Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Run to Me ❯ Takuya Lost! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Run to Me

Disclaimer: This is inspired by the Clay Aiken song "Run to Me". I do not own Digimon or anything in this story, maybe some

things but that doesn't matter. I do not own Clay Aiken's song or Clay Aiken....oh how I wish I did though. Oh I do own

Glorfmon. I got that from my friend Glorf.....

The group had been split up through out the digital world. Tommy, JP, Zoe, Koji, Bokomon and Neemon have found each other.

Zoe was worried about Takuya and where ever he could be. They tried to contact him through his de-tector, but it was no use.

They stopped and made camp for the night in a cave they found on an icy mountain. Zoe sat alone, away from the others. She

seemed the only one to be worried for Takuya at the moment. She began to cry. " Hey Z, what is it?" JP asked her. "I'm worried

about Takuya, that's what's wrong. He's out there, hurt, or in a battle he can't win." Zoe responded. She didn't talk to them

for the rest of the night.

Takuya wasn't to far off from his friends. He was also on the icy mountain. He just got out of a huge battle with a

Glorfmon. He has been wounded badly. He had a scratches all over his face, a huge, bloody wound on his stomach. The worst thing

of all, Glorfmon had used it's worst attack on Takuya, Poison. This attack had hit Takuya in the leg. Not only did it hurt his leg,

but it was making him ill with almost every step that he took. He had walked for many miles away from this attack and looked

paler then the snow on the mountain. He wasn't going to give up on looking for his friends just yet, but he couldn't take anymore.

He finally collapsed in the snow and fell unconcious, with no one to find him. The snow began to fall heavy. It buried Takuya.

Now how are his friends supposed to find him.

Koji was starting to feel quilty that he and everybody else was safe, and Takuya was out there, probably hurt and with no

one to help him. 'Takuya, I hope your ok. Where ever you are. Please just give us a sign that your alright.' Koji thought to

himself. With this thought, he stood up and walked out of the cave. "Koji, where are you going?" Tommy asked. "I'm going to look

for Takuya. He could be hurt." Koji answered and left the cave. The snow was still falling heavy. "Takuya! Takuya! Where are you?"

Koji called out. He looked down in the snow. There where red puddles. Blood puddles. 'Oh no, Takuya.' Koji thought. He continued

on. Suddenly he tripped over a lump in the snow. "Ow, what the hell?" Koji looked at the lump. 'That doesn't look like an ordinary

lump'Thought Koji. He got closer to it. He shook the snow off the lump and was horrified to that it was Takuya's body. "Oh no.

Takuya." Koji said with the look of horror on his face. He quickly checked for a pulse. There was one, but it was slow. He picked

Takuya up and got back to his friends as quickly as he could.

"I hope Koji can find Takuya." Zoe said, sounding even more worried. "I do too, Z. But for all we know, he might be in

a whole diffrent section of the digital world, or he's been captured by Cherubimon." JP said. Koji finally got back to the cave.

Hoping that Takuya was still alive. Everybody stood up as Koji walked in with Takuya. He laid Takuya down by the fire to warm him up

and hopefully wake him up. "Where did you find him Koji?" Tommy asked quickly. "I was out looking for him and I tripped over him."

Koji responded. Bokomon and Zoe were looking Takuya over. They noticed where Glorfmon has hit him with her Poison attack and were

worried. Probably thinking that's why he was so pale and was breathing quite fast. The wound had become very red and was bleeding

non-stop. Zoe was worried. "Bokomon, what do you think is wrong with him?" Zoe asked. Bokomon was skimming through his book

trying to find an answer to give to Zoe. He again looked at the wound and his eyes the quickly returned to the book. His eyes shot

opened wide, the quickly followed by a gasp. "What is it?" Zoe asked. "That wound there means he was hit by a Poison attack.

The only digimon known to have one is Glorfmon. Her attacks aren't deadly, but can make her victims very ill." Bokomon said

eyes not looking up from the book. There was silence. Breathing from Takuya had stopped. Worried looks on all the digidestine's
