Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ For They Shall Be Filled ❯ Turn Around ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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For They Shall Be Filled

The future is only a reaction to the past.

By: Vain 5/31/2001-1/26/2002


I do not own Digimon, Ichijouji Ken, the Digidestined, or the Digital World, nor am I making any money off of this. Kazunori, Sanghee, the Golden Triangle, the Revelationas Arch, all its OC's and original concepts all belong to me.

Please DO NOT use or "borrow" them without my written permission.

Special Thanks goes to Herongale and the Guardian for betaing and thank you's are extended to everyone who reviewed on FF.net, especially Athena, ShinniJekka, KA, Pan-chan, Crew of the Clow, Mink, and Soulfull Ishida.

Because of the FF.net situation, this story will be posted here gradually. The entire fic and its sequel can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=91738

Thank you and please read and review.

~ Vain


~Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves.

Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

-Matthew 15: 14


Chapter Ten

Turn Around

"Ken, are you sure this is wise?" Stingmon buzzed in concern as he winged over the Digital World. His flight was lazy and unhurried. They were really early for the meeting and he knew that Ken loved to fly, so he was more than happy to give his friend a chance to enjoy himself.

From his position gently cradled in Stingmon's arms, the boy genius shrugged slightly. "Probably not, but if the Digidestined are calling me at five in the morning for a favor, then it must be serious. Besides, I'm in their debt--well, Davis's, anyway--and I always pay my debts."

"Very well, Ken. But if things go badly, we are leaving. You've barely slept at all in the past three days and getting into fights is not going to improve things."

The human sighed and then flicked his hair from his violet eyes as he scanned the ground. "As you wish, Sting--hey! Stop! What's going on down there?"

The Champion digimon instantly halted in mid air, wings beating furiously, and turned his keen gaze to the patch of ground Ken was pointing at. There were two figures on the ground. One appeared to be small and round with wings sprouting from either side of its head. It appeared to be being beaten by a human female. She wore a long red dress, purple hat, and had long white hair.

"That's her! She's hurting that digimon!" Stingmon hissed. "Shall I?"

"Do it!"

The large insect digimon carefully shifted Ken to his shoulder and changed position for a dive. "Hold on tight! Spiking Strike!!"

The woman looked up sharply at Stingmon's cry and then dove to the side. The red blade of the insect digimon's attack drove into the ground, tearing up the grass. The Champion whirled, ready to attack again.

"Well, well, well," taunted the woman, once more on her feet. "If it isn't the child Emperor. I have no business with you today, boy."

"You have no business in the Digital World at all, witch!" retorted Ken as he slipped off his partner's shoulder. He landed on the ground with the quiet grace of a cat. "Leave this place at once!"

"Aren't we full of ourselves, hmm? This does not concern you, brat. I suggest you take your fly and buzz off."

It took all of Stingmon's self control not to attack her then and there. "If it's a fight you want, you'll get one soon enough!"

The little digimon she had been harassing whimpered. Ken's eyes darted from it to the woman and back. If we fight here, the little one could get hurt, not to mention the fact that the others might see us and probably come running . The Betamon village isn't that far . . . No, I can't get them involved. I can't let any more people get hurt because of my stupidity.

Ken took a step towards the injured digimon.

The woman took a step towards Ken. "Get away from that!"

"Spiking Strike!" Stingmon leapt into the air and lunged after the woman, careful to steer clear of Ken and the injured digimon.

Despite the woman's efforts to dodge it, the blade bit deeply into the side of her dress, cutting through to hit skin. She shrieked and then screamed in indignation as the digimon withdrew to strike again. "Y-You, you--"

Stingmon drew his arm back. "Spiking--"

"Aahh!" The woman threw herself to the left and then rolled to her feet, clutching her side. "You'll pay for this," she ground out hatefully. She turned and fled.

"No, Stingmon!" Ken called after the digimon as he took off to pursue her. "This little one is badly hurt. He needs our help."

The Champion obediently settled on the ground. There was a pulse of light as he dedigivolved back to Wormmon. The little rookie puttered over to his partner with a look of consternation on his face. "What is he?" he asked as Ken gingerly lifted the battered creature up into his lap.

"I'm not certain." The pale young man's fingers ran themselves over the little creature's downy black feathers as his large eyes absorbed the sight before him, trying to match the creature to known digimon. The digimon's entire body seemed to be its head. It was small and round with two gray two-toed feet stuck onto its bottom and two large bat wings protruding from its sides in place of ears. It wore a black bandanna adorned with a skull and cross-bones over its closed eyes and its wide mouth was slightly open to reveal a great many long, wicked-looking teeth.

Ken's forehead creased as he concentrated. "It looks like a . . ."

"Oh, no! Put him down Ken; walk away!"

"What?" Ken looked up at his partner in shock, unable to believe what he was hearing. It was because of Wormmon's efforts that he even so much as glanced at another creature, human or digimon, with something more than contempt; yet now the little insect wanted to just turn his back on this digimon . . . ? "What's wrong, Wormmon?"

"That's Demidevimon. They're not at all nice digimon. In fact, one of their ideas of fun is playing practical jokes on other digimon. But they're mean and most of the time people get hurt real bad! This digimon is bad news, Ken! Let's just go to the village, please?"

Ken looked from Demidevimon to his partner, weighing his options. The digimon really wasn't his problem . . . He stood. "Let's go, Wormmon."

With a sigh of relief, the little green digimon leapt onto his partner's shoulder, pleased that Ken had taken his advice. He didn't know what was up with that Demidevimon, but he made his antennae itch. Wormmon rested his head on Ken's shoulder and closed his aquamarine eyes.

"I guess . . ."

"What?" Ken turned, startled to hear the injured creature speak. His eyes locked onto Demidevimon's still form.

"I guess," the little rookie labored, "that it's true . . . what they say about you, Digimon Emperor."

A dark shadow fell over the wounded creature's eyes. "And what is it exactly that they say?"

Demidevimon opened his blue eyes. "That your clothes . . . may have changed, but your soul is still as black . . . as your digivice. I didn't believe them. I told them that you had changed . . . that you weren't a monster. Shows what I know."

Ken's eyes flashed in anger and his face twisted slightly as the creature continued. "They're right to . . . hate you. You're still the same. How could . . . you just leave me here . . . to die, otherwise . . . ?"

Ken's eyes widened as the last words tore free of the rookie Demidevimon's lips and the creature passed out. Guilt suddenly flooded him. What was I thinking?! How could I just . . . My, god! I AM a monster. So much blood . . . Won't my hands ever be clean?

"Oh, Demidevimon, forgive me," the former Emperor murmured as he gathered the bruised form tenderly into his arms. "I'm so sorry."

Wormmon watched the scene from his perch with a jealous dark frown. He was torn between obligation and common sense, however. True, the little creature was badly maltreated, but he just knew with every fiber in his virus being that Demidevimon must not be trusted. What should I do?

Ken, however, made the decision for him. After shrugging his jacket and Wormmon off his shoulders, he gently wrapped the wounded digimon in its gray folds and lifted the bundle up in his arm, cradling it to his chest like a child. "Wormmon, go into the forest and fetch some herbs, please."


"Hurry, he's in a lot of pain."

" . . . Just be careful, Ken." Casting a backwards glance at his human, the virus digimon quickly went off to do as he was told. I hope you know what you're doing, Ken.
