Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Presents And Promises ❯ Chapter 3

[ A - All Readers ]

Presents and Promises: Gatekeeper of Kindness
By Archangel Bloodraven

"She was here Matt!" Gabumon said sniffing the air. "I can still smell her."

Matt stood up from where he was kneeling and slipped the four gold coins into his pocket. "We've got to find her, Gabu.
She needs a grown up to look after her."

"Hey Matt, you know what Gennai told us about this journey?"

"I know what you're thinking Gabumon, and the answer is no." Matt said briskly as he scanned the seaport. "I'm not
sure I can anymore..."

Gabumon hastily changed the subject, by sniffing the air. "She went..." He padded over to a nearby tavern. "in here.
Someone must know where she went."

"Sounds good to me." Matt said throwing open the door and striding into the bar.

"Whaddya wan' ?" Tavernmon snarled.

"Information." Matt said leaning casually against the counter. "We're looking for a little girl, brown hair, red eyes,
traveling with a Gatomon. You seen 'em?"

"Mebe I 'ave." Tavernmon grunted. "Wha's it worth t' ye?"

Matt seemed to mull it over for a moment before lashing out and slamming the bigger 'mon into the bar and pinning him
there. "Your life seems like a fair price." He said coldly.

"All 'ight! I've seen 'em!" Matt relaxed his grip somewhat as he continued. "They lef' yest'rday mornin', headin' t'
Hippocratos Bay. It's a 'ealers col'ny on th' s'uth'rn side o' Matrix. Tha's all I know."

"Thanks." Matt said releasing the large 'mon and slipping out the door with Gabumon close on his heels.

"Matt!" Sora shouted as she and Biyomon jogged up wearing matching scarlet snowsuits. "What are you doing here?"

"Same thing as you, trying to find Kari. I caught up with you at Nintai's last night, but I left early to find her before her
scent faded." He explained.

"What are we gonna do when we find her?"

"I'm going with her to see this thing through." He raised a hand to cut off the other's argument "You're welcome to
come along, but there's more to this trip than either of you know."

"So you're just going to let her do this?"

"She has to. She has to find the understanding that she seeks and she has to do it on her own."

"What understanding?" Matt said nothing. "Matt I'm not on this stupid quest like Kari is."

"Aren't you?" Matt asked strolling lazily towards the docks. "Tell me something Sora, why did you follow Kari out in the
snow in the middle of the night?" Sora opened her mouth to say that she was looking after Kari, that she was just a
vulnerable little kid, that someone had to see to it that she came back safely. The she closed her mouth again. Deep in
her heart she knew that wasn't the reason. "Don't know?" Matt asked softly.

"No." Sora said sadly.

"Don't worry. You'll figure it out. Let's see if can catch up with her." He said as they reached the docks.

"I've been waiting for you, crest bearers." Kandasia said. "I'm Captain Kandasia of the good ship Generosity. You seek
your light bearer." It was a statement rather than a question.

"Yes." Matt said. "We were told she made a journey to Matrix."

Kandasia nodded solemnly. "We're on the way there as we speak."

"But how can you be here, if you're on the way to Matrix?" Sora asked in confusion.

"The Generosity is always where she's needed. That is her magic, love bearer. Now one gold coin a piece for passage
and we shall be on our way."

"But we don't have any gold." Biyomon said plaintively.

"It's amazing what you can find in the snow." Matt said pulling four gold coins out his pocket and dropping them into
Kandasia's hand.

"Wonderful. This way please." He said leading them below deck to the stateroom that Kari had been -or was- occupying.

"She was here Matt!" Gabumon said sniffing excitedly. "Her scent is still strong."

"These were her quarters. She slept in that bed. She may be sleeping there now." The quartet pondered that possibility
in silence before Kandasia cleared his throat. "Matrix is a good deal warmer than Server so you girls won't be needing
that snow gear. I'll leave you alone so you can get some rest, perhaps talk about the past." He said gazing deliberately
at Matt before heading for the door.

"What are you Kandasia?" Matt asked never taking his eyes off Kari's bed.

"A gatekeeper," He said stepping out the door. "and a seeker like yourselves."

Like us? But what am I seeking? Matt wondered as he stared at the now closed door. "You guy's can have the bed."
He murmured absently as he took a pillow to the couch.

"Are you sure Matt? There's plenty of room for all of us and that couch doesn't look very comfortable."

"Don't worry about me. It's a lot better than sleeping on the ground. Let's get some sleep."

Sora nodded and blew out the lights leaving the stateroom lit by dying flames of sunlight from the rapidly fading dusk.
Matt slipped beneath his long coat and was just dozing off when Sora whispered in the growing darkness.

"Have you ever been in love Matt?"

The question dredged up emotions Matt had long thought buried and gone. He swallowed a sob that tried to escape his
throat and spoke to the night. "Once, long ago when I was young and foolish. It didn't work out. G' night, Sora." He said
ending the discussion.

The was silent for a moment then he heard the rustle of cloth as a light blanket fell over him. Somewhere near him in the
darkness, he heard Sora whisper, "I'm sorry, Matt."

"No harm in asking." He replied.

"No." She said kissing him gently. "I'm sorry she broke your heart."


"Now docking at Hippocratos Bay! All Ashore!" A voice bellowed jarring Kari out of her sleep.

"Ungh." Kari moaned sitting up. "Did I sleep through the entire voyage?" She whispered hoarsely.

Wabby nodded and handed her a steaming mug of tea. "Four whole days you sleep. I try to wake you but you sleep like
the dead." He clapped his hand over his mouth instantly wishing he could call the words back.

Kari just smiled and shook off a chill, though if it was from her fever or Wabby's choice of words, she wasn't sure. "Come
on Wabby. I'm still very much alive, and I intend to stay that way, so let's see what we can find for a cure." She reached
out and ruffled the young boy's dusty brown hair.

Wabby seemed to relax and slowly lowered his hands, as though afraid his serpent's tongue would inadvertently spew
more venom. "Thank you." He said quietly as he handed a light cotton cloak that hung where their snowsuits had been.
Kari gazed at it for a moment before fastening it around her neck as Gatomon flowed off the bed, her feline grace hiding
her stiff aching muscles.

When they were ready they carefully retraced their steps and after a few wrong turns they made it on deck. Kari took as
deep a breath of the clean salty air as her aching lungs would permit, then lead the trio down the gangplank. "Thank
you for everything Captain!" she called.

"Fare thee well, light bearer. What you seek lies ahead if you're strong enough to claim it. And Guardian?"

"Huh?" Gatomon said.

"What you seek does little good unless you give it away." He called tossing a bag of gold coins to Kari, who had to jog
down the gang plank to catch it. She turned to thank him, but Kandasia and the Generosity were gone.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that." Kari said tucking the bag inside her robe.

"Me either." Gatomon said. "And I'd thought I'd seen everything since I was hatched."

As the trio ambled down the docks, a faint crying sound reached Kari's ears. She turned slowly forcing her tired eyes to
scan for the source. She was about to give up when Gatomon tapped her gently and pointed. There, huddled under a
palm tree, was a quietly sobbing young blond girl. Curious the three travelers crossed over and crouched near her.

"Why are you crying?" Gatomon asked.

The girl wiped her eyes and looked at them. When her eyes landed on Gatomon, her face brightened a moment then
fell. "I lost my kitty." She said sadly.

"Oh how sad." Kari said.

"My friends and I really sick. If you can take us to a good healer, we'll help you look for her." Gatomon said.

"Oh, that's easy! My mommy's a healer! Come on!" She said scrambling to her feet.

"What's your name, kid?" Kari asked smiling.

"Yard!" She laughed weaving through the crowds like a fish through sea grasses.

"I'm Kari!" She shouted trying to catch up.

"Kari and Yari! How cute, they rhyme." Wabby said laughing. They all laughed until Kari and Gato doubled over in violent
coughing fits. "Are you okay Kari?"

"No." She said spitting up blood and wiping her mouth on her cloak. "I'm getting worse, but I'm too close to quit now."

"Maybe my mommy can help you." Yari said cautiously.

"Perhaps little one." Kari said taking a painful rattling breath. "Perhaps."

Hold on, TK. I won't fail you. I swear it.


The second day of the journey found Gabumon and Biyomon standing at the railing as Matt did his best to avoid Sora
below decks.

"Why did you do it?" Gabu asked.

Biyo gave a sort of birdie shrug. "Sora woke me up and said Kari had snuck out. I still don't know why she went after
her. Or what she was doing up so late anyway, come to think of it..." The small pink bird trailed off, looking thoughtfully
out to sea. "You were there at the cabin." Gabumon nodded as he gazed at the surf. "You gave me your fur to keep
warm. Why?"

"You're my friend Biyo. I care about you."

"Do you love me?"

"I don't know." Gabu said staring out over the churning water before turning to Biyo. "I don't understand what love is,
so I cant tell you. But I can tell you that you mean a lot to me, and I'd never let anything happen to you if I can help it."

"Do you mean it?"

"I promise."

The pair was silent as they stared out at the frothing waves, then Biyo leaned over and gave Gabu a gentle peck on the
cheek. "Thank you for caring."


Yari waited patiently for her mother to finish with her last patient before leading the unlikely quartet into her mother's
healing ward.

"Hello Yari."

"Hi mom." She said squeezing her mother into a tight hug. "I met some new friends."

"I'm Kari, this is Gatomon and this is Wabby."


"Uwabuton, actually." He said coughing.

"You don't sound very healthy Wabby" She said sternly. "By the way, I'm Isha."

"Mom, has Kofuku come home?"

"Not yet. Where did you see her last?"

"The orchard. Kari and Gatomon volunteered to help me find her."

Isha surveyed the three newcomers for a moment before declaring decisively. "None of you three look very good. Yari,
take Kari and Gato to the waiting room. Wabby we're going to see if I can't make you better.

Kari and Gato gratefully sank into the multicolored cushions, resting their weary bones. "Gato?"


"Why are you so intent on helping Yari?"

"Partly because there's a cat involved, partly because I know what it's like to be all alone, but mostly... mostly because
Yari reminds me of a chibi Angewomon."

"And it's the right thing to do." She said as she lay back and shielded her eyes against the beam of sunlight that fell
directly in her face having neither the energy or inclination to move. As much as she wanted to sleep it was just as well
that she didn't because a few moments later, Yari returned with a bowl of cold water. "I can't." She protested weakly.
"I'll just throw it up."

"Please try, Kari. You're dehydrated and you're going to get sick."

"I already am sick." She replied pushing the bowl away.

"Please Kari?" Gato pleaded. "For TK?"

Kari sighed. Only Gato knew how to push all the right buttons. "All right." For TK, I'll try. She thought slowly sipping on
what Yari had brought her. Surprisingly, her stomach offered no resistance and she slowly drank all she was offered.

"So you're okay?" Yari asked hesitantly.

Kari nodded. "Arigato, Kami sama." She murmured. No sooner had her whispered thanks fallen from her lips than her
stomach rolled violently. Yari must have seen something in her face and pulled her to her feet as the younger girl
stumbled hastily outside, vomiting in some nearby bushes until she finished in a series of dry heaves.

"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry, Kari!" Yari said.

Kari waved her away as she leaned against the building. "Oh kuso." She muttered. "I hate being sick." She groused as
Yari led her back inside.

"Yari bring Kari in here please." Isha called.

"Will you be okay Gatomon?" Yari asked.

Gato nodded lazily as she curled up in a sunbeam. Reassured the two girls slipped into the healing ward as Isha came
out of another door off to the side.

"Is Wabby all right?" Kari asked.

"Oh yes. He just got sick too many times in a row. Right now he's got a nasty case of the flu and it looks like he's just
getting over a bout of pneumonia. With a lot of rest and a little pampering, he'll be fine in no time." Isha said cheerfully.
She frowned looking at Yari. "What's wrong my child?"

Yari fidgeted a moment then murmured something about Kari and water.

"I see." Isha said frowning in thought. "Why don't you go keep an eye on Gatomon, while I check on Kari."

Yari opened her mouth to protest then closed it again. Nodding respectfully to her mother, she slipped out of the room
and closed the door.

"I already know what I have Isha." Kari said as the older woman helped her onto the exam table. "It's Crimson Blood

"Oh dear. Are you certain?" She asked as her frown deepened.

"Dead certain." Kari said wincing at her choice of words.

"How long ago did you contract it?"

"Ten or eleven days ago, I think. My friend TK got it first and I kissed him before I set out for the cure. Foolish, wasn't

"That's not for me to decide, little one." She said in the same soothing voice her own mother used when she got sick.
"What symptoms have you had so far?"

"Um, fever, cold flashes, muscle aches, chest pains, difficulty breathing, vomiting, and trouble keeping a train of

"What about blood? Have you been sweating any?" She asked gently stroking the young girl's hair.

"Not that I know of, but I've been pretty dehydrated. Most of the blood I've been coughing up."

"Kari honey, it's going to get worse before you get any better. The fever is entering its final stage."

"What can I expect?"

"It's not very pleasant." She said warningly.

"I have to know."

"All right. First and foremost the pain is going to get worse, much worse. You may have fainting spells and delirious
visions. Your heart rate will double, maybe even triple. There will be blindness and you may lose the use of your arms
and legs. You're mental processes will be severely impaired." Isha paused.

"What aren't you telling me, Isha?" Kari asked wearily.

"In the final stage of the disease, your blood will become toxic and poison you."

Kari lay in silence thinking first of herself and then of TK who was surely so much worse off than she was. "Is there
anything that can be done?"

"No. If you're going after the cure, you'll need all the rest you can get."

"Later." Kari said getting stiffly to her feet and stumbling over to the door. "Gato, let's go. We've got a cat to find."


"You wanna tell me about her?" Sora asked as Matt sat in a chair and she lounged on the bed, both feeling the gentle
rocking of the Generosity in a fair wind.

"Not particularly." He said coldly.

At that moment Gabu and Biyo woke up, stretched, and headed for the door. "We'll be on deck if you need us Matt."

"Come on, Gabu, or we'll miss the sunset." Biyo said petulantly as she dragged the canine digimon out the door. "Bye

"Behave yourself Biyo!" Sora called chuckling as she felt the gentle throb of her crest under her shirt as the door swung
shut before rounding on Matt. "See? Even your digimon's falling in love."

"I'm not my digimon." Matt sighed, closing his eyes against Sora's continued onslaught. "I'm me."

"Damn it Matt! Why are you so cold?" She yelled.

"Because I made a promise!" He shouted.

"A promise never to love?" She screamed.

"No!" He exploded causing Sora to cringe away from him. He instantly regretted it as the rage left him. "A promise never
to be hurt again." In the deadly silence that remained he could hear Sora sobbing softly. I shouldn't have done that.
He thought. She was only trying to help and I ... "I'm sorry Sora." He said moving to the door and swirling his long
coat around him. "I shouldn't have yelled at you."

She deserves more than that. A voice whispered as he reached for the doorknob.

"Itami." He said softly.

"Wha-" Sora looked up at him with red perplexed eyes.

"Her name." He said opening the door and stepping out. "It was Pain."


"Kofuku!" Kari called walking among the exotic fruit trees of the colony's orchard. "Where are you, you little baka neko?"
She muttered leaning against a tree and taking a timid sip of cold water from the canteen at her waist.


"Sheesh, don't take it personally." She muttered taking a few unsteady steps as her fever addled mind started
connecting the pieces.

Something said meow.

Cats say meow.

She was looking for a cat.

"Kofuku neko?" She called hopefully.


She shaded her eyes and swept the ground around him to no avail. "Where are you?" She asked stamping her foot.

Much to her surprise and acorn hit her in the head. She looked up, a sour rejoinder on her lips only to find herself staring
into the yellow eyes of a calico cat.

"Kofuku neko, I presume?" She said more to herself than to the treed cat. "I can only assume you're stuck up there so…"
She sighed, folded her cape, and stuffed it roughly into her waistband as she began to climb.

After what felt like an eternity, Kari paused, each shallow breath a raging fire in her chest as she stared at her quarry.
"You coming or do I have to come out there and get you?"

"Meow." Kofuku wailed plaintively.

"Baka neko." She muttered dragging her aching body out onto the limb. No sooner had she gathered the trembling cat
into her arms then the branch she clung to gave way plummeting both of them to the ground below. With a speed and
clarity of thought that surprised even her, Kari whipped her cloak out of her waistband and snapped it outward
wrapping it around the nearest branch, checking her descent.

But fortune, like all good things must come to an end, as Kari found out when her aching muscles forced her to release
the cloak and she tumbled to the ground never releasing the frightened Kofuku.

I gotta stop falling for cats. She thought as her head hit the tree trunk, robbing her of consciousness.


"Now Yari, be reasonable."

"Not yet mother."

Kari's eyes flickered open as Isha and Yari's argument brought her back to reality.

"She has passed your test, Yari!"

"I won't ask her my riddle yet mother and there's nothing anyone can do to change my mind."

"All right. That's your decision, but let me tell you something. That little girl left someone important behind, even if she
doesn't realize it yet. I can tell that even though I'm not a Gatekeeper anymore. Heaven only knows how she managed
to make it this far, but whatever is sustaining her won't last forever. I give her a day and that's being obscenely
generous. Your delaying her may do her far more harm than good."

"She's just a child!" Yari wailed. "No matter how strong she is, she shouldn't have to face this yet!"

"She reminds you of yourself, doesn't she?" Isha asked calmly.

Yari sighed. "Dawn. That will give her a few more hours of sleep."

"You should check on her." Isha said.

Kari lay back as her fever addled mind tried to understand what she had overheard.

"You're awake." Yari said sitting beside her bed.

"I heard…" She managed.

"Good." Yari said. "That makes things a bit easier. You cracked your head pretty hard. How are you?"

"Got a real nasty headache." She said closing her eyes. "So which one are you, Gatekeeper?"

"I am Omoiyari, Gatekeeper of Kindness." The little girl said.

"Who would have thought?" Kari mused quietly. "And Kofuku?"

"My test. Would you like my riddle now light bearer?" She nodded silently. "Very well then. My riddle is this:

I am just two and two, I am warm and cold
And the parent of numbers that cannot be told
I am lawful, unlawful, a duty, a fault
I am often sold dear, good for nothing when bought
An extraordinary boon and a matter of course
And yielded with pleasure when taken by force
Alike the delight of the poor and the rich
Though the vulgar is apt to present me his breech.

Don't answer yet. Think about it and give me your answer in the morning."

Kari nodded as sleep overtook her and dreams welcomed her to their world.


Matt was standing at the the Generosity's railing when Sora found him. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you." She

"And I shouldn't have blown up on you. Do you still want to hear about it?" Sora nodded and he began. "I met Itami
three years ago when I was eleven. It was my birthday party actually, and I wanted nothing to do with it, so I was
staying as far from the attention as I could, then I saw her sulking by the refreshment table." He laughed bitterly. "Black
hair, red eyes and the name of pain. Guess I should have known better huh?"

"What happened?"

"She hurt me. Bad." He said. "I won't go into the details because the scars are still fresh," He paused to lay a hand over
his heart. "here. We split up and my parent's divorced shortly after that."

"Your world was falling apart around your ears." Sora said understandingly.

"Not really. Somewhere between unraveling and tearing, but I didn't know that then. All I knew was that it hurt
somewhere I couldn't touch and couldn't heal. It almost destroyed me and I swore then that I would never feel pain like
that again."

"Oh Matt, I never knew." She said draping an arm over his shoulders. When he didn't pull away, she wrapped both arms
around him in a comforting hug. He stiffened a moment, then opened his arms to accept her gift.


"Kari! You shouldn't have come." TK cried.

"I'm sorry." She said looking around the vast featureless fog shrouded void.

"It's all right. I'm glad you're here. Are you all right?"

"For now. I've reached the third Gatekeeper and-" Suddenly Kari screamed. "TK! Behind you!"

TK wheeled around to face the shadowy misshapen creature that was stealing up from behind. "NO! You can't have
either of us, so BEGONE!" He roared in a voice like thunder.

The creature hissed in frustration and retreated into the shadows. "We're dying." Kari said simply. "I can feel it."

TK nodded grimly. "Yes. The creature is Death and he'll try to take you in your sleep. Do you understand?"

"I'll have to stay awake, but what about you?"

TK sighed and took both of Kari's hands in his own. "I'm gonna have to leave you." He replied sadly. "It'll just be you and

Kari frowned, then nodded. "All right, TK. But I don't have to like it."

"Neither do I, Kari. Can I help at all?"

Kari nodded and repeated Yari's riddle. "Do you know what it is?"

"Hmm. Two and two, hot and cold, sold dear but worth nothing when bought. Yielded with pleasure when taken by

"I'm waking up TK." She said gazing at her fading hands as a low breeze blew in.

"Lawful and unlawful, the delight of the rich and the poor. The vulgar would present me his breech." He muttered as the
wind wailed louder around him and Kari faded until she was little more than a sickly shadow. He was about to give up
when he struck by a sudden insight. Taking a deep breath he shouted as loud as he could over the hurricane force
winds. "What did we share before you got sick?"

Kari gave him a puzzled look showing that she had heard him before she faded completely away. "Good luck, my Hikari."
He whispered as he too left the realm of dreams. "I'll keep my promise."


Kari opened her eyes and groaned. "Just what I don't need." She moaned trying to sit up and failing miserably. "Another
riddle." What had they shared? The night, their words...

Wait. Could that be it? She thought a moment, turning the gatekeepers riddle over in her mind. It all made sense.

"Gatekeeper Omoiyari." She croaked.

"Yes Light Bearer?" The young girl asked sadly.

"The answer to your riddle is a kiss."

"You are correct, Light Bearer." She said glumly as she helped the ailing child out of bed. "I shall take you to the next
step in your journey."

"What 'bout Gato?"

"She's too sick Kari." Isha said. "She'll have to stay here while you go on alone."

"Fish sticks?" She said frowning in puzzlement.

"She's too sick to understand mom." Yari said. "Come on Kari." She said handing the girl her cloak her cloak and leading
her into the dawn.