Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Flames From Within ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N [10.29.02]: K, it's been awhile since I've written/read this fic, let alone deleted
it from all sites, but now it's back. There are quite a few Digimon-Tai fics now, but I'll
be damned if I stop mine since this fic originated a ways before most of them. A few
of you should remember it, if not oh well. This will more than likely become a
crossover. I'm not saying which show it will x-over with yet, but it will come up in the
next chapter or two.

I have a few other fic's I'm still working on that have been removed from most web-
sites, but they more then likely be added again once I've edit them once again.

Disclaimer: Digimon belongs to there rightful owners, mainly not me.


The Flames From Within


Light splashed and danced across the raving sky, in multiple twists and turns never
letting one direction out weigh the other, as there beauty transformed the sky into its
own tapestry of art. Highlighting and shading the seemingly endless fluff of angelically
white clouds so perfectly, it seemed almost like a picture drawn from heaven itself. All
the colors intertwined delicately and precisely seemingly to tint and exaggerated all
the right spaces and at the desired time to make the whole portrait seem indescribably
pleasant and serene.

The bright, joyous face of the sun flashed across the area, as it secretly descended
into sleep letting the night take its turn to rule. The stars' pulse of unlimited light
graced and dimmed into nights' dreamscape as the moon overruled the world and
transformed bright yellows, reds, oranges, and heartily pinks into glamorous and
intoxicating blues, and purples.

And as the two faces met and switched sides in the endless realm of night and day,
the world in which they ruled played perfectly into their hands. Switching and
morphing into the nocturnal currents of life that ruled the darkness and letting the
light dwellers sleep and cocoon themselves from the shadow world of deceit and
temptation of the unknown and unseen; the suns face disappeared and the moons
glow showered the area in its cool rays.

All this magnificent transformation took place under the silent scope of nervous
children huddled in a tight group and a lone figure dangling precariously close to the
side of the cliff face in which they housed for the night. No sound escaped either
group's lips, letting the only movement and flows of sound arise from the waking
animals around them.

A well trimmed fire burned fiercely in between the huddled masses of four boys and
three girls just barely into there teenage years and younger. Coughs, shakes, and
rubbings for warmth took up most of their time letting the vibrations and sounds echo
loudly throughout the space and fill their ears deafly. The silence of a full moon rising
was rightfully worrisome to the Digi-Worlds newest occupants, drawing them deeper
and deeper into the strange world's fashion of life and death.

As the night's damp, chilling climate circulated throughout their flimsy clothes each
child clutched themselves tighter into themselves praying the fire and their own fading
heat would warm their cooling frames. Cuddling closer to each other, to bring some
sort of barrier to soften the winds blow against their shivering flesh, the seven children
sat silently, deep in the network of their own thoughts.

Carelessly forgetting about a set of pleading brown orbs staring in there direction, let
alone the body that they belonged too, the group of seven lost all train of thought of
the other lone figure, letting him shimmer in loneliness and despair in the chilling
night's air.

Tai blinked his chocolate brown eyes, and frowned slightly as he glanced despondently
over at the other destined. Depression of the fiercest depths filled and burned his soul
savagely, barely being held intact by his wavering views as he sat shakily in the nights
haunting embrace. Envy and sorrow pulsed through his being as his friends and
family cuddled in sight without the tinniest whisper or out-stretched hand of belonging
in his direction. Begs, and pleas for a small bout of familiarity flashed through his
mind almost as if thinking it enough it would come true.

Bowing his head, making his new fire-red and brown hair fall into his face, Tai let one
fine tear fall from his eyes. Wiping it away quickly before the others could see, the
keeper of courage covered his face with his hands and weeped for all the hurt and fear
that thundered throughout his tiny frame. Soft moans of despair escaped his mouth
not going totally un-noticed by the others, as he unconsciously curled up into a small
ball and hugged his new tail tightly around himself for warmth and safety.

All of the others just stared at him with various looks in their eyes. Most were afraid
of the new Tai, and couldn't help but back away, while others wanted more than
anything to help their transformed leader. Rubbing her hands together, Sora glanced
at Kari and then back at Tai and frowned. Kari was always the one who could bring
her brother out of his slump but it seemed she didn't want to go near him now.
Shaking her head, Sora stood up and brushed off her pants and looked while turning
around to her so-called friends with venom in her eyes.

"What's wrong with all of you? We just can't leave him like that." The helmeted girl
pointed shakily to where Tai continued to whimper and moan in utter defeat.

"And what do you suggest we do Sora. He's not the same as before, you know that."
Joe hissed out at her while jumping up from his sitting position.

"I don't know, but we can't shun him like this. It's wrong." Sora hissed while glancing
sadly back in Tai's direction.

"I agree. He never asked for this. I think we should help him." Matt smiled at Sora
and placed a creamy white hand on her shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I don't know. " Mimi pulled off her pink hat and tugged on it for comfort.

"What don't you know about? He's our friend." Sora spat at the girl.

"I... I... I..." Mimi was at a loss for words.

"I'm going to go talk to him. I won't shut him off like the rest of you. He is my friend
and I refuse to treat him with such repulsiveness." Matt stormed off mumbling
obscenities to himself until he reached Tai's side and flopped down carefully next to

Sora continued her discussion with the others trying to make them understand that Tai
didn't change that much. But the harder she pushed the harder they fought back. In
the end, Sora was so angry at them that if she didn't leave to cool down soon she
would have to hurt one of them. /Why are they being such bakas./ Sora shook her
head and stormed off away from the others to calm her nerves. Finding a small lake,
the girl fell to her knees and tugged off her gloves. Shoving her hands in the water
she leaned over and splashed her over heated face.

"God Tai, why did this have to happen to you?" Sora sheepishly stated and continued
soaking her over-heated skin, letting her newly heated tears mingle endlessly down
her cheeks and chin to drop precariously into the chilling mirror of a lake.

Matt placed a hand on Tai's arm to let him know he was there. One brown eye stared
at him from under his bangs and Matt smiled a little.

"Tai?" Matt placed his hands on Tai's face and made him look at him.

"We have to talk about this." The blonde stroked the brunette's cheek with his
thumbs gently, while unconsciously removing the ceaseless trails of tears that
depressingly continued to fall.

"I'm sorry Matt... I'm so sorry to do this to all of you. It would be best if you all just
left me here." Tai sniffled out and turned away from Matt's piercing blue eyes.

"I won't leave you Tai." Matt pulled him back to face him again. "You are my friend,
and nothing will change that, no matter what." Tai looked into the sparkling blue orbs
of his companion to see only truthfulness and compassion flowing through his words.

"Thank you." Tai grabbed the taller boy and hugged him tightly, sobbing into his
chest. "I'm just so confused and scared."

Matt brushed his friends' hair, loving the way it felt through his fingers and smiled
warmly at him. Moving one hand down he rubbed Tai's shaking back and whispered
soothing words of comfort. They stayed like that for awhile until Matt couldn't keep
his discomfort anymore.

"Uh... Tai?"

"Hmm?" Tai looked up with water filled eyes.

"I'm kind of burning up here, do you mind." He smirked, tugging slightly on the
flaming locks nestled warmly against his chest and neck.

"Oh, I forgot about that." Tai smiled nervously for the first time and backed away
from him.

"I didn't mean that you had to leave. Besides I like your new look." Matt genuinely
smiled again at the courage holder and then quickly looked away when a blush rose to
his cheeks.

"Really?" Tai eyed him questionably, while looking himself over self-consciously.

"Oh yeah. The hair is much better. I love the red highlights. It makes your hair look
like it's on fire." Matt ruffled said hair playfully.

"I guess..." Tai looked at the ground hiding his face behind long bangs. "I know the
others are scared of me. It hurts to see Kari looking at me like I'm a monster or
better yet an evil Digimon." Tai wailed piteously while drawing erotic and unusual
pictures in the dirt with the toe of his shoes.

"They just need to get used to the new look, that's all. You'll see everything will be
ok." Matt spoke softly while grinning to try and cheer Tai up.

"How can you say that?" Tai stomped up and Matt scowled.

"I'm a freak, just look at me." He squinted his eyes and turned around abruptly. "I
have fangs damn it, there is no way she'll be alright with this. Let alone these." Tai
pointed to two finely pointed ears. "and what about this, huh?" The distraught boy
grabbed a swaying tail that looked almost like a cat's. "Just leave me alone." Tai
started to run off only to be tackled by the blue eyed boy.

"Calm down Tai, we'll find away to change you back. I promise." Matt held him down
only to be pushed off by Tai's tail whipping him roughly across the face.

"You don't get it." Tai pulled himself up shaking, clenching his fists tightly.

Matt stared at him in confusion, crossing his arms.

"There is no way to turn me back Matt. I'm stuck like this." Tai slowly started to walk
off when a small tinge of orange light surrounded him. Matt inwardly winced as he felt
the heat coming from the boy again. /Oh Tai./

"Tai?" Matt ran after the boy, his sneakers caking in the dirt almost tripping on stray

"I need to be alone. I know you meant well, but you know what happens when I get
close to someone. I nearly just burnt you again, Matt. Please just let me be. I'll be
back later I promise." Tai stated over his shoulder and continued on in the opposite
direction as the blonde let alone the seething group behind him.

"Till later." Matt sighed and closed his deep blue eyes as a stray tear fell down his
rosy cheek.


Deep brown eyes, smeared with fiery reds swallowing his pupils, looked
emotionlessly at the world in front of them. Long, newly clawed fingers
trembled and wrapped around his small frame as his heavily muscled legs took
him deeper into the clutches of the forest walls. Greens of all colors embodied
most of the scene, only changing their hues as the sun hit and dispelled the
natural colors. His clouded over, lifeless and confused eyes blinked as he
came to a complete stop right in front of a circular gray object. Kneeling down
and almost purring deep in his throat, Tai placed a clawed hand on the cool
metal object and then quickly pulled it away as if it was scorching his tan

His long, slender cat-like tail swayed behind him in anticipation as his dark
eyes narrowed at the metal creation. A single long nailed finger traced the
contours of the hard metal, making a soft yet annoying sound erupt into the
silence of the trees. Tai's newly pricked ears twitched as the sound vibrated
and echoed around him, sending harmless shivers throughout his changing
body. Shaking his head to alleviate the harsh noise from his continually
moving ears, Tai frowned and hissed showing a little fang.

"Damn, I need to stop doing that." Tai rubbed his blackening nose as he
caressed the bridge, trying to relieve some of the stress his new body and
emotions were sending him.

Falling into a crumbled mass, Tai hugged his legs close and gulped. His sleek
black and orangish-red tail wrapped protectively around himself in a
comforting fashion, but the tip still hit the ground with every breath the keeper
of courage took. Tai's furry ears laid straight back on his head, as he looked
sorrowfully at his hands. Blazing brown hair feel into his face, and wisped in
the wind as his goggles lay in ruins near the campsite.

A single tear eased it's way down his face, leaving a cool trail on his cheek as
a gentle breeze lifted it away. Tai's heart-shaped face was the pure
expression of pain and confusion. His world was contorting and spinning wildly
with no plans of stopping anytime soon. Deep down in the recesses of his
mind and body, the courage holder could feel every last part of his humanity
slowly yet surely drifting away. It felt hallow and miserable, as the changeling
felt all that he has ever known leave and be replaced with a whole new life
and actions. Tai's bleeding eyes closed so he couldn't see what his new frame
looked like, nor did he truly want too.

/If the others where scared of me before, well look at me now./ His mind
screamed out in horror.

"What am I going to do? What am I going to do?" Taichi repeated over and
over again softly.

Tai opened his soulless eyes that seemed to flicker a new wave of reddish
yellow. They were now more slanted, similar to Matt's at the moment, as his
vision increased significantly. The crest holder sneezed, as a strange scent
entered his nose, making him feel groggy and even a little scared.

"I'm sorry young one." A low voice resonated the area making Tai scatter up
to his feet in one swift motion.

Eyes darted around him, as he searched for the offending voice. His frame
shimmered a slight orange as his anger rose, making him look even more
unnatural. His fists were tightly clenched, making his palms scream in terror
as the flesh was cut with his razor sharp claws. Tai's mind took little notice as
the small drops of blood fell from his hands, and dropped to the ground below.
The nutrient soil gobbled up the crimson liquid as Tai's nostril's picked up the
metallic scent. Wiggling his small nose, Tai consciously loosened his grip.

"Who are you?" He growled out, setting himself up in a fighting position.

"I think you know who I am Taichi, it hasn't been that long." The old voice
laughed a tad as he saw Tai's eyes widen with recognition.

"GENNAI???" Tai stared awestruck at the metal contraption before him as the
wavering figure of his friend popped up.

"I'm glad you remember, my boy. It seems we have a slight problem with a..."
He stopped a stared at Tai with his closed eyes, rubbing his chin.

"Yes, I think I know Gennai, it is plainly obvious isn't it." Tai said sarcastically
as his lips raised into a snarl.

"Yes, well um...I've been working on how to reinsert the human strain in your
DNA, and well..." The old man drifted off.

"You can change me back right??? I prayed that at least you could do it. I was so
worried I would be stuck like this cat-like freak for the rest of my life. And the strange
thing is I keep feeling weird things that I couldn't before and there seems to
be the continuous flame burning around me. Strange, Huh? But I knew I
could..." Tai continued to babble on sighing in relief.

"Tai" Gennai spoke up.

"You know I never realized how much I loved being human until now. Wow I
can't wait to tell the others that I'll be back to normal soon. Wow!!!" His
mouth moved a mile a minute as he paced back and forth.

"TAI LISTEN TO ME." The bald, slightly pony-tailed man yelled out as the light he
was engulfed in brightened.

"Huh, what is it?" Tai looked at him with a grin plastered across his face.

"If you would kindly shut up Taichi, I could tell you what we found out." Tai
nodded and fell silent.

"Now listen carefully as to what I have to say. My superiors and I have been
working countless hours to try and figure out how this..." He pointed to Tai's
new look. "happened to you. We are currently beyond stumped at the
situation. We never imagined this could happen here let alone to one of the
Digidestined. But you must remember we are all data here, so every piece of
raw data can be manipulated and changed."

"But...But you said..."Tai stuttered as a fresh wave of tears fell from his paling

"I never said we could turn you back Tai, but with time I'm sure we can. You'll
just have to learn to live like that for the time being." Gennai gave him a
sympathetic look.

"LIVE LIKE THIS. WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Tai stomped up hissing as his tail
flailed angrily behind him. "I CAN'T STAY LIKE THIS, THE OTHERS CAN'T EVEN

"Tai in rationality they are closer to the truth then we thought." The old man
bowed his head as Tai shook angrily.

"What do you mean?" Tai asked as his eyes glowed a disgusting yellow, claws
elongating as a growl erupted from his dry throat.

"In a sense Tai you are a Digimon. Most of the cells that make up your DNA
are now of the Digimon quality. I'm so sorry." Gennai knelt down as Tai fell
to the ground in tears.

"D...D...D...Digimon. It can't be." Tai wept out quietly.

"It is true young one. We will work on a cure for you but for now I suggest
you find the others and stay with them for the time being."

"I can't...they'll hate me. Matt, Sora...Oh god, they are going to really be mad
at me now. I just know it."

"Why do you say that. You are still you on the inside. It's just the outside
that's changed." Gennai lifted an arm and dove it through the pulse of energy,
lifting Tai's chin up.

"I'm not Gennai, I can feel it inside. It's slowly doing something. I can feel it
burrowing in my mind, whispering things that I don't want to hear. You've got
to help me." Tai purred as Gennai continued the nuzzle his chin, making his
red eyes close a bit.

"I will hurry. But you are the safest with the ones that care and love you. No
matter what looks of disgust or torturing words leave there lips, you are still
the only you. If they don't except you now, then they were never truly your
friends to begin with. I just ask that you give them a chance to help you and
comfort you in this hard time."

"I still don't know, it hurts too much to hear those things." Taichi turned away
holding his head with his hands.

"You must go back and protect them. They need you and Agumon to be
strong for them. I know it's not the best ideals for you right now, but they
need you as much as you need them and maybe more in some instances. In
order for the Dark masters to be defeated you all must work together. Only
then will the Digiworld be safe and then maybe, just maybe, your stance will
return to normal." Gennai patted Tai on the head receiving another purr-like
sound from the boy.

"Oh man I completely forgot about Agumon. He can still..." He looked up

"Yes the orange dinosaur can still Digi-volve. Don't worry everything will work
out in the end, you'll see."

"That's what I'm worried about." The new Digimon whispered hugging himself
for warmth.

"I must go child. I will contact you soon. Promise me you will return soon to
Matt and the others." Gennai began to fade.

"I promise." Tai said sadly and stood up stretching all his limbs.


Tai watched as Gennai disappeared. His mind raced in mixed emotions as he
dug his shoes in the dirt. Giving out a long, suffering howl of pain, Tai shifted
on his feet and walked back to camp with dread deep in his heart.

Gennai watched from a portal in his house with a expressionless face as the
boy walked off into the distance. Deeply clutched in his hands was a dingy,
dirt stained piece of cloth.

"The prophecy has begun." He said guiltily as a tear fell down his wrinkled

