Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Lighting Heart ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I do not own any of the Digimon characters and I want to spend my lifetimes loving you was sang by Tina Arena and Marc Anthony. I did not make up those lyrics. It's gotta be Me was used for NSYNC...ugh. That's all!

"Hey, Matt. I think that we should tell some stories...Do you wanna pick the topic?" Darien began as he popped in some popcorn in his mouth.
"I could care less what the topic would be." Matt replied casually, playing with some cards.
"I know!" Tony said, snapping his fingers. "Our first loves and how it ended!"
"First love?" Matt asked.
"Yeah, Matt. Hasn't the cool guy with a ton of girls on him ever fallen in love?" Tony asked. Matt was silent.
"Knock it off, guys." Tai said. "Matt had a first love, but he doesn't want to talk about it."
"No, it's okay...I think I feel better when I tell people...."Matt said.
"My first love was a girl named Lina...Oh man, she was FINE! It was too bad that we broke up because of that other guy named Scott....He stole my girl!!" Tony scolded, while his hands clamped up. No one paid attention to him and turned back to Matt.
"Do you wanna go first, Matt?" Darien asked.
"I guess....Let's see....It's been almost ten years since IT happened....Where do I start..?" Matt thought aloud.
~*~*~*~*~*Past: Year-2000~*~*~*~*~*~
"Now Matt," Matt's father began. "I'll be leaving here for a couple weeks to go to America for an important business trip. I'm going to leave you in charge of the apartment and T.K until I get back. Understand?"
"Dad, why are you leaving again? You just got back." Matt asked.
"I know, son, but this is really something that the company needs me to take care of. You and T.K are going to have so much fun that you won't even know that I was gone."
"Right, fun..." Matt sighed.
"And remember....NO parties and NO girls. Got it?"
"Yeah, gotcha. No parties and no girls."
"I'll see ya around, Matt." His father said as he picked up his suitcase and walked out the door. Matt slouched down in his seat. What am I supposed to do now? He thought. Maybe I'll go take a shower or something to cool myself off. I'm beat. When he got in the shower he was just thinking. Suddenly, a flashback occured through his mind. It was when he was about seven years old and he was just playing around, making jokes with this little girl.
"Oh, Matt...!" A girl giggled. "You're so funny!"
"Oh yeah? If you thought that was funny, then check this out!" He said as he made odd faces that made the little girl roll with laughter.
"You're a silly-willy, Matt!" She laughed. He then returned to the present with a startle.
"Huh....? What was that?" He exclaimed softly. He thought of the little girl. She was his only friend at the time. I remember, Matt thought to himself. I remember that I was the only one who could make her laugh...but, now, she's gone...ohhh.....I wonder what she's doing now....
~*~*~*~*~*At an airport lounge*~*~*~*~*~
A girl was just walking off her plane with a big bag on her shoulder. She looked around and smiled. It feels good to be back again, She thought. She looked down at her locket and opened it up to find a small picture. Oh, Matt....I can't wait to see you again...I hope that he hasn't forgotten me. The girl took a deep breath and left the airport.
~*~*~*~*~*Present: Year- 2010~*~*~*~*~
"What was this girls' name?" Darien asked.
"So was your first loves' name Dawn?" Tony asked, interrupting.
"Yeah." Matt replied.
"They were kinda like sweethearts..." Tai grinned.
"You could say that...Now where was I? Oh yes..."
~*~*~*~*~*Past: Year-2000 At Tai's house~*~*~*~*~*~
"You make me so mad, T.F! Why did you do that?!" Davis shouted angrily
"Do what?? I didn't do anything! And my name isn't T.F. It's T.K!" T.K said.
"I don't care how you say it! You're the one who took my goggles!"
"Now why would I do that?!"
"Will you both settle down? You argue over the stupidest things in the world!" Yolei explained.
"Yoleis' right. You both better cool off." Tai said. The two turned their backs on each other. "Besides, Davis, you better look before you accuse." He reached into Davis' pocket and pulled out his goggles. He began to blush, feeling really stupid.
"Ooops...Ho, how did they get in there?" Davis stuttered.
"Wanna say you're sorry?" Sora asked.
"Never! I still think he's a lying, back-stabbing jerk!" Davis exclaimed. T.K shook his head in disbelief and then turned to Tai. "Are we ready to go to the DigiWorld?"
"Yeah. We have to go scout the area and destroys some dark spires."
"I wanna get the first one in!" Davis said.
"Do you think that Matts' gonna come?" Kari asked.
"Not this time. I think he's too busy at the moment. He said, If I can recall, that he had a practice tonight and he needed to prepare himself."
"Probably with using a lot of gel on his head of hair...With his, it could take hours." Tai laughed.
"Yeah..." T.K said, chuckling.
"Okay, let's try it again..." Justin began. He clamped his sticks together for a count and then they started to play their instraments. Matt carefully played his guitar and began singing "You might been hurt, babe, that ain't no lieee...You seen them all come and goo....ohohohhh...And remember you mei, that made you believe in no man no cry, so just tell me why...Every little thing I do, never seems enough for you, you don't want lose it again, but I'm not like them. Maybe when you finally, get to love somebody...guess what...it's gonna be Dawn..."
"Stop! Stop!" Justin said and everyone stopped playing their instraments. "Dude, Matt. You did it again."
"Did what?"
"You Said 'It's gonna be Dawn'. It's supposed to be sang, 'It's gonna be ME'! We've gone throught this already about five or six times, Matt. C'mon. Get it right."
"Sorry, Justin. I'm just not in my right mind at the moment." Matt replied.
"Matt...Is there some girl that you know that's on your mind consistanltly?"
"Would her name happen to be Dawn...?"
"Well, don't think about her. Girls cause nothing but trouble in the brain and causes you not being able to play AND you start mumbling stupid things. Try not to think about her and concentrate on the notes, okay?"
"Yeah. Sure thing, Justin..." Matt said putting his guitar strap back onto his shoulder. How can I stop thinking about her? Matt asked himself. It's like all of a sudden, my feelings have gotten stronger on her when I thought I put it behind me....I wonder why. It just doesn't seem like me to be doing this.
"I better get going. Matts' probably going to be ordering pizza and I said this time I would pay for it." T.K said, after teleporting back into the real world and getting his jacket.
"All right, T.K. I'll see ya around." Tai replied.
"Bye, T.K!" Kari called to him as he walked out and he waved goodbye to her. T.K walked home and when he got in the door, he found no one in the house. That's strange, he thought.
"Maaaatt!" He called out.
"Yeah?" A voice answered. T.K sighed in relief.
"Where are you?"
"In the bathroom..." Matt replied as he came out. "All right, T.K. What do you want for tonight? We can order pizza, I can cook something..."
"Let's just order some pizza. I want half of it to be...."
"I know, I know. Don't worry." Matt smiled. He picked up the phone and dialed. "Yes? Pizza House? Yeah, I'd like a extra-large pizza with have of the side with pepporonis' and mushrooms and the other just plain. Address? Two-two-five-zero Angelius Drive. Okay....it should be here soon? Great." Matt said and hung up and there was a knock on the door.
"Whoa. That was quick. Remind me to order from this place more often." Matt said. He walked over to the door and opened it. There, in front of him was a girl smiling. Matt stepped back in surprise.
"Matt....So we meet again." She said.
"D, Dawn!" He gasped. T.K walked over to the door and looked to see who it was.
"Matt, what's wrong? Did the pizza come?" T.K asked. He then saw Dawn and was looking at her at amzement."Dawn! Long time no see!"
"It's you....it really is you...." Matt said, still shaken over the idea. "Yeah, it's me." Dawn replied silently. Matt let her in and she slowly walked in, still feeling a bit of uncomfort. He helped Dawn with her bag and set it down. Matt then turned to T.K.
"T.K....I'm going to my room with Dawn to talk. I don't want any disturbance..." Matt explained. T.K nodded his head slowly and Matt showed Dawn to his room. She walked in, with Matt closing the door after them. Dawn looked at the room and stared.
"You're room looks very nice." She started. "Very different from the last time I saw it." Matt circled her, looking at her with just pure amazement. He studied her face very carefully, while she looked at him in confusion as to what he was doing.
"You can't be her...It seems too good to be true. You just can't be... I thought you died a long time ago...well, at least her heart for that matter." Matt said, sitting on the side of his bed and burying his face in his hands. Dawn looked at him with concern.
"Matt...I am who you see. I know it's been a while, but it's not liked I never cared."
"I remember back when we came back from the Digiworld, you abandoned me without telling me where you went! I thought something bad happened to you! You misleaded me and when I thought that you were dead, you show up on TV for the first time! I was worried sick for you and you didn't seem to care the least bit!"
"Already, I've only been here for not even five minutes, and you're yelling at me for something I couldn't control."
"What do you mean 'couldn't control'? I have every right to be mad because of the stunt you pulled on me. That was your decision, wasn't it?"
"That's where you're wrong, Matt. It WASN'T my decision. Look, you can believe what you want. I just came here..."
"Yeah, I know why you came back. Just to people, do your greets and leave for another three years, maybe even longer.
"No. I came back to see you. You would not believe-!"
"How much you missed me? Yeah, like I've heard that line a million times."
"Stop it, Matt! You're not listening to me. Look, I don't want to fight with you. It feels like I'm your enemy. I would like for you to listen so you can hear what I have to say..."
"I don't want to hear excuses! You just left me and that was the end of our friendship. What kind of friend would do that?" Matt asked. Dawn looked at him ever so serious. She then pulled out a tape from her bag. "I never knew it would have to come to this...."
"What is it?" Matt asked.
"It's a tape from a servalence camera I was able to retrieve before I came here. I think you might want to take a look at it. It was from when I first arrived there." Dawn explained while Matt took the tape and put it into the VCR. "I was taken the night I came back from the Digiworld and was brought here to Diamond Records." Matt saw that Dawn was tied to a chair and a man was talking to her. He heard threats that he was not joking around with that if Dawn ever left without a guard. Then they heard the man threatened to kill Matt right in front of her. Dawn, in the video then slowly nodded her head and said she will. They were surpressing her powers(because she was a powerful ancient. That's a person with some serious amount of magic) because they didn't want her to use them against them. The tape ended and Matt looked at Dawn.
"...I tried to call here and talk to you, but my phone calls were always cut off because they never let me call or see my friends. That's why I never got to tell you...and if you're still mad, then I understand." Dawn said, lowering her head. Matt stood up from his bed and looked at her. He lifted her chin with his hand so she could look at him.
"I wish you didn't leave me hanging out in the cold. I had no idea where you went and you never called me. The day you left.... I went by your apartment, but when I got there, the door was left unlocked, and since no one was there besides you, I thought something could have happened to you. The place was totaled and I was sad. I tried to report it to the police, but they didn't listen to me. They laughed. I tried searching for you, but I couldn't find you. I then was told by T.K one day 'don't lose hope. Dawn will come back soon'. I tried really hard, praying every night you'd be safe. Then...Days turned into weeks....Weeks turned to months....and months turned into years. I knew then you weren't coming back after I heard you at a concert live on TV. My heart sank....After all this time I thought you were in trouble, you were havin' a great time singing while I cried over you. I'm sorry I blew up at you, Dawn. I just was mad and I wouldn't listen to anything you said because I thought it was just a lie..."
"It's okay. I know it's not your fault....Well, I better get going. I have to go find a hotel to stay at." Dawn said and just as she turned around, Matt stopped her. "Wait, Dawn...Why...don't you stay here?"
"Stay here? With you and T.K? Wouldn't I be a little bit of a bother?"
"No. Of course not. We wouldn't mind having you stay for a while. It's nice to have company in this apartment once in a while. Besides, we're having pizza." Matt grinned.
"Pizza, huh? Looks like I came at the right time." Dawn giggled.
"Yeah. You're lucky because half of it is plain. C'mon, you can help me with the place settings." Matt said.
"Well...I think that we must keep an eye out for Dawn. We don't know what kind of tricks she might pull on us and turn against us. I say we should call someone who will nagotiate with us that will know how to take REAL good care of Ms. Tabor...." A man said, sitting in his chair.
"Sir, ever since we've had the child, we've been able to gather information on her. Her likes/dislikes, and her deepest secrets..."
"So? Why would it be any use to me?"
"Because, Mr. Corneo, she is one of the digidestined."
"What's that? A little girly club?"
"No sir. She can travel into a demension called the 'DigiWorld' and where she controls little monsters. There is one person I think we can talk to in order to get her back, because we know she's not going to want to come to us automatically..."
"I'm listening...."
"No way!" Dawn laughed. "Did he really....?" Implying it to T.K.
"Yeah! He was just in his bed, halfway off it, DROOLING and going, 'Oh, I love you...I really love you....Do you love me?'. It was the most histerical thing I have ever seen. But the best one was when Tai, Izzy and me both snuck in his room one night...We put whip cream in his hand and when we tickled his nose, he brought his hand up and smuthered himself with whip cream!" T.K chuckled.
"Ha, ha, HA. Laugh all you want, that joke was rotten, T.K." Matt said with his arms crossed, sitting back in his seat.
"Oh, c'mon, Matt. It seemed cute when you do those things. Besides, it was out of fun." Dawn said, giggling uncontrollably.
"Yeah, they were the ones laughing and I was the one that was ticked off because of all the whip cream on my face AND hair!" Matt began. There was silence at the table for a few minutes, until T.K said. "Isn't this great? Now the whole group is together again. And we can take out the DigiEmperor for sure." Dawn looked over at him.
"DigiEmeror? Whos' he?" She asked.
"Some punk science freak known as Ken Itchijouji is the DigiEmperor and he's trying to take over the DigiWorld. He's using black rings in order to take control of the Digimon." Matt explained.
"That's horrible..." Dawn said
"But now there is a new set of Digidestined." T.K said.
"A new set? Are we now just dirt? Are we free from our duties?"
"No. We still have to be able to show them everything we know. They have these new digivices and everything. They also have a different way of evolving their Digimon by armor digivolving."
"Too much has changed...." Dawn smiled and then remembered something. "Batugurlmon!"
"What about her?" T.K asked.
"She might be waiting for me to come back. What if she hates me since I left her for so long? What if something bad happened to her?"
"Calm down, Dawn. I'm sure that Batugurlmon is all right...We'll go see her tomorrow." Matt said, getting up from the table. "I think it's getting late. Let's just call it a night."
"Matt, it's only ten-thirty." T.K said.
"I know, but you have school tomorrow. I don't want mom to be mad at me for you not getting any sleep and not being able to stay up in class."
"All right..." T.K sighed and went to his room. Dawn and Matt looked at each other and were silent.
"....I...uh, better make my bed on the couch...." Dawn said, standing up.
"No, that's okay, Dawn. You can have my room." Matt said.
"Now, Matt, I don't think that-"
"It's all right Dawn. I'll take the couch and you take my bed." Matt said. Dawn smiled and kissed him on the cheek gently and went to his room to go get changed. When she was done changing, she laid down slowly and picked up a book that she had. As she was reading, Matt came in the room.
"Do you need anything, Dawn?" He asked.
"No, Matt. I'm okay, thank you." Dawn replied.
"That's good...." He said. As he was leaving, he thought of something important and sat on the side of the bed. "ummm...Dawn?"
"....Goodnight." He said, but through his mind, he wanted to whack himself upside the head hard because that wasn't what he wanted to say. Matt just wanted to say 'I missed you and love you...', but it didn't come out.
"Goodnight, Matt." She said politely. "Oh, I just wanted to ask you something. When are we going to see the others?"
"Probably tomorrow afternoon. Why?"
"Well, you remember the picture in my locket of us three years ago in the DigiWorld?"
"Let's go down to the mall tomorrow and take a new picture so I have a previous one and a new one. It will be so cool."
"Sure. A day at the mall tomorrow with you and me. That will be fun." Matt replied and said goodnight. When he closed the door, he sighed. Gosh, she's become more beautiful than ever, Matt thought. But what chance do I have with her? We just saw each other after three years. It's probably best to not rush anything...BUT I really want to kiss her...just one kiss from her would be fantastic.
"Are you the one they call Ken Itchijouji?" Don Corneo said over the phone to a kid.
"Some may refer to me as that." He replied.
"Ken, I know you're the Digimon Emperor in the Digital World."
"Who is this I am speaking to?"
"This is Don Corneo. I'm the man who owns Diamond Records."
"I've heard of you, Mr. Corneo, but why do you want to talk to someone like me, and how do you know my secret."
"I know because I do, Ken. I have a favor to ask of you."
"And what would I get out of this little request?"
"All right. What do you have in mind in order to get this POWER."
"There's another digidestined that hasn't arrived into the digital world yet. She will eventually be there and I want you to keep a good eye on her. She has amazing powers that is beyond belief only because she is an ancient."
"An ancient, eh? Well, this may be interesting."
"You have to get her to give you her powers...That's going to be the hard part."
"Oh, I don't think that will be a problem at all, Mr. Corneo....not a problem at all..."
~*~*~*~The Next Morning~*~*~*~
"Rise and shine, Matt!" A voice said. Matt slowly opened his eyes to see that Dawn was sitting by him on the couch. "Time to get up and enjoy the day!"
"Wh...What?" He asked groggily.
"Come on, Matt!" She said, helping him sit up. "Get up."
"Oh all right..." Matt replied as he rubbed his eyes and then realized something. "Oh my god! I forgot to make breakfast for T.K and get him to school! I'm such an idiot!"
"Don't worry." Dawn said. "I made him some pancakes and I made sure he got to school. You looked tired yesterday so I thought that you needed some sleep from all that extra excitement." Matt scratched his head.
"Dawn, you didn't have-" Matt said but she put her finger on his mouth. "I know I didn't. I was up, you weren't, so I beat you to the punch. Let's just leave it at that."
"All right. You win.." Matt smiled. "Oh yeah. We're getting the picture taken today, aren't we?"
"Yep!" Dawn said cheerfully.
"Okay. Let me get dressed and we'll go down to the mall. Then, after that, let's go see the others to tell them that you're here."
"Sure." Dawn replied. She got her purse and coat while Matt went into his room to change. When he got out, He got his jacket and the two went walking out the door. When they got to the mall, the first thing they did was go to the photo store. Matt walked up to the photographer while Dawn waited at a seat in the waiting room.
"Excuse me," He began. "I'd like to take a couple photo."
"Okay. Name please?" She asked.
"Matt Takaishi and Dawn Tabor."
"....Can I have that last name again?"
"Dawn Tabor. Is there a problem?"
"No. It just seems quite abnormal to see a very famous musician around. I haven't seen one."
"Well, how can I be sure that you're not lying?"
"Hello..." Dawn said from behind. The two looked at her and the photographer gawked in surprise. "You're.... You're really her!" The photographer exclaimed.
"Told ya." Matt said.
"...My sincere apologies, Dawn. Would you like to take your picture now?"
"Sure." Dawn replied. Matt and Dawn both went to the back of the room and stood in the picture area. The photographer went with them and set up her camera.
"Okay now....Get together so we can have a nice picture..." She said. Matt and Dawn slowly moved in closer to each other. "C'mon, what is this? Get closer to each other! Matt...put your hands around Dawn's waist and Dawn, put your hands around Matt's neck....That's it. That looks like a great shot." Dawn and Matt both felt uncomfortable with the idea, feeling how close they were, but it was actually kind of nice. The two gave the camera some good smiles and with a flash of the camera, it was over with. Matt looked at Dawn while she looked at him and then took their hands off each other, feeling a slight embarrassed. The photographer grinned.
"That was good. I'll have the pictures ready for you in a couple days. I'll mail them to ya." She said.
"That'd be great." Dawn said. Matt and Dawn left the store and since they had some time on their hands, they decided to go around for some shopping. Dawn thought it would be really interesting if they tried on some clothes at a store where it had a lot of interesting clothes. She was first and then while she got dressed, Matt waited by sitting down on a chair. She first came out in a long, white dress. Dawn posed for him, twirling in it and Matt told her that was very nice on her. She tried on a couple outifits, which Matt thought they were getting better and better and then Matt tried on some tuxs'. Dawn complimented that they made him look very sharp and handsome, and he began to blush a bright red.
Later on, after buying a couple pairs of clothes, and getting a little ice cream, Dawn and Matt both headed down to meet up with their fellow digidestined. Before they came there, everyone was sitting around, feeling completely bored and miserable.
"You wanna go to the DigiWorld?" Davis asked the group.
"We can't go until Matt gets here..." T.K replied. "Gosh, they're taking a long time...."
"They?" Kari asked. "I thought it was just Matt. Who else is going?"
"Umm...no one. I meant 'he' instead of 'they'....heh, heh..."
"If I'm not mistaken, Matt has probably forgotten about his duties and went to go rehearse with his band." Izzy observed.
"Izzys' right. Matt probably just forgot about us..." Tai said. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door with Matt's head peeping in. Tai stood up. "Matt, what took you so long, dude?"
"Sorry guys..." Matt apologized. "We kinda got side-tracked of time..."
"'We'? Okay, now either you or Matt has to explain things..." Yolei said to T.K.
"I'll explain..." Matt said. "Guys, I'd like for you to meet someone."
"Who? Please tell me it's a pizza delivery guy that has connections." Cody said.
"...No..." Matt chuckled. "I want you all to meet Dawn." Dawn came out from behind him and looked at everyone.
"Hi!" Dawn said. Izzy and Tai looked at her, astonished to see how gorgeous she has become and were blushing. They ran over to her and took her hands into theirs.
"Dawn! It's great to see you again!" Tai said excitedly.
"Yes! Have a seat, Dawn! You must be tired from walking!" Izzy added as they pushed her into a seat.
"But guys-!" Dawn began.
"How have you been, Dawn? Is the music going okay?"
"Yeah, but I-"
"That's good to hear. You know we have been thinking a lot about you because you're really important to all of us."
"That's very nice of you to say, but-"
"That's right, Izzy. She IS apart of the team and plays an important role..."
"Of course!"
"GUYS!" Dawn somewhat shouted, and they stopped all at once. "....Thank you...It's nice to see all of you and you guys..." She turned to the new digidestined. "I don't believe we have met before."
"I'm Davis!" Davis replied as he went up to her immediately.
"Yoleis' the name!" Yolei said.
"And I'm Cody. It's nice to meet you, Dawn. You look much prettier up close than on T.V. But of course you look good on that too."
"Thanks, Cody...." Dawn smiled and then turned to Kari. "Are you...Kari?"
"That's me, Dawn." Kari replied.
"Oh my god! You and T.K grew so fast! I hardly recognize you....since we came back from the DigiWorld, you both really grew!"
"Wait a minute!" Davis interrupted. "Dawn is a...digidestined?"
"Of course she is." Matt replied.
"She was one of the originals with us." Izzy added.
"Really?" Davis asked. "Wow...That is so cool...we got a famous musician on our side! But...what important part does she play as a digidestined? You said she was one of the most important."
"She is because Dawn has the Angel crest. She has a Digimon named Batugurlmon that can digivolve into Vampressmon, a very powerful digimon, and she isn't at her ultimate level, and then digivovles again into Megavampressmon. She is extremely powerful. Dawn alone is powerful because she has magical powers." Tai explained.
"Magical powers? Psh! Yeah right!" Davis said. Dawn gave a sly grin and started to burn Davis with her fireball. He coughed out smoke and felt stunned.
"Looks like you got burned, Davis," Yolei laughed.
"...C'mon guys. Let's go to the DigiWorld now and maybe we can Batugurlmon along the way." Kari said. Everyone nodded their heads and took out their digivices, and before they knew it, they were in the DigiWorld. Dawn looked around. "Wow, it really seems like its' changed..."
"New areas, new bad guys, same ol' Digimon." T.K said.
"Batugurlmon! Batugurlmon! Where are you??" Dawn began calling out. A little monster came running up to her. She had wings on her head with claws. She looked small, but her looks were easily decieving.
"Dawn!" Batugurlmon shouted as she ran. The two met up and hugged each other tightly. "I'm so glad to see you again, Batugurlmon!" Dawn said.
"It's the same here right back at ya!" Batugurlmon replied.
"Batugurlmon," Tai began. "It's been a while."
"Yeah, it has. But since Dawn is here now, we'll be able to take anything down for sure!"
"...I'm blushing, Batugurlmon!"
"...Tentamon should be here...Didn't you say that he was in these area coordinates and he had a distress signal, Izzy?" Cody asked all of a sudden.
"Yeah, he's no where around...Batugurlmon, where is Tentamon?" Izzy asked.
"Oh, Tentamon should be coming soon. He was a little far behind me when I last looked..." Batugurlmon replied.
"Maybe next time you should slow down a little bit!! I'm not as fast as you, remember?!!" Tentamon said as he came up, looking exhausted.
"Hey, buddy." Izzy greeted.
"Hi Izzy!" Tentamon replied.
"Tentamon, what happened? Is there something wrong with the village you were guarding?" Matt asked.
"Yeah! All the poor Digimon that were there are being controlled by the dark rings. I tried to get them off, but there were too many and they were all attacking at me! The Digimon Emperor is there too! He's making sure they're doing his dirty work!"
"What is he doing?" Gatomon asked.
"The Digimon Emperor has enslaved them so they could build a dark spiral. These ones are a lot stronger, so it's going to be a lot more difficult to break."
"Then, how do we bust it up?" Davis asked.
"I don't know! How am I supposed to know all the answers?!" Tentamon asked.
"Guys, calm down. We'll figure a way to destroy it. Just have a little patience." Yolei said.
"I'll take you to Caldrina right now! Theres' not a moment to lose!" Tentamon said and he began to fly off, with everyone following him. The hid by a hill while they watched the Digimon Emperor slapped the poor Digimon with the crack of his whip.
"Work, you pathetic losers, work!" He shouted angrilly.
"THAT'S the Digimon Emperor??" Dawn asked, seeming, unsurprised. "I kinda expected better."
"Looks are decieving..." Tai groaned.
"Why don't you guys just take him out all at once?" Dawn asked.
"It's a little bit harder than that. The Digimon Emperor is always keeping his guard up and he has mega-strong Digimon to back him up. Once we defeat the monsters, he's gone and no where to be found." Matt explained.
"That's gotta bite..." Dawn said.
"Let's move in closer to take a good look at things." Tai said. The group moved in stealth mode and tried to make it past every Digimon in order to get to the DigiEmperor. Dawn looked very closely to get a good look at him and just shook her head. How could this kid think that he rules the whole Digimon world? She thought.
"I say we armor digivolve right now!" Davis said to the rest whispering, and the rest nodded their heads.
"Digi-armor ENERGIZE!" The new digidestined all said at once, and within a split second, they were all in their new forms.
"Gabumon, it's your turn." Matt said.
"Let's go Tentamon!" Izzy said.
"You too, Batugurlmon." Dawn added.
"Right!" The little Digimon all said at once.
"Baturgurlmon digivolve to...Vampressmon!"
"Gabumon digivolve to...Garurumon!"
"Tentamon digivolve to...Kabutarimon!"
"All right everyone! Attack at once!" Tai directed. All the Digimon jumped out at once and began making a rukus all about. The Digimon Emperor looked around him.
"What's going on?!" He asked.
"Perhaps an ambush..." Wormmon replied.
"I know that, you moron! It's those KIDS again! Flarinmon! Toadmon! Attack those brats and get them out of here!" The digimon nodded their heads in understanding and turned to the Digidestined.
"You kids better get out of here, otherwise you're gonna get burned! FIRE WHIP!!" Flarinmon scolded and threw his whip made of fire at T.K.
"Watch out, T.K!" Dawn said. She quickly made a fireball come from her hand, threw it at Flarinmon's whip, shouting. "Moment Cracker!" The two attacks collided, and both of them were disintegrating. Flamdramon came in and used his "Fire Rocket!" at Flarinmon and it went flying backwards. More Toadmon and Flarinmon came out and they were all out numbered.
"What are we going to do?" Cody asked.
"Don't worry, Cody! I got this all covered! GOLD RUSH!" Digmon said and his attack fired at all of them, but it was no use. "Okay, maybe I wasn't able to cover..."
"I got this....! Super Flare!" Vampressmon shouted as her fireball grew larger and threw it at all the Toadmon and Flarinmon, but again, it was not enough.
"Someone has to take out the dark spire!" Matt said.
"You guys all go ahead and take it out! Vampressmon and I will take care of these guys!" Dawn said as she turned back to the digimon.
"Are you going to be okay by yourself, Dawn?" Yolei asked.
"I'll be fine! Just go ahead and I'll meet up with you soon!" Dawn replied. She turned to Vampressmon.
"Ready to fight?" Dawn asked with a sly look.
"Ready whenever you are, Dawn!" Vampressmon replied.
"You both can't take all of us down! It's impossible to defeat us!" Toadmon said. "Ready to give up to the Emperor?!"
"Ummm....." Dawn began to think and then said, "No." The digimon were both surprised, but then they went to attack anyways because orders were orders.
"Not so fast! Diamond DUST!!!" Dawn said and suddenly she let out a big ball of ice and shout it like a cannon and froze all the Digimon in place.
"Isn't it nice that they're all standing in once place?" Dawn asked Vampressmon.
"Very...But now I think it's time that they need a little heat to go round...." She replied and she used her finger to circle them and brought it back up to her saying "Fire...ball!" The whole area burned brightly, and you could tell the two were enjoying this. Meanwhile, The rest were running to the spire and tried all their attacks at once.
"We need to use all of our strength! This ones' a tough one!" Garurumon said.
"Let's all attack together!" Tai said.
"Star Shower!" Pegasismon shouted.
"Flaming Fist!"
"Rosetta Stone!"
"Gold Rush!"
"Howling Blaster!"
"Tempest Wing!" All the attacks were aimed directly at the spire, and before they knew it, the whole thing had shattered into pieces. Just as Vampressmon and Dawn were about to attack, the rings had detatched from the Digimon and they all looked around in confusion. Dawn then looked to find where the Digimon Emperor, but didn't see him until a figure caught her eye.
"So you must be what your fellow Digidestined call 'SAVIOR'. You're just a puny mortal just like the rest of them. What good use are you to me with whatever powers you have? They must just be just pathetic as you in general."
"I wouldn't say that..." Dawn replied. "You're just a punk that lives in his fake, fantasy world that hasn't awaken to reality yet. This thing about you owning all the Digimon and being able to control this world is not going to happen...not while we're around. I especially won't let you have your filthy hands on this world."
"And how are you going to do that?" The Digimon Emperor asked. Dawn was silent, but then she heard Matt from behind her call out her name. She turned around to see the rest of the group come up. Dawn turned back to the Digimon Emperor, but he had vanished. Coward, Dawn scolded in her mind.
"You both okay?" Tai asked.
"I'm okay." Vampressmon replied.
"Me too..." Dawn said.
"I say we go back. It's getting pretty late and our parents are probably wondering where we are." Cody implied.
"Codys' right. Let's get a move on." Kari said. The group went back to the T.V that they had originally came from, and transported themselves from there, back into the real world.
"That was actually a quite a fast battle. Almost like a slap-and-run type thing." Davis said.
"I think you mean 'HIT-and-run'..." T.K corrected. "But Davis is right. That seemed way too easy...Do you think the Digimon Emperor is planning something really big for us?"
"Who knows...But we will be ready for him, won't we?" Dawn replied and Tai, Izzy, and Matt nodded.
"Right." Tai said.
"Well, T.K, Dawn, and I better be getting home." Matt said with the two agreeing.
"All right. We'll have to take tomorrow off since none of us can make it in here." Izzy said.
"Yeah, and that the fact the detention hall has been moved in here." Yolei added.
"See ya, guys." Dawn said as she waved to them and the three walked home. As they were walking home, Matt had just remembered something.
"Oh no...I have band practice tonight. We're supposed to be recording music for a demo tape! Agh! I completely forgot." He said, as the two looked over at him.
"Band practice?" Dawn asked.
"What? You mean you don't know, Dawn? Didn't Matt tell you?" T.K asked.
"No, he didn't..."
"Matt's in a band and he is now trying to go to a record company so they can sign them a contract and stuff."
"Is that true?" Dawn asked as she looked at Matt and he nodded his head with his face blushing.
"Yeah...It's true. I'm supposed to be recording a song a wrote tonight. You wanna come?" Matt answered.
"I'd love to!" Dawn said excitedly.
"You guys better go. I'm goin' home." T.K said.
"All right T.K. We'll see ya later." Matt said and the three went their separate ways. Dawn and Matt both walked to the recording studio, and once they got in, they saw the band tuning their instraments.
"Hey guys." Matt greeted. They looked up and all of them gasped at once. "...Surprised to see me?" They ran up to Dawn and began shaking her hand.
"You're Dawn Tabor! I love your work! You are one of my most favorite musicians...Not to mention the prettiest!" Justin exclaimed.
"Uh huh! Uh huh!" Riley repeated over and over.
"Umm...Guys? This is Dawn, obviously...Dawn, this is Riley, Justin, and Brian. They're apart of the band." Matt tried explaining.
"It's nice to meet you all." Dawn giggled.
"So, Matt...Is this the Dawn that you kept saying the name over and over on the takes of 'It's gonna be me'?" Justin grinned.
"Umm...Well....I, uh..." Matt stuttered, blushing a bright red. "It's was only that time! Anyone could make that mistake...! But now, we've got a song to record."
"Right." Justin agreed. "Why don't we work on your solo song first? The guys and I aren't finished getting the instraments ready."
"But...Isn't Brian supposed to help me with the duet?"
"He really can't. Brian sort of lost his voice. Now all he can do is play the drums. Good thing that's all he has to do for our group song."
"Yeah, but...What about my song? Who's gonna do it with me...?" Matt asked. Justin looked at him and then glanced over at Dawn, who was sitting in a seat, smiling. "Why not have Dawn come and do the duet with you?"
"What? Dawn?? I don't think that she'll wan-" Matt began and Justin just walked over to Dawn.
"Excuse me, Dawn?" He began. "Would it be okay if you did a duet with Matt? Our other singer can't sing at the moment and we have no other replacements."
"You want me to sing with Matt?" Dawn asked.
"Only if you want to."
"I don't mind it." Dawn replied happily. She got up and both Dawn and Matt went into the recording room. Matt gave her the sheets to look at and she studied the notes very carefully. When she was ready, Matt gave Justin the signal the "go" sign. The song began slowly and Matt took a deep breath, beginning to sing:
Look so bright, night so fine
Keep your heart here with mine
Lifes' a dream, we are dreamin'
Face the moon, catch the wind, ride the night til the end,
Seize the day, stand up for the light

I want to spend my lifetime loving you
If that's all in life I would ever do

Heroes rise, heroes fall, rise again, with it all
In your heart, can't you feel the glory
Throughout try, throughout pain, we can move worlds again
Take my hand dance with me

I want to spend my lifetime loving you
If that is all in life I would ever do
I will want nothing else to see me through
If I can spend my lifetime loving you.

All we know, we will never come again,
When there's love life begins over...and over again...!
See the night, see the day, save the love, come one may
Love is worth everything we pay

I want to spend my lifetime loving you
If that is all in life I would ever do
The recorder stopped and by the end, Matt looked at Dawn. She glanced over at him and smiled. The song went smoothly, and that's what practically mattered to the group. The two came out of the recording room, their faces flushed with exhaustion, due to the heat inside it.
"That was perfect!" Justin exclaimed. "You guys sounded really good! This song is like one of THE best I've heard come from us..."
"Are we ready for the other recording?" Matt asked.
"Ahh...well...you see...We've been trying to fix the guitars and stuff...and well, something seems to be wrong with it..." Justin said as he scratched his head. Matt shook his head in disbelief.
"You don't want to perform in front of Dawn while recording, do you? You think we're gonna screw up?" He asked.
"...Yeah. Anyways, it's about time to wrap it up. We're gonna practice. You go on home...You look tired, dude... What have you been doing since yesterday?"
"Too much...." Matt sighed. "I'm outta here. I'll catch you guys later, okay?"
"Yeah, I'll see ya, Matt." Justin said. He and the rest of the band waved goodbye to Matt and Dawn, and they were well on their way home. Dawn clasped her hand into Matt's for comfort, which made Matt feel a little nervous, but he did like it at the same time.
"That was a lot of fun," Dawn began. "You shoulda told me that you wrote music."
"...You never asked." Matt replied.
"I shouldn't have to ask, Matt. You could of said something. After all, I haven't seen you in three years. It would be nice to let me know what else has been going on with you, besides the DigiWorld."
"Okay...I'll let you know more." Matt chuckled.
"But...about that song....What was the name of it?"
"It was called 'I want to Spend my Lifetime Loving you'."
"...It was beautifully written."
"....What made you come up with it?"
"...I dunno. It took me months to write....I was just thinking about like a Romeo and Juliet type thing at the time. I had no ideas and then I was watching some romantic movie and then it hit me." Matt explained. Actually, I was thinking of you the whole time writing it, he thought, but he didn't want to say it to her face. He was too embarrassed to tell her, and what was worse as what if she just laughed at it. When they got into the apartment, Matt turned on the lights and looked around and sighed, feeling like there was nothing to do in the house.
"T.K," Dawn called. "We're back...!"
"Hey, guys." T.K answered as he walked into the hallway.
"What have you been up to?" Matt asked.
"Nothin'. There really isn't anything for me to do." T.K sighed.