Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Parents Test of love ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 14 Cass

I was standing in the living room of Sora's place where Sora was introducing me to Matt, Yolei, Izzy, Davis Cody and Ken the other Digidestined.

`Hi ` I said `My name is Cassandra but people call me Cass.'

` You mean Princess Cassandra.' Said Sora much to my astonishment.

`What!!!' I said faintly ` How did you find out???, I mean it was supposed to be a secret , no-one was supposed to know…'

`This' Sora replied showing me the newspaper clipping and I gathered the words that betrayed me : Princess Cassandra.

I ran out of the room to the kitchen,, sobbing. Izzy tried to come after me but Mimi held him back ` No' I heard her say `let her go.'

When I reached the kitchen I collapsed into a chair and cried hot tears and thinking Alexxy how could I have let you die?

Izzy came into the kitchen about 10 minutes later and started to say to me while handing me a tissue:

`I know what it feels like…'

` How could you possibly know what it feels like?' I cut him off angrily not looking at him.

`My parents around 3 years ago told me that I was adopted and for a while I didn't tell anyone because I thought that the others would act different around me so I kept it to myself till I came to the point that the others would have to know sooner or later… So you see I do know what it feels like…'

At that point I looked at him and he reached for my hand I didn't shrink away as I had the other men who had tried to have a go at me.

He lifted me out of the chair and wrapped his arms around me and gently kissed me.

At the mall

I was at the mall and I saw Davis and Matt talking all hush-hush together and I thought

"What in the wide digi-world are those two up to?"

I crept up to them and heard a bit of what they were saying:

Matt: I'm going to get Sora to tell me she loves me on national

television so she will so be swept off her feet that she will have to spill her heart out to me and she will know that I love her with all my soul because of what I've arranged . . ."

Davis: "Yeah and I'll tell Kari too."

Matt as through he had not heard: " . . . that she'll have to say YES …'

" Oh no! Poor Sora and Mimi! How embarrassing! I have to go and tell the others quickly and maybe Izzy will come up with one of his brilliant plan . . ."

I saw Izzy in the nearby computer store and went up to him.

I then saw that he was t get nervous, `hey' he said, his attention turned away from the lap-top and focused on me. `well I just heard Davis and Matt planning to embarrass Kari, Sora and Mimi..' I looked at him, about to finish but he stopped me, `I knew that something like this would happen…'

`You knew? How?"

` Everyone knows that Davis is trying to take Kari from TK, and Matt is trying to take Sora and Mimi from Joe and Tai… I knew something will happen but this is going to far, I know Sora and Mimi, Matt is going to be embarrassed and Davis will be most dejected man on the face of the planet. No one and I mean no one can separate these pairs' he paused, `luckily I don't have competition,' and he kissed me.

`That's good.' And I kissed him back.

`So what are we going to do about it?' I said.

`Well we should tell them what to expect and be prepared for what is going to happen, even if we do that no matter what we do they are going to have a very dangerous temper, especially Mimi, but now Sora has Tai, they will both be as mad as hornets, Matt is a dead man from where I am standing.

`A dead dog.' I agreed.

`I reckon we should tell Sora and Mimi and they should say on TV that they new and Matt if I know him, he will say: why didn't you tell me? And they should say: well we don't approve and as it was your idea we should have let you get a taste of your own medicine.'

`Great idea' said Izzy

Sora's Place

`So that is what he and Davis are up to! I knew they were up to something' cried Joe `Well he won't get Mimi Will he?'

` Of course not Joe!!!!!!!!!!' yelled Mimi `I thought you knew me'

`I do! I LOVE YOU MIMI!' Joe screamed at her and then they went into a kissy-kissy mode and they didn't stop for ages!

`You know that he won't get me of course.' Sora said looking at Tai.

`I know that Sora! I love you.' Said Tai. Oh, great! Now everyone's in kissy-kissy mode. I looked at Izzy and he looked back at me, here we go I think we just entered the Twighlight zone. Here I go too and my feelings for Izzy just took me away.

I pulled away and looked deep into his eyes. They were drowning me. I was worried about Alexxy and for some reason I knew she'd be ok… but I don't know how.

Cass's Grieving

The reason that I haven't been telling you about Alexxy is because princesses don't show their feelings to other people, so I decided to help Sora and Mimi first and then deal with my own problems.

Though Izzy has a way of knowing what I am thinking. Which can be annoying and helpful too. When I'm thinking about Alexxy he knows just what to say.