Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Insomnia ❯ The Nightmare ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"How did I get this form? Easy. The same way your enemy got to his mega form. I added a special touch, hoping to hit home." The creature stepped closer. TK got a good view of his form. He gasped then started yelling, then screaming.
"no...no! NO! Angemon! angemon!..ange.." It was a perfect replica of Angemon, with exception, the wings were black, the hair white, and everything else was grey. While TK was shushed by a cold clammy hand, the creature continued.
"Yes, obviously I did. And a smart move too. You don't want to destroy me, after those horrible dreams of Devimon almost killing Angemon." Tk screamed out in rage.
"No! you will never find me! I won't sleep!"
"Heeh heheh...young man, really. You almost died trying that earlier. Don't you know you fragile humans cant last without 3 days of sleep? Guaranteed, you aren't normal, and the crest of Light may help you live a week, but no later."
"At least you won't have Kari!"
"Oh yes I will. See, either you get dragged in the Digital World, which will happen very soon, in your weakened state, and the Queen follows. I get both of you."
TK bit his tongue from not lashing out again, and also because his lip wasn't healed.
"You some how resist me, the Queen uses all her energy to try and save you. You die eventually, and the Queen is weak, I pull her through and easily defeat her."
"You stay smart, hold your tongue and don't tell anyone. You go nuts in 3 days, and on the 4th, your brain stops working. You die, the Queen and others are in a state of despair. The Queen is emotionally weak, and after one night I have her. Her crest and digimon fight well. My forces get partially defeated. I battle her after she's worn. I win."
TK's eye's became bleary. He could imagine dying, but let Kari die? He has to protect Kari. He saw the Angemon look alike raise his hand.
"Hand of Evil!"
A dark blast, darker than the mist, came and hit TK. He had such a urge to bend over in pain, but he was still being held by the dark hands. He looked down, all the flesh was burned, blackened and still hot. His shirt had a fairly large burnt hole in his shirt, with blood rimming it. TK touched the blood, wondering how it got here. And what is this. It's blood. Who's blood is it? How did it get there? were all TK's questions.
"My young lad, heh heh eh, I did that. And you are in shock, I doubt now anyone could save you.."
TK didn't know who it was from, put he faintly felt he needed to wake up..but he couldn't something told him this was wrong...but he couldn't wake up....

Matt heard a small thump. He turned around.
"Hey TK?" he looked, he didn't see TK's head. He walked over to the couch. There he saw TK lying on the floor. Matt touched him, found him cold and sweaty. He shook his brother.
"TK. TK! TK C'mon wake up TK" Suddenly TK doubled over in some invisible pain. "TK!!"
Matt's crest started to glow..."Tk! Takeru! TK!"
TK saw a calm blue light come over him. It seemed to lift him up. He could hear below the used to be poodelmon swearing at how TK escaped. TK let himself swim through the beautiful light, restoring him.
"Tk! TK! " Heard shouted. He tried to open his eyes, but they seemed to heavy. He gave up, they were to heavy, and started to sink back down to unconsciousness. But the blue light held him up, and with one last effort he opened his eyes.
"TK! TK? TK? " He hugged him close, seeing his brother open his eyes.
He picked TK up. For a 16 year old he was really light. Way too light.
after he laid TK on his bed, he asked,
"Hey TK, when was the last time you ate?" Tk just shrugged.
"Some time 2 days ago." Tk said quietly.
Matt suspected TK hadn't eaten, but not for that long.
"What happened buddy?" Matt asked sitting next to his brother. TK passed his hands before his eyes, and through his hair.

"That retched boy. He's protected well. His brother has a stupid crest, just as the Queen has a brother with one too. It's going to be harder if they're brothers drag along." He looked up, three silhouettes appeared."Go, fetch more things, I need to be stronger, and quickly! and I need to think of a new plan..."

Kari laid there, a happy dream of her and TK walking through the park, When suddenly, TK was sucked into a dimensional hole.
"TK!' she screamed. Suddenly Angemon appeared. but something was different about him.
"Go, TK's dying, he needs you and you're brother! Leave by tomorrow!!" said the strange Angemon.
"huh..where is he..?'
"He is in the digital world. tomorrow, go quickly my Queen. Take TK's brother, TK, and your own!"
Then she saw Gatomon, Matt, and Tai get sucked in too.
"TK! Gatomon! Matt! Tai!
Tai woke up to yelling. it was Kari's voice.
He saw her laying there in her bed squirming. He shook her.
"Kari? Kari!"
Her eyes snapped open. She quickly embraced him.
"I'm glad you came back for break from college." she sobbed." It was so weird.In a dream, you, Matt, Gatomon and TK were sucked in a hole...and angemon told me to bring you, Matt and Tk with me tomorrow in the digital world..or..or something would happen to TK." Tai held her close.
"Hey..hey, it's alight, we can go to the digital world tomorrow, and have a nice picnic with everyone ok? And TK will be alight."Tai held her close."And everything will be alight, I'm here for you Kari."
"Oh TK..." Matt said after listening to TK's story. Matt was really concerned for TK.
"It's alight Matt, I'll be fine." TK saw how worried Matt was.
"He wouldja like something to eat?'
"Sure Matt." Matt got up to whip something together.
"It's needs to be nutrious" Matt mumbled. After a while he whipped together some left overs together to make a tasty meal."Your Dinner is served, sir"Matt said in a mock waiter tone.
"Thanks Matt." Matt watched in amazement how TK was able to eat so neat while he was scarfing done all the food. In under 5 minutes TK was done.
"Wow you're hungry. Wow its late! Wow! I don't think mom has ever been home so late."
"Matt you're repeating yourself again."
"Hey sorry squirt. Why don't I spend the night? TK could see Matt was real concerned. TK sighed.
"Sure Matt. There is a sleeping bag in my closet."
"Thanks bro."
"Sure thing"

*bring bring*
"I'll get it!" yelled Mimi
"Hello this is Tachikawa residents."
"Hey Mimi."
"Oh hi Tai."
"Hey Mimi want to go on an impromptu picnic with all of us?"
"But Tai..I'm in New York."
"Yeah yeah, I meant the digital world."
"Oh sure Tai, when?"
"Ah...um...at 11:00, um..that's a different time there...um..in 2 hours."
"Ok sure bye Tai!"
"Bye Mimi."

Tai was sitting next to the phone, in deep thought..
"Hey Tai what are you thinking of." Tai was startled.
"Oh hi Kari, i was wondering if we should invite Davis." Kari frowned at this. TK was always being teased by Davis, and when Davis came she never had a chance to talk to TK. In fact, at her birthday party, she only got to say hi. She got angry.
"Stupid Davis. Because of him i only got to say Hi to TK and then he left. Then Davis made a move on Sora, and TK, being so nice he left. And it took so long he didn't even make it back for the party." Kari pouted.
"Yeah but, Davis would be left out." He wasn't fond of Davis, especially since he put moves on his girlfriend, and especially, his sister.
'Yeah, I guess it would be mean."
"Yeah ok, I'll call him. i hope Jun answers, at least she's matured.
"C'mon Tai!" She was waiting for Tai "We don't want to be late!"
"Yeah yeah, i promised to bring the drinks and cloth hold on!" A little while later Tai came up with the things. "Do your stuff."
"Digi-port open!" Tai, Kari and Gatomon got sucked into the computer.
"ofw" Kari said as they made a rough landing.
"Hey you guys, we're over here!" yelled Ken from over by Izzy.
"Hi Ken, hi Izzy"
"Hey TK!" Kari yelled. She ran up to him, and toppled him over.
"Oh hey Kari, nice to see ya heheh." Kari was right on top on TK, who was laying on the ground.
"Hey Kari lay off him." He emphasized lay. Kari giggled.
"I was expecting you to catch me."
"Hey Kari, TK still isn't fully back up to normal."
"Oh sorry!" and she gave TK a kiss.
"Oh young love." Tai mocked. Matt grinned.
"Stop teasing brother."Matt grinned more when he said this. Tai smiled,
"You tryin' to imply something Matt?"
"I think you know what I mean, about those two." TK and Kari look confused.
"Huh?" they chorused.
"Never mind." Matt said.

They all sat down, enjoying the meal, talking to each other and laughing. They picked a spot near the lake with a good view. After they were stuffed, the all walked down to the lake. On the way down, TK shivered. Matt hung back to talk to TK.
"Hey TK you alight?"
"Yeah I'm fine Matt." TK smiled disarmingly. But her really couldn't shake off the feeling of something bad. TK remembered the dream, but how could that dark Angemon take Kari? With everyone here, we can easily defeat whatever he has in store.
"That wretched Queen brought all the digi-destined" said and angel form digimon."No matter, I'll just separate them, take care of the King and Queen, and the rest will already be here for me to defeat. The little brat made it easier. Come my friend, I have a little job for you!"
As TK was walking along, he heard a voice, sounding like a little kid with a stuffy nose.
"TK.....TK....Why don't you come out to play?" TK new who it was. But couldn't believe his eyes or ears. Puppetmon. But he had been defeated years ago!
"Ah..C'mon Tk,, just one game!" By now everyone had turned around, and especially the older ones were in shock.
"Did you see what I saw?" Matt asked no one in particular.
"Yeah and i can't believe it, Davis is trying to make a move on Mimi." Izzy replied. Joe looked up, saw that Davis was putting smooth moves on Joe's girlfriend.
"Hey Davis knock it off!" Joe usually kept a calm cool, but not now. Matt looked over. Sure enough, Mimi just slapped Davis. But he got that out of his head. He could still see Puppetmon talking to TK.
"No! there, by Tk!" He told Izzy.
"Ohho." Izzy just stared.
"How about freeze tag?"
"No." TK calmly responded. He didn't know why Patamon hadn't digivolved yet. He was trying to give him time.
"Oh yeah, TK...you've grown...so how about blackjack?" After every suggestion he nodded his head no.
"Pool? ...Poker...Cribbage..52 pick up..Speed?" TK said no to all of them.
"Fine then, if you don't want to play those, then we can play War!!"
At that note TK started to run. Matt saw him. So did Tai and everyone else. Then everyone started running.
"Hawkmon digivolve!" Yolei yelled.
"I've been trying but I can't seem to be able."
"Then Armor Digivolve. I don't care! You should be able to at at least Armor digivolve! And don't tell me you're hungry you had enough to eat!"
"I can't seem to Armor Digivolve either Yolei."
"Oh great!"
Matt turned around to see TK stop running.
"Hey..TK..tired of playing already." Puppetmon asked.
"No...I think I want to play tag." Kari looked at TK, who just asked to play tag with one of the dark masters.
"What in the world is TK doing?" kari asked Matt. By now everyone had stopped running when they reached the lake, and was staring at TK.
"I have no idea."

"Tag, you're it" TK had that voice, when, it was kinda like the dark side of TK, Kari thought. When he loathed the dark side. She saw TK's hand go right through Puppetmon. Puppetmon disappeared.
"Wha...?" everyone said. TK turned around. Izzy began to speak
"It's simple, first our digimon weren't able to digivolve, because there was no danger, and second of all, TK could put his hand through it, it's just an Illusion.
"Yes it is...." said an unformiliar voice." and you and TK are too smart for your own good! Kaleidoscope!"
TK and Izzy's digimon were at their champion levels, the blocked the attack.
"Ah..It's Allusimon" stated Izzy.
Suddenly it went chasing after everyone. They all ran, right into a trap.
Suddenly Tk found himself falling, along with Kari. The hit the ground. Hard. TK woke up for it to be dark, and cold, just like in his dream. He could barely make out Kari besides me. He shook her awake.
"Huh..oh..TK! Where are we?"
"I'm not sure Kari...'
"Why hello...isn't it cute, King and Queen together again."
Kari looked up.
"Hello, I am dark Seriphimon, yes, the mega level of your angemon there" Kari was scared, it was all dark, just like the Angemon in her dream. She saw Angewoman and Angemon, posed and ready to fight.
"See, my King, you were not merely dreaming. I told you I would come for you, you and your Queen."
Though it was dark, and he was left alone to defend Kari against a mega level digimon, he felt no fear. He was calm, clear headed. He called to his friend:
"Angemon, don't attack until I tell you." Angemon nodded in response."Angewomon, don't attack until Kari needs defending or until I tell you." Angewomon nodded her response.
"Wise king Takeru, never make the first move! But that is your flaw. No one knows the attacks of Seriphimon, your digimon was one only for a short lived time. You are smart there to let me go first. But yet letting me go first has already decided your fate. Come my friends!"
All sorts of evil, vile creatures started coming out. All sorts. Ironveggiemon, Parrotmon, Kuwagamon, and Kari held her breath once she saw Raremon. Monzaemon, Devidramon, Dark Tyrannomon, Gazimon, Datamon, Scorpiomon, Divermon, Shogungekomon, Dokugumon, Monochromon, Tuskmon, Mekanorimon, more stinky digimon, like Garbagemon, mushroommon, Blossomon, Gesomon, Mega and Metalseadramons, Skullmeramon, even SkullGreymon, and Black WarGreymon. And there were plenty of Numemon. His mistake.
"What...." TK quickly cleared it out of his mind."What "mistake" did I make?"
"I know we can win, it may take a while, you made a mistake fighting us!" TK was relying on old memory, hoping Kari could free the Nememon from whatever made them evil. And fast. He looked at Kari. She caught his drift.
"Attack!" "Black Tornado" "River of Power!" and plenty of other attacks were heard. Angemon and Angewoman rushed forward.
"Angemon stay back!" Angemon was puzzled. TK was about to be hit by tons of digimon attacks, and he wouldn't even let him fight.
All the attacks rushed towards the four. Angewomon knew she had to protect Kari, but wasn't sure if she would be able to. Angemon was having the same doubts, especially since TK wouldn't let him be defended.
TK grabbed Kari's hand and said "Don't worry." Kari thought he had gone nuts or something, don't worry? Sure don't worry, were all going to die sooner or later, but she hoping to have a long happy life.
Tk held out his hand, palm toward the coming attacks."stop and listen!" he yelled.
The yellow glow of his crest, extended across the room. As soon as any of the attacks touched them, the were desinigrated. Kari and everyone else just stared in disbelief. Kari looked at TK, he was really pale and sweating now.
"Listen," he said in a quieter voice, but with no less power or strength."I feel there is no need to fight." Kari turned to hear chuckling.
"Hahaha!' laughed out the dark angel "You're right! Just hand yourselves over and we'll be done! hhahheheehhahah!
"That's not what I said." TK said holding back foolish thoughts of running up and punching the lunatic."I said there is no reason to fight. There is no gain by fighting."
***"haha! You gained plenty! You and your digimon is stronger, and you and your Queen are feared and revered. There is plenty to gain. There is power to gain." TK was kinda stumped. He and patamon had grown stronger becuase of battling.
"Only battling when you need to, gains things far more powerful than fear." TK said."Bravery, strength, and the most valuable, wisdom." Talking about wisdom, TK thought, that was probably the smartest thing I've said.
"Do you think that's true! Piedmon was smart, and even Myotismon to! No! Only in fear can things be controlled, only then can you have supreme power!"
It was turning to the battle of the wits now. Kari was just hoping TK new a little more than she did....then she got angry. Who was he, pushing around the weaker digimon? Forcing them to attack, some would never have attacked if they were normal.
"Who do think you are?" yelled Kari. Seriphimon was partly startled from the outburst at the quiet young lady. "Torturing these poor digimon, taking them for your own! You have no idea of the importance of life don't you!!!!!" The angel seemed stunned.
"The importance to life is to survive! and I am!" Seriphimon yelled back.
"You have no idea." TK said in a clear, cold voice. "You have no idea about life." TK walked right up to the dark angel."You couldn't comprehend the idea. By your actions you insult all good digimon." Then TK simply turned around and sat down near where Kari was kneeling.
"How dare you! I am the most powerful digimon!" It screamed.
TK got up and walked straight to the things helmet."No.How dare you." He said it so cold and full of anger Kari shivered. "Leave and be gone."
TK walked back, picked up Kari in her arms, and started to walk in the other direction of the angel. TK's crest was glowing through his shirt.
"What are you doing TK?" Kari asked.
"There is no need for us to be here." TK kept walking. Seriphimon was yelling in rage.
"Attack! Attack!"
TK stopped in his tracks. He was tired, weak, all becuase of him. He mocked his love, his friend, and life itself.
"Angemon," he said,"now you can defend, and attack the fool if you wish. But don't harm the others." Angemon nodded, and digivolved to his ultimate stage, MagnaAngemon. He and Angemon put up a pretty good defense, but after defending all the attacks, went back to their rookie forms.
"Haha! See! You are weak! You don't know power! You don't know life!" the dark angel said."Attack again!"
TK was determined. He would do anything for Kari, and he did.
"Kari...run." he said strongly but calmly.
"But..!" Kari said, looking at TK. He seemed, older, no, wiser.
"Run Kari..take the digimon...run...run now!" Kari ran. She ran as fast as she could. She risked a glance behind her, to see TK hadn't budged. He wouldn't run. He was willing to risk all. She didn't want him to. She loved him.
"TK!!" she screamed.
TK ignored her scream, and prepared for the worst. Once again he reached out his hands. He was giving it his all. But he soon realized it wouldn't be enough. He would run out before these digimon would. The sweat was running down his face. It stung his eyes. He was starting to shake. He sure hoped he could give Kari enough time to escape. He collapsed on his knees. He was heating up, sweat soaked through his shirts on both sides. He gritted his teeth.
"No...no.." Kari sobbed quietly watching the scene before her. she had to help TK. "Numemon! Numemon! If you remember my love for you, many years ago, when I freed you from slavery ,please, for that love I ask of you one thing!"
TK could hear Kari said something, but couldn't comprehend it. All his energy was put towards saving Kari. And it was running dangerously low. He hoped Kari would be able to find her way out of here.
"I ask that you stop and return the favor! Please save TK!" Kari looked down to see her crest glowing, ever and ever brighter. It shot out and surrounded the Numemon. They seemed to snap out of trance, and stopped attacking. Then they started to glow, along with the crest, and to everyone's amazement, they digivolved. Into angels.