Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Inu-chan Meets Veggie-chan ❯ One Sweet Night ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

When Inu-chan Meets Veggie-chan
Chapter 5. One Sweet Night
"Naraku! What do you want?!" Inuyasha growled.

More laughing. "You know what I want. Give me the Tetsusaiga , Inuyasha."

"You want it, come and get it." Inuyasha unsheathed his sword ready for a fight.

"Now Inuyasha why do we have to be so violent. Just give me the sword." Naraku noticed Bulma and her unusual blue hair. ". or." Naraku came up behind Bulma and grabbed her. ". the blue beauty gets it."

"Oh no you don't!" Vegeta yelled. He came up behind Naraku and blasted him with an energy blast. Naraku didn't quit know what happened but he did know he better get out of there.

"I'll be back. Mark my words, Inuyasha. Next time I'll get personal." He sneered as he disappeared.

"Bulma are you ok?" Vegeta said as he knelt down next to her and started checking her over.

"Yeah." Bulma said and blushed for two reasons. One he had just saved her life again and two he was actually looking at her concerned.


"Yeah, I'm alright, Inuyasha." Kagome said as she stood up.

"Are you alright Sango?"

"I'm fine Miroku. What was that?"

"I don't know." Miroku said then looked at Vegeta as did the others.

"What?! Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to stare.?!" Vegeta scowled.

"Vegeta they're looking at you weird because it's not every day someone sees that kind of power Vegeta." Bulma explained matter-of-factly.

"Oh, it was... Oh never mind. It's to complicated for your little, puny, weakling, human brains to comprehend."

"Vegeta!" Bulma scolded.

"I am not a human. I am a..." Inuyasha was cut off.

"No but your half human." Kagome said which was like a knife to Inuyasha heart.

"Do you have to remind me every damn day?!" He whined.

"SIT!" Kagome yelled and Inuyasha was in the dirt.

I haven't even had breakfast yet and she's already sat me.Inuyasha thought.

As the day wore on there was lots of fights. They were between Kagome and Inuyasha, Bulma and Vegeta, Sango and Miroku, Miroku and Vegeta, Sango and Miroku, Vegeta and Inuyasha, Bulma and Kagome. Did I mention fighting between Sango and Miroku? Anyway it was finally dark and everyone was tired. Well almost everyone.

"Vegeta I'm cold and I can't sleep." Bulma said and sat next to him by the base of a tree. "Can I stay here with you?"

Vegeta grunted. "I thought you said you didn't want any thing more to do with me. You made that perfectly clear this afternoon."

"I know and I'm sorry Vegeta. It's just..." *Sniff, sniff.* "I want to go home." Bulma started to cry softly and Vegeta began to comfort her.

"Inuyasha can we talk?" Kagome said up into a tree.

"I don't know? I'm afraid if I do you'll yell at me to sit again." Inuyasha said in a sarcastic tone.

"If you don't come done I will sit you." Kagome threatend

"Fine, have it your way." Inuyasha jumped down and sat at the base of the tree. "What do you want?"

Kagome sat next to him. "Why can't we be like that?" Kagome asked gesturing toward Bulma and Vegeta. He was still holding Bulma who had quieted down a little.

"What argue all the time? We already do that." He huffed.

"No, look! At the end of the day they make up. Look at them, Inuyasha. They're so sweet to each other when push comes to pull. But you... you always act like a jerk, Inuyasha. Kagome stopped as Inuyasha froze. "Inuyasha?" Kagome's eyes began to fill with tears. Inuyasha shook his head.

"Don't you start Kagome! Come here you look cold." Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and held her close. Kagome melted into him.

"Why did you freeze like that a minuet ago?" Kagome asked gently.

"You made me remember someone."


"Iyu." Kagome gave him a confused look. "My sister Iyudaka."

"Oh. I remind you of her?"

"Of something she used to do. You see-" Inuyasha began a story about his sister.

"Vegeta why can't we be more like that?"Bulma inquired.

"Like what woman?"

"Like Kagome and Inuyasha. Look at them. They're so cute together. Reminds me of when Yamcha and I were young." Bulma started to reminisce the `good old days'.

"Woman your not going to start crying again are you?" Vegeta rolled his eyes.

"No." *Sniff.* "It's just." *Sniff, sniff.*

"Bulma listen to me. You deserve better then that baka weakling. You need some one smart and strong. Some one who can protect you. Some one" Vegeta trailed of realizing he was talking about himself.

"Like you." Bulma gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. Vegeta kissed back and after a few moments they pulled away. She smiled. "Good night Veggie-chan."

Vegeta sighed. I'll let that one slide Little One but next time be careful. Vegeta yawned and he fell asleep with Bulma resting in his arms.

By the time Inuyasha got done with his story Kagome was asleep. You ask me to open up and what do you do? You fall asleep. Inuyasha yawned. He was actually feeling tired himself. Kagome cuddled up closer to Inuyasha for warmth and he put his arms tighter around her. Good night. My Kagome.