Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Rain Dance ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Rain Dance

DISCLAIMER: this is a Kensuke/Daiken. Boyxboy. so bleh if you don't like it. If you don't - leave. If you still want to read, read on. I must give props to Dragonflie and her muses for giving me plenty o' ideas for this. It was her discussions with her muses.

I also don't own the song. It's called Rain Check by Snap Robinson. You will look it up. You will download it.. you will buy Snap Robinson CDs *bouncies*

This is fluuuufffy. And not as good as it could be but meh. *shrugs* it's ok. Enjoy!


"And it's Raining again...." The song blared through the speakers of Daisuke's stereo and he sighed.

"Rain...." he said in disgust. It had rained solidly for a week! He wanted to go outside and play soccer, and he wanted out of this darned house!!!!

"C'mon Daisuke, it's not that bad." Chibimon piped up, from his perch on Daisuke's shoulder. The little blue digimon made an affectionate sound, as Daisuke scratched him.

"Yeah, you're right. The digital world will be sunny. Let's go!" Daisuke stood infront of his computer and held out the digivice. "Digiport open!" He cried, and the two of them were sucked into the digital world.


"Minomon, I don't think I can take much more of this rain." Ken whispered to his little digimon, sighing softly. The little green creature chuckled and nuzzled his owner.

"It's ok Ken. We can always go somewhere warm!" Minomon bounced on the bed, smiling at his partner.

"Where?" Ken wondered, staring out his window.

"The digital world will be nice and sunny! C'mon Ken!"

The former Kaizer smiled at the little green wormlike creature. "OK. Let's go." Ken picked up his partner and held the black digivice towards the computer screen. "Digiport open!" The blinding white light flooded the room, and the two were gone.


"Aww V-mon! It's raining!" Daisuke grumbled, running for cover under a convienently placed tree. The little dragon digimon followed.

"I'm sorry Daisuke." He whimpered, shaking the rain off his skin.

"I thought you said it would be sunny here, Wormmon!" A voice complained from the other side of the tree.

"But normally it is Ken..."

'Ken!' Daisuke thought, feeling a thrill go through his body. Stepping around the tree, Daisuke wrapped his hands around Ken's eyes and chuckled. "Guess who?" He said, keeping his voice high pitched.

"Very funny Dais." Ken said, twisting around.

"Awww... you were supposed to guess!" Daisuke grumbled, staring at the violet eyed boy. "Can you believe this rain?" He complained.

"No, as a matter of fact I can't." Ken leaned back against the tree, muttering to himself under his breath. "Wormmon said that it would be sunny."

"Yeah... I thought it might be also." V-mon and Wormmon were sitting together on the grass, talking animatedly to each other.

"Well, I guess since there really isn't much more here to do, I should just go home." Ken muttered, staring at the TV. "Although I don't think I could handle being cooped up inside the apartment much more."

"I can't either. I wanna go out and play soccer and run around and stuff." Daisuke chimed in, frowning. The two boys continued to commismerate together, when V-mon and Wormmon came up to them, bouncing.

"Let's dance in the rain! Do a Rain Dance! Maybe the Rain Dance will make the rain go away!" V-mon exclaimed. Wormmon nodded his agreement.

"I don't think that'll work guys..." Ken started to say, but Daisuke sniffed.

"Of course it'll work! It's the digital world. I"m in!" Daisuke carefully slipped off his flaming jacket and hung it on a branch. Clad in only his white shirt and khaki shorts, he grinned at Ken. "C'mon... don't be such a wallflower." Daisuke bounded out into the rain, his eyes closed. He began to move in the rain, soaking his shirt and shorts, making them cling to his body. Ken caught his breath, watching.

'Oh no. Ichijouji... you must stop this train of thought. Daisuke is your best friend, not someone to be oogled at. You must stop!' Ken quickly closed his eyes, trying to vanquish the image of the other boy dancing in the rain, with rain soaked clothes. With his eyes closed, he was unaware of the fact that Daisuke had stopped dancing, and was now starting in return at Ken, frowning.

"Hey, why don't you dance? And why are your eyes closed?" Daisuke asked, moving to where he was standing right before his friend. Ken's eyes flew open to see a very wet, and very close Daisuke standing in front of him.

"Ahh... erm... I was thinking... that's all." Ken nodded, his pale cheeks flushing red.

"'Bout what?"

'About you in a wet t-shirt... "and me kissing you..." Ken blushed further, unaware that he had accidently said the last part. Daisuke's eyes went wide, and he stared at Ken.

"Kissing me?" What for?" Daisuke commented, eyeing Ken suspiciously. "You're not thinking I'm Miyako, are you?" He asked, peering closer to Ken.

"No. I know who you are. Motomiya Daisuke. And I'm going to kiss you right now." Something deep within Ken was urging him to do the craziest thing thinkable... kiss his best friend, the person that he's constantly found himself watching. Leaning forward, he grabbed Daisuke's arms and kissed him, gently pressing his lips against those of the wet, red haired boy before him. He pulled away, and brushed his indigo hair out of his eyes. "One perfect kiss..." he whispered, staring into shocked brown eyes.

"Ahh... um..." The very shocked Daisuke broke away from Ken and pressed one of his hands on his lips, blinking. Then, without he turned heel and ran from Ken, out into the rain.

"DAISUKE!" Ken cried out, ignoring the startled looks of the Digimon, he began to run after the redhead. "I'M SORRY!" He yelled, running as fast as he could, living up to his nickname, the "Rocket". The two digimon followed, figuring it was some sort of tag game.

"Daisuke, wait!" V-mon called out, trying to catch up. "Who's it if we're playing tag?"

Ken continued to run, and when he was about 5 feet from the redhead, he launched himself into the air.

"Wow, Wormmon, look! It's flying Ken!" The two digimon stopped, and the worm type digimon blinked in surprise.

"I didn't know that humans could fly..."

With a loud "OOF!" Daisuke went sprawling on the ground, with Ken on top.

"Dammit, Dais... why did you run off like that?" Ken asked, staring at the back of the redhead. Daisuke squirmed around and looked up into a pair of violet eyes, a mischievious grin on his face.

"So I could get you out into the rain." Before Ken could say a word, he leaned up and pressed his lips firmly agasint Ken's.