Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Birthday Wish ❯ b day for ken ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN DIGIMON ! I GET ABSOLUTLY NO PROFIT FROM THIS !love it but just dont own it (someday though I WILL!) (evil laughter)Rated Gloved kenyako way too much not to do a fanfic on it.Contains LOTS of WAFF<->
Birthday Wish"wrote this a long time ago like summer vacation time ago ok.Remember this is my FIRST fanfiction.I just regesitered.
(yeah I know sucky title but I cant think of anything else.)please R&R
you dont like kenyako then I suggest you leave.Please dont review and say kenyako is stupid bla bla bla.If you do it will only be used as toilet paper when we run out
was a normal Saturday morning for most of the people in Obedia(weird how most fics start out like this aint it), but to Ken this one is special. Minamon was still asleep on the foot of his bed and slowely climed out so as not to wake him.He walked over to the mirror and thought today I am offically 16 years old today.I`ll get my wish this year as he started to blush.Thinking of Miyako giving him the time of day/night for a date. Usually he was not to excited about his birthday,but now that he had friends to celebrate it with he knew it was gonna be the best day not only was it his B-day it was his 16th birthday.(time for a car! ^____^)
his morther knocked softly on the door and asked Ken are you up?

Yes mama I`m up. Good she said because I cooked an extra special birthday breakfast just for you! As they went down the hall and into the kitchen he saw a plate full of pancakes hashbrowns in ketchup of corse and eggs. He ate untill he knew he was near exploding. He thought (Daisuke must be rubbing off on me).His mom cleared the table when Minimon came bouncing down and into Ken`s lap.
and happy birthday he said.Thanks said a beaming Ken.What are you wishing for this year Ken minimon asked? Ken blushed at the thought. His wish was that he could tell Miyako how he felt about her and they could go out on a date, but he was really shy.When he turned red Minimon knew what he was thinking. He knew Ken had a crush on Miyako a
BIG one.

I`m going out OK?.Bye birhtday boy his mom said as he closed the door Minimon at his side.Whear are we going? The little digimon asked.I wanna go see if any body wants to go Yamato`s concert with me tonight for fun and my birthday.Since its my Birthday they gotta say yes.They have no choice he thought.

His first stop was Daisuke`s house.When Daisuke came to the door he said hi and all. Ken asked him and said sorry cant not today mabey tomorrow bye. Ken looked a little hurt when Daisuke slammed the door in his face but said I guess he had plans. So he went to TK`s/Takeru (or as Daisuke refers to TP,TZ,TA you get the picture) house and got the same answer at everybody elese house he visited.

By the end of this "journey" he was very pissed.So much for not having a choice he muttered.Seeing this Minimon said we can always go to the concert by ourselves. I know but I really wanted to go with my so called friends said Ken.
he got back to his house he was even more pissed and said if they did not want to celebrate my birthday they could of just flat out told me and saved me some time.It`s not like they dont know,mom must have told them about a dozen times last week.
he walked into the apartment all the lights were turned off and could hear distent giggling in the backround.He yelled out Mom! Dad! I`m back. When he dident hear anything he said out loud "great even my mom and dad leave on my birthday".When he said this there was even more giggiling he flipped on the lights and all the chosen children(well not all of them but you get the picture) and their digimon jumped up and yelled SUPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ken nearley jumped out of his skin at the sight. Miyako stepped up slightly blushing and asked do you accutally think that we would forget your birthday?Espically your 16th birthday.Uh...what the .. was all they got but the smile on his face let every body know he was happy.

just had to stare at Miyako she was wearing a lavander mini skirt that greatly showed off her figure. Also a matching lavender sleaveless top with cream purple bunny slippers and white socks.Ken thought to himself I guss she was in the mood for purple.Even though what Miyako thought were ugly glasses Ken saw warm honey brown eyes.And last her long which she let grow down to her waist,hair hung losely about her face on the left side.On the right it was side pulled back with a dark purple pin.Her only jewelry was a silver locket around her neck her farther had given her at her own 16th birthday and a ring in her birthstone color with little diomonds sourrounding it. He thought she is absolutly gorgeous.Even her smile was like pure heaven.At first she thougt maby its too much purple but then she thought aw forget it I`m going like this.
looked at him up close.He wore a black mussle shirt (of corse he looked hot in) showing off his mussles,with black jeans and his silver watch.(An early birhday presant from his dad) with just plain black socks.His indigo hair just falling loosely in front of his face.She then started to look into thoes betiful deep sea blue eyes and was memorized.Guss he was in the mood for black today she thought.

earth to Ken! come in Ken! Shouted Daisuke,lets start the party you too Miyako stop daydreaming.You can always look at Barney`s mom later.(Miyako)The next thing he knew his face collided with a fist.His mom sundally walked up and gave her son 16 kisses on the ckeek mom..stop..help!.....he tried to struggle but his mom is suprislingly strong.Yuckie he said.His mom just said I`m your mom and I got every right. Then Yamato yelled out hot girlfried Ken.Everybody in the room except Ken burst in to laughter as Ken just sat up and said I have weird taste in friends.

they celebrated and ate cake and ice cream.Daisuke ate too much and felt fuzzy in the stomach and so did poor Demiveemon.But still was satisfided.Everyone slightly noticed durning the party Ken and Miyako were making gogo eyes at each orther and when ever they did would get all mushy and blushey.

As every one was leaving Miyako stayed in the apartment for clean up (well techinally on the balconey). Ken finally got up the nerve and walked up to her. Miyako he said. She turned arouned blushing at the site of him and said "yes Ken"?Miyako he started to turn a deep red like a cherry and said Wouldyouliketogooutonadatewithme?! He had rushed though it but Miyako unerstood that she had just been asked out.He looked down at his feet,shut his eyes tight and prepared for the worst.

this moment lots of stuff was floating in her mind.She had liked Ken for a long time and was at a bit of a loss for words.When she stayed quiet Ken took this as a bad thing and started back into the apartment saying I`m sorry I asked you I should have known you dident like me.She heard this and said wait Ken! I do like you a lot and then said yes I would love to go out with on a date with you. He looked up at her suprised and said OK. How about Friday night at 7:00p.m.? Sure she said,and smiled sweetly at him blushing like crazy, about to die right thear.Her biggest crush had just asked her out.As she was walking twords the stairs to go home she sundally turned around and kissed him on the lips. At first he just stood thear in shock but then he started to kiss back.Reluctantly after 20 seconds of heaven they pulled away and Miyako said my second B daybirthday gift from me to you.She had given him a picture of him and Minimon framed eariler.

Wolf cries and silly remarks could be head from below.They looked down and saw every chosen child (ok not every but u get the point) and digimon looking back up at them.Daisuke yelled FINALLY! , its about time you two.Huh they both had confused looks on their faces as well as a permanate blush.
called Mimi you two were so easy to tell.Im glad I moved from America back here!Would have been a shame to miss this her arm wrapped around her boyfriend Jyou.(Dont kill me Mimi and Yamato fans its my story my dream!)
and Ken looked at each orther and had looks on their faces that said:were we really that oveious? Everybody noticed this and shouted YES WE COULD TELL THAT EASILY !.Oh well said Miyako at least we are have a date and shared anorther kiss on the cheek.

Every one said their good byes and Ken walked back into the apartment.His mom and dad were sitting on the couch grining like crazy.Sundally Ken thought please dont let it be they know about the kiss! And kept repeating that thought in his mind unfournatally it dident work.
they said awwwww Kens finally got himself a girlfriend.YOU WERE SPYING ON ME!!! he yelled.Compleatly embaressed,mortefied,and his whole body red.His mom was daring to call her relatives and give them the news but Ken yelled NO! His mom said in an over dramatic voice said "our baby is growing up and will most likely run off with Miyako,get married,and leave the nest never to return again"why Ken why dont you care anymore. Ken just laughed nervously and swetdropped thinking (moms going insane.) His mom and dad wished him good night and anorther happy birthday.
finally got into bed. Minimon hopped on the bed and said did you have a good birthday? Yes I did answered Ken.Good I`m happy you did.Good night and sweet dreams he said and fell fast asleep.Sweet dreams to you too Minimon said Ken. Probely the two cartons of ice cream is what made him so sleepy he thought.In-training digimon sure eat a lot.
stayed up for a while thinking about the kiss and his new lavender haired girlfriend and thought it`s finally happened I finally got my wish! And was soon asleep too dreaming of his lavender haired angle, his neo gardein of love and pureity. Miyako.But what he dident know was that on the orther side of town,Miyako was dreaming of her own angle.My angle she thought,my indigo haired angle of kindness.Ken.


Too mushey too much fluff?Too much WAFF?I know its sorta short. I was board one day so I did it for fun.So did you like it?Did it suck. Its my first Digimon fanfic actually its my first fanfic ever. I like the fanfics so much I just had to right one.Written on 7/29/2003 finished on 7/30/2003. Yeah I know long time ago.Gomen for any misspells I know thear are a lot of them.Please forgive me.And sorry if you dont like the Mimi and Jyou coupling but hey I think they look cute togethrt.Blue and Pink together forever.Tentamon`s red Veemon is blue I dont own Digimon so please DONT sue.I have NO money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I repeat NO money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.oh and one more thing I HAVE NO MONEY!!
Do u understand?I DONT OWN DIGIMON.Do you hear me?