Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Koji has a crush ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi the authoress and I would like to thank the people who are reading and reviewing the story. The reason why it took us so long to update was it was hard to force—I mean get the authoress to type and update. So sorry about the long wait. And now here we are chapter 7 well before we begin it's disclaimer time
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon I only own Sakuya I repeat I ONLY OWN SAKUYA!
Now as always read, review, and enjoy. Here we go! Sorry it took so long for the update.
“blah” talking
/blah/ thoughts
Kouji has a crush chapter 7
“Are you sure that you must leave.” Rosemon said as the village was there to see her off.
“Yes, I've been here for awhile and I need to go my friends.” Sakuya said smiling. (A/N: This is after a few episodes and everybody has their spirit.”
“Please Sakuya…”Nanamon said crying, but Rosemon cut it off “Now young one she has done much for us. Like a petal off a flower she must flow with the wind, find her own path and go with it.”
“Rosemon is right Nanamon she needs to spread her wings and go find her own path.” Guardramon said. Sakuya smiled. She loved staying in the village. Helping the Biyomon and the Palamon get their tourists back helping them perform in festivals and entertain the tourists. She mastered their dance and can do it pretty well. She loved staying here, but now she must find her friends and this `Forest Terminal'.
“I will miss you all, but I will never forget you. You all have been so nice to me, but I must go sorry.” Sakuya said smiling.
“That's okay it was fun having you around.” Nanamon said smiling.
“We'll miss you!”
“Take care!”
“Know that you will always have friends looking out for you.”
“Goodbye Sakuya take care.” Rosemon said smiling.
“Goodbye Sakuya.” Guardramon said.
“Goodbye.” Sakuya said smiling as she waved goodbye leaving the village.
/Take care Sakuya. / Guardramon and Rosemon thought. Sakuya left the village smiling. Even though she would miss them she would never forget them or all the stuff they taught her.
/Now it's time to find Izumi and the others. I wonder where they are. Oh well better began. / Sakuya thought as she began her search.
She started walking and her search led her through fields of flowers, places with ponds, and Trailmon tracks. She started to follow the tracks when a Trailmon came. She asked him where the Forest Terminal was. The Trailmon told her that it wasn't on his route, but he wouldn't mind dropping her off close by. She thanked him and accepted the free ride. As usual she fell asleep on the train ride with Kouji in her thoughts.
Kouji started his journey again looking for the Forest Terminal. Sakuya floating into his thoughts every once in awhile. He couldn't understand. He didn't understand why did Sakuya overtake his thoughts so much. Her and that mermaid he dreamed about. But he had a feeling that they were connected somehow. He didn't know how, but knew that they were connected.
/Why, why do I keep thinking about her? / Kouji thought after waking up from dreaming about her again.
/I don't know why I keep dreaming about her. I know that I have a crush on her and she's so…man why I doze off like that. Heh. I can't believe that Sakuya is taking over my thoughts so. I…I…I…wonder if she's okay. / Kouji thought as he continued walking again.
Takuya and the gang continued looking for the Forest Terminal too all wondering about Kouji and why he left. Then something hit Izumi what about Sakuya? Izumi stopped walking and started thinking.
/I wonder if Sakuya's here. I just left her. I knew I shouldn't have. Man, that girl always worries about my well being and not hers. I hope Sakuya's okay. I'm gonna have to explain everything when I get back. That is if I get back. / Izumi thought.
Everyone noticed that Izumi stopped waking and wondered what was up.
“Hey, Izumi what's up? Everything okay.” Takuya said.
“Yeah I'm fine I'm just thinking.” Izumi said.
“About what.” Junpei said.
“About my cousin Sakuya.” Izumi said.
“Who's Sakuya?” Tomoki said.
“She's my cousin from Italy. She came today and I was helping her unpack when I had to go. And I don't know what she's doing or if she's worried about me or anything.” Izumi said thinking.
“Don't worry Izumi when we get back you can explain everything to her.” Takuya said.
“Yeah you're right.” Izumi said then they started to hear rumbling then a big Digimon came out in front of them.
“Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha! Now be ready for your defeat! Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!” the Digimon Maramon said.
“Not if we can help it. Ready guys SPIRIT EVOLUTION!” Takuya and everyone said as they turned into their Digimon forms.
“How about we fight fire to fire!” Agunimon said as he did pyro tornado, but against Maramon's fire body it didn't even scratch.
“Ha Ha! Take this!” Maramon said as he did his fire attack.
“Fire Barrage!” It said as it Takuya.
“Takuya! Take this hurricane gale!” Kazemon said as she hit Maramon, but it didn't affect it.
“Ha! Ha! Take this!” as it did the same attack and hit Kazemon.
“Kazemon! Take this you creep! Thunder fist!” Beetlemon said and as he hit Maramon and it didn't phase it. The Maramon did the same attack on Beetlemon as he did everyone else. Then it turned it gaze to Kunamon. Kunamon gulped.
“Now it's your turn!”
“I think not Lobo Kendo!” Lobomon said as he hit Maramon.
“Blizzard Blaster!” Kunamon said helping Lobomon. They hit it at the same time and Maramon cooled down and fell.
“Yeah! We did it thanks Lobomon.”
“No problem. Now let's help the others.” Kunamon nodded as they started to make there way over to the others Maramon started to heat up again.
“FOOLS! YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME! FIRE BARRAGE!” Maramon said as he hit Kunamon.
“Kunamon! You'll pay for that. Lobo Kendo!” Lobomon said as he hit Maramon, but Maramon blocked his attack and hit him as he slid back and hit a tree causing him to turn back human like everyone else.
“You're a hard one to beat, but I'll take care of you.” Maramon said.
Kouji reached for his d-tector, but Maramon knocked it out of his hand.
/Aw man just like my dream. I'm done for. / Kouji thought as he closed his eyes waiting for the end to come, but instead he heard:
He opened his eyes and saw a beautiful mermaid standing in front of him smiling with half-closed. WAIT! Just like the Mermaid…in…his…dream.
/Hey! It's the mermaid…the one that was in my dream. She's really beautiful. / Kouji thought looking at her. She smiled as she looked around as everyone did the same thing as Kouji and wonder:
/Who was this Digimon? /
So how was it? Was it good? Was it bad? Please tell me. Sorry about the long update, but the authoress had homework to do. (Dodges flying shoe) So tell us I'll see you again in Chapter eight.
Bye-Bye ^^