Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ New Love Version 2 ❯ Mysterious girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon so don't sue me. It won't do you any good.

After almost a year that I haven't writes the previous version of this fic I decided to rewrite it all from the plot to the character. I hope this version will pleased you more than the previous one.

The New Love

By Net


1:55 am Tokyo, Odaiba. At the time while most of the city was sleeping something happen.

It was start from an electrical shop. A computer turned on by itself and there're two balls of light shot out of it. One was red and the other one was green. They flew out of the shop and went to the sky before they collided. The impact cost both of them to be thrown separate way. The red one was flew to the direction of the city while the green one flew into the Town's park. When it hit the ground its Impact making a huge hole. When the dust was faded there's a figured walked up from the hole. The figure looked around confusing. It was a girl around 10-12. Her hair was black which fall into her back and she's wearing the green one piece dress

"Where am I?" The girl clenched her head. "Who am I!?"

Chapter 1

It was a hot Sunday, Motomiya Daisuke was feeling bored. He finally gave up hope on Hikari who started going out with Takeru a few months ago. He was in no mood to do anything. He was just lying on his bed not knowing what he would do. Lying next to him was his Digimon. Chibimon. The baby digimon was busy on eating his snack leaving Daisuke on his own.

After a few minutes passed by he got up and changed his clothes.

"Where are you going Daisuke?" asked Chibimon.

"Just going out for a walk. Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure." Chibimon quickly jumped on Daisuke's backpack and they left the room.


Along with Chibimon in his backpack, Daisuke walked across the city without a destination in his mind, when he realized he had ended up at the park not far from his house. As he didn't have anything special to do at the time he decided to take a walk in the park. The park was filled with trees creating a peaceful atmosphere as he walked by. Suddenly he heard something. It was a song.

"Did you hear that?" asked Daisuke.

"Yeah. I think someone was singing a song. It was so melodic." replied Chibimon. "Where is it coming from?"

"I think it came from that way." Daisuke pointed at the direction that the song's coming from. He walked for a couple of minutes to see there was a small stage. On that stage was a girl around his age. She had long black hair that came down to her back. She's singing the song that Daisuke never heard before in his life. It's like he's floating in the clear blue sky then he feels like walking in the forest with the sound of water fall around him it was a great felling.

Daisuke stood there until the girl finished her song. He applauded to the girl. "That was nice. I never heard anything quite like that before."

As the girl smiling back him Daisuke realized she had clear purple eyes and a sweet face that made his heart trembling.

"Thank you." Said the girl.

"Why not? Your voice was great. At first I thought you're a musician or something. My name is Motomiya Daisuke. What's your name."

The girl looked down her face looked sad. "I don't have a name. I didn't even know who I am."

"What? You mean amnesia? Can't you remember a thing? Like your family…your parent?"

"No," Replied the girl. "All I can remember was the song I just sang. I think if I keep continue singing it might help me to remember something but so far it wasn't work."

Daisuke frowned as he strokes his chin for a moment before an idea came up in his mind.

"I got it!" Shouted Daisuke making the girl stared at him confusing.

"We'll go into town. It might help if you looking around the city, you might fine something that might click up your memory or someone that you know."

The girl seems hesitated at first but in the end had agree to do as Daisuke said.

"That was great." Then Daisuke paused as he realized something. "Oh, yeah. Until you can find out your real name I will give you a name. How about 'Ayame'? It was the name of the singer the I like."

The girl smiled a little. "That sound nice. I like that name."

"Alright then let's go Ayame. We're going to town.


Some where on the darkness an enormous eye appeared.

"I can sense it's presence. It was near!"

Suddenly the eye glows and then a red orb floated out of it. The orb landed itself on the floor then before materialized itself into a huge black dog with three heads.

"Seek it out and destroy it."

The dog nodded before vanished in to the darkness.


All that afternoon Daisuke guided the girl through town. He led the girl everywhere could think off but none of them was help. They were Exhausted so they decided to stop for some drink.

"I'll go buying some drink. What do you want?" Asked Daisuke.

"I let you decide. Everything is fine to me." Replied the girl.

"Alright I'll be back in a minute." Said Daisuke before he ran off.


Inoue Miyako yawned as she had to watch the store in the Sunday's afternoon which should be the time to go shopping or hanging around with friends.

"Why it had to be my turn to watch over the store today." She muttered to herself.

Then suddenly the bell at the door was rang as someone had enter the store.

"Welcome sir………oh it was you?" Said Miyako as she stared at the goggle's wearing boy who had self proclaimed the leader of their group standing before her. "What do you want?"

"I want some drink and I want to ask you something." Said Daisuke as he ignored Miyako's attitude.

"What is it?"

"What is the drink the girl usually have?"

"Girl? Why do you asked for girl's drink?"

"I have my reason. Now, tell me."

"The juice was always fine for the girl I think. Lemon juice if you want it specific." Replied Miyako.

"Alright then I will take a can of lemon juice and a can of coke. How much is it?"

After Daisuke had finished paying the bill he dashed out of the store. Leaving Miyako to stared after him confusing.

"Why he wants the girl's drink?"

Her thought was interrupted by another door's bell sound. She look around an found that it was Koushiro.

"Hi Miyako. How are you? Woow!" Koushiro exclaimed as Miyako tossed the apron to him and grabbed Poromon that was sitting nearby and dashed to the door.

"Isumi-senpai. Please look after the store for me. It won't be long."

Leaving no chance for Koushiro to have any protest Miyako was left the store. Leaving Koushiro with the empty store.


Ayame was sitting on the edge of a fountain waiting for Daisuke to return, suddenly she felt like she had been watched. She looked around then her gaze rested at an electrical store where many TV had displayed the view of flower field but one of them had show the different picture. Instead of the view of flower field like other that TV display the image of a scary looking black dog. Ayame felt cold as she realized that the dog's imaged was staring at her.

"Ayame, I'm back." Called Daisuke then he saw that the girl was staring at something.

"What is it?" Asked Daisuke.

Meanwhile at the corner of the street Miyako had spy them from behind a post.

"So that is why he asked for girl's drink. Since when he start flirting with the girl." Muttered Miyako as the vein pop up on her head anime's style.

Suddenly a woman scream making the other people turned around to see what happen. The large black with three heads had slowly emerged from a TV and its gaze fixed at Daisuke and Ayame.

"A digimon?" Muttered Daisuke.

Without warning the three heads dog jumped at the two children. It would get them if Daisuke weren't pull Ayame out of the way in time.

Regained his momentum Daisuke glared at the dog. "You want to play? Let's play it."

Suddenly the back pack that Daisuke had carried was opened and something blue shot out of it.


"Let's get him V-mon" Shouted Daisuke whiled the girl beside him look stunned as she watch the little blue dragon engaged with Ceberumon

"V-mon Head!" V-mon head butted the black dog in the chin knocking him off balance.

As he saw the opportunity Daisuke called to his partner. "Let's do it V-mon! Armor evolve!"


Keberumon shot the energy blast from its mouth but the flame digimon dodged it easily then leaped up in the sky and shot his Knuckle fire technique at the dog. Despite its injury costed by Fladramon's technique the hell's hound didn't show any sign of pain. Suddenly it rammed Fladramon head on sending the fire digimon to fly across the street and crash into a store. After knocking its adversary out of the way Keberumon divert its attention back to Daisuke and Ayame. It dashed toward the two children. Daisuke leaped in front of Ayame using his body as a shield but just a second before the dog's fang got to him it was knocked off by a whirlwind.

Daisuke looked up and saw Halsemon floating in the air with Miyako on his back.

"Miyako? Why are you here?"

"This is not the time for asking such stupid question. Let's finished this guy up would you?"

Sawing that Cerberumon was start to rise up on its feet Daisuke called his partner. "Fladramon!"

"I'm coming!" The fire digimon leaped to the air once again then suddenly his body was engulfed by flame.

"FIRER ROCKET!!" Fladramon smashed his flaming body at Cerberumon engulfed both of them in flame.

"Yatta!" Exclaimed Daisuke as he saw the black dog fall to the ground.

Suddenly something happen to Cerberumon's body. It's body shrink into a red colour orb before their eyes and seconds later it exploded into data.

"That wasn't how the normal digimon dying. It was more like when we destroy the dark tower digimon." Said Miyako as she hopped down from Halsemon's back.

"You mean someone had created it? Who? For what purpose?" Asked Daisuke.

"It was aimed at me." Ayame spoke up making Daisuke and Miyako turned to looked at her.

"What is this all about? What are those monsters? Why is it attacked me?"

Daisuke and Miyako exchanged the uneasy look as they tried to figured how they're gonna explain something they don't know it yet.

To be continued next chapter.