Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Joining Forces ❯ The Voice ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Alright now the adventure begins!

Chapter 4: The Voice

"A digi-what?" Ozuma asked.

"A digitestine!! Now let the thing talk!" Whyet shouted.

"You have been brought here to help defeat Lucemon," said the voice.

"Oh!" said Asma, "I know who you are! You're Patamon aren't you? Oh, you have such a cute voice!"

"Uhh, I'm…I'm not Patamon!" said the voice.

"Yes you are!" said Aisha.

"Ok, fine I am!" said Patamon, "You guys have to help us!"

"Alright, I don't get something, are these our spirits…to keep?" asked Whyet.

"Yes, and you must use them to defeat Lucimon!" cried Patamon.

"So there are more spirits?" asked Asma.

"Yes, these are the stronger spirits," said Patamon, "You six are the only ones who can handle them."

"And why did you pick us six?" asked Lance, "I mean, I have a social studies test today!"

"You six are the chosen ones because the spirits chose you," Patamon cried, "They are the ones that called you here when I came looking for help."

"Ok, that's interesting," said Tareesa, "But what do we do now?"

"Hey Patamon," said Aisha, "Can't you show yourself?"

"Uhh…Ok," Patamon said.

All of a sudden they saw their digivices glow.

"AHHHH!" cried Tareesa, "What's happening?!"

All of them started shining with light that was blinding. They all covered their eyes and felt power going through them. When they opened their eyes, they weren't in the hut anymore.

"Wow, what just happened?" cried Ozuma.

"Something amazing dude!" replied Lance.

"Hey guys look!" shouted Asma, "It's Patamon!"

Patamon came flying towards them.

"Hi guys!" Patamon greeted them, "c'mon, we have to hurry!"

"Wait, we are here to help Takuya and the rest of the gang, right?" asked Aisha.

"Yes," said Patamon, "But how do you know that?"

"Umm," said Asma, "Aren't you the one that called us here?"

"No," said Patamon, "The spirits are the ones that called you."

"So you have no idea of how we really look?" asked Lance.

"What are you guys talking about" asked Patamon.

"Well," said Whyet, "you see, we aren't really cartoon."

Just then Aisha put her hand on Whyet's mouth.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about," said Ozuma, "just ignore him."

"Ok," said Patamon, "Let's go guys, we really need your help!"

All of them started following Patamon very quietly. After 20 minutes Tareesa asked, "How far do we have to walk?"

"Tareesa," said Ozuma, "Just let the little guy lead in peace ok?"

"You know I watch the episodes of Digimon," Asma was telling Lance, "and I saw the part when Cherubimon was fighting the legendary warriors. After that those nasty old knights of Lucemon started taking all the data of the digital world. I always did want to do something about it. And now I am! I can't believe it."

"That's very interesting," said Lance, "I'm just worried that we won't get home."

"You don't have to worry about that," said Aisha who was listening to their conversation, "In all the other seasons of Digimon, the kids get home safely."

"Stop right there!" said Swanmon, "I will not let you scan the data!"

"No Swanmon," said Patamon, "We are here to protect the data."

"Oh," said Swanmon, "I'm sorry."

Just then Ozuma jumped in the front.

"Ozuma," said Asma, "Don't do anything stupid."

"I WILL NOT LET YOU HURT ANY OF MY FRIENDS!!" said Ozuma, "Even though I have no clue how to stop you."

"Ok, he's lost it!" said Lance.

"Ozuma!" shouted Aisha, "Get your behind over here now!"

Ozuma made a fist and punched Swanmon in the stomach.

"YOU IDIOT!" shouted Tareesa, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

Swanmon got upset and attacked Ozuma back. Ozuma fell to the ground.

"Ok," said Ozuma, "That hurt a lot!"

"Well," said Whyet while stepping over Ozuma, "that taught him."

All of them stepped over and followed Patamon.

"Hey guys," said Ozuma, running to catch up with them, "wait up!"

"This is the town of beginnings," said Patamon, "All the babies are cared for here."

"Aww," said Tareesa, "They are so cute!"

"It will soon be time for feeding," said Swanmon.

"We must go now," said Patamon, "I'm sorry, I wish we could stay longer."

"It was nice to meet you all," said Swanmon, "Goodbye!"

They left the town of beginnings and walked on. Right after they left, Takuya and the gang arrived. You know what happens with them .