Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Never Ever ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
~p · a · r · t · 4~

Heza felt something cold. Ice cold. She absently flailed her arms around, accidently smacking Yamato on the side of the head. She shot up, her face red. "Nani?! What the hell was THAT?!" she snapped. She then looked over at Yamato, who was holding a snowball.

Yamato rubbed the side of his head. "Uhm, nothing. Just a little snow, heheh..." he said.

"So THAT's what's so cold... I'm gonna get you for that," Heza said, glaring at him.

"Heh, you'll have to catch me first," Yamato said, running out of the room.

Heza sprang up out of her bed, realizing she was still in her pajamas. "Hoboy.."

[ Prolly about 10 minutes later... ]

Heza had just finished adjusting her earmuffs when Yamato poked his head in the doorway. "You quite done yet? Taichi and the others want us to meet them at the park..."

"Hai, hai... don't rush me," Heza said.

"Yeesh, you girls spend too much time primping..."

"And just how long did it take you to gel your hair?" Heza gave him a sidelong look.

"Point made."

*********************************************************** *********

"Oi... that's really some ice scuplture, Kamira-chan..." Koushiro said, eying the small ice scupture Kamira had carved.

"Arigatou.. this is what that weird rabbit in my dream looked like..." Kamira said quietly, adding some finishing touches.

Koushiro looked over at Taichi and Sora, who were trying to ice-skate on the nearby pond. "Yeah, Taichi! That's the way!" he shouted.

Sora was skating along peacefully, with an embarrassed Taichi clinging to her waist. "Very funny, Koushiro!" Taichi retorted.

"I know it was..."

"Ah... ah... AH-CHOO!" Jyou sneezed. "Hai, I was right when I told Heza-chan that winter was coming... anyone have any tissues?" he asked.

"Iie... gomen, Jyou-san," Hikari said, jabbing a carrot into the face of the snowman that she and Takeru were building. "Where's that coal, Takeru-kun?" Hikari then looked down at the bottom of the snowman. "...Very funny..." she said, repositioning the coal on the head of the snowman.

"Hai, I thought it was pretty funny too..." Takeru said.

"Heh. Just think of what your oniisan would say if he saw that," Hikari said, giggling.

"I'd say my little brother was turning into a hentai on me," a sudden voice behind them said.

Takeru turned around to see Yamato and Heza standing behind him. Heza was trying to hold in an earth-shattering amount of laughter, while Yamato glared at him, amused. "O-oniisan! Uhm, heh heh, never thought to see you here," Takeru said, throwing an arm behind his head.

"Of course you didn't," Yamato said, laughing.

Heza meanwhile, was watching Sora and Taichi skate. "Wish I could do that... having a bit of trouble, Taichi-kun?" she asked.

"A bit of trouble, my butt!" Taichi said, sliding around. "My cat could prolly skate better than meeeeee-whoooooooah!!" Taichi crashed into Kamira, who had just stepped onto the ice. "Aaah... gomen, Ryuuichii-san..." he said, blushing.

Kamira stood up and brushed the snow off of her sweater. "It's alright, Taichi-kun... no injuries," she said, smiling.

Taichi stood up and slid off.

Heza watched Kamira glide across the ice. "How DO you do that?!"

"It's really simple... like walking, only a bit more slippery.... would you like to try, Heza-chan?" Kamira asked.

"Uhm, no."

"Aah, come on," Yamato said from behind, lightly pushing her out on the ice.

"Waah?!" Heza flailed her arms, trying to keep her balance. She finally toppled over, landing lightly on her rear. "Whadja do that for?"

Yamato skated up to her and held out a gloved hand. "Gomen... need some help?" he asked.

"I am SO gonna get you for that...." Heza said, grabbing his hand.

"Hey! I think I'm finally getting the hang of this!" Taichi said, sliding past them. As soon as he said that, he crashed into Kamira again. "Shimatte."

Yamato and Heza looked at each other and burst out laughing. They were answered by a snowball in the faces.

Yamato spit out a chunk of ice. "Oi, so ya wanna play hardball, huh? Kamere you!" he shouted, grabbing a snowball and skating after Taichi. Heza laughed as Yamato pegged the snowball at him, then tripped over the big-haired boy.

"You two are a riot!" she said, laughing so hard she doubled over.

Koushiro's eyes suddenly opened wide as he surfed the Internet. "Kami-sama... NANI?! Minna-san! Get over here quick!!" he shouted.

"Nani, didja find another hentai site, Koushiro?" Taichi asked as he pulled himself together.

"Taichi no baka..." Koushiro muttered under his breath. When everyone had gathered around him (this took a while, being that Heza had to stand up, then get OFF the ice.. e.e;), he cleared his throat. "You guys remember that contest I entered a while back?" he asked.

"Hai, what's that to do with anything?" Sora asked.

"Well, the prize was ten passes to Camp Kayomata in Hong Kong. Aaaaaand..." he paused for dramatic effect, "I won! Prooooooodigious."

"You what?! How do you know someone ain't spoofin' ya?" Taichi asked.

"I'm not kidding! This is an official e-mail from.... Furinkan Nesu?!"

Everyone was quiet for a moment. "Furinkan Nesu... why does that name sound so familiar?" Jyou asked, scratching his chin.

"Hmm.. maybe he's some boy genius or something..." Takeru guessed.

"Iie! Minna no baka, don't you all remember? He was with us in the...." Koushiro cut himself off, remembering that Kamira was also with the group. He did NOT want to reveal anything about the Digital World to her, in fear of her thinking he was weird. But then again, everyone thought he was weird. Still, he didn't want to ruin their friendship with a story of digital monsters and psychics.

"Hai! I remember now! That psychic kid, with the red cap!" Heza said, her eyes brightening. She then clapped her hand over her mouth. Had she said too much? Everyone held their breath.

"I've heard of him, they say that when he was a baby he could point at a spoon and it would bend..." Kamira said, oblivious to the nervousness around the group. The rest of them sighed in relief.

"Well, if that's an official e-mail from THE Furinkan Nesu, then I guess you DID win... Nesu wouldn't make up a story like that, especially about a contest the great Koushiro Izumi enters..." Yamato said, putting his gloved hands in his pockets.

"Funny, Yamato. Anyway, it says here that the passes will be mailed here within the next week... you're all coming with me whether you like it or not!" Koushiro declared. Then he remembered there were only eight people with him. "Ano... who should the tenth one go to?"

"Koushiro no baka, we should send it to Mimi-chan!" Sora said, giggling.

"Prodigious! Maybe we should wait until summer to go anyway, what with school and all..." Everyone stood there thinking. Koushiro sweatdropped. "...You can go back to what you were doing now.."

*********************************************************** *********

"Wow... that sculpture's awesome, Kamira-chan!" Heza said upon seeing the ice sculpture.

"Arigatou.. I've always loved art, in any form..." Kamira said, doing some more chiseling on a part of it.

"Heh, 'bout the only thing I could do is draw... I'm not very good at art," Heza said, rubbing her hands together. She was suddenly hit in the back of the head with a snowball. "The hell?" She turned around to be answered by a snowball to the face. "Who keeps doing that?!" After brushing the snow out of her face, she saw Yamato in front of her, preparing another snowball.

"And now for the windup..." Yamato said, preparing to throw it.

"Oh really now?" Heza retorted, kicking a bit of snow at him. She began to form a snowball of her own, just as he threw it. It hit the back of Kamira's sculpture.

"Ishida-san, I'd appreciate it if you watched where you threw those..." Kamira said, a bit annoyed.

"Uh... gomen, Ryuuichii-san-" Yamato was cut off by a snowball in the face, courtesy of Heza.

"Take that!" she sneered.

"Awright, that's it..." Yamato muttered, grinning. He charged at her.

"Eep!" Heza squeaked, then began to evade, throwing handfuls of snow at the blonde-haired boy.

Yamato chased her around for a few minutes, before they came to the end of the hill. It was a short way down, but Heza stopped running and turned to look at him. "Banzai!!" he shouted and flying-tackled her. He put a little too much speed into it, however, and the two went for a tumble down the hill.

When they got to the bottom, they lay there for a minute. Yamato pulled his hat out of his eyes. "Are you okay, Heza-chan?" he asked Heza.

She was quiet for a minute, then raised her head. "Hai, I think so..." Her face turned a bit red upon seeing how close they were. "Uhm..." She quickly backed off and sat down in the snow.

Yamato sat up and dusted the snow off of his sweater. His face was also a bit pink. "You sure?"

"Hai..." Heza rubbed her arms. "Oi.. it's cold out here..." she said. "She pulled her jacket tighter around herself.

Yamato moved over closer to her and put his arms around her. "That any better?" he asked, smiling.

Heza felt her face getting warm. "Hai..." Yamato opened his mouth to say something, when suddenly..

"Aah, gettin' a little quiet time?" a sudden voice behind them said.

Yamato nervously looked behind him. It was Taichi and Sora. *Damnit... why the hell does he have to show up at the most inconvenient times...* Yamato thought.

"So... you guys haven't been makin' out or anything, have you?" Taichi asked, sneering.

"Leave them alone, Taichi-kun," Sora said, sweatdropping.

"What she said," Yamato muttered, glaring at Taichi.

"Okilly-dokilly..... lovebirds!" Taichi muttered.

"Awright, that's it..." Heza muttered. She gathered a handful of snow and pegged it at Taichi. It hit him square on the jaw. "Take that, baka." She smirked. She and Sora burst out laughing.

******************************************************** ************


Kamira looked up from her ice sclupture upon hearing her name. "Nani?"

"What is it, Kamira-chan?" Koushor asked, looking at her oddly.

"Mmm, nothing, I suppose...." Kamira shook the thought out of her head and continued working on her sculpture.

*Ryuuichii Kamira....*

Kamira dropped her ice chisel. "Nani?" She winced in pain as the chisel fell on her toe. "Itai!" She kneeled down and grabbed her foot.

"Are you okay?!" Koushiro asked, kneeling down next to her.

"Hai, I think so... I keep hearing my name being called for some reason..." Kamira said. "It's quite odd, every time I see the image of that rabbit thing..."

Koushiro thought for a minute. *Hmmm... something's not quite right about Kamira... it's almost as if she was a DigiDestined... but that's crazy. We've defeated every enemy we've come up against, including Apokarimon and Kitusomon, two of the strongest Digimon... this is rather strange, I'd better ask her a few questions....* "Kamira, you see that rabbitlike creature every time you hear your name, ne?"

"Hai, what about it?"

"Hmm.. have you ever dreamt about a strange world full of monsters?"

"Hai, a couple of times..."

"This is rather strange... you don't have any strange powers, do you?"

Kamira's face turned red. "....."

"I guess not..."

"Hai, I do. Promise me you won't tell anyone, but... I can see the future."


"But not of my free will. Sometimes it'll just come to me in a brief vision, sometimes in a dream... it's rather odd... Sometimes they only last a few seconds, others last for a long time... whenever I have these, I become oblivious to everything around me, almost as if I've gone into shock... I can't really explain them, the only ones I've had lately are-" Kamira's eyes glazed over briefly. Her skin turned pale.

*NeoCrest of Dreams...*

She saw the rabbit again, and a huge silver dragon, very similar to the one in Heza's dream.

She swayed from left to right a few times, then fell over. Koushiro barely caught her. "Kamira?! Nani, are you alright?!" No answer. She had fainted dead away.

************************************************************ ********

"What is this place....?"

Kamira looked at her surroundings. She was in a strange field, with ice-blue mist floating sround.

"Are you Ryuuichii Kamira?" an angelic voice behind her asked.

She turned around to see a very strange but beautiful sight. It looked like a huge butterfly, with a rabbit's head (like the one on the statue). There was fur on it's chest, along with a red crystal heart, and a crescent moon on its forehead. It's wings shimmered with rainbow colors.

"Hai, who are you?" Kamira asked. She wasn't at all afraid of the creature, for it was far too beautiful for an enemy.

"My name is RainbowKeromon. I am your guardian, as well as loyal friend and servant," it said.

"Oh! Well, I am honored to meet you, RainbowKeromon.... but how did you know my name?"

"That will be revealed to you in time. For now, hop on my back," RainbowKeromon said, turrning around so she could do so. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you..."

Kamira hesitantly walked up to him, then climbed on his back. Silver dust flew from his wings as he took off into the sky.

************************************************************* *****

"Nani yo?! What happened to her?!" Heza asked as she, Yamato, Taichi, and Sora rejoined the group.

"I don't know! She was carving that statue, and she dropped her chisel then just fainted!" Koushiro said as he held the pale-faced girl. He had taken off his jacket and put it around her. "The cold must have been too much for her... she could have gone into shock!"

"Come to think of it, it IS getting really cold out here... let's take her to my apartment," Heza suggested.

"Good idea... who knows what could happen if she's out in this cold any longer!" Sora exclaimed. Luckily, they managed to get to Heza's apartment before any other damage could be done on Kamira.

********************************************************** **********

Kamira looked down at the strange world below. It was flowing with strange creatures, much like RainbowKeromon. She clung to the fur on his neck. "What is all of this?" she asked.

"Ryuuichii-san, welcome to the Digital World. This mystic realm is filled with many wonderful creatures called Digimon.." RainbowKeromon said. (Boy, was THAT cheesy xB)

"Oh my! Are you one of these 'Digimon'?" Kamira asked.

"Hai... I am one of the most powerful Digimon of all. But I must warn you, not all Digimon are this friendly..." he said as he swooped over a herd of Tokomon. "There are some Digimon that are extremely evil... there were several of them. They were members of a group of evil Digimon called the Black Death Squad. There was Devimon, Etemon, Vamdemon, MetalSeadramon, Mugendramon, Pinocchimon, Piemon, Apokarimon, Kitusomon, and many others. They were all destroyed by a group of children much like yourself.... but there is one still remaining. The secret leader of the Black Death Squad is still in hiding... and there is nobody here that is powerful enough to destroy him..."

"Nani? Even you can't destroy him?" Kamira asked.

"I would be able to, with the assistance of the legendary MegamiGuraziamon (PC's Note: *coughGoddessGalaxiamoncough* ^.^;), but she was defeated after the battle against Kitusomon... her partner's life energy had been stolen and destroyed, so she transferred her own life force into her partner... if only there could have been a way to spare the both of them... Anyway, MegamiGuraziamon is currently being re-born...." RainbowKeromon was silent as they finished their trip around the Digital World.

RainbowKeromon landed in the same field Kamira arrived in. "I hope you have learned something about our world during this flight, Ryuuichii-san..."

"I certainly have.... will I ever see you again?" she asked as she hopped off of his back.

"Perhaps, in time... Now I'm assuming you would like to return to your friends in the real world?"


"Well, ja ne. When you wake up, the only memory you will have of this dream is me. You will remember nothing I told you, you won't even remember arriving here.... Farewell.." RainbowKeromon dissolved in a burst of white light. Kamira looked around the misty blue field, and felt herself awakening.

******************************************************* *************

"Nani, I think she's coming to!" Sora exclaimed as she watched over Kamira.

Heza calmly walked over to the unconscious girl and placed a damp washcloth on her forehead. Everybody gathered around them.

Kamira groaned, then slowly opened her eyes. "Nani...? What happened?" she mumbled. She sat up, the washcloth falling into her hand. "I can't remember anything... I was carving my sculpture and..." Suddenly, the image of RainbowKeromon popped into her head.

"Well, your eyes went wide and you dropped your chisel on your foot. Then you just fainted...." Koushiro said, concern in his eyes.

Kamira rested her forehead in her hand. "RainbowKeromon..." she whispered.

"Nani?" Heza asked her. *RainbowKeromon? Is that some sort of Digimon...? It couldn't be...* Little did she know was that everybody else was having the exact same thought.

"I must have fainted from the cold," Kamira concluded. "When I was carving my scuplture, my hand must have gone numb... that explains my dropping my chisel...."

"Well, I hope you'll be able to survive the upcoming Yuki Festival.... they're going to have a dance at school this year, too!" Sora said, smiling at the blue-haired girl.

"Yeah. It's going to be really great. The art classes are going to make a bunch of snowflakes and lanterns to hang all over the park..." Taichi said, fiddling with his glove.

"Hai, I heard about that... the band is going to perform at a big parade during the festival..." Kamira said. "I play the trumpet... I also take art..."

"Wow, then you'll really be in on that... the cheerleaders are going to do something during the parade too," Heza said, nudging Sora.

Kamira smiled at her friends. She then looked down at her lap, trying to remember that strange dream she had... *RainbowKeromon... who are you? And why do I feel like I miss you so much?*