Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Excuses ❯ Late Excuses ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Don't own Digimon, some evil Saban people do.

Note: Davis might be ooc, I've never tried to write him before, or a Digimon
fic for that matter. This idea was just stuck in my head and I had to get it
out. This fic contains NO Davis bashing. Down with Davis bashing!


Late Excuses


Ack! I'm late again! The guys are gonna kill me!

Ok, so not literally. But when Kari glares at me, it feels like she's killed

Fifteen minutes late! Yep, there goes a clock. Heh, amazing how fast I can run
when I put my mind to it.

I hate to disappoint everyone. They're counting on me. But I'm Davis Motomiya!
I'll be there in double the time of a normal human being! I'll just ignore this
nice blurry sensation from running too long, and my legs turning to jelly.
Whoops knocked down a trashcan.

I tried to be here on time! I really did! I couldn't help it . . . stuff came

Mom was sick again. It's ok though, I didn't really want to finish my homework.
I always get bad grades when I do it. When does anyone need math anyway? I can
count money, what more do they want from me? . . . Jun should have been here
tonight. She went to her friends instead. She didn't used to be this ditzy. I
think she's shutting down. That's what you call it right? Mental breakdown?

I dunno, I probably should ask Ken about it, but then he'd figure it out and Mom
doesn't want anyone to know.

I wish Dad was here . . . I hope I didn't say something stupid again. She's so
weak and frail. I don't know what to do. Sometimes, she almost passes out. I
think I should call the ambulance, but Mom doesn't want me to. All I can do is
hold her hair for her why she gets sick . . . or get her a washcloth.
Sometimes, I wish I could be a doctor like Joe wants to be . . . but I'm too
afraid of breaking people. What if I used the wrong bottle? Cut something out
I'm not supposed to? Bang. The person's dead. Just like that.

Cancer does that too.

She'll get better though. I know she will. The doctor's don't know anything!
They don't know anything about the Digital World or what we fight for. If
digimon can come back to life, why can't people cure cancer? With courage you
can do anything! What good are digi-eggs of courage and friendship if they
can't save my mom? What I need is that Digi-egg of Miracles thing, but I think
it's gone. It was a one-time use sort of thing, like those contacts you use
once and throw away. Jun always has those things scattered all over the place.

If miracles happened all the time, they wouldn't be called miracles . . . I
sometimes wish I had used it on mom instead of using it to stop Ken . . . But
Ken needed to be saved right? If given a choice, I'd use it on my mom instead.
. . I guess I really don't deserve that Digi-egg of friendship. The Ken now
would do it too . . . and that makes it even worse.

They should of given it to one of the perfect kids, like Kari or TK. They freak
me out you know, they're just so perfect. I probably should just leave them
alone. I might mess up the perfection thing they have going on. It's just not
fair! TK is so perfect . . . he's got Kari after all right? He has to be
perfect! It's the only explanation. Kari's perfect, so she needs a perfect
friend . . . or is it boyfriend? I dunno, they confuse me.

Yes! I can see the school . . .

I wish I could tell somebody. It's hard keeping it in and being happy all the
time. But if I'm not happy, then it'll make other people unhappy and . . . I
don't want to bring other people down. I'm ok. I'm tough. I can handle it.

Mom's sensitive about the wig. Maybe that's why she doesn't want anyone to
know. The chemo did it to her, made all her hair fall out. I think it looks
just like her old hair. No one should be able to tell. She's sensitive about
it, girls get all mushy over that kind of stuff.

I wonder what I'm going to tell everyone. I can't very well walk up there and
go, 'Gee, I'm late guys. I was holding my mom up as she puked her guts out
because of the damn chemotherapy. Hope I didn't mess up your busy schedules.'
Heh, the look on TK's face would be priceless.

But I can't. I won't. Mom doesn't deserve that. I should be there with her
right now, but I can't. I've got to help save the world. If I don't, there
won't be any world for her to get well in.

Whoops, I just got serious again huh? Sorry about that. Don't wanna bring
anyone down.

I wonder how Tai would handle something like this?

. . . Heh, he'd probably get Kari to help him.

Hmm, I wonder how Ken would handle it? He's the smartest guy I know. I don't
know that many people but trust me, if I knew a lot of people Ken would still be
the smartest one. He didn't handle the death of his brother very well, but it
was so unexpected. Not that my mom is going to die! Cause she's not! It's
just . . . he's been through some stuff. Maybe he knows some tricks . . . other
than turning into an evil guy with a whip. That won't help.

Finally! The door to the school! And only three flights of steps to run up . .
. great.

Ack. Stomach cramp.

Serves me right. I skipped lunch again. Ramen being the only thing I can cook,
I decided to skip it again today. I made some for mom . . . but JEEZ if I have
to eat that stuff one more time . . . I make pretty good ramen though. When
you survive on something you learn to make it taste good.

I think it would be easiest to talk to Ken. He never makes me feel stupid like
the other kids. I know they don't mean it. The comical guy always gets the
fall out, like in the movies. They're never taken seriously, or get the girl .
. .

Grrr. Stupid movies.

At least, I'm making them laugh. That has to be worth something. It still
hurts sometimes though .

Will they even be there? What if they leave without me? They've done it before
. . .

No, they need me for the D.N.A Digivolve thing. I'm their leader! They can't
leave me behind! I don't think Ken would let them . . . Ken will be there if
everyone else isn't. The guy can't do anything without me these days.
Seriously, he's a different guy than he was before. He needs people's help now
. . .

I don't though. I'm different.

Mom needs me. Jun needs me. Chibimon needs me. Ken needs me. The whole gang
needs me . . . even if they don't know it. I can't crumble. People depend on
me. I can't be leaning on someone else if someone is already leaning on me.

But . . . I still hope the guys didn't leave without me . . .

Whoops! Got serious again huh?


I flew open the door and jumped in. The gang was sitting around waiting for me.
Wow, I was half expecting them not to have waited. Oh crud, Chibimon was eating
chocolate again. I'm going to have to have a talk with Yolei about leaving
chocolate rice balls unattended next to sugar high blue creatures.

"Davish!" Chibimon ran up at me, face covered in chocolate.

"Davis, we've been waiting for ever!" TK frowned. "What was keeping you?"

Ahh! I forgot to think up an excuse! Think brain, think! I didn't feed you all
those fish sticks for nuthin!

"Oh I . . . uh was going to get a haircut, but I looked into the mirror and
realized I didn't need one!" Sigh . . . great save brain.

TK sighed and I died a little from Kari's look. Not a glare, I don't think she
would use something so powerful like that against a normal person. No, it was
just this . . . disappointed glance. Yolei's was a definite glare. Hah! Can't
hurt me with that one Yolei. Buy a pink shirt and start wearing a camera around
your neck and THEN we'll see.

I just smiled apologetically and tried to catch my breath. If only they knew,
but they don't and that's ok. It's better this way. Leaders can't seem weak.
They have to be strong. They can't bother the other members with their worries.
The gang's depending on me. I can handle it.

Motomiya's don't crumble that easily . . .