Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Christmas Eve with Digimon ❯ How did he do it? ( Chapter 5 )

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Meanwhile…in Davis and Kari's Cabin, Veemon, Gatomon, and Suzy were just sitting their in lament over their failure for an answer about Santa.
Veemon looked out the window at the falling snowflakes. “Well; you better go, Suzy. It's starting to snow.” Said Veemon sadly.
“Don't worry…” said Suzy, “Even if we don't know how, I'm sure Santa will make it down.”
But Veemon and Gatomon didn't respond. Suzy took one last look at her mourning friends and left.
They had asked everyone, Kids, grownups, even Me, their Master-of- Dakari… but nobody knows.
Suddenly, Veemon and Gatomon had an idea, they quickly grabbed Kari and Davis' D3's and headed out the door.
* * *
Meanwhile…in the Ishida's cabin… Sora and Biyomon were tucking the children into bed.
While Gabumon… who De-Digivolved down to Tsunomon, was lying in his basket by the fireplace where Matt was hanging up the Stockings.
“Oh Matt…!” he cried. “I tried to write my letter to Santa Claus, but I got hungry and I ate my Pencil.”
“Oh Don't worry, Tsunomon.” Said Matt. “But I didn't write my letter.” Cried Tsunomon, “I ate my Type-Writer too!”
“It's okay Tsunomon, Santa's knows all about you, and how hard you tried.” Said Matt comfortingly.
“But that's not all… I tried to Call Santa… The phone looked like Rice-balls…and I ate it.”
“Oh… Santa will never bring me Chocolates now… Ohhh!!!”
“Yes he will, Tsunomon.” said Matt, “…but you know, it might be a good idea for you to leave him something as well.”
Tsunomon looked up, “That's a terrific idea.” He said. “Now if Santa leaves me Chocolate's what should I leave for him?”
Tsunomon knew that most people left Santa Cookies and milk as a snack, so he went off to the kitchen to prepare a dish.
Just then, there was a knock at the door. It was Suzy, with a worried look on her face. “Veemon and Gatomon are gone.” She said.
“Gone?” asked Matt. “What you mean… aren't they in Davis and Kari's cabin?” Suzy shook her head.
“They're not anywhere!” she cried. “They were acting strange when I left. So I went back to check on them, and they were gone.”
“Well don't worry, Suzy. We'll find them.” Said Matt. “Hey Sora! You better get your coat.”
* * *
Up on the top of the smallest mountain in the area around the cabins, Ex-Veemon, and Angewomon looked down at a perfect view of the rooftops below.
“There we are.” Said Ex-Veemon, “Now all we have to do is wait here, and we'll se just how Santa gets down those Chimneys.”
Angewomon nodded, but then she shivered. “Brr-rrr it is cold up here, Ex-Veemon!” she cried. “Yeah, I don't see how those Penguins can take it!” added Ex-Veemon.
They sat down on a rock, together, and looked up at they sky. “Well… it shouldn't be long now!”
* * *
Kari and Davis couldn't believe Veemon, and Gatomon were missing on Christmas Eve, and they took the D3's so they couldn't track them down.
Soon member of the Cabin party was searching all over the place, but it was snowing harder now and getting much colder.
* * *
On the mountain…
“Hey… look at everyone down there.” Said Ex-Veemon, “They all running around… someone must be lost.” said Angewomon.
Well, they had bigger things to worry about.
“Br-rr!!!...I hope he comes soon.” Said Angewomon, “She and Ex-Veemon cuddled close to keep warm, and suddenly, they fell asleep.
* * *
Down below…
Davis and TK were shivering like they were trapped in milkshakes “No luck huh Davis?” asked TK.
Davis shook his head… “Nope… and it's snowing harder than before.” He cried.
“Yeah…and it's really getting cold out here.” Replied TK. “We better find them soon. They could freeze out in a night like this!”
* * *
On the mountain…
Ex-Veemon and Angewomon were still sleeping in the snow, Ex-Veemon shook awake, and looked down.
“Oh…no…not yet.” He said as not to wake Angewomon. “Gee…what if he's stuck in a chimney somewhere… or stacked overseas?”
Then he fell asleep again.
* * *
Down Below….
Everyone had no luck in finding them, so they decided to run to the source of the problem.
TK burst into his cabin, and kicked Tokomon out of his basket. “TK, what's the big idea?”
“Tokomon… I hope you're happy!” TK Snarled, “You had to star all that nonsense about Santa and Chimneys…”
You upset Veemon and Gatomon so much that they're gone!!!”
Tokomon looked shocked. “But... I didn't think they would take it seriously.” He cried. “I was just kidding around!”
“Kidding Around?!” said TK.
“You call that Kidding around… Saying that “Santa won't bring presents because he can't get down a tiny Chimney?”
Tokomon realized that he had gone way too afar in his little joke. The only thing left to do now was find them and bring them back.
He Digivolved into Patmon and joined in the search party!
* * *
Up on the mountain…
The sound of sleigh-bells were ringing, and the sound of reindeer running past as well.
But poor Ex-Veemon and Angewomon were still asleep. Half buried in the snow, and icicles in their wings.
Suddenly, they shook awake. They looked down at the rooftops, but to their surprise…“That's weird… I could swear that Someone was…” Ex-Veemon stuttered
“But there's no one down there!” replied Angewomon, “There isn't even any foot-prints in the snow.”
“We must've fallen asleep, then.” Said Ex-Veemon, but then both he and Angewomon shivered.
“W-w-wow… boy am I cold!” he cried, “Me too… we'd better get off this mountain before we freeze to death!”
They brushed the snow off their wings. “Ooh… I think I've frozen up my feathers!” said Angewomon.
Then they flew down the mountain together.
* * *
Down below…
Everyone went back to their cabin's to warm up. Davis and Kari walked Suzy back to Yolei and Ken's cabin, but along the way…
“VEEMON…GATOMON!” cried Suzy as she ran over to hug her friends…They felt as cold as ice.
“Veemon, Gatomon, are you alright?” asked Kari. “W-well yes…except for our skins.” Said Veemon.
“Veemon, Gatomon… Where have you two been?” asked Davis.
“Well… we digivolved and then we went up on the mountains so we could see Santa Claus… but we fell asleep!”
“Br-rr-rr… was it ever cold up there.” Gatomon shivered, “We got so cold we decided to come down and warm up before going back.”
“Oh No you don't!” said Davis picking them both up. “You're going to come inside and thaw out… that's what you're going do!”
It was quite a challenge, but they finally managed to get Veemon and Gatomon into the cabin.
The Christmas tree glittered brightly with all it's decorations. The stockings were loaded, and there were presents everywhere.
“Oh no!” cried Veemon, “Now we'll never know how he did it!”
Davis bent down. “Veemon…Gatomon… Do you remember what Patamon told you?” he asked.
“Yeah…” said Gatomon, “Patamon said “No one would get any presents if Santa could get down the chimney!”
“Well… just look around!” said Kari, “Does it look to you like no ones going to get any presents?”
Veemon and Gatomon looked at all the little gifts everywhere. “It's a Miracle… how did he do it?” asked Veemon.
“Well… why do you want to know so badly for?” asked Davis. “Well…because it's important.” Cried Gatomon.
Davis shook his head. “No you two, that's not what's important. What is important is…”
“Well… we lost you both tonight, and we were all really worried. Now we have you back again, safe and sound, and we're together again for Christmas.”
Everyone smiled…
And if that isn't a True Blue Miracle
I don't know what one is.
* * *
Just then, there was a knock at the door, it was Patamon. He apologized for his acting, and he was glad his friend were okay.
And he did have one question for them…
“How do you think the Easter Bunny, can hide all of those eggs in just a single night?”