Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Shampoo Deathmatches ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I do not own Yu Yu Hakasho, Gundam Wing, Yu-gi-Oh, InuYasha, or Dragonball Z. No matter how much I pray. No matter how many chickens I sacrifice. But I do however own Shampoo Deathmatches (even though I sort of stole the idea from Celebrity Deathmatches but just the title because I don't own that either) and my own character Tweet. Not the singer. Just my character. So that gives me some joy. Barely.
Shampoo Deathmatches!!!!
I'm so sorry but I had to do it. The Shampoo Deathmatches. This is the last bottle of shampoo in the world. *holds up a bottle of Suave* 5 will go in. But only one will get the shampoo. Dumb. Dumb. Dummmmmb.
Duo Maxwell
Gundam Wing
Age: 16
Suichi Minnamo/ Yoko Kurama
Yu Yu Hakasho
Age: 16/ At least a 1000
Lord Sesshomaru
Age: At least 220 (my info's off)
Ryou Bakura/ Yami Bakura
Age: 16/ 3000 or so
Future Trunks
Dragonball Z
Age: 17
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Duo: Hey! Author lady this ain't fair!
Tweet: How is it not fair?
Duo: Yeah you see that dude? Over there with the make up? He has two swords.*points to Sesshomaru*
Tweet: Ok he does but-
Duo: AH ha ha. Two. NOT ONE! TWO! And he has pointy nails. That glow green. He needs a manicure or something.
Plus he's like 50 million years old-
Sesshomaru: Excuse me. I'm only 220.
Duo: Oh yeah. That's young! *sarcasm*
Tweet: Ok Sesshomaru put down the swords.
Sesshomaru: Bu- But at least let me keep Tokijin.
Tweet: Put it down or I won't even let you fight for the shampoo.
Sesshomaru: *Jaw drops* You wouldn't.
Tweet: OH I would.
Sesshomaru: *Drops the swords* You are lucky I need the shampoo. *turns to Duo* You will be the first one I kill. *Storms away in evil pissed cloud*
Duo: Crrraap.
Tweet: *Picks up Sess' swords* Anything else Duo?
Duo: Oh Yeah. That dude over there with the rose. Why does he have the rose? *Whispers*
Tweet: Because he's a demon.
Duo: *Still Whispering* Why?
Tweet: I don't know. Because he feels like it?
Duo: *Continues Whispering* Well it freaks me out!
Tweet: WHAT?!
Duo: *Whispers* The rose!
Tweet: WHAT?! WHY?!
Duo: It scares me. *whisper whisper*
Tweet: FINE DUO FINE! *Walks over to Kurama* Kurama?
Kurama: Yes Tweet?
Tweet: Could you do me a favor?
Kurama: Yes. And what is this favor?
Tweet: Could you um change into Yoko for the match?
Kurama: Why would you ask that?
Tweet: Well um you see that little boy over there? *points to Duo*
Kurama: Yes?
Tweet: Well he is dead afraid of roses. And I just want it to be a fair fight. You see I even got Sesshomaru's swords. *hold out Tokijin and Tensuiga*
Kurama: Well um...
Tweet: Please Kurama? For me? * Puts on the puppy dog eyes*
Kurama: Fine. Just stop doing that face.
Tweet: *smiles sweetly* God I'm so good. *thinking*
Kurama: Well hold my rose.
Tweet: Of course. Oh and thank you, Kurama.
Kurama: Anything for you.
YamiBaku: Suck up!!!
RyouBaku: Me?
Tweet: Oh no. Not you Ryou. Your evil counter part. That comes out of that gay Sennen ring that I am going to burn after the deathmatches are over.
RyoBaku: Oh I thought you were mad at me.
Tweet: No. Never. *Walks back over to Duo* Any other problems?
Duo: Yeah. Him. Trunks.
Tweet: Why?
Duo: He has better hair than me. I don't like it.
Tweet: Well you're going to have to deal with it.
Duo: Oh you like his hair better then mine, don't you? Don't you?
Tweet: It's not that.
Duo: Oh what is it then?
Tweet: It's against the rules for me to mess with anyone's hair.
Duo: Who said that?
Tweet: The person who made Shampoo Deathmatches.
Duo: And who is that?
Tweet: Me!
Duo: OKAY! *Walks away*
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Ha ha ha! Weird isn't it. Everyone is out of character except maybe Duo. Maybe Kurama. Eh I don't know. But it's funny to me. So I shall post the next chappie tomorrow. Het het. Tell me if you think that I should add other characters who love their hair to this. No need to R/R unless you feel the need. *laughs* This is so freakin' strange.