tetsuo, Yolei, Daisuke, and Romeo arrive in a different rift and report the same. Keiko, Bonnie, and Araiya return and go, "We couldn't pick up Lily's signal anywhere on the Digital Moon." Yuuji sits in a corner, thinking. His brain goes, "Why is everyone looking here for? Obviously, she vanished, but where?" Sirenamon comes up to him. "What's on your mind? Why don't you help the others?" Yuuji goes, "No." Sirenamon is puzzled. He adds, "I don't think looking for her normally would work, and we'd waste our time. Who was it that had her last?" Sirenamon goes, "I remember Armajimon bitching about that damn fruit.... Yuuji, honey, please don't say the bad works I'm saying, it's just that I hate that fruit.... Oh, it hit Dimentiamon.... Yuuji, you may be onto something. He could of flung her to another time or dimension!!" Masato, somewhat teary-eyed, goes up to Yuuji. "Yuuji, I heard what you said." Yuuji goes, "Then you know what I'm planning." Masato goes, "I think I know what you're going to do, and I can't let you do it." Lotusmon goes, "`Kay, you lost me." Yuuji goes, "We have take a quantum leap. We have to find a way to open a time gate." Sirenamon goes, "Oh, Yuuji, I don't know whether you're brave or crazy." Lotusmon asks, "We have no way to do it on our own. How do you plan to pull it off?" Yuuji goes, "Everyone's hearts are in the right places, but their emotions are keeping them from seeing the big picture. What if Lily is lost in time? I know this is a sad time, but getting in a panic won't help. No one will listen because we're just some kids, and their fear will cloud their judgment. I know this from years of indifference." Masato goes, "If you pull this off, and we find her, then I know, it will be a fact, my grandfather would have been so proud of you." Yuuji goes, "Problem is, none of us has the skill to open such a gate, but I know the EDI's contains time data." Lotusmon goes, "Well, I know from tampering with dimensional gates in the past that you need six fixed points to find a location in three dimensions. It also requires a lot of power. Thing is, we have to access a four dimensional location. Maybe if we tell the device that the X and Y axes are moving, we could make it think point seven, the destination, is moving, so instead, it'd open a time gate." Sirenamon goes, "I got it!! We don't have anything that can generate, except and EDI. If we can get six, use them as the points, relaying time data back and forth, then use Yuuji's digivice to set the location and time, and set it as point seven, then it could work." Lotusmon goes, "Why, that could work!! Thing is, how to make them part with the EDI's?" Yuuji goes, "We are going to have to pull the greatest scam of our lives." Yuuji narrates the plan as it happens, "We need 6 EDI's. This is how it'll work. Lotusmon will go to Sora's group and ask for the EDI's, saying that Lewis wants to check the data to make sure they didn't miss anything. Masato, you do the same with the Moon party, but since Araiya's there, say Ken wants a look. Sirenamon, you have the hardest task. You have to con Lewis. I know you can do it. I will help Lotusmon find something and construct a device to hold the digivices." Everything goes to plan, but problems arise Sirenamon goes for her objective. Lewis, "Uh, I'll give it to him personally." Sirenamon goes, "But I was told by Izzy to take the EDI's and send you guys on out to file a missing persons report." Lewis goes, "Good one, Sirenamon, but you have to wait 48 hours to do that. He'd know that." Sirenamon goes, "Give it here!!" Lewis, "No!!" Sirenamon, "Why not?!" "You invaded my bathroom!!" "Hey, that's no reason not to help us out!!" "I got two legs, I can do it myself!!" "Oh, rub that in my face. You hold too many grudges." "You're one to talk. Every time Armajimon mentions that fruit, you go ballistic!!" "Huh, wha... Where is that ill-gotten fruit?!" "See, you hold grudges, so stop being a hypocrite!!" "You're the hypocrite, Mr. 'I was the President!!'" Zenmon butts in, "You're all a bunch `a damn hypocrites!!" They both go, "SHUT YOUR HOLE!!" and punch out Zenmon. Sirenamon screams, "Give it here, dammit!!" Lewis goes, "Piss off!!!" Sirenamon blurts, "Aw, f*** this!!" She punches out Lewis with a right hook and swipes the EDI. She looks at Yamato and goes, "Gonna have any trouble out of you, baldy?" Yamato is scared pale. "Uh.... Um..... No..., ma'am." Everyone looks at Sirenamon. She replies, "He had it coming!!" Everyone goes back to what they were doing. She goes out to the hangar, where Lotusmon is making some last minute preparations. Yuuji goes, "It's a good thing we found this windvane. It could've taken forever to build something from scratch." Lotusmon goes, "Now, to wire them up and lock them in place." She sits there and opens the bottoms, exposing the upload/download modules, and uses copper wires to intertwine them, using one of Lilymon's old rings as a connector to the center EDI's node. She takes a beaker holder and tightens it onto the weathervane. On the end, she clamps Yuuji's digivice into place. Using an eggbeater and a stick, she completes the handle. An hour had passed. Lotusmon goes, "Finished." Masato laments, "It's craptacular." Sirenamon smacks her over the head with her hand. "Masato, be considerate. Hey, for a budget of nothing, it's not bad." Masato goes, "Well, I was kinda expecting a little more." Yuuji goes, "Now, to use it!!" Yuuji runs outside. Lotusmon yells, "The variables, Yuuji!! There are too many variables!!"

Inside, Araiya goes to Ken. "Ken, what's taking so long?" Ken blinks and goes, "What taking what?" Araiya goes, "I was told by Masato that she needed my EDI to give to you to analyze the data." Ken replies, "I never said anything to Masato. In fact, I haven't spoke to her all day, but she did say she needed to collect our EDI's so Lewis could look at them..... She goes over to the now half-conscious Lewis and punches him in the gut. "Gimme my EDI back!!" Lewis goes, "How the hell did I get your EDI? I've been out cold for an hour, after Sirenamon decked me. Yamato was with me." She goes over to Yamato, and in a total reversal of emotions, "Hi, honey!! Is this piece of crap being honest?" Yamato goes, "Yes, he is, Araiya. After he hit the floor, she insisted on taking his EDI and mine, claiming Izzy needed them. Ken comments, "I think we've been duped, but why would Sirenamon and Masato trick us like this?" Sora is in the kitchen and tries to scream out, but can only moan and mumble (Sounds like Kenny from South Park, doesn't it?). Yuuji activates the motor on it. The weather vane starts spinning, the friction from Lilymon's ring enabling data to be transmitted. Yuuji punches in a location, but Lotusmon jumps on him, trying to stop him. "There are too many variants, Yuuji!! Listen to me....." She sees the WCEDI blink, 'Data Confirmed.' Yuuji yells, "Time Gate, open!!" An azure glow surrounded Yuuji, Lotusmon, Sirenamon, and Masato. Lotusmon goes, "Aw hell." They vanish in a flash. Sora runs into the living room.

Back in Future Tokyo, Lilymon lays out what happened. "After you disappeared, we tried to continue, and fight on against Attorneymon, but since you were gone, he had no more reason to be cautious, and butchered many of the others, but we did strike a blow when we prevented the return of Obliviomon to this world. Could you believe that he was going to use Malachimon's body as an avatar?! Thing was, after you vanished, Malachimon went psycho. We were confused, but found it was that strange red ring he had on his base that was causing it. The scary part was, every night, through dreams, she would call out, begging Sakiko to free her. It drove her mad eventually, but only after she had a family of her own, for she became afraid to sleep. What was left of us tried to defeat him, but he killed the others, and then, using four digicores given by the Holy Beasts, one from each of them, I locked him in a 250-year battle that spanned the earth. Some of the destruction you see is rubble still standing from our fight. He ended the fight when he got his hands on a flashbang and got me into the New York skyline. He threw it at me, and a millimeter from my eyes, it detonated, the glass from the skyscrapers amplifying the light, incinerating my retinas and optic nerves. He ran away, and in my confusion, went about and destroyed everything. When I finally recovered, he owned the world, forcing humans and digimon to mine the world to make him wealthy, and then he expanded into space, and conquered aliens, and alien digimon alike. One day, while stumbling down the street, I found Lewis' old EDI. It still had emergency systems, and I used the pings it gave out to find the rebels, led by Sakiko's great-great-great-great-great-great-great granddaughter. Apparently, Sakiko's family managed to survive. They were brilliant and able leaders, they all were, but their only problem was that they suffered like Sakiko did, Malachimon calling for them to set her free from the Red Ring. 50 years ago, we unlocked the ring's power and freed her, but Attorneymon then killed her, since he no longer needed her. During that battle, he stumbled upon something we thought didn't exist, another Power Nexus. It was a massacre. He had more than enough power to use it, and became this foul thing called District Attorneymon, or 'The DA' as everyone calls him now. We now have been trying to eliminate his 'Black Polizei,' led by a giant cyborg called DOS Kog, a spoof of an old 'Dukes of Hazzard' character, and his lackey, Deputy Tabasco. You can tell who he is because he always has a cigar in his mouth, a rarity here on Earth. So far, neither side has made any ground. I'm just so glad I found you again!!"

In a fortress where the heart of Tokyo once stood, District Attorneymon, a demon with deep red metallic skin, long blonde spiky hair, bony spikes on his knuckles, and a cybernetic left arm in a black suit and shirt with no tie, a golden yellow suitcase hung over his right shoulder by a leather baldric, and a sword sheathed on the same belt on his left side. He looks around at his empire from a marble tower. "It's all mine.... Soon I shall have all the galaxies surrounding this one, and then both universes will be mine." He hears a bum asking for alms. "I thought I told that man to piss off yesterday!!" He grabs an old scoped rifle from the wall, screws a silencer on it, walks over, and plinks the man in the head. "That shut him up." The guards toss the body in a flaming gorge surrounding the fortress. He remounts the gun to the wall. "I like these archaic weapons. I can see why Charleton Hesston fought so hard for them." He smirks, but suddenly stops. "I sense a presence, one that I haven't felt in ages.... Almost like that Megami girl Lily came back from the dead.... I must confirm this." He goes to a console. "Still can't believe this thing survive two different nuclear blasts." He holds Joe's EDI and locks it into the console. The sides of it fold out and surround him. He raises his right hand in front of his face, two fingers before his nose. He goes into a state of meditation. Suddenly a pillar of indigo energy pulses upward. Suddenly, he opens his eyes and a map of the whole solar system comes up. "Computer, zoom in on Earth, East Hemisphere, District 1." The map zooms to Earth, to Japan and the areas surrounding. "Now, close in on Kyushu." The map rapidly zooms in on the main island of Japan. "Scan for digivice signals." It sweeps the map. On the gyrocopter ship, a crewman goes, "Sir, we're about to get pinged by District Attorneymon's signal!!" Lilymon goes, "We're fixing to get pinged." Lily goes, "Wha...?" Lilymon goes, "There's a high pitch just before it happens." She pulls out Lewis' EDI and arms its cloak mode. Lilymon goes, "Quick, put your digivice in lockdown!!" Lily goes, "Lock what?" Lilymon goes, "That's right, Mai never installed cloak drivers for your WCEDI's!!" The wave passes, and Lily's digivice gives out a massive ping. District Attorneymon laughs and exclaims, "Yes, I got a ping!! Now, to find out who we got." His smile quickly turned to anxiety when he saw the first name that came up. "Lily Fallon.... It can't be.... That incompetent moron Dimentiamon must of sent her here.... Wait, I'm an Omega digimon!! I'll just take her out in one hit!!" He turns off the console. "Now, to get her here." He tosses Joe's EDI in the air....

Back in the village, the green boy catches the EDI, now repaired, in his hand. The kid goes, "I got to show this to Shiro!! He'd love this!!" He goes out. Shiro leads Laomon around the town, pointing the folks, and the small stores. He arrives at a run down house. Shiro, "And this is the haunted house. My dad says that once two Lilymon lived there, but one just vanished, and the other went looking for her. They say their digital ghosts still haunt it." Laomon goes, "Tell me, what were the two Lilymon like?" Shiro goes, "Well, from everyone says, the one that vanished was popular in the town, and had her own store, it was part bakery, part clothing outlet. It was weird, but it was the biggest and best store at that time. Her sister, as she called her, was kind of a ditsy airhead type who made the clothes, organized fairs, and was an inspiring singer. One day in 2020, the storeowner just vanished, said she was going to get new supplies since the delivery guy was taking too long. Not long after, her sis left looking for her. Ten years later, Wicked Lilymon attacked the city for no reason, said this place was an eyesore, and Attorneymon wanted it destroyed. That's when Kiki's mother got deleted, and Stefan came and stopped her. A year later, Vulcan Lilymon came here, asking if any of us had seen the Lilymon that vanished. Some of us, my dad says, she addressed by name, which was odd. When we told her we hadn't any other Lilymon except Wicked Lilymon, she left depressed. Everyone thinks her ghost came along, and angered by the inability to find her, withered the land, and made impossible to grow food. Sure, trees grow just fine, but we can't eat bark and pine cones. It's costing this town a small fortune. In order to get food, we have to send out for it, and then to appease her ghost, we have to sacrifice some of it to her, or she curses the convoys, and they mysteriously get destroyed." Laomon yells, "That bastard!!" Shiro goes, "Huh?" The boy runs up to Shiro. Shiro, "Oh, hi Gorubi!! Laomon, this is Gorubi, my friend. He's part Ogremon." Gorubi goes, "Hey, look at what I found in the hills!!" Shiro looks at it. "What is it?" Gorubi goes, "I don't know, but my dad was able to fix it, and it seems to be able to show a map of the area, and has all these files, and has these movie files." Shiro looks at it and goes, "Hmmmm.... I wonder if it can still work right?" He activates the map. He opens a file called 'Profile Target.' He tests it on Gorubi. Hey, it works!! It recognizes you as part-human, part Ogremon, and me as a human." He hears it running, and sees a progress bar filling, and over Laomon's marker, it says 'Scanning. Ambiguous Target.' Shiro goes, "Funny, this thing says you're ambiguous Laomon, whatever that means." It scans, then starts showing DNA strands in the left side as the bar fills. The bar hits 100%. The computer says, "Familiar genetic code in new form." Shiro is puzzled. Suddenly, it shows a chart with a Lilymon on the left, Wicked Lilymon to the right, and to the right, Laomon. Shiro shudders in shock and drops the EDI. Gorubi catches it and goes, "What's wr... wr... WRONG!!" Laomon goes, "What's wrong?" Shiro backs off and goes, "Stay away from me... Wicked Lilymon!!" Laomon's face gains an expression of sadness. Other villagers hear Shiro and air raid sirens turn on, and in moments a militia charges in. Gorubi goes, "That was fast." They grab her quickly and hold her, people yelling for her to be judged. The mayor comes out and goes, "To the Cave of Reflections!!" Laomon thinks, " I remember this. This is where the accused are sent. It's some sort of ancient technology, which where a person's persona, emotions, and thoughts are personified and amplified tenfold, and if the person was guilty, they were punished by their own guilt attacking them. It was only used in extreme cases." They lead her to a cavern, and throw her in a room where the walls are nothing but mirrors. A voice goes, "Is this the one in question?" The mayor goes, "Yes." The voice goes, "She has caused a lot of sorrow, and destroyed many, a dark presence in her. Her guilt is strong. Shall I begin?" The mayor goes, "Let the trial commence!!" He enters an observation room, and there is a flash. Laomon looks around to see the phantoms of those she had destroyed walk from the mirrors, and in the mirror directly in front of her, a phantom of Wicked Lilymon comes out. The mayor goes, "Boys, I know we had pranks pulled, and I thought this was another one, but this is the real thing. You boys caught the witch!!" The ghosts are murmuring and howling, "You killed us..." Laomon falls to her knees and answers, "I know. I knew this day would come. I accept your wrath." The ghosts attack her viciously, and even passing through her, causing great pain to her, but she does not fight back, nor do they hurt her. Suddenly, they stop. The mayor goes, "What? By this point, the guilty are battered and bloody!! What's going on?" The phantoms say to Laomon, "The agony you feel in your heart is far greater than we could ever inflict. You have purity once more. As such, we cannot inflict on those who have realized their guilt and suffer from it." They vanish. The Wicked Lilymon phantom remains though. She says, "You were once me, you know. In you, that desire itches. You wanted the world to pay for your pain. Now, your pain wants a word with you!!" She begins beating her, and actually hurting her. Wicked Lilymon goes, "What, you're too nice to fight back?" She continues to assail Laomon, but she just stands there. "The supreme justice, your own evil killing you." Wicked Lilymon steps up the beating of Laomon. Shiro watches and goes, "I'm actually beginning to worry about her." The mayor goes, "You're sympathizing with her? She nearly wiped us out!!" Shiro goes, "I know, but look at her now. In all other trials I've seen, the accused tries to fight back, but she's just letting her own feelings beat her to death!!" Wicked Lilymon goes, "You were born of evil, you are made of evil, you are evil, and you will die from evil!!" She goes for the final blow, when she pulls her fist back, covered in burns. "What the....." Laomon answers, "Wrong..... I was born of good. It was twisted science that made the evil. I may of adhered to the science as a dogma, but my core being is good, and always has, it's just been imprisoned. For a short time, it was free, but darkness and science came back contain my heart. I was aware of the darkness and evil, but I always regretted it, all of it. After I sacked this city, I cried. At the time, I didn't know why, but I now I can remember why, thanks to Qinglongmon. I hurt the people I once called my neighbors. What's done is done, and I will pay for it, but I will never accept that I am inheritably evil, and evil is all I can ever be. I have a purpose, a noble purpose, to live for, and a sister to protect. You are the old me, and to you I say farewell." From the mirrors, white light bounces around the chamber, then fills it. All that is visible is Laomon and Wicked Lilymon. The whole town watches in awe. Laomon goes, "I just wished I knew that peace I knew before, before I destroyed it." Wicked Lilymon, "I hope you find it again." The phantom breaks up and vanishes. The people look bewildered. The mayor goes, "Her guilt was supposed to destroy her? Computer, don't tell me you got a bug." The voice goes, "In all my 800,000 years of use, I have never encountered anyone that was guilty, but so regretful and pure. She knows what has happened, and knows retribution is due, but I know what it is like to be altered for someone's use, as I was in the Nexus Crusades. I too have to live with bad things I did, like incriminating innocent people and killing them with their fear. You can learn a lot from her." Laomon falls over in pain, only half-conscious. Shiro runs in and goes, "Oh, Laomon, I'm sorry I did this." Laomon goes, "It's okay, Shiro. I should have been honest about my identity from the moment I learned where I was." Shiro goes, "You talked about a sister...." Laomon goes, "Remember the Lilymon that just vanished on the path about 25 years ago? That was me. I was abducted by Attorneymon as a test subject for his sick pleasure. His constant red taping of me made me lose my memory of who I was, what I was, where I came from, and how it all happened. My sister came after me, and she has come back here. Shiro told me a Vulcan Lilymon came here, looking for another Lilymon. She is my sister." People are chattering away. One guy, "Well, how'd you get your supposed 'lost memory' back, eh?" Laomon goes, "First, I went mad when a figure from my past returned. I didn't know her, but she knew me. Attorneymon sent me to destroy her. It was her words that ate at me. They drove me mad. I attacked Evamon demanding to be fixed, thinking he did this to me, when he injected me with a test batch he had just made. It started to clear the fog the red tape made for my mind. Afterwards, Qinglongmon himself came down to set me straight. I turned about face and attacked Attorneymon, and help save most of the Digidestined's lives before he killed them, and turned his weapon-base on an area not far from here. The destruction of the base, and the ocean currents are what brought me here." A woman goes, "Okay, if you're the Lilymon that went missing, then who is the ghost we've been living in fear of all this time?" Suddenly there is a scream. Gorubi comes running up. "The ghost has become angered and took many of the kids, including your sister, Shiro. I managed to get away...." Laomon, "How dare that specter do this to these children.... It must be stopped!!" The mayor exclaims, "Wait!! The ghost will destroy us all....." She was gone.

A rift opens, and newspaper blows by. As it closes, Yuuji, Sirenamon, Masato, and Lotusmon stood in a street. Lotusmon goes, "When are we?" Yuuji checks his digivice. "Funny, it says it's the exact same time we left, and the exact same place...." Masato panics, "Oh, this isn't good!! This is bad!! If we're in the same place at the same time we left, but it isn't the same place that we remember, then that means only one thing. We just jumped the proverbial dimensional tracks!! What the bloody hell are we going to do?!" Lotusmon goes, "We can't jump back now. It'd be too much stress on the digivices. They'll need a day to recharge. I'm sorry, but with the amount of power it takes and my lack of resources, we drained their EDI's." Sirenamon goes, "A day... Aw, man." Lotusmon says, "We should find a place to stay for the night." Masato goes, "According to the holomap, this place is considerably different than our world. I can't believe in our world, this sidewalk we're on is Lewis' back yard." She stares into the screen some more. "Wait... I'm getting digivice and D3 signals further downtown. Maybe there are digidestined on this world." Lotusmon smacks Yuuji on the head. "I told you. I told you there were too many variables, but noooo... No one ever listens to me. Now don't come whining to me when you do this again without my help and we all get sucked into some twilighty place with a zone and everyone acts like they came out of a B movie." Masato exclaims, "What are you bloody sods waiting for? We got to find out about these digivice readings."

In Future Tokyo, Lilymon goes, "He's pinged us, and undoubtedly knows our location now. We must get ready for an attack. Lily, I don't think a torn black dress is going to help you. You really need a change of clothes." She takes her to a footlocker. "Inside is a suit that was made by me in the hopes that I'd see you again and you had found your digimon." She opens it to reveal an indigo jacket and cargo pants. The jacket itself had many pockets, and the on the left shoulder there a patch with the Crest of Sincerity design on it. With it was two white belts, one with two clamps on the back. Also in the chest is a green spaghetti strap tanktop, two sandals with two green straps and a silver medallion on the inside edge of each one, a green silk gorget for her neck, and.... "Gigadigizoid bracers?" Lily asked herself. She looks at the green edged silver sheathes of metal, each etched with the Crest of Sincerity on it, and besides the fact they are metal and lacked petals, they were just like Lilymon's gloves. Lilymon goes, "You change, while I see to it this digivice gets a proper upgrade.

20 minutes later, Lily was bathed and dressed, and Lilymon returned with the digivice. Instead of the normal white bod it used to sport with green grips, it now had a gold chassis and bright green grips, all of which had a heavy metal sheam to it. It gleams and flashes in the light as she tosses it back to Lily. She stood there looking at it. The belt with the clamps in the back she put over her right shoulder. Lily looks at her digivice and goes, "I've seen stranger." She walks over to a mirror and looks. "Odd. I want to place this outfit somewhere, but I'm having a hard time doing so. I remember seeing someone wear something like this, his name started with a T and his name was a synonym for pants. Eh, it doesn't matter now. That dress was pretty tore up anyway. Feels good to be out of those stuffy clothes." Lilymon goes, "Guys say they did an overhaul on it. Now it has a 25 mile holo-map radius, less can distort the readings, higher resolution, temporary digimon data storage battery, which allows you scan and record up to three digimon profiles at one time, then download them to an analyzer program for full data. We upped the RAM and memory two thousand-fold. Then we took the liberty of wiring up a lockdown mode to this thing. We added missing period data of things important to 2045, 2046, and 2047 in the history files, hoping that we can send you back and prevent this holocaust and hopefully you can find your digimon." Lily goes, "What's the deal with the clamps on this belt?" Lilymon goes, "Convert your digivice to weapon mode and toss it in the air." She does, but the sequence is different. The blade used to be on the bottom, but instead, the bottom handgrips slide apart, a bright green metallic pole shoots out, and up at the bottom of the digivice on the top of the pole is a big bright orange silk ribbon. From the top, the handgrips up there split, extend out, and lower. Two arced blades come out of the digivice, and rise up and lap over the handgrips. From their bottoms, the blades fold out and down, reaching well below the bottom edge of the grips. In the center of the top, between the parallel inside edges of the blades on the sides, a massive spearhead protrudes out. "Weird looking spear." She tosses it up like Lilymon said, and it falls and self attaches to the clamps. Lilymon utters, "Lead plated magnets in the clamps and a special electromagnet we installed holds the spear in place. It can only be deactivated and removed by your fingerprints, so no one can yank your digivice off your back." Lily quickly grabs the spear with her left hand, there is a small beep, and he pulls it to the ready. "Neat." She locks it back on the clamps.

Suddenly the ship is rocked by weapons fire. Alarms go off. Hiroshi's voice goes over the PA exclaiming, "The DA's goons found us, so everyone to combat stations, because we're going low and fast!!" The gyrocopter takes a quick dive, Lily and Lilymon are thrown into the wall. The copter arms a system of jets and begins to outrun the Polizei attack planes across a field of tree stumps. The helmsman goes, "We're going in on Tokyo!!" Hiroshi goes, "That's not good, hard to port!!" Helmsman, "No can do!! More planes coming in from either side and above. We have to go forward!!" Hiroshi goes, "Okay then." He waits as they close in on the ruins. Hiroshi orders, "Quarter speed and drop depth charges before deceleration!!" The tactical officer goes, "But sir!!" "Do it!!" Two round bombs go flying out and continue ahead running off their original speed. Hiroshi goes, "The Polizei planes aren't as mobile as us. They'll either run into them, get caught in the blast, or stall trying to evade." Sure to his word, the planes crashed into the depth charges' blasts and were destroyed. "Move close to the wreckage. Wait for them to circle around and return, then full power to the engines." They sit for 40 seconds behind the fire and smoke, then when the planes return to check the wreckage, they blast through the fire and into the city. The communications officer goes, "More Polizei ships in all directions except ahead and below, sir." The slower planes have to turn around and catch up. As they fly, the Polizei start to catch up. Up ahead is an abandoned skyscraper. Hiroshi, "Blast a hole to the other side, then when we're inside 50 feet, blow up the supports." Four vulcan guns come out the front and blast away the shoddy rubble clear to the other side. "Now!!" They fire two missiles, one in either direction, which blows away the supports. "Those fighters may make it, but the gunships will be crushed under the building." Sure enough, the building fell, and some of the small fighters were able to move clear, but the bulkier ships went splat under the tower as it fell forward. The ship rocks from gunfire and turret fire. "We must be in the populated district. We got to get out of here." They ascend to go above the buildings, where AA guns have been mounted. Up ahead is District Attorneymon's fortress. The tactical officer goes, "This isn't good." From behind a giant electric billboard comes a huge ship. The comm man goes, "Sir, I don't know when this happened, but their battleship, the Surprise Witness, just got below us." Hiroshi, "Must've been too low to detect until now. Ready depth charges. We may not be able to stop them, but we can slow them up." The gyrocopter swerves and weaves to evade the warships' guns, and begins to drop charges. The tactical officer responds, "Sir, we're out of depth charges, but we did manage to hamper their engine, reducing their speed by 25%, turning is out of the question for them, and roof mounted turrets are disabled." Hiroshi answers, "Good. Those fighters around us?" The tactical officer goes, "Yes, they are." Hiroshi orders, "Fire on the fighters, and bring our speed to match the Surprise Witness. Lower us until we are 4 feet from their hull." The helmsman responds, "Yes.... Couldn't the Surprise Witness just fly up and ram us?" Hiroshi comments, "It's a chance we'll have to take, because like it or not, we're going to be in firing range of the Fortress' main weapons in 2 minutes. By staying next to the Surprise Witness, we'll be a harder target." Vulcan guns slide out the sides of the top of the copter. The fighters start falling from the sky.

Inside the Surprise Witness, the same scrawny deputy is inside, commanding the ship. "Where the blasted hell them rebels go?" The tactical officer goes, "I'm not sure, Deputy Roscoe." Deputy Tabasco retorts, "For the last time, my name is Tabasco. The simple irony that I look like that guy from that 20th Century television series doesn't mean you can call me that!!" The tactical officer goes, "I have no idea what you're talking about, sir. I always thought your name was Roscoe." Tabasco goes, "Oh nevermind. Find Bo and Luke.... uh, I mean the rebels..... see what you made me do!! Find the rebels!!" The ships rock some more. Tabasco, "What the?" The tactical officer responds, "It seems the fighters are shooting at us. I believe the rebels..." Tabasco goes, "Shut up, I'm trying to think.... Is it intentional?" The tactical officer goes, "Well, yes, but...." Tabasco, "Well shoot back. That'll teach them to shoot at me!!" The tactical officer comments, "But...." Tabasco, "I hear no shooting, only jaw jacking!!" They shoot the fighters down. Tabasco, "Maybe next time they won't shoot at me. Respect Deputy Tabasco and the Surprise Witness, you idiots!! Now, where's the rebel ship?" The tactical officer goes, "Sir, might I suggest...." Tabasco interrupts him, "No, you may not. Why don't you be a good tactical officer and be quiet?" The officer screams. Tabasco, "Okay... If it's that important to you, then I'll let you speak." The tactical officer goes, "The rebels are right on top of us. They can't be detected because they are too close to our hull for sensors to pick them up. That's why the fighters were shooting at us. They were trying to hit the rebels." Tabasco goes, "You and your silly.... I'll be damned." The rebel vessel lifts up, and is detected. "I should listen to you more often." The officer goes, "That's good to..." Tabasco, "Shut up and shoot them!!" The officer, "*Sigh* Yes, sir." Missile batteries open up on the roof. On the gyrocopter, "Sir, they have a lock." Hiroshi commands, "Keep us steady." The helmsman sees the guns on the watchtower of the fortress wall, and smiles. "Understood, sir." The tactical officer on the Surprise Witness, "Firing missiles in 4, 3, 2, well we're screwed." The automated fortress cannons take aim, and the rebel gyrocopter uses the Surprise Witness as a shield. Tabasco throws himself to the ground and proceeds to whine and cry like a spoiled child. "It's no fair!! Dang rebels!!" The ship explodes. DOS Kog looks on from his office in the fortress. "I don't know why I hired that moron." The tactical officer, "Hiroshi, sir, the shockwave has thrown us out of control!! We cannot right ourselves in time to evade the fortress!!" The helmsman goes, "It may be suicide, but we can avoid the fortress, by landing in the courtyard. I don't like it either, but we will get a running start." Hiroshi goes, "I prefer a small chance to no chance. Arm reverse engines, prepare to land. As soon as we have stopped, evacuate the ship, survivors regroup at HQ."

In the fortress, District Attorneymon looks on. "Everything is going as I wish. Deputy Tabasco wasn't as useless as I thought. Secretary, send a ham to his family." The ship skids across the hard dirt and hits the wall of the fortress, where it stops. People pour out, some shot by the watchtowers as they exit. Hiroshi, Lilymon, and Lily are the last three out. Hiroshi, "This way!!" As they run, plasma bolts trail behind. Hiroshi, "We're gonna get shot if we don't find some cover quick!!" He leads them behind a pile a corpses. Hiroshi responds, "Morbid, but better than nothing." A few more shots are fired, then the body are slagged into a warm flesh-toned goo. "They've sealed off the exits." Hiroshi goes. Lilymon replies, "What about sneaking in? We stand a better chance in the DA's compound then out here, vulnerable to the plasma turrets, missile launcher, gunner hovercraft, and positron land mines. Inside, we have shelter, and we can swing into the hangar and hijack a ride out of here." Hiroshi goes, "Well, you got deal with his security teams, Polizei, his digimon lackeys, the crack legal team which personally bodyguards the DA, and even DOS Kog." Lilymon goes, "Stop being so pessimistic and let's do this then!!" Lily goes, "You'll have to fly us over to the entrance. They've raised the bridge." Lilymon grabs them and starts flying over the inner moat of the fortress, filled with boric acid. She flies, then, thwop!! She hits the door and falls. Lilymon rubs her face. "Ow...." Lily, "That would be the door, Lilymon." They open it. Two guards await them. Hiroshi takes out a staff, which extends to five times its original length. Electricity pulses from either end. "Hyah!!" Hiroshi strikes one guards, and the voltage brings him to his knees.

"Flower Cannon!!"

She fires at the second guard and misses, but hits the wall, and the debris strikes the guard, killing him. Hiroshi hits the struggling guard over the head, and the extreme voltage shocks him so severely that he spits up blood, hemorrhages, and then there is a small explosion on the back of his head, and he falls over dead. Lily exclaims, "You....killed them." Lilymon goes, "I'm sorry Lily, but in many cases, we're left with no choice. They would do the same without hesitation. I hate doing it myself, but until the DA is gone, there is no other way. When we find a way to send you to the past, we are sure you will be able to insure this never happens." Hiroshi goes, "Good, his gun was on." He takes the gun. Lily, "On?" Hiroshi, "If it was off and I grabbed it, it'd blow up because it didn't recognize my fingerprints. When the owner turns a gun on though, anyone can use it." He turns to Lilymon. "I know how much you hate this thing, but we need you to be able to see and help us out." Lilymon moans, "Oh, okay." She puts on the visor. The transparent sky blue screen lights up, and she grimaces. "Ahhh, they burn...." They hold their position for about 90 seconds, when, "The pain is beginning to fade... I can see!!" She looks at Lily. "Oh, my child..... You're right, that outfit is familiar, but now's not a good time to talk fashion." They all run the halls, when they run into.....

Isn't that annoying? Me making you have to wait. I'm the writer, so *sticks tongue out* I can do that!! Now, back in Laomon's hometown, Laomon went into her old home. She flips a light switch, and only a dim light comes on. "Sis must've never replaced those broken light bulbs. So creepy being in here again after it's been abandoned for so long." An eerie voice calls from the dark, "Infidel, you should not have come here. You have incurred the wrath of the Spirits of the Lilymon sisters." Laomon looks on with a jaded look. "Uh, do you even know who I am?" The eerie voice goes, "Um.... no. But you have invaded my home!!" Laomon smirks and goes, "Well, you just screwed up on two counts. One, you're supposed to be the spirits of the Lilymon sisters, but in that last sentence you said, you referred to yourselves as 'my,' not us, denoting a singular person, not two or more persons that the possessive pronouns 'us' is used for." The voice goes, "No I didn't." Laomon goes, "You sure did. I know these things." The voices exclaims, "Shit." "Two, it kinda raises a problem when the people supposedly haunting the house are still alive. I'm one of the sisters, Laomon, and the other is Vulcan Lilymon. Now, explain that?" The voice rambles, "Oh... Ummm..... Uh.... Screw you!!" From nowhere a ghost Lilymon flies out, and slowly changes into a translucent male figure wearing dingy grey clothes and chains. Laomon, "Eeh.... Weird." His profile appears in a new format, showing him rotating around 3D CG graphics. "I am Marleymon, an evil ghost digimon and highest form of Bakemon. My translucent spectral body and powers of Light allow me to alter my form to look like anyone, even those Lilymon sisters!!" Laomon goes, "So, you're the culprit. Hand over the children." Marleymon answers, "Better idea. Why don't we have a barbeque?" Laomon is in shock. "You monster!!" She flies at him and takes a swing, but she flies right through him. Marleymon chuckles and retorts, "Corporeal digimon cannot hurt me. Physical attacks go right through me." Laomon commands, "Then take this!! Sevenfold Flower Cannon!!" She takes a stance, and seven balls descend to her hands, and a giant white ball glows beside her. He is surprised. Once the ball is as big as her, she spins around, the ball spinning and growing. When she makes a full 360, she raises her hands up as yellow spherical flickers of light are drawn to the center of the ball, the room and the outside light are literally being drawn to the ball, now twice as big as her. She lowers her arms down level to the floor, yells, and a bolt of light screams across the room. The zooming beam strikes him head on, blasting him out the wall and outside, through two buildings, and into the town square, before the beam accidentally blows up the statue of Stefan. After the explosion ended, light levels returned to normal. Marleymon shrugs himself as walks out of the rubble of the statue. Laomon stops dead in front of him. Marleymon, "Let's go."

Masato and the others follow the signal, not recognizing a thing, including all the billboards for "Noodles, Noodles, Come Get Your Noodles Corp." with Daisuke and Veemon on them. Sirenamon exclaims, "Oh, don't tell me Captain Dumbass is a business mogul in this timeline!!" Masato goes, "The prospect of that scares me." Lotusmon adds, "Give me the good old nut-job any day." A bystander with a noodle cup goes, "Hey, don't dis Davis Motamiya!!" Masato goes, "Davis?!" Sirenamon, "What kind of idiot parents names their kid Davis? Wait, these are the Motamiyas I'm talking about. What a rhetorical question!!" The man goes, "Sure, the Motamiyas are a little slow, but that's no reason to insult them. Say, I've never seen digivices like these. I've seen the Digidestined with their models before in old newsreel footage at the library, but that, if they are ones, are the strangest ones I've ever seen. Just to ask, are you guys Digidestined?" Yuuji goes, "Well, yeah." The man goes, "Never heard of you. In fact, I've never seen those types of digimon before ever. They are in no records I've seen." Masato goes, "How do you know so much about the Digidestined and digimon?" The man goes, "I'm a historian, and my wife is a biologist." Yuuji asks, "Sir, do you know where the Digidestined are now?" The man answers, "No, sorry little girl, I don't." Yuuji, "Girl? I'm a boy." The man goes, "From this angle, and from your voice, I'd swear you were a girl. Besides, a boy with a female digimon? Absurd!! I've heard of girls with boy digimon, but never the reverse. It'd be weird." Sirenamon interrupts, "You narrow-minded, double standard, ignorant prick!!" She punches him out. "Now, apologize to him!!" She wraps her arm around his neck and makes him look at Yuuji eye to eye. The man goes, "What? What'd I say? You're crazy!!" She starts pummeling his face in. Ironically, a police car drives up. Policemen jump out and jump on her, but the adrenaline rush in her easily lets her throw them off. "You sorry, punk?" The man goes, "Yes.... Let me go!!" The cops pull the man free, then try to wrestle her down and cuff her. After a few moments, they get her. Yuuji is trying to get them to let her go, but they ignore him. One cop even tells him to piss off. He hits the side of one of the cops with his hand to get his attention, but then the cops deftly shove him away. The up till then docile Sirenamon sprang up, attacked the cop with a punch and slap of her fins to his face, then rolled over, curled around Yuuji, and takes a defensive position. She exclaims, "How dare you hurt him?! You sick man. Are you okay, Yuuji?" Yuuji, stunned, answers, "Was I flying?" She rubs his head gently, but then the cops taser her in the back, and she slumps over. The cop she hit goes, "That's going to bruise, dammit!! My face will be purple for a week!!" The other cop goes, "What about the others?" The cop goes, "Let's take them too, but only because I don't see a parent or guardian with them. We'll have them stay downtown until one arrives. I do want to take that strange weathervane thing though. Looks like some strange bludgeoning weapon." They round them up and drive off. A car slowly follows the squad car.

About an hour later, Masato, Yuuji, and Lotusmon sit there in a holding room. Sirenamon was getting mug shots, and all that fun stuff of a booking, including, yes, another strip search. Suddenly, someone walks in. The police officer opens the holding room door and says, "You're free to go. An 'Uncle Izzy' has come for you. Oh, your mermaid friend, she's free to go. Guess someone decided to drop charges, but she will still have to pay a $500 fine for disrupting the peace, and another $400,000 to the cop in punitive damages." Yuuji goes, "Where are we going to get that much money?" The police officer goes, "That's your problem now." A man walked in, who looked like the Izzy they knew, but somewhat different. "You guys by any chance have a digivice of some sort?" Masato shows him hers. The man goes, "Well, why don't you come with your Uncle Izzy then?" Masato goes, "I don't know...." Sirenamon calls out, "Oh, do it." Yuuji goes, "Well, it s a way outta here. We could ditch him after we leave." They follow him out to his car. Izzy goes, "This model of digivice.... I've never seen it before, but it seems to apply technology I have seen before. It looks almost like the Crest of Courage." He hits a button by accident, and Masato's digivice switches to its weapon form. "Impressive. A weapon and a digivice!!" Masato goes, "They're called WCEDI, Weapon-Combined Enhanced Digivolution Initializer." Izzy goes, "I've heard that acronym before. By any chance you know a Lewis Wick from a different timeline?" Their jaws drop.

Now, back to where I rudely cut you off....

..... They run into DOS Kog!! He says, "You rebels going somewhere?" Hiroshi demands, "Move it, android!! You will not any secrets from me!!" DOS Kog laughs and goes, "I could care less about you. The DA sent me after the girl. I take of her, and no matter how powerful your resistance gets, the DA will smash you into oblivion. Now, to earn my paycheck!!" His right hand slides into his arm, and a giant liquid metal spike, like the Crimma Claws from Escaflowne, shoots out from his arm. Hiroshi runs in the way. "If Lily dies, all our hopes die!!" He takes the spike in the gut and is pinned to the wall. Hiroshi softly says, "Rumors of what death feels like are greatly exaggerated. It's surprisingly warm." He goes limp, the spike retracts, and he slumps down the wall, smearing his blood on the wall. Lily goes, "You sick people. People like you are what's wrong, but it takes a demented mastermind to bring you all together. That sicko kills for pleasure, for power, that little bit of power just to make him feel that much closer to greatness. By his hand, and the hands of his underlings, he has claimed many people close to myself and my friends, and whom he didn't kill, he forever ruined their lives!! Gennai, Mai, Laomon, Evamon, Malachimon, Joe, Lance, the other Digidestined, all the billions he slaughtered in the name of power, and my mother, Holly, and now his sphere of influence claims another....." DOS Kog starts shaking his head in disbelief. "The power levels.... So great." He utters silently. Energy bolts shoot all around her and she glows. Lily continues on, "NO MORE!!" She screams, and a pillar of green light surrounds her. When it clears, she is hovering in the air, her hair somewhat longer, her pupils no longer visible, all that can be seen is her green irises. The blood vessels in her eyes, and well, anywhere they are visible, and her fingernails, are now a green color. The silver bracers under her jacket had turned gold, and pink petals grew out from the wrist end of them. Seeds were across the front of the spear baldric. The biggest difference was that she looked 6 years older, about 17. Lilymon comments in awe, "Lily, I think you found that digimon."

"What is this new form Lily has taken on? Is Lily in fact a demi-human like those Shiro spoke of? Who is this man who so resembles Izzy is the strange timeline, but knows of the one which Masato and company call home? Can they get the weathervane back from the police? Where are the children of Laomon's hometown? Can the people ever forgive her? Will Trunks bust into my house and kick my ass? Find out in Bloodline: Ch. 10 - Safiirumon's Rebellion!!"