Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Ball Ms ❯ Journey into the Negaverse ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The heroes all exited the stairwell now on the second last floor of the new skyscraper. “Come on guys, we can still catch them,” Lita screamed as she darted back into the stairwell.
Gohan put his hand on Lita’s shoulder stopping her in her tracks. “Use the ability I taught you guys Lita. They’ve left.” Lita stopped and started to focus using the ki sensing abilities taught to the scouts by Gohan. “Like I said Lita they’re gone.”
“Yes,” Ami chirped in, her visor now across her face, “and I’m not able to track where they went with my sensors either.”
“So what do we do now then just wait until they attack again, Gohan.” Videl said not impressed by the fact that they were expected to wait until innocents were in danger again.
“Actually,” Gohan said smiling, “I’ve had Dende watching for them up on the Lookout. When they appeared I contacted Dende he watched the whole battle from up there I’m sure.” Everyone except for Videl looked in shock at the Semi-Saiyan.
“So if we go to the lookout Dende should be able to tell us how to get to their home base,” Videl said ever impressed with her boyfriend’s intelligence.
“Uh, you guys mind filling us in on this whole Dende can see everything guy?” Serena asked a giant sweat drop on her head. Thinking of all the creepy things a young man might do with that power.
“Oh ya sure,” Gohan said astonished that he and Videl had never told their friends about Dende’s role as guardian, anytime in the last year.
“Well you see long ago on a planet called Namek...” Gohan began the story. Videl rolled her eyes at the other girls, as they starred at Gohan with hearts pounding in their eyes as he finished his story of how he met his lifelong friend, and how Dende eventually became guardian of Earth and bonded with Piccolo. “And now you see that’s how Dende has the power to see anything on Earth from his lookout.”
“Ya, ya lets just go,” Videl said as she grabbed Gohan and pulled him out of the circle of admiring girls. The scouts quickly snapped out of it and took flight after the duo, Gohan leading the way to Dende’s Lookout.

Within minutes Gohan and Videl landed on the marble floor of the lookout high above the Earth, soon followed by the Sailor Scouts, eyes wide with shock. Soon enough out of the main building came a green being, taller than most of the scouts accept Lita, followed by a pure black genie. “Hi Dende, hey Popo,” Gohan said waving to his friends.
“Ah Gohan,” Dende said as he placed the several books he was carrying onto a table created my Mr. Popo. “I watched the whole battle, and I think I know where they are hiding and why we can’t seem to track or sense them.” Dende said opening up the top book of the three to a large map. “You see we live in this universe,” Dende said pointing to a large blue circle on the page, filled with stars and planets. “And Dynamite Five comes from this universe, the Negaverse.” Dende said pointing to the other circle on the opposite page. It was pure black with few stars and even fewer planets.
“The Negaverse?” Gohan and Videl said in confusion, scratching their heads.
“Oh, the Negaverse,” Mina said causing Gohan and Videl’s heads to turn sharply making her back step.
“You know about the Negaverse?” Videl asked.
“Of course they do,” said Dende causing both Gohan’s and Videl’s heads to turn again. “While the Z-Fighters were battling threats from other planets the Sailor Scouts were battling threats from the Negaverse.” Dende said pulling the second book out of the pile and opening it, “I have the history of the Negaverse right here but it might be better if you told him the history Princess Serenity.” Dende finished pointing at Serena.
“Uh, well, uh,” Serena stumbled narrowing her eyes, and pointing her two index figures together. “You see the Negaverse is where are enemies come from and it’s uh, uh, really bad. Oh and we destroyed Chaos the most powerful being from the Negaverse.”
“Uh that’s not quite the history I have here...” Dende said sweetdroping.
“Ya, well that’s the history I’ve got,” Serena said sticking her tongue out and pulling her bottom left eyelid down. Quickly Mina and Rei pulled her back into a circle of scouts.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing Meatball Head?” Rei screamed at her, “Remember guardian of Earth. Uh show some respect.” Serena and Rei bashed their heads together fuming as they stared at each other.
“Okay, anyways,” Dende said turning to Gohan and Videl. “The Negaverse was once part of our universe, but for reasons I could not find, it was created by the strongest Lunarian magician of the time. It was Queen Serenity the first, great ancestor to you Serena. As for Chaos the histories state that she was one of three gods of the Negaverse, the other two being Umbra, and Death. Unlike Chaos they are unable to posses other beings and are therefore stuck in the Negaverse due to their massive power levels.”
“So what are we gonna do?” Ami inquired the green guardian, staring almost longingly at him; he turned to her as she began to blush.
“Well according to sources Popo has, Umbra is rather upset that Chaos is dead as Chaos was his escape route. She was suppose to finish breaking the barrier and allow his escape. It seems that Umbra is now sending assassins to finish the job his sister started. According to the sources he won’t stop till it’s completed, so I figured we could simply go to the Negaverse and defeat Umbra since he can’t come here.”
“Sounds like a great plan,” Gohan said enthusiastically, “wait did u say we?”
“Yes, we,” Dende said affirmatively. “Since I absorbed Piccolo I have become quite a skilled fighter, and I am demanding to go with you. You can’t say no Gohan you’re gonna need me to open the portal for you, and I won’t unless I’m going.”
“Not a chance young man,” Mr. Popo interjected, “What if something happens to you?”
“It’s not a problem Popo, I’ll take good care of him,” Gohan responded with a large smile. “Besides if I let anything happen to him we wouldn’t be able to utilize Earth’s Dragon Balls.”
“Speaking of Dragon Balls Gohan,” Dende looked seriously at Gohan, “If any of us die in the Negaverse, we won’t be able to bring them back from the dead. The Dragon Balls don’t work on other planes of existence.”
“Uh bring people back from the dead?” Ami asked confused, the other scouts all stared blank faced.
“Ya the Dragon Balls,” Gohan said confused by their confusion, “You’ve never heard of the Dragon Balls?”
Ami instantly began to look them up her visor, “Ah here we are the legend of the Wishing Dragon’s Eggs.” Ami then began to tell the mythic tale of the Dragon Balls. After she was finished Dende corrected all the flaws in the story and began to tell the limitations of Shenron’s powers.
“So, are we gonna go or what?” Videl asked.
“Ya I think we are,” Gohan said looking at Dende waiting for him to open the Portal.
“Uhm shouldn’t we tell people where we are going?” Ami asked.
“Ya, that’s probably the wisest thing to do,” Videl added, “It also might be smart to organise another line of defense for Earth encase anyone attacks while were gone.”
“Great you guys go get the Outer Scouts and we’ll go get the rest of the Z-Fighters,” Gohan said as he blasted off into the sky, he waited in the sky for Videl.
“See you in a couple of hours,” Videl said as she blasted off into the sky meeting up with Gohan, the two exchanged worlds inaudible to the group, shared a kiss and blasted off in separate directions. Soon the Inner Scouts also blasted off into the sky after, Rei, Lita, and Mina, were pulled out of their envious stares in the direction Videl had taken off in.

Several hours passed before the heroes returned to the Lookout. The scouts returned with Sailor Pluto, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Saturn, Artemis, Luna and Tuxedo Mask, Videl returned, now wearing her fighting gear instead of her Saiyawoman outfit, with Bulma, Trunks, Android 18, Mr. Satan, Buu and Krillin. Gohan was the last to arrive, he two had changed into his gi, and he brought with him Goten, Chi-Chi, Tien, Android 17, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu. After Dende explained the circumstances to the large group, the bystanders agreed to watch over the Earth in the others absence.
Goten was the first to ask, “Mommy, can I go with them?”
“Me too?” Trunks asked.
Both mothers instantly turned to their children towering over top of them, “Not a chance young man!” Chi-Chi was sure she wasn’t gonna let her youngest son grow up too.
With that Dende was preparing to open the portal when Android 17 interjected, “I wish to come along.”
“As do I, I’m not gonna let some Negaverse creep attack Serena without me there to protect her,” Tuxedo continued ever protective o his wife.
“I think that’s a great idea,” Gohan said, “besides we have no idea what were getting into the more the merrier right.”
“Speaking of more,” Pluto said stepping forward, “I have two warriors from dying futures, which I have wanted to bring to this timeline for awhile now. This seems to be the time in which they would be most needed.” With that she held up her garnet orb and there was a brilliant flash as pictures flashed behind her. “The first comes from a future that was cut off at its roots by Goku not dying at the time the Android first attacked. Many of you here already know him. Step forward Trunks,” in front of them appeared a large door as it opened Mirai Trunks stepped out, he was slightly older then the last time he was seen but still wore the same outfit under his purple jacket.
Bulma ran towards the young man with purple hair, “Trunks, it’s been so long,”
“Yes it’s so good to see you as well mom.”
“Are you going to stay here this time?”“I hope so,” Trunks said depressingly.
“What is it Trunks?” Bulma asked placing her hand on his shoulder.
He turned and hugged her, “It’s just so good to see another person, let alone you mom.”
“Well after this is done you’re more than welcome to come live with me at Capsule Corps. Besides Trunks, uh not you but Kid Trunks has always wanted an older brother like Goten had.”
“Mom I would be more then honored to come live with you,” was his reply as he let go and gathered with the others.
Pluto continued “The other is from a future in which the Sailor Scouts had died along with Chaos in the final fight; they then resided permanently in the star cauldron. When Gohan defeated Buu they choose to rebirth him using the positive energies of their star seeds to make him good. This child was born in a small village and eventually became under the mentorship of Gohan alongside your daughter Pan. Come to the light Uub.” Again the door opened but from the door came a teenage African American boy in a blue gi, with a Mohawk.
“So their joining us?” Gohan asked, looking awkwardly at the reincarnation of his greatest advisory.
“That is my plan,” Pluto said.
Before they left Uub walked up to Gohan, “So, ah sorry about, uh, killing your original form,” Gohan said nervously putting his hands behind his head.
“Don’t fret about it Gohan,” Uub said “It was the beginning of my true life. Besides when I come from you’re my idol and mentor you’ve helped me reach my peek.”
“So you’re as powerful as Buu?” Gohan asked, “Because that is a huge advantage?”
“No it’s nowhere near Buu’s but it’s just above Goten’s ascended Saiyan form. I just hope that the two of us can become great friends.”
Videl walked over to Pluto, “So you said in Uub’s future Gohan has a daughter?”
“Yes her name is Pan, she unlike Uub still exists in the current future,” was Pluto’s reply.
“So uh who’s Pan’s mom?” Videl asked hoping she was the answer.
“Videl,” Videl’s eyes lit up, “you know you and Gohan are soul mates, do I really need to answer your question.”
“I guess not,” Videl said as she started back over to the group.
“Just because I don’t need to answer the question doesn’t mean I won’t, Pan’s mother is Videl Son.” Videl turned with a large smile as flew back to the group about to enter the Negaverse.
‘So in the future me and Gohan have a daughter and were married,’ she thought as she landed beside Gohan. Just as Dende readied himself to make the portal there was a rainbow colored twinkle in the sky that grew to larger then a person. From this sphere stepped out Queen Serenity.
“Hello, my daughter,” she said in her serene voice to Moon.
“Yes and I come bearing gifts for you and your court,” with that Serenity raised her left hand turning all the scouts, inner and outer, back to their civilian forms, their transformation devices floating in front of them. “With this gift you are finally fully reborn,” with those words their pens turned to energy dust and surrounded them, their symbols glowing in their respective colors on their foreheads. “You may now enter your Cosmic Forms, goodbye my loves,” and as quickly as she appeared she was gone, back to the planet of Supreme Kai, alongside Goku and Vegetta.
“Goodbye mother,” Serena said tears in her eyes. With that the Scouts transformed by simply saying the name of their planets, no items need into the strongest forms the Cosmic Scouts.
Dende held his hands out in front of him flat, and a giant circle appeared in front of him, the circle grew in size. The inside of the circle was pitch black, slowly one by one the 12 entered. “Be careful kids,” Luna said as the portal closed, Artemis snuggling up to her trying to comfort his worrying love.

Slowly one by one they emerged on the other side, at first it was total darkness, but slowly their eyes adjusted to the darkness. They looked around; it was barren, nothing but grey desert and jagged pale cliffs. Gohan soon followed by the others took to the skies, they made a circle searching in all directions for a lead, “Over there seems to be some sort of palace like structure,” Uub said pointing right in front of him.
“It looks like a black version of the Elysium palace,” Tuxedo Mask pointed out from beside Uub.
“That looks just like your palace, but you know all dark and creepy like,” Serena said floating beside Darien.
“Well that’s as good a place as any to start,” said Trunks as he took off.
“Wait,” said Gohan disappearing and reappearing in front of Trunks. “Don’t you guys feel that power level, Umbra is strong.”
“That’s not to strong,” Uub added, “I’ve seen you beat stronger ones.”
“Yes but his power level is blinding us to the hundreds of lower levels surrounding him,” Gohan stated.
The whole group stopped for a second and focused, “Wow there is definitely allot of them,” Mina said then quickly turned around alongside the rest of the group, to see the five familiar liquid beings forming on the cliff directly opposite of them. “Dynamite Five!”
“Ready for the final round,” SeeFour asked sarcastically.