Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Future Love ❯ Future Shocked ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Psycho Moon: I don't own Digimon.
Uniemon: Enjoy.

Future Love
by Psycho Moon
Chapter 1
Future Shocked

Miyako smiled as the last of Malomyotismon disintegrated. "We did it!" She yelled as the disintegrated remains of Malomyotismon turned into a ball of energy forced at her. "Huh?" She tried to move but it was too late... it hit her... "Ah!" She yelled as she went through a digiport that was glowing weirdly.

"Miyako!" yelled Ken as she disappeared.

"Hey, Dad!" yelled a little, wild brown haired boy.

Thirty- five year old Taichi turned to the little boy. "Yes, Tenchi..." He smiled.

"Is the digiport supposed to glow like that?" The little boy holding his Koromon asked.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at the digiport that was glowing a weird purplish color. Suddenly the young twelve year old Miyako came flying through and landed on the ground. "Ow!" she said. "That hurt!"

Ten year old Sakura Ichijouji walked up to Miyako Inoue and kneeled down. "Are you alright?" Sakura asked pushing some of her blue hair out of her face.

"Umm... yeah. I..." Miyako looked up. "think..." She turned white as a sheet.

Little seven year old Osamu Ichijouji walked over to Miyako and Sakura. "Hey. What's going on?"

Miyako blinked. "A chibi Ken with my hair color. This can't be!" She mumbled and fainted. Both Sakura and Osamu blinked at each other.

"Maybe we scared her." said Sakura's Poromon.

"I don't know..." said Sakura. "I just don't know." By this time everyone, except Ken and Miyako Ichijouji, was around her.

"Umm... why don't you kids go play?" said Sora.

"Okay!" said the children as they ran off to play.

"Kasumi, take care of Hayao!" yelled Sora as she turned to the adults. "Ah!" Everyone blinked at her.

"You okay, honey?" asked Yamato.

Sora blinked. "It's Miyako but... she's twelve!"

"Yeah... it's weird..." said Jou. "Hey! Where is Ken, Miyako, and little Yukio?"

Mimi walked over to Jou holding Yukio Ichijouji. "Ken and Miyako had to do something and asked me to watch their children."

"Oh... what are they doing?" asked Jou.

"I don't know." said Mimi. "Shouldn't you be checking on twelve year old Miyako?"

"Oh yeah..." said Jou, who started to examine her. "She's fine... just fainted."

"Good but... how did she get here?" asked Iori.

"There seems to be a time warp in the past about the time Malomyotismon was defeated." said Koushiro typing on his old yellow pineapple lab top.

"Great but how do we get Miyako back?" asked Hikari holding Gatomon.

"I don’t know but I bet Hawkmon is worried..." said Gatomon.

"Ken too." said Daisuke.

"What about me?" asked the thirty- two year old Ken Ichijouji as he and his wife, Miyako, walked back to the group. They both looked down.

"Ah!" yelled Miyako jumping into Ken's arms. "That's me!"

"We've realized that, Miyako..." said Takeru rubbing his ears.

"But... but..." said Miyako.

Suddenly the younger Miyako began to wake up. "Chibi Ken with my hair..." She mumbled.

Ken raised an eyebrow. "She saw Osamu, didn't she?" He asked.

"Yeah." said Taichi.

"Me with Ken or Jou hair." said Miyako.

Ken smiled. "Sakura?"

"Yep." said Daisuke.

Slowly Miyako opened her eyes. She looked around at all the adult digidestined. Her eyes stopped on Ken. "You look like someone I know." said a little woozy Miyako Inoue.

"Let me guess..." said Ken. "Ken Ichijouji..."

"Yeah..." said Miyako Inoue. "But how did you know?"

"Well... you see..." said Ken. "I'm him..."

Miyako blinked. "Wha..."

"Well..." said Daisuke. "at least she hasn't fainted again."

"Let me guess... Daisuke..." asked Miyako sitting up.

Everyone sweatdropped. "Yeah."

"Okay..." said Miyako Inoue. "either you guys been eating your vegetables since a hour ago when we defeated Malomyotismon or something is going on..."

"We didn't defeat Malomyotismon a hour ago... it was twenty- one years ago." said Miyako Ichijouji.

Miyako Inoue blinked at the woman. "You're... you're... you're me!" she said.

Miyako Ichijouji bent down to her level. "You got that right!" She smiled.

"So how did I get here?" asked Miyako Inoue.

"Time warp created by the blast of the rest of Malomyotismon..." said Koushiro.

"Oh..." said Miyako Inoue.

"Well... how are we going to get her back?" asked Hikari.

"Working on it." said Koushiro.

"Well... what are we going to do until then?" asked Takeru.

"She could stay with us." said Miyako Ichijouji.

"Us?" asked Miyako Inoue.

"Yeah..." said Ken. "Us."

Miyako blinked. "Us... us... future me and Ken..." Sees their wedding rings. "Ah! We're married!?!"

"With three kids." said Mimi handing Miyako Ichijouji her son, Yukio.

"Ah!" said Miyako Inoue.

"Don't faint!" said everyone.

"Umm... okay." said Miyako.

"Okay... now that that is settled..." said Yamato. "What are we going to call Miyako Inoue... if we call her Miyako then Miyako Ichijouji may get confused..."

"And if we want Miyako Ichijouji, we may confuse Miyako Inoue." said Jou.

"Hmmm..." said everyone.

Suddenly, little Yukio Ichijouji stretched his arms out to Miyako Inoue. "Mika!" He cried.

Ken smiled. "Mika! We'll call Miyako Inoue Mika!"

a/n: I'm also typing from here to the last chapter Miyako Inoue as Mika.

"Umm... okay." said Mika looking at Yukio. "And who is this?"

"This is our youngest son, Yukio!" said Ken.

"Yukio?" asked Mika. "Wasn't that Mr. Oikawa's name?"

"Yeah." said everyone sadly.

Taichi looked at his watch. "Man, it's already eight p.m. I got to go. Tenchi needs to go to bed." He smiled. "See ya guys later. Tenchi come on. It's time to go home."

"Shinji! Time to go home." yelled Jou.

"Naoko! We got to go!" yelled Koushiro.

"Utena. Grandma is waiting to see you." yelled Iori.

"Mamoru! Time to go! You have school tomorrow!" yelled Hikari.

"Yukito. It's late, honey. Let's go!" yelled Mimi.

"Yoshiyuki! Let's go!" yelled Daisuke.

"Katsuhiro! Come on! Let's go!" yelled Takeru.

"Kasumi! Hayao! Time to go!" yelled Yamato.

"Come on, Sakura! Osamu! Let's head home!" yelled Ken.

'Well... here I am...' thought Miyako Inoue. 'Twenty- one years in the future... being called Mika... and the future me is married to Ken...'