Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Knight Raker ❯ Knight Raker: The Knight and the Madman ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By Blue Comet
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. This contains Rukato. So if you do not like the couple, Get out now!

As the Fox Kigdom's crown princess, Rika Nonaka was getting to adress her people, little did she know that a shadow was lurking, ready to grab her. While she was on her way to the balcony, the sahdow grabbed her, and they both disappeared. The royal court found that a ransom note near the balcony.

Dear King Nonaka,
I have captured your Princess. If you want to see her again, I sugesst you deliver 20 gold bars to Paris. Alone. Follow my demands, and no harm will come to her. If you don't... Well, let's just say that you will see her... Not alive, though, your Royal Majestey! Mwhaaaaaaa!
Deviously yours,
The mad scientist, Hirokazu! @_@
P.S. Consider this as revenge, Your Royal Highness...

Meanwhile, at DI6, The chief, Henry Wong, along with his sister, Suzie, had heard the news.
"That dastardly mad scientist Kazu has gone too far this time, Suzie."
Suzie asked, "What are you going to do about it, Henwy?"
Henry gave Suzie a stern look, and he said, "Get me Agent KNIGHT."

As soon as he said that, the alarm sounded, the secret bookcase door opened, heralding his entrance. There, he stood. A young man, with a sword, wearing a black tux, with a red tie, along with goggles came in.
Henry said, "Nice entrance, Agent KNIGHT. I am glad you are here, I have something of great importance I need to tell you."
"Please, call me Matsuki. Takato Matsuki."

Takato sat down and Henry said, "Takato, you understand that you have gotten almost all of the Knight items, almost allowing you to become the Crimson Knight, right?" Takato nodded. Hery frowned, "The Fox Kingdom is under great peril again." Takato gasped, "What wrong?" Henry's frown did not leave his face. He said, "Rika, the Fox Kingdom's crown princess, has been kidnapped." Takato frowned, "Kazu." Henry sighed, "Yes. He has demanded that the King would come alone and deliver 20 gold bars to Paris." Takato gasped, "He's got the Knightraker laser!" Henry nodded, "Your misson, is to rescue Princess Rika, retrieve the laser, and once in your Crimson Mode, eliminate Kazu." Takato asked, "Who will I be working with?" Henry smiled, "You will be working with CIA Agent Ryo Akiyama, and Agent FOX. Kenta here will show you your gadgets that you will be using in this mission."
Kenta smiled, "Today, you will be using the Pyro Sphere, once you throw the Sphere, it will explode on the enemy, with devestating effect. You will be also using the War Z3, my latest invention."

Blue Comet: Who is Agent FOX? Will Takato transform into Crimson Mode? Will Kazu take over the world? Find out, in, 'The Knight and the FOX!'